Craterstats - a tool to analyse and plot crater count data for planetary surface dating
Project description
This is a reimplementation in Python 3.8 of the CraterstatsII software, a tool to analyse and plot crater count data for planetary surface dating.
The craterstats
package is available through the Python Package Index (PyPi).
The following procedure for installation on Windows, MacOS or Linux is recommended:
using the miniforge installer for your OS. -
Launch the Miniforge prompt (Windows) or any command prompt (MacOS, Linux) and enter the following to create a virtual environment for craterstats:
conda create -n craterstats python=3.8
Activate the virtual environment:
conda activate craterstats
Install the craterstats package with its dependencies:
pip install craterstats
Alternative installation method for testing purposes here.
Quick demonstration
After installation, the following command will produce a series of example output plots and data, demonstrating the main features of the software. Plot image files are placed into the subfolder demo/
of the current folder, while text output – including the full command lines as they could be typed to generate the output – goes to the terminal window.
craterstats -demo
Normal start
Launch the miniforge prompt and activate the virtual environment:
conda activate craterstats
On Windows, you can alternatively create a desktop shortcut with this target:
%windir%\system32\cmd.exe "/K" %homedrive%%homepath%\miniforge3\Scripts\activate.bat craterstats
If you later need to upgrade to a newer version, use:
pip install --upgrade craterstats
The program operates through the command line to produce output in the form of publication or presentation ready graphics, or tabulated analysis results for further processing.
There are two parts to creating a Craterstats plot:
Specify the type of plot and any characteristics which apply to the analysis as a whole, e.g. whether differential, cumulative or other data presentation; the chronology system, displayed axis ranges
Specify the data to be overplotted, and which chronology model evaluations should be applied to it
In the following example, the first items define characteristics for the whole plot: -cs neukumivanov
specifies the chronology system, Mars, Neukum-Ivanov (2001)
(any unambiguous abbreviation is acceptable), and the -title Example plot
adds the chosen title.
The -p
indicates the start of an overplot definition, which should come after the part 1 settings. Following this, the path to the data source is given
(note that %sample% is a path abbreviation to a craterstats installation directory): this will produce a simple data plot with the default binning, colour and plot symbol. After the second -p
an additional overplot is specified: this time, a poisson age evaluation for the diameter range 0.2–0.7 km. Note that parameters within an overplot definition are separated by a ,
craterstats -cs neukumivanov -p source=%sample%/Pickering.scc -p type=poisson,range=[.2,.7]
Sometimes it is useful to be able to specify the diameter range in terms of the plotted data points. Here we plot from the 8th to the 5th-from-last bins:
craterstats -cs neukumivanov -p source=%sample%/Pickering.scc -p type=poisson,range=[b8,b-5]
A plot image file is created in the current folder with the same name Pickering.png
. The output path or name can be changed with the -o
option. Different file types can be produced by giving the appropriate extension or with the -f
Supported types are: png, tif, pdf, svg, csv, stat (multiple types can be specified, e.g. -f png csv
An additional text file is created with the name Pickering.cs
which contains the command line parameters used to create the plot. Often it is convenient
to edit this file to modify the plot, which can then be regenerated with the shorter command:
craterstats -i Pickering.cs
Another file, Pickering.csv
, gives dating results in tabular form for further analysis or transfer to a manuscript.
Preformatted ages and N(1) values, e.g.
Tables of chronology systems, equilibrium functions and epoch systems – which can be used with the -cs
, -ef
and -ep
options – may be listed with the following command:
craterstats -lcs
These items may specifed using any unambiguous abbreviated form, e.g. -cs ida
. Thus, -ef standard
or -ef trask
will obtain the Standard lunar equilibrium (Trask, 1966)
equilibrium function.
Tables of plot symbols and colours – which can be used with the psym=
and colour=
options – may be listed with the following command:
craterstats -lpc
and can likewise be specified by name or abbreviation, e.g. psym=circle
or psym=o
select a circle; colour=green
or colour=gr
select green.
Differential plots are the default data presentation. To switch to a different kind, e.g. cumulative, add -pr cumulative
or -pr cml
to the part 1 settings.
Other possibilities are: relative (R), Hartmann, chronology, rate, sequential or uncertainty.
The complete set of options can be seen with:
craterstats --help
To simplify the construction of the command line, certain plot properties are persistent. If, for example, you specify source=C:\tmp\area1.scc
in the first overplot, this becomes the default for subsequent overplots. Only when you wish to introduce a different source file do you need to specify it again. This also applies to other properties where it is useful, including binning=
, colour=
and psym=
Uncertainty plots for the evaluation of small-area, low-number counts, assuming a complete count of craters larger than d_min can be generated (plots for k, measured error and measured/actual age - see Michael, Liu (2025)):
craterstats -pr uncertainty -cs n83 -d_min 0.15
More examples
Differential plot with Poisson age evaluations, equilibrium function, and epoch system
craterstats -cs neukumivanov -ep mars -ef standard -p source=%sample%/Pickering.scc -p type=poisson,range=[2,5],offset_age=[2,-2] -p range=[.2,.7]
Differential plot with two differential fit age evaluations
craterstats -cs NI2001 -p source=%sample%/Pickering.scc,psym=o -p type=d-fit,range=[.2,.7],isochron=1 -p range=[2,5],colour=red
Differential age fits with 10/decade binning
craterstats -cs neukumivanov -p source=%sample%/Pickering.scc,psym=o,binning=10/decade -p type=d-fit,range=[.2,.7],isochron=1 -p range=[2,5],colour=red
Cumulative fit with resurfacing correction
craterstats -pr cumul -cs neukumivanov -p source=%sample%/Pickering.scc,psym=sq -p type=c-fit,range=[.2,.7],resurf=1,psym=fsq
Explanations of concepts and calculations used in the software are given in publications below.
Standardisation of crater count data presentation
Arvidson, R.E., Boyce, J., Chapman, C., Cintala, M., Fulchignoni, M., Moore, H., Neukum, G., Schultz, P., Soderblom, L., Strom, R., Woronow, A., Young, R. Standard techniques for presentation and analysis of crater size–frequency data. Icarus 37, 1979.
Formulation of a planetary surface chronology model
Neukum G., Meteorite bombardment and dating of planetary surfaces (English translation, 1984). Meteoritenbombardement und Datierung planetarer Oberflächen (German original) Habilitation Thesis, Univ. of Munich, 186pp, 1983.
Resurfacing correction for cumulative fits; production function differential forms
Michael G.G., Neukum G., Planetary surface dating from crater size-frequency distribution measurements: Partial resurfacing events and statistical age uncertainty. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 294, 2010.
Differential fitting; binning bias correction; revised Mars epoch boundaries
Michael G.G., Planetary surface dating from crater size-frequency distribution measurements: Multiple resurfacing episodes and differential isochron fitting. Icarus 2013.
Poisson timing analysis; μ-notation
Michael G.G., Kneissl T., Neesemann A., Planetary surface dating from crater size-frequency distribution measurements: Poisson timing analysis. Icarus, 2016.
Poisson calculation for buffered crater count
Michael G.G., Yue Z., Gou S., Di K., Dating individual several-km lunar impact craters from the rim annulus in region of planned Chang’E-5 landing Poisson age-likelihood calculation. EPSL 568, 2021.
Small-area and low number counts: age-area-uncertainty plots
Michael G., Liu J., Planetary surface dating from crater size–frequency distribution measurements: interpretation of small-area and low number counts. Icarus 431, 2025.
Full references for specific chronology or other functions are listed with the function definitions in config/functions.txt
A set of introductory slides to the methods and an earlier version of the software is here, as well an update on this python version. Note that some command syntax has changed since the slides were produced.