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A simple module to handle colors

Project description


A module to handle colors.


Colors may be represented using Color (for colors without alpha value) and AlphaColor (for colors with alpha value) objects.

All colors are stored internally using their RGB(A) values and are converted to other color schemes when needed using appropriate ColorView objects.

  • ColorViewRGB: RGB color view for Color objects.
  • ColorViewHSL: HSL color view for Color objects.
  • ColorViewHSV: HSV color view for Color objects.
  • ColorViewRGBA: RGBA color view for AlphaColor objects.
  • ColorViewHSLA: HSLA color view for AlphaColor objects.
  • ColorViewHSVA: HSVA color view for AlphaColor objects.

All color component values are handled as float values between and including 0.0 and 1.0.

These float values may be converted to their integer equivalent using scale()function of the colorviews package.

Creating Color objects

Color objects can be created in one of the following ways.

From RGB values

With constructor or Color.from_rgb(r: float, g: float, b: float).

from colorviews import Color
color = Color(0.2, 0.4, 0.8)  # <Color(0x3366cc)>
color = Color.from_rgb(0.2, 0.4, 0.8)  # <Color(0x3366cc)>

From color RGB integer value

With Color.from_int(value: int).

from colorviews import Color
color = Color.from_int(0xabcdef)  # <Color(<Color(0xabcdef)>)>

From HSL values

With Color.from_hsl(h: float, s: float, l: float).

from colorviews import Color
color = Color.from_hsl(0.5, 1.0, 0.52)  # <Color(0xaffff)>

From HSV values

With Color.from_hsv(h: float, s: float, v: float).

from colorviews import Color
color = Color.from_hsv(0.5, 1.0, 0.52)  # <Color(0x8585)>

From color name

With Color.from_name().

CSS3 extended color keywords are recognized.

Case of the color name doesn't matter.

from colorviews import Color
color = Color.from_name("darkgrey")  # <Color(0xa9a9a9)>

Accessing color component values

Hex value of color

from colorviews import Color
color = Color.from_int(0xabcdef)  # <Color(0xabcdef)>
hex(color)  # '0xabcdef'
str(color)  # 'abcdef'

RGB color view

RGB color view has the following attributes which may be read or written:

  • r: red component of RGB color value.
  • g: green component of RGB color value.
  • b: blue component of RGB color value.
  • vals: red, green and blue components as a tuple.
from colorviews import Color
color = Color.from_int(0xabcdef)  # <Color(0xabcdef)>

# Red component
color.rgb.r  # 0.6705882352941176

# Green component
color.rgb.g  # 0.803921568627451

# Blue component
color.rgb.b  # 0.9372549019607843

# All RGB components as a tuple
color.rgb.vals  # (0.6705882352941176, 0.803921568627451,
                #  0.9372549019607843)

# New red component value
color.rgb.r = 0.52
color.rgb.vals  # (0.52, 0.803921568627451, 0.9372549019607843)

# Change all RGB values
color.rgb.vals = (0.25, 0.50, 0.75)
color  # <Color(0x4080bf)>

HSL color view

HSL color view has the following attributes which may be read or written:

  • h: hue component of HSL color value.
  • s: saturation component of HSL color value.
  • l: lightness component of HSL color value.
  • vals: hue, saturation and lightness components as a tuple.
from colorviews import Color
color = Color.from_int(0xabcdef)  # <Color(0xabcdef)>

# Hue component
color.hsl.h  # 0.5833333333333334

# Saturation component
color.hsl.s  # 0.68

# Lightness component
color.hsl.l  # 0.803921568627451

# All HSL components as a tuple
color.hsl.vals  # (0.5833333333333334, 0.68, 0.803921568627451)

# New saturation component value
color.hsl.s = 0.87
color.hsl.vals  # (0.5833333333333334, 0.8700000000000002, 0.68)

# Change all HSL values
color.hsl.vals = (0.25, 0.50, 0.75)
color  # <Color(0xbfdf9f)>

HSV color view

HSV color view has the following attributes which may be read or written:

  • h: hue component of HSV color value.
  • s: saturation component of HSV color value.
  • v: value component of HSV color value.
  • vals: hue, saturation and value components as a tuple.
from colorviews import Color
color = Color.from_int(0xabcdef)  # <Color(0xabcdef)>

# Hue component
color.hsv.h  # 0.5833333333333334

# Saturation component
color.hsv.s  # 0.2845188284518829

# Value component
color.hsv.v  # 0.9372549019607843

# All HSV components as a tuple
# (0.5833333333333334, 0.2845188284518829, 0.9372549019607843)

# New hue component value
color.hsv.h = 0.82
color.hsv.vals  # (0.82, 0.6799999999999992, 0.803921568627451)

# Change all HSV values
color.hsv.vals = (0.25, 0.50, 0.75)
color  # <Color(0x8fbf60)>

Creating AlphaColor objects

AlphaColor objects can also be created in more than one way.

From RGBA values

With the constructor or AlphaColor.from_rgba(r: float, g: float, b: float, a: float).

from colorviews import AlphaColor
color = AlphaColor(0.2, 0.4, 0.8, 0.5)  # <AlphaColor(0x3366cc80)>
color = AlphaColor.from_rgba(0.2, 0.4, 0.8, 0.75)  # <AlphaColor(0x3366ccbf)>

From color RGBA integer value

With AlphaColor.from_int().

from colorviews import AlphaColor
color = AlphaColor.from_int(0xabcdef80)  # <AlphaColor(0xabcdef80)>

From HSLA values

With AlphaColor.from_hsla(h: float, s: float, l: float, a: float).

from colorviews import AlphaColor
color = AlphaColor.from_hsla(0.5, 1.0, 0.52, 0.8)  # <AlphaColor(0xaffffcc)>

From HSVA values

With Color.from_hsva(h: float, s: float, v: float, a: float).

from colorviews import AlphaColor
color = AlphaColor.from_hsva(0.5, 1.0, 0.52, 0.8)  # <AlphaColor(0x8585cc)>

From color name

With AlphaColor.from_name().

Just like Color.from_name() but with an alpha value which is set to zero.

from colorviews import AlphaColor
color = AlphaColor.from_name("darkgrey")  # <AlphaColor(0xa9a9a900)>

Accessing color component values

Hex value of color

from colorviews import AlphaColor
color = AlphaColor.from_int(0xabcdef80)  # <AlphaColor(0xabcdef80)>
hex(color)  # '0xabcdef80'
str(color)  # 'abcdef80'

RGBA color view

RGBA color view has the following attributes which may be read or written:

  • r: red component of RGBA color value.
  • g: green component of RGBA color value.
  • b: blue component of RGBA color value.
  • a: alpha component of RGBA color value.
  • vals: red, green and blue components as a tuple.
from colorviews import AlphaColor
color = AlphaColor.from_int(0xabcdef80)  # <AlphaColor(0xabcdef80)>

# Red component
color.rgba.r  # 0.6705882352941176

# Green component
color.rgba.g  # 0.803921568627451

# Blue component
color.rgba.b  # 0.9372549019607843

# Alpha component
color.rgba.a  # 0.5019607843137255

# All RGBA components as a tuple
# (0.6705882352941176, 0.803921568627451, 0.9372549019607843,
#  0.5019607843137255)

# New red component value
color.rgba.r = 0.52
color.rgba.vals  # (0.52, 0.803921568627451, 0.9372549019607843)

# Change all RGBA values
color.rgba.vals = (0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 0.2)
color  # <AlphaColor(0x4080bf33)>

HSLA color view

HSLA color view has the following attributes which may be read or written:

  • h: hue component of HSLA color value.
  • s: saturation component of HSLA color value.
  • l: lightness component of HSLA color value.
  • a: alpha component of HSLA color value.
  • vals: hue, saturation and lightness components as a tuple.
from colorviews import AlphaColor
color = AlphaColor.from_int(0xabcdef80)  # <AlphaColor(0xabcdef80)>

# Hue component
color.hsla.h  # 0.5833333333333334

# Saturation component
color.hsla.s  # 0.68

# Lightness component
color.hsla.l  # 0.803921568627451

# Alpha component
color.hsla.a  # 0.5019607843137255

# All HSLA components as a tuple
# (0.5833333333333334, 0.68, 0.803921568627451, 0.5019607843137255)

# New lightness component value
color.hsla.l = 0.24
# (0.5833333333333334, 0.803921568627451, 0.24, 0.5019607843137255)

# Change all HSLA values
color.hsla.vals = (0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 0.2)
color  # <AlphaColor(0xbfdf9f33)>

HSVA color view

HSVA color view has the following attributes which may be read or written:

  • h: hue component of HSVA color value.
  • s: saturation component of HSVA color value.
  • v: value component of HSVA color value.
  • a: alpha component of HSVA color value.
  • vals: hue, saturation and value components as a tuple.
from colorviews import AlphaColor
color = AlphaColor.from_int(0xabcdef80)  # <AlphaColor(0xabcdef80)>

# Hue component
color.hsva.h  # 0.5833333333333334

# Saturation component
color.hsva.s  # 0.2845188284518829

# Value component
color.hsva.v  # 0.9372549019607843

# Alpha component
color.hsva.a  # 0.5019607843137255

# All HSVA components as a tuple
# (0.5833333333333334, 0.2845188284518829, 0.9372549019607843,
#  0.5019607843137255)

# New value (brightness) component value
color.hsva.v = 0.11
# (0.5833333333333334, 0.28451882845188287, 0.11, 0.5019607843137255)

# Change all HSVA values
color.hsva.vals = (0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 0.2)
color  # <AlphaColor(0x8fbf6033)>

Converting values to int equivalent

scale() function may be used to convert the color component values from float values to integer equivalent.

It multiplies a value with another scaling factor and returns this product value rounded off to the closest integer.

For example,

from colorviews import Color, AlphaColor, scale
color = Color.from_int(0xabcdef)
alphacolor = AlphaColor.from_int(0xabcdef80)

# Unsigned integer values: [0.0, 1.0] -> [0, 255]
red = [color.rgb.r, scale(color.rgb.r, 255)]
# [0.6705882352941176, 171]

# Percentage values: [0.0, 1.0] -> [0, 100]
alpha = [alphacolor.hsla.a, scale(alphacolor.hsla.a, 100)]
# [0.5019607843137255, 50]

# Angle value in degrees: [0.0, 1.0] -> [0, 360)
hue = [color.hsv.h, scale(color.hsv.h, 360)]
# [0.5833333333333334, 210]

Comparing colors

Colors can be compared using the usual comparison operators.

Comparions will done based on the integer RGB(A) values.

darkred = Color.from_name("darkred")  # <Color(0x8b0000)>
crimson = Color.from_name("crimson")  # <Color(0xdc143c)>
crimson < darkred  # False
crimson > darkred  # True
crimson <= darkred  # False
crimson >= darkred  # True
crimson == darkred  # False
crimson != darkred  # True

Likewise with AlphaColor:

faint_red = AlphaColor.from_name("red", 0.5)  # <AlphaColor(0xff000080)>
fainter_red = AlphaColor.from_name("red", 0.2)  # <AlphaColor(0xff000033)>
faint_red < fainter_red  # False
faint_red > fainter_red  # True

But comparison between a Color object and a AlphaColor object is not supported. Even when their RGB values match.

red_noalpha = Color.from_name("red")  # <Color(0xff0000)>
red_alpha = AlphaColor.from_name("red")  # <AlphaColor(0xff0000)>
red_noalpha < red_alpha  # Exception!

Duplicating or copying color objects

copy() method of the color classes can be used to duplicate a color object.

# Duplicating Color objects
color = Color.from_int(0xabcdef)  # <Color(0xabcdef)>
color_copy = color.copy()
id(color_copy) != id(color)  # True

# Duplicating AlphaColor objects
alphacolor = AlphaColor.from_name("red")  # <AlphaColor(0xff0000)>
alphacolor_copy = alphacolor.copy()
id(alphacolor_copy) != id(alphacolor)  # True


The color component values are stored internally as RGB(A) float values in the [0.0, 1.0] range.

Depending on the way in which the color objects are created, there may be a slight difference in this RGB(A) values.

For example, consider two AlphaColor objects where one as is made using an integer value and the other is made using RGBA values as in

t1=cvs.AlphaColor.from_int(0xffffff80)  # <AlphaColor(0xffffff80)>
t2=cvs.AlphaColor.from_rgba(1,1,1,0.5)  # <AlphaColor(0xffffff80)>

Both t1 and t2 would have the same integer value.

t1 == t2  # True

But their alpha values would be slighlty different.

t1.rgba.a  # 0.5019607843137255
t2.rgba.a  # 0.5

This is because the alpha value 0x80 being converted to its float equivalent like

0x80 / 0xff  # 0.5019607843137255

Long version

Color objects

Represents colors without alpha value.

Color value is stored internally using RGB color scheme.

class Color(red: float, green: float, blue: float)


  • r: Value of red component.
  • g: Value of green component.
  • b: Value of blue component.

All arguments must have value between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive of the limits.


  • rgb: RGB color view. A ColorViewRGB object.
  • hsl: HSL color view. A ColorViewHSL object.
  • hsv: HSV color view. A ColorViewHSV object.


Color.from_int(value: int)

Create a Color object using the RGB integer value of the color.


  • value: RGB integer value of color

Returns: Color object whose RGB value is the given integer.

Color.from_name(name: str)

Create a Color object using the color's name.

CSS3 extended color keywords are recognized.

Case of the color name doesn't matter.


  • name: Name of the color

Returns: Color object for color corresponding to given color name.

Color.from_rgb(r: float, g: float, b: float)

Create a Color object from RGB values.

Same as using the constructor of Color.


  • r: Value of red component.
  • g: Value of green component.
  • b: Value of blue component.

Returns: Color object of given RGB value.

Color.from_hsl(h: float, s: float, l: float)

Create a Color object from HSL values.


  • h: Value of hue component.
  • s: Value of saturation component.
  • l: Value of lightness component.

Returns: Color object of given HSL value.

Color.from_hsv(h: float, s: float, v: float)

Create a Color object from HSV values.


  • h: Value of hue component.
  • s: Value of saturation component.
  • v: Value of the value component.

Returns: Color object of given HSV value.


Duplicate the Color object.

Returns: A separate copy of the Color object.

AlphaColor objects

Represents colors with alpha value.

Color value is stored internally using RGBA color scheme.

class AlphaColor(red: float, green: float, blue: float, alpha: float)


  • r: Value of red component
  • g: Value of green component
  • b: Value of blue component
  • a: Value of alpha component

All arguments must have value between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive of the limits.


  • rgba: RGBA color view. A ColorViewRGBA object.
  • hsla: HSLA color view. A ColorViewHSLA object.
  • hsva: HSVA color view. A ColorViewHSVA object.


AlphaColor.from_int(value: int)

Create an AlphaColor object using the RGBA integer value of the color.


  • value: RGBA integer value of color

Returns: AlphaColor object whose RGBA value is the given integer.

AlphaColor.from_name(name: str)

Create an AlphaColor object using the color's name.

Alpha value of returned AlphaColor object will be 0 (ie, fully transparent color).

CSS3 extended color keywords are recognized.

Case of the color name doesn't matter.


  • name: Name of the color

Returns: AlphaColor object for color corresponding to given color name with its alpha value set to zero.

AlphaColor.from_rgba(r: float, g: float, b: float, a: float)

Create an AlphaColor object from RGBA values.

Same as using the constructor of AlphaColor.


  • r: Value of red component.
  • g: Value of green component.
  • b: Value of blue component.
  • a: Value of alpha component.

Returns: AlphaColor object of given RGBA value.

AlphaColor.from_hsla(h: float, s: float, l: float, a: float)

Create an AlphaColor object from HSLA values.


  • h: Value of hue component.
  • s: Value of saturation component.
  • l: Value of lightness component.
  • a: Value of alpha component.

Returns: AlphaColor object of given HSLA value.

AlphaColor.from_hsva(h: float, s: float, v: float, a: float)

Create an AlphaColor object from HSVA values.


  • h: Value of hue component.
  • s: Value of saturation component.
  • v: Value of the value component.
  • a: Value of alpha component.

Returns: AlphaColor object of given HSVA value.


Duplicate the AlphaColor object.

Returns: A separate copy of the AlphaColor object.

ColorViewRGB objects

RGB color view for Color objects.

class ColorViewRGB(color: Color)


  • color: Color object to be associated with the RGB view


  • r: Red component of RGB value.
  • g: Green component of RGB value.
  • b: Blue component of RGB value.
  • vals: Red, green and blue component values as a tuple.
  • color: Color object associated with the RGB view.


ColorViewRGB.replace(r: float = None, g: float = None, b: float = None) -> Color

Creates a new Color object by replacing RGB components of the Color object associated with the RGB color view.


  • r: New value for red component.
  • g: New value for green component.
  • b: New value for blue component.

Returns: A new Color object made by replacing RGB components of the Color object with given values.

ColorViewHSL objects

HSL color view for Color objects.

class ColorViewHSL(color: Color)


  • color: Color object to be associated with the HSL view.


  • h: Hue component of HSL value.
  • s: Saturation component of HSL value.
  • l: Lightness component of HSL value.
  • vals: Hue, saturation and lightness component values as a tuple.
  • color: Color object associated with the HSL view.


ColorViewHSL.replace(h: float = None, s: float = None, l: float = None) -> Color

Creates a new Color object by replacing HSL components of the Color object associated with the HSL color view.


  • h: New value for hue component.
  • s: New value for saturation component.
  • l: New value for lightness component.

Returns: A new Color object made by replacing HSL components of the Color object with given values.

ColorViewHSV objects

HSV color view for Color objects.

class ColorViewHSV(color: Color)


  • color: Color object to be associated with the HSV view.


  • h: Hue component of HSV value.
  • s: Saturation component of HSV value.
  • v: Value component of HSV value.
  • vals: Hue, saturation and value component values as a tuple.
  • color: Color object associated with the HSV view.


ColorViewHSV.replace(h: float = None, s: float = None, v: float = None) -> Color

Creates a new Color object by replacing HSV components of the Color object associated with the HSV color view.


  • h: New value for hue component.
  • s: New value for saturation component.
  • v: New value for value component.

Returns: A new Color object made by replacing HSV components of the Color object with given values.

ColorViewRGBA objects

RGBA color view for AlphaColor objects.

class ColorViewRGBA(color: AlphaColor)


  • color: AlphaColor object to be associated with the RGBA view


  • r: Red component of RGBA value.
  • g: Green component of RGBA value.
  • b: Blue component of RGBA value.
  • a: Alpha component of RGBA value.
  • vals: Red, green and blue component values as a tuple.
  • color: AlphaColor object associated with the RGBA view.


ColorViewRGBA.replace(r: float = None, g: float = None, b: float = None, a: float = None) -> AlphaColor

Creates a new AlphaColor object by replacing RGBA components of the AlphaColor object associated with the RGBA color view.


  • r: New value for red component.
  • g: New value for green component.
  • b: New value for blue component.
  • a: New value for alpha component.

Returns: A new AlphaColor object made by replacing RGBA components of the AlphaColor object with given values.

ColorViewHSLA objects

HSLA color view for AlphaColor objects.

class ColorViewHSLA(color: AlphaColor)


  • color: AlphaColor object to be associated with the HSLA view.


  • h: Hue component of HSLA value.
  • s: Saturation component of HSLA value.
  • l: Lightness component of HSLA value.
  • a: Alpha component of HSLA value.
  • vals: Hue, saturation and lightness component values as a tuple.
  • color: AlphaColor object associated with the HSLA view.


ColorViewHSLA.replace(h: float = None, s: float = None, l: float = None, a: float = None) -> AlphaColor

Creates a new AlphaColor object by replacing HSLA components of the AlphaColor object associated with the HSLA color view.


  • h: New value for hue component.
  • s: New value for saturation component.
  • l: New value for lightness component.
  • a: New value for alpha component.

Returns: A new AlphaColor object made by replacing HSLA components of the AlphaColor object with given values.

ColorViewHSVA objects

HSVA color view for AlphaColor objects.

class ColorViewHSVA(color: AlphaColor)


  • color: AlphaColor object to be associated with the HSVA view.


  • h: Hue component of HSVA value.
  • s: Saturation component of HSVA value.
  • v: Lightness component of HSVA value.
  • a: Alpha component of HSVA value.
  • vals: Hue, saturation and lightness component values as a tuple.
  • color: AlphaColor object associated with the HSVA view.


ColorViewHSVA.replace(h: float = None, s: float = None, v: float = None, a: float = None) -> AlphaColor

Creates a new AlphaColor object by replacing HSVA components of the AlphaColor object associated with the HSVA color view.


  • h: New value for hue component.
  • s: New value for saturation component.
  • v: New value for value component.
  • a: New value for alpha component.

Returns: A new AlphaColor object made by replacing HSVA components of the AlphaColor object with given values.

Scaling float values to integers

scale(val: float, multiplier: int) -> int

Scales a value by a factor.

Multiplies a value with a scaling factor and returns the product value rounded off to the closest integer.


  • val: Value to be scaled.
  • factor: Scaling factor.

Returns: Integer closest to the product of val and factor.

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