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Small utility that translates a shared screenshot url into a markdown-ready *.png url. Works with dropbox, screencloud, and others.

Project description

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<title>Convert &quot;Screenshot-sharing&quot; utility links to markdown-ready *.png files I'm sure you are also annoyed that screenshot-sharing utilities like Screencloud and Dropbox only copy a link to their screenshot viewing page, not to the .png file itself.</title>
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<div class="document" id="convert-screenshot-sharing-utility-links-to-markdown-ready-png-files-i-m-sure-you-are-also-annoyed-that-screenshot-sharing-utilities-like-screencloud-and-dropbox-only-copy-a-link-to-their-screenshot-viewing-page-not-to-the-png-file-itself">
<h1 class="title">Convert &quot;Screenshot-sharing&quot; utility links to markdown-ready *.png files I'm sure you are also annoyed that screenshot-sharing utilities like Screencloud and Dropbox only copy a link to their screenshot viewing page, not to the <tt class="docutils literal">.png</tt> file itself.</h1>

<p>So, if you have a python window open, use this module to quickly
<tt class="docutils literal">convert_clipboard()</tt> to a downloadable link.</p>
<p>In the backgound, this simply accesses the page linked by the
screenshot-sharing utility using <tt class="docutils literal">requests</tt>, parses it with
BeautifulSoup, finds the first link that ends in png using regex, and
copies that to the clipboard using pyperclip.</p>
<div class="section" id="installation">
<div class="section" id="python-module">
<h2>Python Module</h2>
<p><tt class="docutils literal">pip install copysc</tt></p>
<pre class="code bash literal-block">
$ git clone
$ <span class="name builtin">cd</span> copysc
$ python install
<div class="section" id="command-line-utility">
<h2>Command Line Utility</h2>
<div class="section" id="linux">
<pre class="code bash literal-block">
$ <span class="name builtin">export</span> <span class="name variable">copyscpath</span><span class="operator">=</span><span class="keyword">$(</span>python -c <span class="literal string single">'import copysc; print(copysc.__path__[0])'</span><span class="keyword">)</span>
$ <span class="name builtin">echo</span> <span class="name builtin">export</span> <span class="name variable">PATH</span><span class="operator">=</span>$PATH:<span class="name variable">$c</span>opyscpath &gt;&gt; ~/.bashrc
$ sudo chmod <span class="literal number">755</span> <span class="name variable">$c</span>opyscpath/
<p>You may also need to install a clipboard drivers to enable pyperclip to
interact with your X clipboard.</p>
<pre class="literal-block">
$ sudo apt-get install xclip
$ sudo apt-get install xsel
<div class="section" id="mac">
<pre class="code bash literal-block">
$ <span class="name builtin">export</span> <span class="name variable">copyscpath</span><span class="operator">=</span><span class="keyword">$(</span>python -c <span class="literal string single">'import copysc; print(copysc.__path__[0])'</span><span class="keyword">)</span>
$ <span class="name builtin">echo</span> <span class="name builtin">export</span> <span class="name variable">PATH</span><span class="operator">=</span>$PATH:<span class="name variable">$c</span>opyscpath &gt;&gt; ~/.bash_profile
$ sudo chmod <span class="literal number">755</span> <span class="name variable">$c</span>opyscpath/
<div class="section" id="windows">
<p>Install Linux or buy a Mac and see above.</p>
<p><em>I'm sorry. That was a bit rude. I'm sure it's possible, but I don't
have the faintest idea how Windows works</em> <em>My hunch is as follows:</em></p>
<ol class="arabic simple">
<li>Find out the absolute path of the module as follows:
<tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">C:\&gt;python</span> <span class="pre">-c</span> 'import copysc; <span class="pre">print(copysc.__path__[0])'</span></tt></li>
<li>Copy that path and add it to your PATH variable on windows.</li>
<hr class="docutils" />
<div class="section" id="usage">
<div class="section" id="as-python-module">
<h2>As python module:</h2>
<pre class="code python literal-block">
<span class="keyword namespace">from</span> <span class="name namespace">copysc.copyscreen</span> <span class="keyword namespace">import</span> <span class="name">convert_clipboard</span>
<span class="name">convert_clipboard</span><span class="punctuation">()</span>
<p> can feed it a link directly</p>
<pre class="code python literal-block">
<span class="keyword namespace">from</span> <span class="name namespace">copysc.copyscreen</span> <span class="keyword namespace">import</span> <span class="name">convert_clipboard</span>
<span class="name">convert_clipboard</span><span class="punctuation">(</span><span class="name">link</span><span class="operator">=</span> <span class="literal string single">''</span><span class="punctuation">)</span>
<div class="section" id="from-the-command-line">
<h2>From the command line:</h2>
<p><tt class="docutils literal">$ copyscreen</tt></p>
<p><tt class="docutils literal">$ copyscreen <span class="pre"></span></tt></p>

Project details

Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distribution

copysc-0.2.8.tar.gz (6.5 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

copysc-0.2.8-py3-none-any.whl (10.6 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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