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Facilities for ISO14496 files - the ISO Base Media File Format, the basis for several things including MP4 and MOV.

Project description

Facilities for ISO14496 files - the ISO Base Media File Format, the basis for several things including MP4 and MOV.

Latest release 20231129: Small updates and fixes.

ISO make the standard available here:

Function add_body_class(klass)

Register a box body class in KNOWN_BOXBODY_CLASSES.

Function add_body_subclass(superclass, box_type, section, desc)

Create and register a new BoxBody class that is simply a subclass of another. Returns the new class.

Function add_generic_sample_boxbody(box_type, section, desc, struct_format_v0, sample_fields, struct_format_v1=None, has_inferred_entry_count=False)

Create and add a specific Time to Sample box - section 8.6.1.

Function add_time_to_sample_boxbody(box_type, section, desc)

Add a Time to Sample box - section 8.6.1.

Class Box(cs.binary.SimpleBinary, types.SimpleNamespace, cs.binary.AbstractBinary, cs.binary.BinaryMixin)

Base class for all boxes - ISO14496 section 4.2.

This has the following fields:

  • header: a BoxHeader
  • body: a BoxBody instance, usually a specific subclass
  • unparsed: any unconsumed bytes from the Box are stored as here

Class BoxBody(cs.binary.SimpleBinary, types.SimpleNamespace, cs.binary.AbstractBinary, cs.binary.BinaryMixin)

Abstract basis for all Box bodies.

Class BoxHeader(cs.binary.BoxHeader, cs.binary._BinaryMultiValue_Base, cs.binary.SimpleBinary, types.SimpleNamespace, cs.binary.AbstractBinary, cs.binary.BinaryMixin)

An ISO14496 Box header packet.

Class BTRTBoxBody(BoxBody, cs.binary.SimpleBinary, types.SimpleNamespace, cs.binary.AbstractBinary, cs.binary.BinaryMixin)

BitRateBoxBody - section

Class CO64BoxBody(FullBoxBody, BoxBody, cs.binary.SimpleBinary, types.SimpleNamespace, cs.binary.AbstractBinary, cs.binary.BinaryMixin)

A 'c064' Chunk Offset box - section 8.7.5.

Class ContainerBoxBody(BoxBody, cs.binary.SimpleBinary, types.SimpleNamespace, cs.binary.AbstractBinary, cs.binary.BinaryMixin)

Common subclass of several things with .boxes.

Class CPRTBoxBody(FullBoxBody, BoxBody, cs.binary.SimpleBinary, types.SimpleNamespace, cs.binary.AbstractBinary, cs.binary.BinaryMixin)

A 'cprt' Copyright box - section 8.10.2.

Class CSLGBoxBody(FullBoxBody, BoxBody, cs.binary.SimpleBinary, types.SimpleNamespace, cs.binary.AbstractBinary, cs.binary.BinaryMixin)

A 'cslg' Composition to Decode box - section

Function decode_itunes_date_field(data)

The iTunes 'Date' meta field: a year or an ISO timestamp.

Function deref_box(B, path)

Dereference a path with respect to this Box.

Class DREFBoxBody(FullBoxBody, BoxBody, cs.binary.SimpleBinary, types.SimpleNamespace, cs.binary.AbstractBinary, cs.binary.BinaryMixin)

A 'dref' Data Reference box containing Data Entry boxes - section

Function dump_box(B, indent='', fp=None, crop_length=170, indent_incr=None)

Recursively dump a Box.

Class ELNGBoxBody(FullBoxBody, BoxBody, cs.binary.SimpleBinary, types.SimpleNamespace, cs.binary.AbstractBinary, cs.binary.BinaryMixin)

A ELNGBoxBody is a Extended Language Tag box - ISO14496 section 8.4.6.

Class ELSTBoxBody(FullBoxBody, BoxBody, cs.binary.SimpleBinary, types.SimpleNamespace, cs.binary.AbstractBinary, cs.binary.BinaryMixin)

An 'elst' Edit List FullBoxBody - section 8.6.6.

Class FallbackBoxBody(BoxBody, cs.binary.SimpleBinary, types.SimpleNamespace, cs.binary.AbstractBinary, cs.binary.BinaryMixin)

A BoxBody subclass which parses nothing for unimplemented Box types, used by pick_boxbody_class().

Class FREEBoxBody(BoxBody, cs.binary.SimpleBinary, types.SimpleNamespace, cs.binary.AbstractBinary, cs.binary.BinaryMixin)

A 'free' or 'skip' box - ISO14496 section 8.1.2. Note the length and discard the data portion.

Class FTYPBoxBody(BoxBody, cs.binary.SimpleBinary, types.SimpleNamespace, cs.binary.AbstractBinary, cs.binary.BinaryMixin)

An 'ftyp' File Type box - ISO14496 section 4.3. Decode the major_brand, minor_version and compatible_brands.

Class FullBoxBody(BoxBody, cs.binary.SimpleBinary, types.SimpleNamespace, cs.binary.AbstractBinary, cs.binary.BinaryMixin)

A common extension of a basic BoxBody, with a version and flags field. ISO14496 section 4.2.

Class HDLRBoxBody(FullBoxBody, BoxBody, cs.binary.SimpleBinary, types.SimpleNamespace, cs.binary.AbstractBinary, cs.binary.BinaryMixin)

A HDLRBoxBody is a Handler Reference box - ISO14496 section 8.4.3.

Function ILSTAofBSchema(attribute_name)

Attribute name and type for ILST "A of B" schema.

Class ILSTBoxBody(ContainerBoxBody, BoxBody, cs.binary.SimpleBinary, types.SimpleNamespace, cs.binary.AbstractBinary, cs.binary.BinaryMixin)

Apple iTunes Information List, container for iTunes metadata fields.

The basis of the format knowledge here comes from AtomicParsley's documentation here:

and additional information from:

Function ILSTISOFormatSchema(attribute_name)

Attribute name and type for ILST ISO format schema.

Function ILSTRawSchema(attribute_name)

Attribute name and type for ILST raw schema.

Function ILSTTextSchema(attribute_name)

Attribute name and type for ILST text schema.

Function ILSTUInt32BESchema(attribute_name)

Attribute name and type for ILST UInt32BE schema.

Function ILSTUInt8Schema(attribute_name)

Attribute name and type for ILST UInt8BE schema.

Class itunes_media_type(builtins.tuple)

itunes_media_type(type, stik)

Method itunes_media_type.__new__(_cls, type, stik): Create new instance of itunes_media_type(type, stik)

Class itunes_store_country_code(builtins.tuple)

itunes_store_country_code(country_name, iso_3166_1_code, itunes_store_code)

Method itunes_store_country_code.__new__(_cls, country_name, iso_3166_1_code, itunes_store_code): Create new instance of itunes_store_country_code(country_name, iso_3166_1_code, itunes_store_code)

Function main(argv=None)

Command line mode.

Class MDATBoxBody(BoxBody, cs.binary.SimpleBinary, types.SimpleNamespace, cs.binary.AbstractBinary, cs.binary.BinaryMixin)

A Media Data Box - ISO14496 section 8.1.1.

Class MDHDBoxBody(FullBoxBody, BoxBody, cs.binary.SimpleBinary, types.SimpleNamespace, cs.binary.AbstractBinary, cs.binary.BinaryMixin)

A MDHDBoxBody is a Media Header box - ISO14496 section 8.4.2.

Class METABoxBody(FullBoxBody, BoxBody, cs.binary.SimpleBinary, types.SimpleNamespace, cs.binary.AbstractBinary, cs.binary.BinaryMixin)

A 'meta' Meta BoxBody - section 8.11.1.

Class MOOVBoxBody(ContainerBoxBody, BoxBody, cs.binary.SimpleBinary, types.SimpleNamespace, cs.binary.AbstractBinary, cs.binary.BinaryMixin)

An 'moov' Movie box - ISO14496 section 8.2.1. Decode the contained boxes.

Class MP4Command(cs.cmdutils.BaseCommand)

Command line usage:

Usage: mp4 subcommand [...] Subcommands: autotag autotag [-n] [-p prefix] [--prefix=prefix] paths... Tag paths based on embedded MP4 metadata. -n No action. -p prefix, --prefix=prefix Set the prefix of added tags, default: 'mp4' deref ... Dereference a Box specification against ISO14496 files. extract extract [-H] filename boxref output Extract the referenced Box from the specified filename into output. -H Skip the Box header. help [-l] [subcommand-names...] Print the full help for the named subcommands, or for all subcommands if no names are specified. -l Long help even if no subcommand-names provided. info info [{-|filename}]...] Print informative report about each source. parse [parse [{-|filename}]...] Parse the named files (or stdin for "-"). shell Run a command prompt via cmd.Cmd using this command's subcommands. tags path Report the tags of path based on embedded MP4 metadata. test [testnames...] Run self tests.

Class MVHDBoxBody(FullBoxBody, BoxBody, cs.binary.SimpleBinary, types.SimpleNamespace, cs.binary.AbstractBinary, cs.binary.BinaryMixin)

An 'mvhd' Movie Header box - ISO14496 section 8.2.2.

Class OverBox(cs.binary.BinaryListValues, cs.binary.AbstractBinary, cs.binary.BinaryMixin, HasBoxesMixin)

A fictitious Box encompassing all the Boxes in an input buffer.

Function parse(o)

Return the OverBox from a source (str, int, bytes, file).

The leading o parameter may be one of:

  • str: a filesystem file pathname
  • int: a OS file descriptor
  • bytes: a bytes object
  • file: if not int or str the presumption is that this is a file-like object

Keyword arguments are as for OverBox.from_buffer.

Function parse_deref_path(path, offset=0)

Parse a path string from offset. Return the path components and the offset where the parse stopped.

Path components:

  • identifier: an identifier represents a Box field or if such a field is not present, a the first subbox of this type
  • [index]: the subbox with index index


>>> parse_deref_path('.abcd[5]')
['abcd', 5]

Function parse_fields(bfr, copy_offsets=None, **kw)

Parse an ISO14496 stream from the CornuCopyBuffer bfr, yield top level OverBoxes.


  • bfr: a CornuCopyBuffer provided the stream data, preferably seekable
  • discard_data: whether to discard unparsed data, default False
  • copy_offsets: callable to receive Box offsets

Function parse_tags(path, tag_prefix=None)

Parse the tags from path. Yield (box,tags) for each subbox with tags.

The optional tag_prefix parameter may be specified to prefix each tag name with a prefix. Other keyword arguments are passed to parse() (typical example: discard_data=True).

Class PDINBoxBody(FullBoxBody, BoxBody, cs.binary.SimpleBinary, types.SimpleNamespace, cs.binary.AbstractBinary, cs.binary.BinaryMixin)

A 'pdin' Progressive Download Information box - ISO14496 section 8.1.3.

Function pick_boxbody_class(box_type: bytes)

Infer a BoxBody subclass from the 4-byte bytes box_type. Returns FallbackBoxBody for unimplemented types.

Function report(box, indent='', fp=None, indent_incr=None)

Report some human friendly information about a box.

Class SMHDBoxBody(FullBoxBody, BoxBody, cs.binary.SimpleBinary, types.SimpleNamespace, cs.binary.AbstractBinary, cs.binary.BinaryMixin)

A 'smhd' Sound Media Headerbox - section 12.2.2.

Class STCOBoxBody(FullBoxBody, BoxBody, cs.binary.SimpleBinary, types.SimpleNamespace, cs.binary.AbstractBinary, cs.binary.BinaryMixin)

A 'stco' Chunk Offset box - section 8.7.5.

Class STSCBoxBody(FullBoxBody, BoxBody, cs.binary.SimpleBinary, types.SimpleNamespace, cs.binary.AbstractBinary, cs.binary.BinaryMixin)

'stsc' (Sample Table box - section

Class STSZBoxBody(FullBoxBody, BoxBody, cs.binary.SimpleBinary, types.SimpleNamespace, cs.binary.AbstractBinary, cs.binary.BinaryMixin)

A 'stsz' Sample Size box - section

Class STZ2BoxBody(FullBoxBody, BoxBody, cs.binary.SimpleBinary, types.SimpleNamespace, cs.binary.AbstractBinary, cs.binary.BinaryMixin)

A 'stz2' Compact Sample Size box - section

Class TimeStamp32(cs.binary.UInt32BE, cs.binary.UInt32BE, builtins.tuple, cs.binary.AbstractBinary, cs.binary.BinaryMixin, TimeStampMixin)

The 32 bit form of an ISO14496 timestamp.

Class TimeStamp64(cs.binary.UInt64BE, cs.binary.UInt64BE, builtins.tuple, cs.binary.AbstractBinary, cs.binary.BinaryMixin, TimeStampMixin)

The 64 bit form of an ISO14496 timestamp.

Class TimeStampMixin

Methods to assist with ISO14496 timestamps.

Class TKHDBoxBody(FullBoxBody, BoxBody, cs.binary.SimpleBinary, types.SimpleNamespace, cs.binary.AbstractBinary, cs.binary.BinaryMixin)

A 'tkhd' Track Header box - ISO14496 section 8.2.2.

Class TrackGroupTypeBoxBody(FullBoxBody, BoxBody, cs.binary.SimpleBinary, types.SimpleNamespace, cs.binary.AbstractBinary, cs.binary.BinaryMixin)

A TrackGroupTypeBoxBody contains a track group id - ISO14496 section

Class TrackReferenceTypeBoxBody(BoxBody, cs.binary.SimpleBinary, types.SimpleNamespace, cs.binary.AbstractBinary, cs.binary.BinaryMixin)

A TrackReferenceTypeBoxBody contains references to other tracks - ISO14496 section

Class TREFBoxBody(ContainerBoxBody, BoxBody, cs.binary.SimpleBinary, types.SimpleNamespace, cs.binary.AbstractBinary, cs.binary.BinaryMixin)

Track Reference BoxBody, container for trackReferenceTypeBoxes - ISO14496 section 8.3.3.

Class TTSB_Sample(builtins.tuple)

TTSB_Sample(count, delta)

Method TTSB_Sample.__new__(_cls, count, delta): Create new instance of TTSB_Sample(count, delta)

Class URL_BoxBody(FullBoxBody, BoxBody, cs.binary.SimpleBinary, types.SimpleNamespace, cs.binary.AbstractBinary, cs.binary.BinaryMixin)

An 'url ' Data Entry URL BoxBody - section

Class URN_BoxBody(FullBoxBody, BoxBody, cs.binary.SimpleBinary, types.SimpleNamespace, cs.binary.AbstractBinary, cs.binary.BinaryMixin)

An 'urn ' Data Entry URL BoxBody - section

Class UTF8or16Field(cs.binary.SimpleBinary, types.SimpleNamespace, cs.binary.AbstractBinary, cs.binary.BinaryMixin)

An ISO14496 UTF8 or UTF16 encoded string.

Class VMHDBoxBody(FullBoxBody, BoxBody, cs.binary.SimpleBinary, types.SimpleNamespace, cs.binary.AbstractBinary, cs.binary.BinaryMixin)

A 'vmhd' Video Media Headerbox - section 12.1.2.

Release Log

Release 20231129: Small updates and fixes.

Release 20230212:

  • Drop cs.context.StackableState in favour of cs.threads.State.
  • MP4Command.cmd_autotag: use @uses_fstags for the fstags parameter.

Release 20220606: Update obsolete use of Tag.with_prefix.

Release 20210306:

  • Huge refactor of the Box classes to the new Binary* classes from cs.binary.
  • mp4: new "tags" subcommand to print the tags parsed from a file.
  • BoxHeader: fix the definition of MAX_BOX_SIZE_32.
  • BoxBody: new parse_boxes utility method to part the remainder of a Box as subBoxes.
  • MP4.cmd_parse: run the main parse in discard_data=True mode.
  • METABoxBody.getattr: fix ILST typo.
  • MP4Command: update for new cs.cmdutils.BaseCommand API.
  • Many small fixes and tweaks.

Release 20200229:

  • ILST: recognise @cpy as copyright, sfID as itunes_store_country_code.
  • ILST: new SFID_ISO_3166_1_ALPHA_3_CODE and STIK_MEDIA_TYPES providing context data for various field values, as yet unused.
  • Make various list fields of some boxes deferred because they are expensive to parse (uses new cs.binary deferred_field).
  • add_generic_sample_boxbody: drop iter, causes dumb iterators to parse the samples.
  • ILST: iTunes "Date" metadata seem to contain plain years or ISO8601 datestamps.
  • mp4 autotag: add -n (no action) and -p,--prefix (set tag prefix, default 'mp4') options.
  • mp4 autotag: use "mp4." as the tag prefix.

Release 20200130:

  • Parsing of ILST boxes (iTunes metadata).
  • Command line: new "info" subcommand reporting metadata, "autotag" applying metadata to fstags.
  • Box tree walk, ancestor, iteration.
  • Assorted cleanups and internal changes.

Release 20190220: parse_buffer yields instead of returns; some small bugfixes.

Release 20180810:

  • parse_fd(): use a mmap to access the descriptor if a regular file and not discard_data;
  • this lets us use the mmapped file as backing store for the data, a big win for the media sections.

Release 20180805: Initial PyPI release.

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cs.iso14496-20231129.tar.gz (34.3 kB view hashes)

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cs.iso14496-20231129-py3-none-any.whl (27.0 kB view hashes)

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