Chinese Province, City and Area Recognition Utilities. This is an extended version based on
Project description
This is a forked version of the cpca project (
From Github actitivy, it seems cpca has stopped maintenance since 2021.
During usage, we encountered several problems with cpca.
Some of the problems are:
- Inaccessible map data.
cpca uses the map patches from, which can not be accessed now.
- Incompatible issues due to dependency versions.
e.g., jinja2
and pyecharts
have import problems for newer versions.
In this repo, we try to revise and fix the above issues.
Main Revisions
- Use map tiles from AMap
def heatmap_folium(adcodes, file_path,
tiles= '{x}&y={y}&z={z}&lang=zh_cn&size=1&scl=1&style=7',
attr = 'amap'):
map_osm = folium.Map(location=[35, 110], zoom_start=5,
tiles = tiles, attr=attr)
- Fix some issue due to incompatible versions.
Issue: ImportError: cannot import name 'environmentfunction' from 'jinja2'
Fix: jinja2==3.0.0
Issue: cannot import name 'Geo' from 'pyecharts'
Fix: support the latest pyecharts version (We tested for 2.0.x. The old version is 0.5.x).
- Change map styles.
Use white background maps in echarts_heatmap()
and heatmap_folium()
pip install cpcax
Prepare a list of address codes. The frequency of each code is used the value.
e.g., ['110000','110000','310018']
folium heatmap
from cpca import drawer
drawer.folium_heatmap(邮编列表, "geos.html")
from IPython.display import IFrame
IFrame(src='geos.html', width=1600, height=900)
echarts heatmap
from cpca import drawer
drawer.echarts_heatmap(邮编列表, "echarts_geos.html")
from IPython.display import IFrame
IFrame(src='echarts_geos.html', width=800, height=600)
Expose more style parameters for map visualization.
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