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Command Line Interface for cortexapps

Project description


pip install cortexapps-cli

Using a python virtual environment:

python3 -m venv $VENV_DIR
source $VENV_DIR/bin/activate
pip install cortexapps-cli


brew tap cortexapps/tap
brew install cortexapps-cli


docker run -e CORTEX_API_KEY=<your API key> cortexapp/cli <Cortex CLI arguments>


Config file

The CLI requires an API key for all operations. This key is stored in a config file whose default location is ~/.cortex/config. This path can be overridden with the -c flag.

Minimal contents of the file:


If you have multiple Cortex instances, you can create a section for each, for example:


base_url =

NOTE: if not supplied, base_url defaults to

The CLI will retrieve configuration data from the [default] section unless you pass the -t/--tenant flag.

For example, to list all entities in the my-test tenant, run the following command:

cortex -t my-test catalog list

If the config file does not exist, the CLI will prompt you to create it.

Environment Variables

The CLI supports the following environment variables. If provided, the Cortex config file will not be read.


  • CORTEX_BASE_URL - this is optional if using Cortex cloud; defaults to




Run cortex -h to see a list of all commands:

Run cortex <subcommand> -h to see a list of all commands for each subcommand.

For example:

cortex audit-logs -h
usage: cortex CLI audit-logs [-h] {get} ...

positional arguments:
  {get}       audit logs help
    get       retrieve audit logs

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit


Almost all CLI responses return JSON or YAML. Tools like jq and yq will be helpful to extract content from these responses.

Export from one tenant; import into another

This example shows how to export from a tenant named myTenant-dev and import those contents into a tenant named myTenant.

Your cortex config file will require api keys for both tenants. It would look like this:

api_key = <your API Key for myTenant>

api_key = <your API Key for myTenant-dev>


cortex -t myTenant-dev backup export
Getting resource definitions
 -->  my-resource-1
 Getting catalog entities
 -->  my-domain-1
 -->  my-service-1
 -->  my-service-2
 Getting IP Allowlist definitions
 Getting scorecards
 -->  my-scorecard-1
 Getting teams
 -->  my-team-1
 -->  my-team-2

 Export complete!
 Contents available in /Users/myUser/.cortex/export/2023-11-19-14-58-14


cortex -t myTenant backup import -d <directory created by export>

NOTE: some content will not be exported, including integration configurations and resources that are automatically imported by Cortex. Cortex does not have access to any keys, so it cannot export any integration configurations.

Export all services from one tenant; import into another

This example shows how to export services from a tenant named myTenant-dev and import those services into a tenant named myTenant. It is similar to the full export example “Export from one tenant; import into another”, but only exports/imports services.

Your cortex config file will require api keys for both tenants. It would look like this:

api_key = <your API Key for myTenant>

api_key = <your API Key for myTenant-dev>

Option 1: export service YAMLs to a directory and then import them

This option is helpful in case you want to save the entity YAML files. It makes it easy to restart or retry an import because you will have all YAMLs saved on disk.


mkdir -p /tmp/cortex-export
cd /tmp/cortex-export
for service in `cortex -t myTenant catalog list -t service | jq -r ".entities[].tag" | sort`
   cortex -t myTenant catalog descriptor -y -t ${service} > ${service}.yaml


cd /tmp/cortex-export
for file in `ls -1 *.yaml`
   cortex -t myTenant-dev catalog create -f ${file}

Option 2: combine the export and import in a single command

This option is simpler and doesn’t require any disk operations. However, if it fails for any reason you have to run the entire export/import in its entirety.

for service in `cortex -t myTenant catalog list -t service | jq -r ".entities[].tag" | sort`
   echo "Processing service: ${service}"
   cortex -t myTenant catalog descriptor -y -t ${service} | cortex -t myTenant-dev catalog create -f-

Export all domains from one tenant; import into another

This example shows how to export domains from a tenant named myTenant-dev and import those domains into a tenant named myTenant. It is similar to the full export example “Export from one tenant; import into another”, but only exports/imports domains.

Your cortex config file will require api keys for both tenants. It would look like this:

api_key = <your API Key for myTenant>

api_key = <your API Key for myTenant-dev>

Option 1: export domain YAMLs to a directory and then import them

This option is helpful in case you want to save the entity YAML files. It makes it easy to restart or retry an import because you will have all YAMLs saved on disk.


mkdir -p /tmp/cortex-export
cd /tmp/cortex-export
for domain in `cortex -t myTenant catalog list -t domain | jq -r ".entities[].tag" | sort`
   echo "creating ${domain}.yaml"
   cortex -t myTenant catalog descriptor -y -t ${domain} > ${domain}.yaml


cd /tmp/cortex-export
for file in `ls -1 *.yaml`
   cortex -t myTenant-dev catalog create -f ${file}

Option 2: combine the export and import in a single command

This option is simpler and doesn’t require any disk operations. However, if it fails for any reason you have to run the entire export/import in its entirety.

for domain in `cortex -t myTenant catalog list -t domain | jq -r ".entities[].tag" | sort`
   echo "Processing domain: ${domain}"
   cortex -t myTenant catalog descriptor -y -t ${domain} | cortex -t myTenant-dev catalog create -f-

Iterate over all domains

for domain in `cortex catalog list -t domain | jq -r ".entities[].tag" | sort`; do echo "domain = $domain"; done

Iterate over all teams

for team in `cortex catalog list -t team | jq -r ".entities[].tag" | sort`; do echo "team = $team"; done

Iterate over all services

for service in `cortex catalog list -t service | jq -r ".entities[].tag" | sort`; do echo "service = $service"; done

Get git details for a service

cortex catalog details -t my-service-1 | jq ".git"
  "repository": "my-org/my-service-1",
  "alias": null,
  "basepath": null,
  "provider": "github"

Add a suffix to all x-cortex-tag values for services

for service in `cortex catalog list -t service | jq -r ".entities[].tag" | sort`; do
   cortex catalog descriptor -y -t ${service} | yq '.info.x-cortex-tag |= . + "-suffix"' | cortex catalog create -f-

This example combines several CLI commands:

  • the for loop iterates over all services

  • the descriptor for each service is retrieved in YAML format

  • the YAML descriptor is piped to yq where the value of x-cortex-tag is retrieved and modified to add “-suffix” to the end

  • the modified YAML is then piped to the cortex catalog command to update the entity in cortex

NOTE: Any cortex commands that accept a file as input can also receive input from stdin by specifying a “-” after the -f parameter.

Add a group to all domains

for domain in `cortex catalog list -t domain | jq -r ".entities[].tag" | sort`; do
   cortex catalog descriptor -y -t ${domain} | yq -e '.info.x-cortex-groups += [ "my-new-group" ]' | cortex catalog create -f-

Remove a group from domains

for domain in `cortex catalog list -t domain -g my-old-group | jq -r ".entities[].tag" | sort`; do
   cortex catalog descriptor -y -t ${domain} | yq -e '.info.x-cortex-groups -= [ "my-old-group" ]' | cortex catalog create -f-

Add a domain parent to a single service

cortex catalog descriptor -y -t my-service | yq -e '.info.x-cortex-domain-parents += { "tag": "my-new-domain" }' | cortex catalog create -f-

Add a github group as an owner to a service

cortex catalog descriptor -y -t my-service | yq -e '.info.x-cortex-owners += { "name": "my-org/my-team", "type": "GROUP", "provider": "GITHUB" }' | cortex catalog create -f-

Modify all github basepath values for domain entitities, changing ‘-’ to ‘_’

for domain in `cortex catalog list -t domain | jq -r ".entities[].tag"`; do
   cortex catalog descriptor -y -t ${domain} | yq ".info.x-cortex-git.github.basepath |= sub(\"-\", \"_\")" | cortex catalog create -f-

Modify deploys based on selection criteria

This example fixes a typo in the deployment environment field, changing to

It loops over each selected array element based on the search criteria, removes the uuid attribute (because that is not included in the payload), assigns the environment attribute to the correct value and invokes the CLI with that input.

cortex deploys list -t cli > /tmp/deploys.json
for uuid in `cat /tmp/deploys.json | jq -r '.deployments[] | select(.environment=="") | .uuid'`
   cat /tmp/deploys.json | jq ".deployments[] | select (.uuid==\"${uuid}\") | del(.uuid) | .environment = \"\"" | cortex deploys update-by-uuid -t cli -u ${uuid} -f-

Create a backup of all scorecards

for tag in `cortex scorecards list | jq -r ".scorecards[].tag"`
   echo "backing up: ${tag}"
   cortex scorecards descriptor -t ${tag} > ${tag}.yaml

Create a copy of all scorecards in draft mode

This recipe creates a draft scorecard for all existing scorecards. It creates each scorecard with a suffix for the scorecard tag of “-draft” and it appends “ Draft” to the end of the existing title.

for tag in `cortex scorecards list | jq -r ".scorecards[].tag"`
   cortex scorecards descriptor -t ${tag} | yq '.draft = true | .tag += "-draft" | .name += " Draft"' | cortex scorecards create -f-

Replace scorecards with draft versions and delete the draft versions

This recipe is a companion to the above recipe. This recipe will replace the versions from which the drafts were created and delete the drafts.

for tag in `cortex scorecards list -s | jq -r ".scorecards[].tag" | grep "\-draft$"`
   cortex scorecards descriptor -t ${tag} | yq '.draft = false | .tag |= sub("-draft","") | .name |= sub(" Draft", "")' | cortex scorecards create -f- && cortex scorecards delete -t ${tag}

Get draft scorecards, change draft to false and save on disk

This recipe is similar to the one above, but it does not create a new scorecard in Cortex. Rather, it makes the changes and saves to a file.

for tag in `cortex scorecards list -s | jq -r ".scorecards[].tag" | grep "\-draft$"`
   cortex scorecards descriptor -t ${tag} | yq '.draft = false | .tag |= sub("-draft","") | .name |= sub(" Draft", "")' > ${tag}.yaml

Delete all draft scorecards

WARNING: This recipe will delete all draft scorecards.

for tag in `cortex scorecards list -s | jq -r ".scorecards[].tag"`
   cortex scorecards delete -t ${tag}

If you only want to delete some drafts, for example if you followed a recipe that creates draft versions of all existing scorecards, you will likely want to run this instead:

for tag in `cortex scorecards list -s | jq -r ".scorecards[].tag" | grep "\-draft$"`
   cortex scorecards delete -t ${tag}

Compare scorecard scores and levels for two scorecards

This could be helpful for changing CQL rules (for example for CQL v1 -> CQL v2) and ensuring that scorecards produce the same results.

The following command get all scores for a scorecard, pipes the JSON output to jq and filters it to create a CSV file of the form:

cortex scorecards scores -t myScorecard | jq -r '.serviceScores[] | [ .service.tag, .score.ladderLevels[] // "noLevel", .score.summary.score|tostring] | join(",")' | sort > /tmp/scorecard-output.csv

Run this command for two different scorecards and diff the csv files to compare results

export SCORECARD=scorecard1
cortex scorecards scores -t ${SCORECARD} | jq -r '.serviceScores[] | [ .service.tag, .score.ladderLevels[] // "noLevel", .score.summary.score|tostring] | join(",")' | sort > /tmp/${SCORECARD}.csv

export SCORECARD=scorecard2
cortex scorecards scores -t ${SCORECARD} | jq -r '.serviceScores[] | [ .service.tag, .score.ladderLevels[] // "noLevel", .score.summary.score|tostring] | join(",")' | sort > /tmp/${SCORECARD}.csv

sdiff -s /tmp/scorecard1.csv /tmp/scorecard2.csv

Backup all Workday teams

This recipe is helpful if you change your Workday report and want to save your existing teams in case you want to restore them.

For each team it will create two files: - a JSON file that contains the Workday data - a Cortex team YAML file that refers to the Workday team

for team in `cortex teams list | jq -r '.teams[] | select (.type == "IDP") | select (.idpGroup.provider == "WORKDAY") | .teamTag'`
    cortex teams get -t ${team} > ${team}.json
    cortex catalog descriptor -y -t ${team} > ${team}.yaml

Delete all Workday teams

This recipe is helpful if you want to remove all Workday teams and import from scratch.

for team in `cortex teams list | jq -r '.teams[] | select (.type == "IDP") | select (.idpGroup.provider == "WORKDAY") | .teamTag'`
    cortex teams delete -t ${team}

Add provider for all group type owners where provider is not listed

This recipe adds the value of variable named provider to any owner for which type = GROUP and the provider field is not listed. This recipe can be used to address this issue from Cortex release notes: Starting July 2nd (2024), any group type owners in the x-cortex-owners section of an entity descriptor will require a provider to be explicitly defined.

Adjust the value of provider accordingly. It must be one of the providers listed in our public docs.

This recipe does the following:

  • It runs the Cortex query as documented in the release notes to find all group type owners where the provider is not defined. The cortex queries parameter -f- indicates that the query input comes from stdin, provided by the here document (the content provided between the two ‘EOF’ delimiters).

  • The recipe waits 10 minutes (denoted by parameter -x 600) for the query to complete.

  • It loops over the results of the Cortex query, adding the provider listed in the provider variable for any group owner where the provider is not defined in the entity.

  • The contents of the entity descriptor are changed using yq and then passed as stdin to the cortex catalog subcommand to update the entity.


cortex queries run -f- -w -x 600 > ${query_output} << EOF
jq(entity.descriptor(), "[.info.\"x-cortex-owners\" | .[] | select(.type | ascii_downcase == \"group\") | select(.provider == null)] | length") > 0

for entity in `cat ${query_output} | jq -r ".result[].tag"`
   echo "entity = $entity"
   cortex catalog descriptor -y -t ${entity} | yq "with(.info.x-cortex-owners[]; select(.type | downcase == \"group\") | select(.provider == null) | .provider = \"${provider}\" )" | cortex catalog create -f-

Obfuscating a Cortex export

This script will obfuscate a Cortex backup. This can be helpful for on-premise customers who may need to provide data to Cortex to help identify performance or usability issues.

# Works off an existing cortex CLI backup.
# - Create a backup with cortex CLI command: cortex backup export -z 10000
set -e


echo "Output directory: ${output}"

if [ ! -d ${output} ]; then
   mkdir -p ${output}

for yaml in `ls -1 ${input}/catalog/*`
   entity=$(yq ${yaml} | yq ".info.x-cortex-tag")
   new_entity=$(echo ${entity} | md5sum | cut -d' ' -f 1)
   echo "${entity},${new_entity}" >> ${translate_file}
   echo "Creating: $new_entity"
   cat ${yaml} |\
      yq ".info.\"x-cortex-tag\" = \"${new_entity}\" | \
          .info.title=\"${new_entity}\" | \
          del(.info.description) | \
          del(.info.\"x-cortex-link\") | \
          del(.info.\"x-cortex-links\") | \
          del(.info.\"x-cortex-groups\") | \
          del(.info.\"x-cortex-custom-metadata\") | \
          del(.info.\"x-cortex-issues\") | \
          del(.info.\"x-cortex-git\") | \
          del(.info.\"x-cortex-slack\") | \
          del(.info.\"x-cortex-oncall\") | \
          with(.info; \
             select(.\"x-cortex-team\".members != null) | .\"x-cortex-team\".members = {\"name\": \"Cortex User\", \"email\": \"\"} \
              )" >> ${all_file}
   echo "---" >> ${all_file}

# The longer strings are translated first preventing substrings from being replaced in a longer string
cat ${translate_file} | sort -r > ${translate_file}.tmp && echo "entity,new_entity" > ${translate_file} && cat ${translate_file}.tmp >> ${translate_file} && rm ${translate_file}.tmp

python3 - ${all_file} ${translate_file} ${obfuscated_file} << EOF
import csv
import re
import sys

yaml_file = sys.argv[1]
translate_file = sys.argv[2]
output = sys.argv[3]

with open(yaml_file, 'r') as f:
     bytes = # read entire file as bytes
     with open(translate_file, newline='') as csvfile:
         reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile)
         for row in reader:
             entity = row['entity']
             new_entity = row['new_entity']
             print("entity = " + entity + ", new_entity = " + new_entity)
             bytes = bytes.replace("tag: " + entity, "tag: " + new_entity)
             bytes = bytes.replace("name: " + entity, "name: " + new_entity)

f = open(output, "w")

# change all email addresses
sed -i 's/email:.*/email:' ${obfuscated_file}

# change all slack channel names
sed -i 's/channel:.*/channel: my-slack-channel/' ${obfuscated_file}

# copy export directory to new directory, without catalog YAML
rsync -av --exclude='catalog' ${input}/ ${output}
mkdir -p ${output}/catalog

# now split single file into multiple that can be passed as parameter to cortex catalog create -f
cd ${output}/catalog
yq --no-doc -s '"file_" + $index' ${obfuscated_file}

# tar it up
tar_file=$(basename ${output}).tar
cd ${output}
rm ${all_file}
rm ${translate_file}
tar -cvf ${tar_file} ./*

echo "Created: ${output}/${tar_file}"

Project details

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Source Distribution

cortexapps_cli-0.26.6.tar.gz (35.0 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

cortexapps_cli-0.26.6-py3-none-any.whl (29.7 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

Supported by

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