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Continued fractions with Python

Project description


A simple extension of the Python fractions standard library for working with continued fractions as Python objects.[^1]


$$ \pi = 3 + \frac{1}{7 + \frac{1}{15 + \frac{1}{1 + \frac{1}{292 + \ddots}}}} $$

>>> import decimal, math; from continuedfractions.continuedfraction import ContinuedFraction
>>> cf = ContinuedFraction(math.pi)
>>> cf
ContinuedFraction(884279719003555, 281474976710656)
>>> cf.elements
>>> cf.as_float()
>>> cf.convergents
mappingproxy({0: Fraction(3, 1), 1: Fraction(22, 7), 2: Fraction(333, 106), 3: Fraction(355, 113), 4: Fraction(103993, 33102), 5: Fraction(104348, 33215), 6: Fraction(208341, 66317), 7: Fraction(312689, 99532), 8: Fraction(833719, 265381), 9: Fraction(1146408, 364913), 10: Fraction(4272943, 1360120), 11: Fraction(5419351, 1725033), 12: Fraction(80143857, 25510582), 13: Fraction(325994779, 103767361), 14: Fraction(732133415, 233045304), 15: Fraction(2522395024, 802903273), 16: Fraction(3254528439, 1035948577), 17: Fraction(41576736292, 13234286197), 18: Fraction(211138209899, 67207379562), 19: Fraction(252714946191, 80441665759), 20: Fraction(1474712940854, 469415708357), 21: Fraction(29746973763271, 9468755832899), 22: Fraction(31221686704125, 9938171541256), 23: Fraction(373185527508646, 118788642786715), 24: Fraction(404407214212771, 128726814327971), 25: Fraction(777592741721417, 247515457114686), 26: Fraction(1181999955934188, 376242271442657), 27: Fraction(3141592653589793, 1000000000000000)})
>>> cf.order
>>> pi_approx = ContinuedFraction.from_elements(3, 7, 15, 1)
>>> pi_approx
ContinuedFraction(355, 113)
>>> pi_approx.as_float()
>>> math.pi - pi_approx.as_float()
>>> import pytest
>>> pytest.approx(pi_approx.as_float(), rel=1e-12) == math.pi

Installation & Dependencies

The package uses only Python standard libraries, and is supported on Python versions 3.10-3.12. It is CI-tested on Ubuntu Linux (22.04.3 LTS), Mac OS (12.7.3) and Windows (Windows Server 2022), but should also install on any other platform supporting these Python versions.

The simplest way of installing it is a standard pip/pip3 install:

pip install continuedfractions

For contributors there are development requirements which are specified in the project TOML - contribution guidelines are described in more detail later.

Working with Continued Fractions

Continued fractions are beautiful and interesting mathematical objects, with many connections in number theory and also very useful practical applications, including the rational approximation of real numbers.

The continuedfractions package is designed to:

  • make it easy to construct (finite) continued fractions as Python objects
  • explore their key properties, such as elements/coefficients, convergents, segments, remainders, and others
  • operate on them as rationals and instances of the standard library fractions.Fraction class

Package Structure

The continuedfractions package consists of two core libraries:

  • continuedfractions.lib - this contains the core functionality of (1) generating continued fraction representations (as ordered element sequences) of any valid Python number, given as an integer, non-nan float, valid numeric string, a fractions.Fraction or decimal.Decimal object, or as a pair of integers and/or fractions.Fraction objects; and conversely (2) reconstructing rational fractions from continued fraction representations (again, given as ordered element sequences).

  • continuedfractions.continuedfraction - this contains the main ContinuedFraction class, which subclasses fractions.Fraction. The ContinuedFraction objects encapsulate a number of key properties, such as the sequences of their elements and convergents, and provide other utility methods.

The functions in continuedfractions.lib are standalone and thus useful on their own, but it is easiest to work with objects created from the continuedfraction.ContinuedFraction class.

A Simple Introduction with Examples

The starting point is the continuedfractions.continuedfraction.ContinuedFraction class. A simple introduction is given below of how it can be used, with a variety of examples.

Importing the ContinuedFraction Class

Import the core class from continuedfractions.continuedfraction.

>>> from continuedfractions.continuedfraction import ContinuedFraction

Creating Continued Fractions from Numbers

We can take a simple rational number[^2] $\frac{649}{200} = \frac{3 \times 200 + 49}{200} = 3.245$, which has the following finite continued fraction representation:

$$ \frac{649}{200} = 3 + \frac{1}{4 + \frac{1}{12 + \frac{1}{4}}} $$

This representation is called simple because all of the numerators in the fractional terms are equal to $1$, which makes the fractions irreducible. Mathematically, the continued fraction is written as $[3; 4, 12, 4]$.

The continued fraction object for $\frac{649}{200}$ can be created as follows.

>>> cf = ContinuedFraction(649, 200)
>>> cf
ContinuedFraction(649, 200)

Note: The same object can also be constructed using ContinuedFraction('649/200'), ContinuedFraction('3.245'), ContinuedFraction(Fraction(649, 200)), ContinuedFraction(Fraction(649), 200)), ContinuedFraction(649, Fraction(200))), and ContinuedFraction(Decimal('3.245')). But passing a numeric literal such as 649/200 will result in an evaluation of the decimal integer division using binary floating point division, thus producing a fractional approximation, in this case, ContinuedFraction(3653545197704315, 1125899906842624).

The float value of ContinuedFraction(649, 200) is available via the .as_float() method, in this case, an exact value of $3.245$.

>>> cf.as_float()

Note: the .as_float() is unique to ContinuedFraction - it is not defined in the superclass, fractions.Fraction.

It is known that every finite continued fraction represents a rational number, and conversely that every rational number can be represented as a finite continued fraction. On the other infinite continued fractions represent irrationals, which cannot therefore be represented exactly as binary fractions. Thus, ContinuedFraction objects for irrational numbers will always have a finite sequence of elements, whose length is determined by the smallest binary fraction that can be represented on the given platform. For example $\sqrt{2}$, which is given by a periodic continued fraction $[1; 2, 2, 2, \ldots]$, we have:

>>> sqrt2 = ContinuedFraction(math.sqrt(2))
>>> sqrt2
ContinuedFraction(6369051672525773, 4503599627370496)
>>> sqrt2.as_float()

and the fractional part of the float value displayed above is an approximation based on the most precise binary fractional representation possible on the system. So ContinuedFraction(x) for irrational numbers $x$ will only be approximate, not exact.

Inspecting Properties

A number of key properties of (finite) continued fractions can be explored using ContinuedFraction, as described below.

Elements and Orders

The elements (or coefficients) of a (possibly infinite) continued fraction $[a_0;a_1,a_2\cdots]$ of a real number $x$ include the leading integer $a_0 = \lfloor x \rfloor$ (largest integer part of $x$), and the whole numbers $a_1,a_2,\cdots$ in the denominators of the fractional terms. For ContinuedFraction objects the .elements property can be used to look at their elements, e.g. for ContinuedFraction(649, 200) we have:

>>> cf = ContinuedFraction(649, 200)
>>> cf.elements
(3, 4, 12, 4)

The order of a continued fraction is defined to be number of its elements after the first. Thus, for ContinuedFraction(649, 200) the order is 3:

>>> cf.order

The elements and order of ContinuedFraction objects are well behaved with respect to all rational operations supported by fractions.Fraction:

>>> ContinuedFraction(415, 93).elements
(4, 2, 6, 7)
>>> ContinuedFraction(649, 200) + ContinuedFraction(415, 93)
ContinuedFraction(143357, 18600)
>>> (ContinuedFraction(649, 200) + ContinuedFraction(415, 93)).elements
(7, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 11, 1, 2, 12)
>>> (ContinuedFraction(649, 200) + ContinuedFraction(415, 93)).order

Convergents and Rational Approximations

For an integer $k >= 0$ the $k$-th convergent $C_k$ of a continued fraction $[a_0; a_1,\ldots]$ of a real number $x$ is defined to be the rational number and finite continued fraction represented by $[a_0; a_1,\ldots,a_k]$, formed from the first $k + 1$ elements of the original.

$$ C_k = a_0 + \frac{1}{a_1 + \frac{1}{a_2 \ddots \frac{1}{a_{k-1} + \frac{1}{a_k}}}} $$

Each convergent $C_k$ represents a rational approximation $\frac{p_k}{q_k}$ of $x$, and we can define an error term $\epsilon_k = x - C_k = x - \frac{p_k}{q_k}$. If we assume $x > 0$ then the convergents form a strictly increasing sequence of rational numbers converging to $x$ as $n \longrightarrow \infty$. So, formally:

$$ \frac{p_0}{q_0} < \frac{p_1}{q_1} < \cdots \frac{p_n}{q_n} < \cdots $$


$$ \lim_{n \to \infty} \frac{p_n}{q_n} = x $$

This is equivalent to the limit $\lim_{n \to \infty} \epsilon_n = 0$. If $x$ is irrational then the convergents may alternate about $x$, but still converge to it. If and only if $x$ is rational do we have the case that the convergent sequence is finite and terminates in $x$.

The ContinuedFraction class provides a .convergents property for objects, which returns an immutable map (types.MappingProxyType) of all $k$-order convergents, indexed (keyed) by integers $k=0,1,\ldots,n$, where $n$ is the order of the continued fraction.

>>> cf.convergents
mappingproxy({0: Fraction(3, 1), 1: Fraction(13, 4), 2: Fraction(159, 49), 3: Fraction(649, 200)})
>>> cf.convergents[2]
Fraction(159, 49)
>>> import operator
>>> # Get the float value of this fraction
>>> operator.truediv(*cf.convergents[2].as_integer_ratio())

Obviously, we can only handle finite continued fractions in Python, so the convergents produced by ContinuedFraction will be finite in number, regardless of whether the real numbers they approximate are rational or irrational. We can verify that $C_0 < C_1 < \cdots < C_n$ for ContinuedFraction(649, 200) and also ContinuedFraction(math.pi):

>>> assert cf.convergents[0] < cf.convergents[1] < cf.convergents[2] < cf.convergents[3] == cf
# True
>>> pi_cf = ContinuedFraction(math.pi)
>>> pi_cf.convergents
mappingproxy({0: Fraction(3, 1), 1: Fraction(22, 7), 2: Fraction(333, 106), 3: Fraction(355, 113), ... , 27: Fraction(3141592653589793, 1000000000000000)})
>>> assert pi_cf.convergents[27] < math.pi
# True

Note: As the convergents are constructed during ContinuedFraction object initialisation, the objects that represent them cannot be of type ContinuedFraction, due to recursion errors. Thus, it was decided to keep them as fractions.Fraction objects.

Segments and Remainders

Convergents are linked to the concept of segments, which are finite subsequences of elements of a given continued fraction. More precisely, we can define the $k$-th segment of a continued fraction represented by $[a_0; a_1,\ldots]$ as the sequence of its first $k + 1$ elements, namely $a_0,a_1,\ldots,a_k$, which uniquely determines the $k$-order convergent of the continued fraction. The segments of ContinuedFraction objects can be obtained via the .segment() method, which takes a non-negative integer not exceeding the order.

>>> cf.segment(0), cf.segment(1), cf.segment(2), cf.segment(3)
(ContinuedFraction(3, 1), ContinuedFraction(13, 4), ContinuedFraction(159, 49), ContinuedFraction(649, 200))3

Note: Unlike the $k$-order convergents the segments are ContinuedFraction objects and uniquely represent them as such.

A related concept is that of remainders of continued fractions, which are (possibly infinite) subsequences of elements of a given continued fraction, starting a given element. More precisely, we can define the $k$-th remainder of a continued fraction represented by $[a_0; a_1,\ldots]$ as the sequence of elements $a_k,a_{k + 1},\ldots$ starting from the $k$-th element. The remainders of ContinuedFraction objects can be obtained via the .remainder() method, which takes a non-negative integer not exceeding the order.

>>> cf.remainder(0), cf.remainder(1), cf.remainder(2), cf.remainder(3)
(ContinuedFraction(649, 200), ContinuedFraction(200, 49), ContinuedFraction(49, 4), ContinuedFraction(4, 1))


Another feature which the package includes is mediants. The (simple) mediant of two rational numbers $\frac{a}{b}$ and $\frac{c}{d}$, where $b, d \neq 0$, is defined as the rational number:

$$ \frac{a + c}{b + d} $$

Assuming that $\frac{a}{b} < \frac{c}{d}$ and $bd > 0$ the mediant above has the property that:

$$ \frac{a}{b} < \frac{a + c}{b + d} < \frac{c}{d} $$

Mediants can give good rational approximations to real numbers of interest.

The ContinuedFraction class provides a .mediant() method which can be used to calculate mediants with other ContinuedFraction or fractions.Fraction objects. The result is also a ContinuedFraction object. A few examples are given below of how to calculate mediants.

>>> ContinuedFraction('0.5').mediant(Fraction(2, 3))
ContinuedFraction(3, 5)
>>> ContinuedFraction('0.6').elements
(0, 1, 1, 2)
>>> ContinuedFraction(1, 2).mediant(ContinuedFraction('2/3'))
ContinuedFraction(3, 5)
>>> assert ContinuedFraction(1, 2) < ContinuedFraction(1, 2).mediant(Fraction(3, 4)) < ContinuedFraction(3, 4)
# True

The concept of the simple mediant of two fractions of $\frac{a}{b}$ and $\frac{c}{d}$ as given above can be generalised to $k$-th left- and right-mediants, for positive integers $k$: the $k$-th left mediant of $\frac{a}{b}$ and $\frac{c}{d}$ can be defined as:

$$ \frac{ka + c}{kb + d} $$

while the $k$-th right mediant can be defined as:

$$ \frac{a + nc}{b + nd} $$

For $k = 1$ the left- and right-mediants are identical, but as $k \longrightarrow \infty$ they separate into two distinct, strictly monotonic, sequences converging to opposite limits[^3]: the left-mediants form a strictly decreasing sequence lower-bounded by $\frac{a}{b}$, converging to $\frac{a}{b}$:

$$ \frac{a}{b} < \cdots < \frac{3a + c}{3b + d} < \frac{2a + c}{2b + d} < \frac{a + c}{b + d} < \frac{c}{d} $$

$$ \lim_{k \to \infty} \frac{ka + c}{kb + d} = \frac{a}{b} $$

while the right-mediants form a strictly increasing sequence upper-bounded by $\frac{c}{d}$, converging to $\frac{c}{d}$:

$$ \frac{a}{b} < \frac{a + c}{b + d} < \frac{a + 2c}{b + 2d} < \frac{a + 3c}{b + 3d} < \cdots < \frac{c}{d} $$

$$ \lim_{k \to \infty} \frac{a + kc}{b + kd} = \frac{c}{d} $$

We can illustrate this using the ContinuedFraction.mediant method using the dir option to set the "direction" of the mediant - either 'left' or 'right (default) - and using k to set the mediant order, which defaults to k=1.

# Right mediants
>>> c1 = ContinuedFraction(1, 2)
>>> c2 = ContinuedFraction(3, 5)
>>> c1.mediant(c2)
ContinuedFraction(4, 7)
>>> c1.mediant(c2).as_float()
>>> c1.mediant(c2, k=10)
ContinuedFraction(31, 52)
>>> c1.mediant(c2, k=100)
>>> c1.mediant(c2, k=10 ** 6)
ContinuedFraction(3000001, 5000002)
>>> c1.mediant(c2, k=10 ** 6).as_float()

# Left mediants
>>> c1.mediant(c2, dir='left')
ContinuedFraction(4, 7)
>>> c1.mediant(c2, dir='left', k=10)
ContinuedFraction(13, 25)
>>> c1.mediant(c2, dir='left', k=10).as_float()
>>> c1.mediant(c2, dir='left', k=100)
ContinuedFraction(103, 205)
>>> c1.mediant(c2, dir='left', k=100).as_float()
>>> c1.mediant(c2, dir='left', k=10 ** 6)
ContinuedFraction(1000003, 2000005)
>>> c1.mediant(c2, dir='left', k=10 ** 6).as_float()

Mediants have very interesting connections to other areas of number, including sequences and orderings of rational numbers - for example, see the Stern-Brocot tree.

Constructing Continued Fractions from Element Sequences

Continued fractions can also be constructed from element sequences, using the ContinuedFraction.from_elements() class method. Because ContinuedFraction is a subclass of fractions.Fraction all ContinuedFraction objects are fully operable as rational numbers, including as negative rationals.

>>> cf_inverse = ContinuedFraction.from_elements(0, 3, 4, 12, 4)
>>> cf_inverse
ContinuedFraction(200, 649)
>>> cf_inverse.elements
(0, 3, 4, 12, 4)
>>> assert cf_inverse == 1/cf
# True
>>> assert cf * cf_inverse == 1
# True
>>> cf_negative_inverse = ContinuedFraction.from_elements(-1, 1, 2, 4, 12, 4)
>>> cf_negative_inverse
ContinuedFraction(-200, 649)
>>> cf_negative_inverse.elements
(-1, 1, 2, 4, 12, 4)
>>> assert cf_negative_inverse == -1/cf
# True
>>> assert cf * cf_negative_inverse == -1
>>> assert cf + (-cf) == cf_inverse + cf_negative_inverse == 0
# True

Continued Fractions with Negative Terms

Continued fractions representations with negative terms are valid, provided we use the Euclidean integer division algorithm to calculate the successive quotients and remainders in each step. For example, $\frac{-415}{93} = \frac{-5 \times 93 + 50}{93}$ has the continued fraction representation $[-5; 1, 1, 6, 7]$:

$$ -\frac{415}{93} = -5 + \frac{1}{1 + \frac{1}{1 + \frac{1}{6 + \frac{1}{7}}}} $$

Compare this with $[4; 2, 6, 7]$, which is the continued fraction representation of $\frac{415}{93}$:

$$ \frac{415}{93} = 4 + \frac{1}{2 + \frac{1}{6 + \frac{1}{7}}} $$

ContinuedFraction objects for negative numbers are constructed in the same way as with positive numbers, subject to the validation rules described above. And to avoid zero division problems if a fraction has a negative denominator the minus sign is "transferred" to the numerator. A few examples are given below.

>>> ContinuedFraction(415, -93)
ContinuedFraction(-415, 93)
>>> ContinuedFraction(-415, 93)
ContinuedFraction(-415, 93)
>>> -ContinuedFraction(415, 93)
ContinuedFraction(-415, 93)
>>> ContinuedFraction(-415, 93).elements
(-5, 1, 1, 6, 7)
>>> ContinuedFraction(-415, 93).convergents 
mappingproxy({0: Fraction(-5, 1), 1: Fraction(-4, 1), 2: Fraction(-9, 2), 3: Fraction(-58, 13), 4: Fraction(-415, 93)})
>>> ContinuedFraction(-415, 93).as_float()
>>> ContinuedFraction(415, 93).as_float()

Note As negation of numbers is a unary operation, the minus sign in a "negative" ContinuedFraction object must be attached to the fraction, before enclosure in parentheses.

>>> -ContinuedFraction(415, 93).elements
TypeError: bad operand type for unary -: 'tuple'
>>> -(ContinuedFraction(415, 93)).elements
TypeError: bad operand type for unary -: 'tuple'
>>> (-ContinuedFraction(415, 93)).elements
(-5, 1, 1, 6, 7)
>>> assert ContinuedFraction(415, 93) + (-ContinuedFraction(415, 93)) == 0
# True


The ContinuedFraction class validates all inputs during object creation - in the .__new__() class method, not instance initialisation - using the .validate() class method. Inputs that do not meet the following conditions trigger a ValueError.

  • a single integer or a non-nan float
  • a single numeric string
  • a single fractions.Fraction or decimal.Decimal object
  • two integers or fractions.Fraction objects, or a combination of an integer and a fractions.Fraction object, representing the numerator and non-zero denominator of a rational number

A number of examples are given below of validation passes and fails.

>>> ContinuedFraction.validate(100)
>>> ContinuedFraction.validate(3, -2)

>>> ContinuedFraction.validate(1, -2.0)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Only single integers, non-nan floats, numeric strings, 
`fractions.Fraction`, or `decimal.Decimal` objects; or two 
integers or two `fractions.Fraction` objects or a pairwise 
combination of these, representing the numerator and non-zero 
denominator, respectively, of a rational fraction, are valid.

>>> ContinuedFraction.validate(-.123456789)
>>> ContinuedFraction.validate('-.123456789')
>>> ContinuedFraction.validate('-649/200')
>>> ContinuedFraction.validate(-3/2)

>>> ContinuedFraction.validate(-3, 0)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Only single integers, non-nan floats, numeric strings, 
`fractions.Fraction`, or `decimal.Decimal` objects; or two 
integers or two `fractions.Fraction` objects or a pairwise 
combination of these, representing the numerator and non-zero 
denominator, respectively, of a rational fraction, are valid.

>>> ContinuedFraction.validate(Fraction(-415, 93))
>>> ContinuedFraction.validate(Decimal('12345.6789'))
>>> ContinuedFraction.validate(Decimal(12345.6789))

>>> ContinuedFraction.validate(Fraction(3, 2), 2.5)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Only single integers, non-nan floats, numeric strings, 
`fractions.Fraction`, or `decimal.Decimal` objects; or two 
integers or two `fractions.Fraction` objects or a pairwise 
combination of these, representing the numerator and non-zero 
denominator, respectively, of a rational fraction, are valid.


Contributors and contributions are welcome via pull requests from a fork targeting the parent main branch. As this is a new and fairly specialised project a simple Git workflow, using a feature and/or fix branch created off the main branch of your fork, is recommended.

SSH and Cloning

If you wish to contribute please first ensure you have SSH access to GitHub. If you do then this should work:

ssh -vT

If not please follow the SSH instructions linked above. This should include ensuring that your SSH config file defines your SSH private key file, and specifies agent forwarding, and public key authentication as the preferred mode.

Once you've forked the repository, it is recommended to clone your fork over SSH:

git clone git+ssh://<fork user>/continuedfractions

Dependencies & PDM

As mentioned earlier, the package has no (production) dependencies, but groups of development requirements are specified in the [] section of the project TOML. Of these only the test dependencies, including pytest and pytest-cov, are important.

test = [

PDM is used (by myself, currently, the sole maintainer) to manage all dependencies and publish packages to PyPI. It is also used to automate certain tasks, such as running tests, as described in the section.

There are no requirements*.txt files - however, a PDM lockfile which defines metadata for all TOML-defined development dependencies, including the currently empty set of production dependencies, and their sub-dependencies etc., can be used to install the project in editable mode.

pdm install -v

For more information on PDM lockfiles and installing requirements see the PDM documentation.

Makefile and Tests

The Makefile defines three main targets: lint for Ruff linting, doctests for running doctests and unittests for running unittests and measuring coverage, using pytest and the pytest-cov plugin:

make lint
make doctests
make unittests

Linting warnings should be addressed first. The doctests serve as acceptance tests, and should be run first, before the unit tests.

Continous Integration and Deployment (CI/CD)

The CI/CD pipelines are defined in the CI YML, and pipelines for all branches include a tests stage, consisting of Ruff linting, Python doctests, and unit tests, in that order. This will be amended in the future to ensure that tests are only run on updates to PRs targeting main, to avoid duplication on main.

Versioning & Package Publishing

The package is currently at version 0.10.0 (semantic versioning is used), and packages are published manually to PyPI using twine. There is currently no CI release pipeline - this will be added later.


The project is licensed under the Mozilla Public License 2.0.


[1] Baker, Alan. A concise introduction to the theory of numbers. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Pr., 2002.

[2] Barrow, John D. “Chaos in Numberland: The secret life of continued fractions.”, 1 June 2000,

[3] Emory University Math Center. “Continued Fractions.” The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Accessed 19 Feb 2024.

[4] Python 3.12.2 Docs. "Floating Point Arithmetic: Issues and Limitations." Accessed 20 February 2024.

[5] Python 3.12.2 Docs. "fractions - Rational numbers." Accessed 21 February 2024.

[6] Python 3.12.2 Docs. "decimal - Decimal fixed point and floating point arithmetic." Accessed 21 February 2024.

[7] Wikipedia. "Stern-Brocot Tree". Accessed 23 February 2024.

[8] Wikipedia. "Continued Fraction". Accessed 19 February 2024.

[^1]: Due to the nature of binary floating point arithmetic it is not always possible to exactly represent a given real number. For the same reason, the continued fraction representations produced by the package will necessarily be finite.

[^2]: The definition of "rational number" used here is standard: a ratio $\frac{a}{b}$ of integers $a$ and $b \neq 0$. If $a$ and $b$ have no common denominator then $\frac{a}{b}$ is irreducible and unique.

[^3]: This is due to the theorem that every bounded monotonic sequence of real numbers converges.

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continuedfractions-0.10.0-py3-none-any.whl (30.1 kB view hashes)

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