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Population-based Forward-time Simulator for the Outbreak of COVID-19

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COVID-19 Outbreak Simulator

The COVID-19 outbreak simulator simulates the outbreak of COVID-19 in a population. It was first designed to simulate the outbreak of COVID-19 in small populations in enclosed environments, such as a FPSO (floating production storage and offloading vessel) but has since been expanded to simulate much larger populations with dynamic parameters.

This README file contains all essential information but you can also visit our documentation for more details.


This simulator simulates the scenario in which

  • A group of individuals in a population in which everyone is susceptible.
  • The population can be divided into multiple subgroups with different parameters.
  • One or more virus carriers are introduced to the population, potentially after a fixed days of self-quarantine.
  • Infectees are by default removed from from the population (or separated, or quarantined, as long as he or she can no longer infect others) after they displayed symptoms, but options are provided to act otherwise.

The simulator simulates the epidemic of the population with the introduction of infectors. Detailed statistics are captured from the simulations to answer questions such as:

  1. What is the expected day and distribution for the first person to show symptoms?
  2. How many people are expected to be removed once an outbreak starts?
  3. How effective will self-quarantine before dispatch personnels to an enclosed environment?

The simulator uses the latest knowledge about the spread of COVID-19 and is validated against public data. This project will be contantly updated with our deepening knowledge on this virus.

Modeling the outbreak of COVID-19

We developed multiple statistical models to model the incubation time, serial interval, generation time, proportion of asymptomatic transmissions, using results from multiple publications. We validated the models with empirical data to ensure they generate, for example, correct distributions of serial intervals and proporitons of asymptomatic, pre-symptomatic, and symptomatic cases.

The statistical models and related references are available at

The models will continuously be updated as we learn more about the virus.

How to use the simulator

This simulator is programmed using Python >= 3.6 with numpy and scipy. A conda environment is recommended. After the set up of the environment, please run

pip install -r requirements.txt

to install required packages, and then

pip install covid19-outbreak-simulator

to install the package.

You can then use command

outbreak_simulator -h

to check the usage information.

Command line options

$ outbreak_simulator -h
usage: COVID Simulator [-h] [--popsize POPSIZE [POPSIZE ...]]
                       [--symptomatic-r0 SYMPTOMATIC_R0 [SYMPTOMATIC_R0 ...]]
                       [--asymptomatic-r0 ASYMPTOMATIC_R0 [ASYMPTOMATIC_R0 ...]]
                       [--incubation-period INCUBATION_PERIOD [INCUBATION_PERIOD ...]]
                       [--repeats REPEATS] [--keep-symptomatic]
                       [--pre-quarantine [PRE_QUARANTINE [PRE_QUARANTINE ...]]]
                       [--infectors [INFECTORS [INFECTORS ...]]]
                       [--interval INTERVAL] [--logfile LOGFILE]
                       [--prop-asym-carriers [PROP_ASYM_CARRIERS [PROP_ASYM_CARRIERS ...]]]
                       [--allow-lead-time] [--analyze-existing-logfile]
                       [-j JOBS]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --popsize POPSIZE [POPSIZE ...]
                        Size of the population, including the infector that
                        will be introduced at the beginning of the simulation.
                        It should be specified as a single number, or a serial
                        of name=size values for different groups. For example
                        "--popsize nurse=10 patient=100". The names will be
                        used for setting group specific parameters. The IDs of
                        these individuals will be nurse0, nurse1 etc.
  --symptomatic-r0 SYMPTOMATIC_R0 [SYMPTOMATIC_R0 ...]
                        Production number of symptomatic infectors, should be
                        specified as a single fixed number, or a range, and/or
                        multipliers for different groups such as A=1.2. For
                        example "--symptomatic-r0 1.4 2.8 nurse=1.2" means a
                        general R0 ranging from 1.4 to 2.8, while nursed has a
                        range from 1.4*1.2 and 2.8*1.2.
  --asymptomatic-r0 ASYMPTOMATIC_R0 [ASYMPTOMATIC_R0 ...]
                        Production number of asymptomatic infectors, should be
                        specified as a single fixed number, or a range and/or
                        multipliers for different groups
                        Incubation period period, should be specified as
                        "lognormal" followed by two numbers as mean and sigma,
                        or "normal" followed by mean and sd, and/or
                        multipliers for different groups. Default to
                        "lognormal 1.621 0.418"
  --repeats REPEATS     Number of replicates to simulate. An ID starting from
                        1 will be assinged to each replicate and as the first
                        columns in the log file.
  --keep-symptomatic    Keep affected individuals in the population
  --pre-quarantine [PRE_QUARANTINE [PRE_QUARANTINE ...]]
                        Days of self-quarantine before introducing infector to
                        the group. The simulation will be aborted if the
                        infector shows symptom before introduction. If you
                        quarantine multiple people or specified named groups,
                        you will need to append the IDs to the parameter (e.g.
                        --pre-quarantine day nurse1 nurse2
  --infectors [INFECTORS [INFECTORS ...]]
                        Infectees to introduce to the population, default to
                        '0'. If you would like to introduce multiple infectees
                        to the population, or if you have named groups, you
                        will have to specify the IDs of carrier such as
                        --infectors nurse1 nurse2
  --interval INTERVAL   Interval of simulation, default to 1/24, by hour
  --logfile LOGFILE     logfile
  --prop-asym-carriers [PROP_ASYM_CARRIERS [PROP_ASYM_CARRIERS ...]]
                        Proportion of asymptomatic cases. You can specify a
                        fix number, or two numbers as the lower and higher CI
                        (95%) of the proportion. Default to 0.10 to 0.40.
  --allow-lead-time     The seed carrier will be asumptomatic but always be at
                        the beginning of incurbation time. If allow lead time
                        is set to True, the carrier will be anywhere in his or
                        her incubation period.
                        Analyze an existing logfile, useful for updating the
                        summarization procedure or uncaptured output.
  -j JOBS, --jobs JOBS  Number of process to use for simulation. Default to
                        number of CPU cores.

Homogeneous and heterogeneous populations


simulates the outbreak of COVID-19 in a population with 64 individuals, with one introduced infector.

outbreak_simulator --popsize nurse=10 patient=100 --infector patient0

simulates a population with 10 nurses and 100 patients when the first patient carries the virus.

Change number of infectors

outbreak_simulator --infector 0 1 --pre-quarantine 7 0 1

simulates the introduction of two infectors, both after 7 days of quarantine. Here 0 and 1 are IDs of individuals

Changing model parameters

outbreak_simulator --prop-asym-carriers 0.10

runs the simulation with a fixed ratio of asymptomatic carriers.

outbreak_simulator --incubation-period normal 4 2

runs the simulation incubation period sampled from a normal distribution with mean 4 and standard deviation of 2.

Specigy group-specific parameters

Parameters symptomatic-r0, asymptomatic-r0 and incubation-period can be set to different values for each groups. These are achived by "multipliers", which multiplies specified values to values drawn from the default distribution.

For example, if in a hospital environment nurses, once affected, tends to have higher R0 because he or she contact more patients, and on the other hand patients are less mobile and should have lower R0, you can run a simulation with two patients carrying the virus with the following options:

outbreak_simulator --popsize nurse=10 patient=100 \
    --symptomatic-r0 nurse=1.5 patient=0.8 \
    --asymptomatic-r0 nurse=1.5 patient=0.8 \
    --infector patient0 patient1

Output from the simulator

The output file contains events that happens during the simulations. For example, for command

outbreak_simulator --repeat 100 --popsize 64 --logfile result_remove_symptomatic.txt

You will get an output file result_remove_symptomatic.txt with the following columns:

column content
id id of the simulation.
time time of the event in days, accurate to hour.
event type of event
target subject of the event, for example the ID of the individual that has been quarantined.
params Additional parameters, mostly for the INFECTION event where simulated $R_0$ and incubation period will be displayed.

Currently the following events are tracked

Name Event
INFECTION Infect an non-quarantined individual, who might already been infected.
INFECION_FAILED No one left to infect
INFECTION_AVOIDED An infection happended during quarantine. The individual might not have showed sympton.
INFECTION_IGNORED Infect an infected individual, which does not change anything.
SHOW_SYMPTOM Show symptom.
REMOVAL Remove from population.
QUANTINE Quarantine someone till specified time.
REINTEGRATION Reintroduce the quarantined individual to group.
ABORT If the first carrier show sympton during quarantine.
END Simulation ends.

The log file of a typical simulation would look like the following:

id      time    event   target  params
5       0.00    INFECTION       0       r0=0.53,r=0,r_asym=0
5       0.00    END     64      popsize=64,prop_asym=0.276
2       0.00    INFECTION       0       r0=2.42,r=1,r_presym=1,r_sym=0,incu=5.51
2       4.10    INFECTION       62      by=0,r0=1.60,r=2,r_presym=2,r_sym=0,incu=5.84
2       5.51    SHOW_SYMPTOM    0       .
2       5.51    REMOVAL 0       popsize=63
2       9.59    INFECTION       9       by=62,r0=2.13,r=2,r_presym=2,r_sym=0,incu=3.34
2       9.84    INFECTION_IGNORED       9       by=62
2       9.94    SHOW_SYMPTOM    62      .
2       9.94    REMOVAL 62      popsize=62
2       10.76   INFECTION       30      by=9,r0=1.96,r=2,r_presym=2,r_sym=0,incu=4.85
2       11.64   INFECTION       57      by=9,r0=0.39,r=0,r_asym=0
2       12.23   INFECTION       56      by=30,r0=1.65,r=1,r_presym=1,r_sym=0,incu=4.26
2       12.93   SHOW_SYMPTOM    9       .
2       12.93   REMOVAL 9       popsize=61
2       14.37   INFECTION       6       by=30,r0=1.60,r=0,r_presym=0,r_sym=0,incu=2.63
2       15.61   SHOW_SYMPTOM    30      .
2       15.61   REMOVAL 30      popsize=60
2       16.37   INFECTION       1       by=56,r0=1.57,r=1,r_presym=1,r_sym=0,incu=5.14
2       16.49   SHOW_SYMPTOM    56      .
2       16.49   REMOVAL 56      popsize=59
2       16.99   SHOW_SYMPTOM    6       .
2       16.99   REMOVAL 6       popsize=58
2       18.42   INFECTION       8       by=1,r0=2.45,r=1,r_presym=1,r_sym=0,incu=3.74
2       20.35   INFECTION       44      by=8,r0=2.37,r=1,r_presym=1,r_sym=0,incu=3.92
2       21.51   SHOW_SYMPTOM    1       .
2       21.51   REMOVAL 1       popsize=57
2       22.16   SHOW_SYMPTOM    8       .
2       22.16   REMOVAL 8       popsize=56
2       22.62   INFECTION       42      by=44,r0=1.49,r=0,r_presym=0,r_sym=0,incu=4.30
2       24.27   SHOW_SYMPTOM    44      .
2       24.27   REMOVAL 44      popsize=55
2       26.92   SHOW_SYMPTOM    42      .
2       26.92   REMOVAL 42      popsize=54
2       26.92   END     54      popsize=54,prop_asym=0.216
1       0.00    INFECTION       0       r0=2.00,r=2,r_presym=2,r_sym=0,incu=4.19

which I assume would be pretty self-explanatory. Note that the simulation IDs are not ordered because the they are run in parallel but you can expect all events belong to the same simulation are recorded together..

Summary report from multiple replicates

At the end of each command, a report will be given to summarize key statistics from multiple replicated simulations. The output contains the following keys and their values

name value
logfile Log file of the simulation with all the events
popsize Initial population size
keep_symptomatic If asymptomatic infectees are kept
prop_asym_carriers Proportion of asymptomatic carriers, also the probability of infectee who do not show any symptom
pre_quarantine If the first carrier is pre-quarantined, if so, for how many days
interval Interval of time events (1/24 for hours)
n_simulation Total number of simulations, which is the number of END events
total_infection Number of INFECTION events
total_infection_failed Number of INFECTION_FAILED events
total_infection_avoided Number of INFECTION_AVOIDED events
total_infection_ignored Number of INFECTION_IGNORED events
total_show_symptom Number of SHOW_SYMPTOM events
total_removal Number of REMOVAL events
total_quarantine Number of QUARANTINE events
total_reintegration Number of REINTEGRATION events
total_abort Number of ABORT events
total_asym_infection Number of asymptomatic infections
total_presym_infection Number of presymptomatic infections
total_sym_infection Number of symptomatic infections
n_remaining_popsize_XXX Number of simulations with XXX remaining population size
n_no_outbreak Number of simulations with no outbreak (no symptom from anyone, or mission canceled)
n_outbreak_duration_XXX Number of simulations with outbreak ends in day XXX. Pre-quarantine days are not counted as outbreak. Outbreak can end at day 0 if the infectee will not show symtom or infect others.
n_no_infected_by_seed Number of simulations when the introduced carrier does not infect anyone
n_num_infected_by_seed_XXX Number of simulations with XXX people affected by the introduced virus carrier, XXX > 0 .
n_first_infected_by_seed_on_day_XXX Number of simulations when the introduced carrier infect the first infectee on day XXX, XXX<1 is rounded to 1, and so on. Pre-quarantine time is deducted.
n_seed_show_no_symptom Number of simulations when the seed show no symptom
n_seed_show_symptom_on_day_XXX Number of simulations when the carrier show symptom at day XXX, XXX < 1 is rounded to 1, and so on.
n_no_first_infection Number of simualations with no infection at all.
n_first_infection_on_day_XXX Number of simualations with the first infection event happens at day XXX. It is the same as XXX_n_first_infected_by_seed_on_day but is reserved when multiple seeds are introduced.
n_first_symptom Number of simulations when with at least one symptomatic case
n_first_symptom_on_day_XXX Number of simulations when the first symptom appear at day XXX, XXX < 1 is rounded to 1, and so on. Symptom during quarantine is not considered and pre-quarantine days are deducted.
n_second_symptom Number of simulations when there are a second symptomatic case symptom.
n_second_symptom_on_day_XXX Number of simulations when the second symptom appear at day XXX after the first symptom
n_third_symptom Number of simulations when there are a third symptomatic case symtom
n_third_symptom_on_day_XXX Number of simulations when the first symptom appear at day XXX after the second symptom

Data analysis tools

Because all the events have been recorded in the log files, it should not be too difficult for you to write your own script (e.g. in R) to analyze them and produce nice figures. We however made a small number of tools available. Please feel free to submit or own script for inclusion in the contrib library.


The contrib/time_vs_size.R script provides an example on how to process the data and produce a figure. It can be used as follows:

Rscript time_vs_size.R  simulation.log 'COVID19 Outbreak Simulation with Default Paramters' time_vs_size.png

and produces a figure


contrib/ is a script to merge summary stats from multiple simulation runs.


This tool has been developed and maintained by Dr. Bo Peng, associate professor at the Baylor College of Medicine, with guidance from Dr. Christopher Amos, from the Institute for Clinical and Translational Research, Baylor College of Medicine. Contributions to this project are welcome. Please refer to the LICENSE file for proper use and distribution of this tool.

This package was created with Cookiecutter and the audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage project template.

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Source Distribution

covid19-outbreak-simulator-0.2.0.tar.gz (42.1 kB view hashes)

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Built Distribution

covid19_outbreak_simulator-0.2.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (18.6 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 2 Python 3

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