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Collibra Management Console

Project description


Collibra Management Console public REST API \n Please ensure that cookies are not present within the API request. Including cookies within the call will cause 403 error.

This Python package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:

  • API version: v1
  • Package version: 1.0.0
  • Build package: io.swagger.codegen.v3.generators.python.PythonClientCodegen


Python 2.7 and 3.4+

Installation & Usage

pip install

If the python package is hosted on Github, you can install directly from Github

pip install git+

(you may need to run pip with root permission: sudo pip install git+

Then import the package:

import collibra_management_console 


Install via Setuptools.

python install --user

(or sudo python install to install the package for all users)

Then import the package:

import collibra_management_console

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

from __future__ import print_function
import time
import collibra_management_console
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collibra_management_console.BackupApi(collibra_management_console.ApiClient(configuration))
environment_id = '38400000-8cf0-11bd-b23e-10b96e4ef00d' # str | The ID of the environment to backup
body = collibra_management_console.BackupSpecificationModel() # BackupSpecificationModel | The specification for the backup to create (optional)

    # Create a backup for the specified environment
    api_response = api_instance.backup(environment_id, body=body)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling BackupApi->backup: %s\n" % e)

# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collibra_management_console.BackupApi(collibra_management_console.ApiClient(configuration))
id = '38400000-8cf0-11bd-b23e-10b96e4ef00d' # str | The ID of the backup to delete

    # Delete a backup
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling BackupApi->delete_backup: %s\n" % e)

# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collibra_management_console.BackupApi(collibra_management_console.ApiClient(configuration))

    # List all backups
    api_response = api_instance.find_all()
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling BackupApi->find_all: %s\n" % e)

# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collibra_management_console.BackupApi(collibra_management_console.ApiClient(configuration))
backup_id = '38400000-8cf0-11bd-b23e-10b96e4ef00d' # str | The ID of the backup to retrieve

    # Get a backup by ID
    api_response = api_instance.get_by_id(backup_id)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling BackupApi->get_by_id: %s\n" % e)

# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collibra_management_console.BackupApi(collibra_management_console.ApiClient(configuration))
environment_id = '38400000-8cf0-11bd-b23e-10b96e4ef00d' # str | The ID of the environment

    # Get the state of the current backup for the specified environment
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling BackupApi->get_current_state_map: %s\n" % e)

# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collibra_management_console.BackupApi(collibra_management_console.ApiClient(configuration))
id = '38400000-8cf0-11bd-b23e-10b96e4ef00d' # str | The backup id
key = 'key_example' # str |  (optional)

    # Download a backup file
    api_instance.get_file(id, key=key)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling BackupApi->get_file: %s\n" % e)

# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collibra_management_console.BackupApi(collibra_management_console.ApiClient(configuration))
environment_id = '38400000-8cf0-11bd-b23e-10b96e4ef00d' # str | The ID of the environment

    # Get the global status of the current backup for the specified environment
    api_response = api_instance.is_environment_backing_up(environment_id)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling BackupApi->is_environment_backing_up: %s\n" % e)

# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collibra_management_console.BackupApi(collibra_management_console.ApiClient(configuration))
id = '38400000-8cf0-11bd-b23e-10b96e4ef00d' # str | 
description = 'description_example' # str |  (optional)
name = 'name_example' # str |  (optional)

    # Update name and/or description of an existing backup
    api_instance.update_backup_information(id, description=description, name=name)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling BackupApi->update_backup_information: %s\n" % e)

# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collibra_management_console.BackupApi(collibra_management_console.ApiClient(configuration))
body = collibra_management_console.BackupBody() # BackupBody |  (optional)

    # Upload a backup file
    api_response = api_instance.upload_backup(body=body)
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling BackupApi->upload_backup: %s\n" % e)

# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collibra_management_console.BackupApi(collibra_management_console.ApiClient(configuration))
body = collibra_management_console.BackupAsyncBody() # BackupAsyncBody |  (optional)

    # Upload a backup file and process it asynchronously
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling BackupApi->upload_backup_async_validation: %s\n" % e)

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to /rest

Class Method HTTP request Description
BackupApi backup POST /backup/{environmentId} Create a backup for the specified environment
BackupApi delete_backup DELETE /backup/file/{id} Delete a backup
BackupApi find_all GET /backup List all backups
BackupApi get_by_id GET /backup/id/{backupId} Get a backup by ID
BackupApi get_current_state_map GET /backup/{environmentId}/state Get the state of the current backup for the specified environment
BackupApi get_file POST /backup/file/{id} Download a backup file
BackupApi is_environment_backing_up GET /backup/{environmentId}/globalState Get the global status of the current backup for the specified environment
BackupApi update_backup_information POST /backup/{id}/backupinformation Update name and/or description of an existing backup
BackupApi upload_backup POST /backup Upload a backup file
BackupApi upload_backup_async_validation POST /backup/async Upload a backup file and process it asynchronously
BackupScheduleApi create POST /backupSchedule Create a backup schedule
BackupScheduleApi delete DELETE /backupSchedule/{id} Delete a backup schedule
BackupScheduleApi get_all GET /backupSchedule Retrieve all backup schedules
BackupScheduleApi get_backups_by_schedule_id GET /backupSchedule/{id}/backups Retrieve all backups created by a backup schedule
BackupScheduleApi get_by_environment_id GET /backupSchedule/environment/{environmentId} Retrieve all backup schedules for the given environment
BackupScheduleApi get_by_id1 GET /backupSchedule/{id} Retrieve a backup schedule
BackupScheduleApi update PUT /backupSchedule/{id} Update a backup schedule
ConsoleConfigurationApi get_configuration GET /console/configuration Get the console configuration.
ConsoleConfigurationApi get_console_jvm_configuration GET /console/configuration/jvm Get Console's JVM configuration. Requires super role.
ConsoleConfigurationApi restore_defaults POST /console/configuration/jvm/restoreDefaults Restore Console's JVM configuration to default. Requires super role.
ConsoleConfigurationApi update_console_jvm_configuration POST /console/configuration/jvm Update Console's JVM configuration. Requires super role.
ConsoleConfigurationApi update_console_jvm_with_json POST /console/configuration/jvm/json Update Console's JVM configuration with JSON. Requires super role.
ConsoleSamlApi change_certificate POST /samlconsole/certificate Changes the certificate to be used with SAML
ConsoleSamlApi delete_certificate DELETE /samlconsole/certificate Delete the specified SAML certificate from the SAML keystore.
ConsoleSamlApi get_file1 GET /samlconsole Download the saml.xml configuration file
ConsoleSamlApi get_sp_metadata_as_string GET /samlconsole/metadata Returns the SAML Service Provider metadata for this instance.
ConsoleSamlApi remove DELETE /samlconsole Remove the saml.xml configuration file
ConsoleSamlApi upload_file POST /samlconsole Update the saml.xml configuration by uploading a new file
DgcConfigurationApi get_application_server_configuration1 GET /dgc/configuration/applicationServer/{nodeId} Get DGC's Application Server configuration.
DgcConfigurationApi get_jvm_configuration GET /dgc/configuration/jvm/{managedServiceId} Get DGC's JVM configuration. Requires super role.
DgcConfigurationApi restore_default_application_server_configuration1 POST /dgc/configuration/applicationServer/{nodeId}/restoreDefaults Restore DGC's Application Server configuration to default. Requires super role.
DgcConfigurationApi restore_default_jvm_configuration POST /dgc/configuration/jvm/{managedServiceId}/restoreDefaults Restore DGC's JVM configuration to default
DgcConfigurationApi update_application_server_configuration1 POST /dgc/configuration/applicationServer/{nodeId} Update DGC's Application Server configuration.
DgcConfigurationApi update_application_server_configuration_with_json1 POST /dgc/configuration/applicationServer/{nodeId}/json Update DGC's Application Server configuration with JSON.
DgcConfigurationApi update_jvm_configuration POST /dgc/configuration/jvm/{managedServiceId} Update DGC's JVM configuration. Requires super role.
DgcConfigurationApi update_jvm_configuration_with_json POST /dgc/configuration/jvm/{managedServiceId}/json Update DGC's JVM configuration with JSON. Requires super role.
DgcLicenseApi update_license POST /license/{environmentId}/licenseText Update the license by providing the content of the new license file
DgcLicenseApi update_license1 POST /license/{environmentId}/licenseFile Update the license by uploading a new license file
DgcLoggerApi delete_logger_level DELETE /dgcLog/{managedServiceId}/{logger} Remove the given DGC logger
DgcLoggerApi get_logger_level GET /dgcLog/{managedServiceId}/{logger} Retrieve the level of the given DGC logger
DgcLoggerApi set_logger_level POST /dgcLog Adjust the level of the given DGC logger
DgcSamlApi get_content GET /saml/{environmentId} Get the contents of the saml.xml configuration file
DgcSamlApi get_file2 GET /saml/{environmentId}/file Download the saml.xml configuration file
DgcSamlApi remove1 DELETE /saml/{environmentId} Remove the saml.xml configuration file
DgcSamlApi upload_file1 POST /saml/{environmentId}/file Update the saml.xml configuration by uploading a new file
EnvironmentApi add POST /environment Create a new environment
EnvironmentApi add_service POST /environment/{environmentId}/add/{managedServiceId} Add a managed service to an environment
EnvironmentApi add_service_provider POST /environment/{environmentId}/addServiceProvider/{serviceProviderId} Add a service provider to an environment
EnvironmentApi change PUT /environment/{environmentId} Change an existing environment
EnvironmentApi find_all1 GET /environment List all environments
EnvironmentApi get_by_id2 GET /environment/{environmentId} Get an environment by ID
EnvironmentApi remove2 DELETE /environment/{environmentId} Delete an environment
EnvironmentApi remove_service POST /environment/{environmentId}/remove/{serviceProviderId} Remove a service provider from an environment
EnvironmentApi start POST /environment/{environmentId}/start Start an environment
EnvironmentApi stop POST /environment/{environmentId}/stop Stop an environment
JobserverConfigurationApi get_jobserver_context_jvm_configuration GET /spark/configuration/contextJvm/{managedServiceId} Get Jobserver's Monitoring JVM configuration. Requires super role.
JobserverConfigurationApi get_jobserver_jvm_configuration GET /spark/configuration/jvm/{managedServiceId} Get Jobserver's JVM configuration. Requires super role.
JobserverConfigurationApi get_jobserver_server_configuration GET /spark/configuration/server/{managedServiceId} Get Jobserver's Server configuration.
JobserverConfigurationApi get_jobserver_server_configuration_definition GET /spark/configuration/server/definition Get Jobserver's Server configuration definition.
JobserverConfigurationApi overwrite_jobserver_server_configuration POST /spark/configuration/server/{managedServiceId} Overwrite Jobserver's JVM configuration. Requires super role.
JobserverConfigurationApi restore_default_jobserver_context_jvm_configuration POST /spark/configuration/contextJvm/{managedServiceId}/restoreDefaults Restore Jobserver's Monitoring JVM configuration to default. Requires super role.
JobserverConfigurationApi restore_default_jobserver_jvm_configuration POST /spark/configuration/jvm/{managedServiceId}/restoreDefaults Restore Jobserver's JVM configuration to default. Requires super role.
JobserverConfigurationApi restore_default_jobserver_server_configuration POST /spark/configuration/server/{managedServiceId}/restoreDefaults Get Jobserver's Server configuration.
JobserverConfigurationApi update_jobserver_context_jvm_configuration POST /spark/configuration/contextJvm/{managedServiceId} Update Jobserver's Monitoring JVM configuration. Requires super role.
JobserverConfigurationApi update_jobserver_context_jvm_with_json POST /spark/configuration/contextJvm/{managedServiceId}/json Update Jobserver's Monitoring JVM configuration with JSON. Requires super role.
JobserverConfigurationApi update_jobserver_jvm_configuration POST /spark/configuration/jvm/{managedServiceId} Update Jobserver's JVM configuration. Requires super role.
JobserverConfigurationApi update_jobserver_jvm_with_json POST /spark/configuration/jvm/{managedServiceId}/json Update Jobserver's JVM configuration with JSON. Requires super role.
JobserverConfigurationApi update_jobserver_server_configuration_with_json POST /spark/configuration/server/{managedServiceId}/json Overwrite Jobserver's JVM configuration. Requires super role.
JvmApi get_configuration_definition1 GET /jvm/definition Get JVM configuration definition
ManagedServicesApi change1 PUT /service/{managedServiceId} Change an existing managed service
ManagedServicesApi find_all2 GET /service List all managed services
ManagedServicesApi get_by_id3 GET /service/{managedServiceId} Get a managed service by ID
ManagedServicesApi start1 POST /service/{managedServiceId}/start Start a managed service
ManagedServicesApi stop1 POST /service/{managedServiceId}/stop Stop a managed service
NodeApi add1 POST /node Add a node
NodeApi change2 PUT /node/{nodeId} Change an existing node
NodeApi find_all3 GET /node List all nodes
NodeApi get_by_id4 GET /node/{nodeId} Get a node by ID
NodeApi remove3 DELETE /node/{nodeId} Remove a node
NodeApi status GET /node/{nodeId}/status Get the status of a node
NodeConfigurationApi get_node_jvm_configuration GET /node/configuration/jvm/{nodeId} Get Node's JVM configuration. Requires super role.
NodeConfigurationApi restore_default_node_jvm_configuration POST /node/configuration/jvm/{nodeId}/restoreDefaults Restore Node's JVM configuration to default. Requires super role.
NodeConfigurationApi update_node_jvm_configuration POST /node/configuration/jvm/{nodeId} Update Node's JVM configuration. Requires super role.
NodeConfigurationApi update_node_jvm_with_json POST /node/configuration/jvm/{nodeId}/json Update Node's JVM configuration with JSON. Requires super role.
RestoreApi cancel_restore PUT /restore/{environmentId}/cancel Cancel a restore operation in progress
RestoreApi restore_backup_from_id POST /restore/{environmentId} Restore a backup to an environment
RestoreApi restore_to_factory_defaults POST /restore/{environmentId}/factoryDefaults Restore an environment to factory defaults
RestoreApi state_map GET /restore/{environmentId}/state Retrieve the state of all steps of the restore operation on a specified environment
ServiceProviderApi add_slave_to_repository_cluster POST /serviceProvider/repositorycluster/{serviceProviderId}/addSlave/{managedServiceId} Add a slave repository to a repository cluster
ServiceProviderApi create_repository_cluster POST /serviceProvider/repositorycluster/create Create a new repository cluster
ServiceProviderApi find_all4 GET /serviceProvider List all service providers
ServiceProviderApi get_by_id5 GET /serviceProvider/{serviceProviderId} Get a service provider by ID
ServiceProviderApi remove4 DELETE /serviceProvider/{serviceProviderId} Delete a service provider
ServiceProviderApi remove_from_repository_cluster POST /serviceProvider/repositorycluster/{serviceProviderId}/remove/{managedServiceId} Remove a repository from the cluster
ServiceProviderApi set_master_in_repository_cluster POST /serviceProvider/repositorycluster/{serviceProviderId}/setMaster/{managedServiceId} Set the master repository of a repository cluster
ServiceProviderApi start2 POST /serviceProvider/serviceProvider/{serviceProviderId}/start Start a service provider
ServiceProviderApi stop2 POST /serviceProvider/serviceProvider/{serviceProviderId}/stop Stop a service provider
SupportApi create_support_file POST /support/{environmentId}/zip Create a diagnostic file for a specified environment
SupportApi delete_support_file DELETE /support/{id} Delete a diagnostic file
SupportApi find_all5 GET /support List all diagnostic files
SupportApi get_file3 GET /support/{id} Download a diagnostic file
UserApi add2 POST /user Create a new user
UserApi change_role PUT /user/{userId}/role Change the role of a user
UserApi find_all6 GET /user List all users
UserApi get_by_id6 GET /user/{userId} Get a user by ID
UserApi get_by_user_name GET /user/name/{userName} Get a user by user name
UserApi get_password_policy GET /user/passwordPolicy Get password policy
UserApi get_password_policy1 GET /user/passwordReset/passwordPolicy Get password policy per token
UserApi remove5 DELETE /user/{userId} Delete a user
UserApi reset_password_request POST /user/passwordReset/request Request an email for a user to reset his password

Documentation For Models

Documentation For Authorization


  • Type: HTTP basic authentication


Project details

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collibra-management_console_100-1.0.0.tar.gz (111.6 kB view hashes)

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