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Simple filesystem based file tagging and the associated `fstags` command line script.

Project description

Simple filesystem based file tagging and the associated fstags command line script.

Latest release 20240709:

  • New CachedValue class to manage a cached TaggedPath tag value.
  • New TaggedPath.cached_value() method to return a CachedValue.

Many basic tasks can be performed with the fstags command line utility, documented under the FSTagsCommand class below.

Why fstags? By storing the tags in a separate file we:

  • can store tags without modifying a file
  • do not need to know the file's format, or even whether that format supports metadata
  • can process tags on any kind of file
  • because tags are inherited from parent directories, tags can be automatically acquired merely by arranging your file tree

Tags are stored in the file .fstags in each directory; there is a line for each entry in the directory consisting of the directory entry name and the associated tags.

Tags may be "bare", or have a value. If there is a value it is expressed with an equals ('=') followed by the JSON encoding of the value.

The tags for a file are the union of its direct tags and all relevant ancestor tags, with priority given to tags closer to the file.

For example, a media file for a television episode with the pathname /path/to/series-name/season-02/episode-name--s02e03--something.mp4 might have the tags:

series_title="Series Full Name"
episode_title="Full Episode Title"

obtained from the following .fstags entries:

  • tag file /path/to/.fstags:

    series-name sf series_title="Series Full Name"

  • tag file /path/to/series-name/.fstags:

    season-02 season=2

  • tag file /path/to/series-name/season-02/.fstags:

    episode-name--s02e03--something.mp4 episode=3 episode_title="Full Episode Title"

fstags Examples

Backing up a media tree too big for the removable drives

Walk the media tree for files tagged for backup to archive2:

fstags find /path/to/media backup=archive2

Walk the media tree for files not assigned to a backup archive:

fstags find /path/to/media -backup

Backup the archive2 files using rsync:

fstags find --for-rsync /path/to/media backup=archive2 \
| rsync -ia --include-from=- /path/to/media /path/to/backup_archive2

Class CachedValue

Manage a cached value stored in a TaggedPath. The value and the validity state are stored in a prefixed subsection of the tags.

This is how modules like cs.hashindex cache file content hashcodes.

The default state function is TaggedPath.stat_size_mtime, which returns {'st_size':st_size,'st_mtime':int(st_mtime)} by default, essentially the same criteria used by rsync(1) to skip comparing file contents.


  tags = fstags[fspath]

Method CachedValue.__init__(self, taggedpath: cs.fstags.TaggedPath, prefix: str, name: str, *, state_func: Optional[Callable[[str], Mapping[str, Any]]] = None): Initialise a cached value reference.


  • taggedpath: the TaggedPath tagged file system path
  • prefix: the tags prefix
  • name: the tag name for the value
  • state_func; an optional function to compute the current state if taggedpath; the default is CachedValue.stat_size_mtime which returns the current file st_size and st_mtime

Method CachedValue.get(self) -> Tuple[Optional[Any], Mapping[str, Any]]: Get the cached value if the current state matches the cache state, otherwise None. Return the valu or None and the current state.

Method CachedValue.set(self, value: Any, *, state: Mapping = None): Update the cached value and associated state. If the state is omitted, the current state is used.

Method CachedValue.stat_size_mtime(fspath: str, round_mtime=<class 'int'>, follow_symlinks=True) -> dict: Return the default cache state mapping. This function stats the fspath and returns {'size':st_size,'mtime':int(st_mtime)}.

Class CascadeRule

A cascade rule of possible source tag names to provide a target tag.

Method CascadeRule.infer_tag(self, tagset): Apply the rule to the TagSet tagset. Return a new Tag(,value) for the first cascade value found in tagset, or None if there is no match.

DEFAULT_FSTAGS = FSTags('.fstags')

A class to examine filesystem tags.

Class FSTags(cs.resources.MultiOpenMixin)

A class to examine filesystem tags.

Method FSTags.__init__(self, tagsfile_basename=None, ontology_filepath=None, physical=None, update_mapping: Optional[Mapping] = None, update_prefix: Optional[str] = 'cs.fstags', update_uuid_tag_name: Optional[str] = 'uuid'): Initialise the FSTags instance.


  • tagsfile_basename: optional basename forthe backing tags files, default from TAGSFILE_BASENAME: '.fstags'
  • ontology_filepath: optional filesystem path for an associated ontology
  • physical: optional flag for the associated FSTagsConfig specifying whether TagFiles are indexed by their physical or logical filesystem paths
  • update_mapping: optional secondary mapping to which to mirror tags, such as an SQLTags; the default comes from an SQLTags specified by the environment variable $FSTAGS_UPDATE_MAPPING if present
  • update_prefix: optional key prefix for use in the secondary mapping; the default comes from the environment variable $FSTAGS_UPDATE_MAPPING_PREFIX if present, otherwise 'cs.fstags'
  • update_uuid_tag_name: optional name for the per file UUID tag name; default 'uuid'

Method FSTags.__getitem__(self, path) -> 'TaggedPath': Return the TaggedPath for abspath(path).

Method FSTags.apply_tag_choices(self, tag_choices, paths): Apply the tag_choices to paths.


  • tag_choices: an iterable of Tag or an equality TagBasedTest. Each item applies or removes a Tag from each path's direct tags.
  • paths: an iterable of filesystem paths.

Method FSTags.attach_path(self, attach, srcpath, dstpath, *, force=False, crop_ok=False): Attach srcpath to dstpath using the attach callable.


  • attach: callable accepting attach(srcpath,dstpath) to do the desired attachment, such as a copy, link or move
  • srcpath: the source filesystem object
  • dstpath: the destination filesystem object
  • crop_ok: if true and the OS raises OSError(ENAMETOOLONG) attempt to crop the name before the file extension and retry
  • force: default False. If true and the destination exists try to remove it before calling attach. Otherwise if the destination exists raise a ValueError.

Method FSTags.cascade_tags(self, tags, cascade_rules=None): Yield Tags which cascade from the TagSet tags via cascade_rules (an iterable of CascadeRules).

Method FSTags.copy(self, srcpath, dstpath, **kw): Copy srcpath to dstpath.

Method FSTags.dir_tagfile(self, dirpath: str) -> 'FSTagsTagFile': Return the FSTagsTagFile associated with dirpath.

Method FSTags.edit_dirpath(self, dirpath, all_names=False): Edit the filenames and tags in a directory.

If all_names is true, include names commencing with a dot, otherwise exclude them.

Method FSTags.export_xattrs(self, paths): Import the extended attributes of paths and use them to update the fstags.

Method FSTags.find(self, path, tag_tests, use_direct_tags=False): Walk the file tree from path searching for files matching the supplied tag_tests. Yield the matching file paths.


  • path: the top of the file tree to walk
  • tag_tests: a sequence of TagBasedTests
  • use_direct_tags: test the direct_tags if true, otherwise the all_tags. Default: False

Method FSTags.find_ontology(self, dirpath, ontbase=None): Locate an ontology for the directory dirpath. The optional ontbase may override the relative path to the file, default is self.ontology_filepath. Return a TagOntology or None if not found.

Method FSTags.find_ontpath(self, dirpath, ontbase=None): Locate an ontology file for the directory dirpath. The optional ontbase may override the relative path to the file, default is self.ontology_filepath. Return the found ontology file or None if not found.

Method FSTags.import_xattrs(self, paths): Update the extended attributes of paths from their fstags.

Method FSTags.keypath(self, fspath): Compute the absolute path used to index a TaggedPath instance.

This returns realpath(fspath) if self.config.physical, otherwise abspath(fspath).

Method, srcpath, dstpath, **kw): Link srcpath to dstpath.

Method FSTags.move(self, srcpath, dstpath, **kw): Move srcpath to dstpath.

Method, srcpath: str, dstpath: str, *, symlink=False, remove=True): Move (or link or symlink) srcpath to dstpath.


  • srcpath: the source filesystem path
  • dstpath: the destination filesystem path
  • symlink: default False: if true, make a symbolic link
  • remove: default True: if true, remove srcpath after hard linking to dstpath

Property FSTags.ontology: The primary TagsOntology, or None if self.ontology_filepath was None.

Property FSTags.ontology_filepath: The ontology file basename.

Method FSTags.ontology_for(self, path, ontbase=None): Return the TagsOntology associated with path. Returns None if an ontology cannot be found.

Method FSTags.open_ontology(self, ontpath): Open the contology file at ontpath.

Method FSTags.path_tagfiles(self, fspath): Generator yielding a sequence of (FSTagsTagFile,name) pairs where name is the key within the FSTagsTagFile for the FSTagsTagFiles affecting fspath in order from the root to dirname(fspath).

Method FSTags.resolve_format_string(self, format_string): See if format_string looks like [clausename]entryname. if so, return the corresponding config entry string, otherwise return format_string unchanged.

Method FSTags.scrub(self, path): Scrub tags for names which do not exist in the filesystem.

Method FSTags.startup_shutdown(self): Sync tag files and db mapping on final close.

Method FSTags.sync(self): Flush modified tag files.

Method FSTags.tagfile_for(self, fspath): Return the FSTagsTagFile storing the Tags for fspath.

Property FSTags.tagsfile_basename: The tag file basename.

Method FSTags.test(self, path, tag_tests, use_direct_tags=False): Test a path against tag_tests.


  • path: path to test
  • tag_tests: an iterable of TagBasedTests
  • use_direct_tags: test the direct_tags if true, otherwise the all_tags. Default: False

Class FSTagsCommand(cs.cmdutils.BaseCommand, cs.tagset.TagsCommandMixin)

fstags main command line utility.

Usage summary:

Usage: fstags [-o ontology] [-P] subcommand [...]
  -o ontology   Specify the path to an ontology file.
  -P            Physical. Resolve pathnames through symlinks.
                Default ~/.fstagsrc[general]physical or False.
    autotag paths...
      Tag paths based on rules from the rc file.
    cp [-finv] srcpath dstpath, cp [-finv] srcpaths... dstdirpath
      POSIX cp(1) equivalent, but also copying tags: copy files and their tags into targetdir.
      -f  Force: remove destination if it exists.
      -i  Interactive: fail if the destination exists.
      -n  No remove: fail if the destination exists.
      -v  Verbose: show copied files.
    cptags srcpath dstpath
      Copy the direct tags from srcpath to dstpath.
    edit [-ad] [path]
      Edit the direct tagsets of path, default: '.'.
      If path is a directory, provide the tags of its entries.
      Otherwise edit just the tags for path.
      -a    List all names in directory edit mode; normally
            names commencing with a dot are omitted.
      -d    Treat directories like files: edit just its tags.
    export [-a] [--direct] path {tag[=value]|-tag}...
      Export tags for files from paths matching all the constraints.
      -a        Export all paths, not just those with tags.
      --direct  Export the direct tags instead of the computed tags.
      The output is in the same CSV format as that from "sqltags export",
      with the following columns:
      * unixtime: the file's st_mtime from os.stat.
      * id: empty
      * name: the file path
      * tags: the file's direct or indirect tags
    find [--direct] [--for-rsync] [-o output_format] path {tag[=value]|-tag}...
      List files from path matching all the constraints.
      --direct    Use direct tags instead of all tags.
      --for-rsync Instead of listing matching paths, emit a
                  sequence of rsync(1) patterns suitable for use with
                  --include-from in order to do a selective rsync of the
                  matched paths.
      -o output_format
                  Use output_format as a Python format string to lay out
                  the listing.
                  Default: {fspath}
    help [-l] [subcommand-names...]
      Print help for subcommands.
      This outputs the full help for the named subcommands,
      or the short help for all subcommands if no names are specified.
      -l  Long help even if no subcommand-names provided.
    import {-|srcpath}...
      Import CSV data in the format emitted by "export".
      Each argument is a file path or "-", indicating standard input.
    infer pathname
      Print the base and inferred tags for pathname.
    json_import --prefix=tag_prefix {-|path} {-|tags.json}
      Apply JSON data to path.
      A path named "-" indicates that paths should be read from
      the standard input.
      The JSON tag data come from the file "tags.json"; the name
      "-" indicates that the JSON data should be read from the
      standard input.
    ln [-finv] srcpath dstpath, ln [-finv] srcpaths... dstdirpath
      POSIX ln(1) equivalent, but also copying the tags: link files and their tags into targetdir.
      -f  Force: remove destination if it exists.
      -i  Interactive: fail if the destination exists.
      -n  No remove: fail if the destination exists.
      -v  Verbose: show linked files.
    ls [-dlr] [--direct] [-o output_format] [paths...]
      List files from paths and their tags.
      -d          Treat directories like files, do not recurse.
      --direct    List direct tags instead of all tags.
      -l          Long format.
      -o output_format
                  Use output_format as a Python format string to lay out
                  the listing.
                  Default: {fspath:json} {tags}
      -r          Recurse into subdirectories.
    mv [-finv] srcpath dstpath, mv [-finv] srcpaths... dstdirpath
      POSIX mv(1) equivalent, but also copying the tags: move files and their tags into targetdir.
      -f  Force: remove destination if it exists.
      -i  Interactive: fail if the destination exists.
      -n  No remove: fail if the destination exists.
      -v  Verbose: show moved files.
    ns [-d] [--direct] [paths...]
      Report on the available primary namespace fields for formatting.
      Note that because the namespace used for formatting has
      inferred field names there are also unshown secondary field
      names available in format strings.
      -d          Treat directories like files, do not recurse.
      --direct    List direct tags instead of all tags.
    ont [subcommand [args...]]
      With no arguments, print the ontology.
    rename -o basename_format paths...
      Rename paths according to a format string.
      -o basename_format
          Use basename_format as a Python format string to
          compute the new basename for each path.
    scrub paths...
      Remove all tags for missing paths.
      If a path is a directory, scrub the immediate paths in the directory.
      Run a command prompt via cmd.Cmd using this command's subcommands.
    tag {-|path} {tag[=value]|-tag}...
      Tag a path with multiple tags.
      With the form "-tag", remove that tag from the direct tags.
      A path named "-" indicates that paths should be read from the
      standard input.
    tagfile tagfile_path [subcommand ...]
      Perform operations on a tag file.
        tag tagset_name {tag[=value]|-tag}...
          Directly modify tag_name within the tag file tagfile_path.
    tagpaths {tag[=value]|-tag} {-|paths...}
      Tag multiple paths.
      With the form "-tag", remove the tag from the immediate tags.
      A single path named "-" indicates that paths should be read
      from the standard input.
    test [--direct] path {tag[=value]|-tag}...
      Test whether the path matches all the constraints.
      --direct    Use direct tags instead of all tags.
    xattr_export {-|paths...}
      Import tag information from extended attributes.
    xattr_import {-|paths...}
      Update extended attributes from tags.


Method FSTagsCommand.apply_opt(self, opt, val): Apply command line option.

Method FSTagsCommand.cmd_autotag(self, argv, *, upd: cs.upd.Upd, runstate: Optional[cs.resources.RunState] = <function uses_runstate.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x104a57ce0>): Usage: {cmd} paths... Tag paths based on rules from the rc file.

Method FSTagsCommand.cmd_cp(self, argv): Usage: {cmd} [-finv] srcpath dstpath, {cmd} [-finv] srcpaths... dstdirpath POSIX cp(1) equivalent, but also copying tags: copy files and their tags into targetdir. -f Force: remove destination if it exists. -i Interactive: fail if the destination exists. -n No remove: fail if the destination exists. -v Verbose: show copied files.

Method FSTagsCommand.cmd_cptags(self, argv): Usage: {cmd} srcpath dstpath Copy the direct tags from srcpath to dstpath.

Method FSTagsCommand.cmd_edit(self, argv): Usage: {cmd} [-ad] [path] Edit the direct tagsets of path, default: '.'. If path is a directory, provide the tags of its entries. Otherwise edit just the tags for path. -a List all names in directory edit mode; normally names commencing with a dot are omitted. -d Treat directories like files: edit just its tags.

Method FSTagsCommand.cmd_export(self, argv, *, runstate: Optional[cs.resources.RunState] = <function uses_runstate.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x104c18220>): Usage: {cmd} [-a] [--direct] path {{tag[=value]|-tag}}... Export tags for files from paths matching all the constraints. -a Export all paths, not just those with tags. --direct Export the direct tags instead of the computed tags. The output is in the same CSV format as that from "sqltags export", with the following columns:

  • unixtime: the file's st_mtime from os.stat.
  • id: empty
  • name: the file path
  • tags: the file's direct or indirect tags

Method FSTagsCommand.cmd_find(self, argv, *, runstate: Optional[cs.resources.RunState] = <function uses_runstate.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x104c18400>): Usage: {cmd} [--direct] [--for-rsync] [-o output_format] path {{tag[=value]|-tag}}... List files from path matching all the constraints. --direct Use direct tags instead of all tags. --for-rsync Instead of listing matching paths, emit a sequence of rsync(1) patterns suitable for use with --include-from in order to do a selective rsync of the matched paths. -o output_format Use output_format as a Python format string to lay out the listing. Default: {FIND_OUTPUT_FORMAT_DEFAULT}

Method FSTagsCommand.cmd_import(self, argv): Usage: {cmd} {{-|srcpath}}... Import CSV data in the format emitted by "export". Each argument is a file path or "-", indicating standard input.

Method FSTagsCommand.cmd_infer(self, argv): Usage: {cmd} pathname Print the base and inferred tags for pathname.

Method FSTagsCommand.cmd_json_import(self, argv): Usage: json_import --prefix=tag_prefix {{-|path}} {{-|tags.json}} Apply JSON data to path. A path named "-" indicates that paths should be read from the standard input. The JSON tag data come from the file "tags.json"; the name "-" indicates that the JSON data should be read from the standard input.

Method FSTagsCommand.cmd_ln(self, argv): Usage: {cmd} [-finv] srcpath dstpath, {cmd} [-finv] srcpaths... dstdirpath POSIX ln(1) equivalent, but also copying the tags: link files and their tags into targetdir. -f Force: remove destination if it exists. -i Interactive: fail if the destination exists. -n No remove: fail if the destination exists. -v Verbose: show linked files.

Method FSTagsCommand.cmd_ls(self, argv, *, runstate: Optional[cs.resources.RunState] = <function uses_runstate.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x104c18860>): Usage: {cmd} [-dlr] [--direct] [-o output_format] [paths...] List files from paths and their tags. -d Treat directories like files, do not recurse. --direct List direct tags instead of all tags. -l Long format. -o output_format Use output_format as a Python format string to lay out the listing. Default: {LS_OUTPUT_FORMAT_DEFAULT} -r Recurse into subdirectories.

Method FSTagsCommand.cmd_mv(self, argv): Usage: {cmd} [-finv] srcpath dstpath, {cmd} [-finv] srcpaths... dstdirpath POSIX mv(1) equivalent, but also copying the tags: move files and their tags into targetdir. -f Force: remove destination if it exists. -i Interactive: fail if the destination exists. -n No remove: fail if the destination exists. -v Verbose: show moved files.

Method FSTagsCommand.cmd_ns(self, argv): Usage: {cmd} [-d] [--direct] [paths...] Report on the available primary namespace fields for formatting. Note that because the namespace used for formatting has inferred field names there are also unshown secondary field names available in format strings. -d Treat directories like files, do not recurse. --direct List direct tags instead of all tags.

Method FSTagsCommand.cmd_ont(self, argv): Ontology operations.

Usage: {cmd} [subcommand [args...]] With no arguments, print the ontology.

Method FSTagsCommand.cmd_rename(self, argv): Usage: {cmd} -o basename_format paths... Rename paths according to a format string. -o basename_format Use basename_format as a Python format string to compute the new basename for each path.

Method FSTagsCommand.cmd_scrub(self, argv): Usage: {cmd} paths... Remove all tags for missing paths. If a path is a directory, scrub the immediate paths in the directory.

Method FSTagsCommand.cmd_tag(self, argv): Usage: {cmd} {{-|path}} {{tag[=value]|-tag}}... Tag a path with multiple tags. With the form "-tag", remove that tag from the direct tags. A path named "-" indicates that paths should be read from the standard input.

Method FSTagsCommand.cmd_tagfile(self, argv): Usage: {cmd} tagfile_path [subcommand ...] Perform operations on a tag file. Subcommands: tag tagset_name {{tag[=value]|-tag}}... Directly modify tag_name within the tag file tagfile_path.

Method FSTagsCommand.cmd_tagpaths(self, argv): Usage: {cmd} {{tag[=value]|-tag}} {{-|paths...}} Tag multiple paths. With the form "-tag", remove the tag from the immediate tags. A single path named "-" indicates that paths should be read from the standard input.

Method FSTagsCommand.cmd_test(self, argv): Usage: {cmd} [--direct] path {{tag[=value]|-tag}}... Test whether the path matches all the constraints. --direct Use direct tags instead of all tags.

Method FSTagsCommand.cmd_xattr_export(self, argv): Usage: {cmd} {{-|paths...}} Import tag information from extended attributes.

Method FSTagsCommand.cmd_xattr_import(self, argv): Usage: {cmd} {{-|paths...}} Update extended attributes from tags.

Method FSTagsCommand.import_csv_file(self, f, *, convert_name=None): Import CSV data from the file f.


  • f: the source CSV file
  • convert_name: a callable to convert each input name into a file path; the default is to use the input name directly

Method FSTagsCommand.run_context(self): Push the FSTags.

Class FSTagsConfig(cs.fs.FSPathBasedSingleton)

A configuration for fstags.

Method FSTagsConfig.__init__(self, rcfilepath=None, physical=None): Initialise the config.


  • rcfilepath: the path to the confguration file If None, default to '~/.fstagsrc' (from RCFILE).

Method FSTagsConfig.cascade_rules_from_config(config): Return a list of the [cascade] tag rules from the config.

Method FSTagsConfig.filename_rules_from_config(config): Return a list of the [filename_autotag] tag rules from the config.

Method FSTagsConfig.load_config(rcfilepath): Read an rc file, return a ConfigParser instance.

Property FSTagsConfig.tagsfile_basename: The tags filename, default '.fstags'.

Class FSTagsTagFile(cs.tagset.TagFile, HasFSTagsMixin)

A FSTagsTagFile indexing TagSets for file paths which lives in the file path's directory.

Method FSTagsTagFile.TagSetClass(self, name: str) -> cs.fstags.TaggedPath: factory to create a TaggedPath from a name.

Property FSTagsTagFile.dirpath: Return the path of the directory associated with this FSTagsTagFile.

Function get_xattr_value(fspath, xattr_name)

Read the extended attribute xattr_name of fspath. Return the extended attribute value as a string, or None if the attribute does not exist.


  • fspath: the filesystem path to update
  • xattr_name: the extended attribute to obtain if this is a str, the attribute is the UTF-8 encoding of that name.

Class HasFSTagsMixin

Mixin providing an automatic .fstags property.

Property HasFSTagsMixin.fstags: Return the .fstags property, default a shared default FSTags instance.

Function is_valid_basename(name: str)

Test whether name is a valid basefile for something in a directory.

Function main(argv=None)

Command line mode.

Function rsync_patterns(paths, top_path)

Return a list of rsync include lines suitable for use with the --include-from option.

Class TaggedPath(cs.tagset.TagSet, HasFSTagsMixin, cs.fs.HasFSPath, cs.deco.Promotable)

Class to manipulate the tags for a specific filesystem path.

Property TaggedPath.all_tags: Cached cumulative tags for this path as a TagSet by merging the tags from the root to the path.

Note that subsequent changes to some path component's direct_tags will not affect this TagSet.

Method TaggedPath.as_tags(self, prefix=None, all_tags=False): Yield the tag data as Tags.

This overrides TagSet.as_tags, honouring an optional all_tags` parameter.

Method TaggedPath.auto_infer(self, attr): Infer a value from attr via the associated FSTags.cascade_rules.

This implementation tries the cascade rules from the configuration and falls back to the superclass inference (the direct tag, if present). Therefore a tagset with a rule for .title and also a direct .title Tag would return the direct tag value for .title and the rule value for .auto.title.

Property TaggedPath.basename: The name of the final path component.

Method TaggedPath.cached_value(self, prefix: str, name: str, *, state_func: Optional[Callable[[str], Mapping[str, Any]]] = None) -> 'CachedValue': Return CachedValue managing the tag.

Method TaggedPath.export_xattrs(self): Update the extended attributes of the file.

Method TaggedPath.findup(self, check): Locate the first TaggedPath from self upwards (via .parent) for which check(TaggedPath) is true.

Method TaggedPath.format_kwargs(self, *, direct=False): Format arguments suitable for str.format_map.

This returns an ExtendedNamespace from TagSet.ns() for a computed TagSet.

In addition to the normal TagSet.ns() names the following additional names are available:

  • fspath.basename: basename of the TaggedPath.fspath
  • fspath.pathname: the TaggedPath.fspath
  • fspath.encoded: the JSON encoded fspath
  • tags: the TagSet as a string

Method TaggedPath.format_tagset(self, *, direct=False): Compute a TagSet from this file's tags with additional derived tags.

This can be converted into an ExtendedNamespace suitable for use with str.format_map via the TagSet's .format_kwargs() method.

In addition to the normal TagSet.ns() names the following additional names are available:

  • fspath.basename: basename of the TaggedPath.fspath
  • fspath.ext: the file extension of the basename of the TaggedPath.fspath
  • fspath.pathname: the TaggedPath.fspath
  • fspath.encoded: the JSON encoded fspath

Method TaggedPath.from_str(fspath, *, fstags: Optional[cs.fstags.FSTags] = <function <lambda> at 0x104a57740>): Supports the @promote decorator.

Method TaggedPath.get_xattr_tagset(self, xattr_name=None): Return a new TagSet from the extended attribute xattr_name of self.fspath. The default xattr_name is XATTR_B (None).

Method TaggedPath.import_xattrs(self): Update the direct tags from the file's extended attributes.

Method TaggedPath.infer_from_basename(self, rules=None): Apply rules to the basename of this TaggedPath, return a TagSet of inferred Tags.

Tag values from earlier rules override values from later rules.

The default rules come from self.fstags.config.filename_rules, which is sourced from ~/.fstagsrc.

Method TaggedPath.infer_tags(self): Infer tags for this path.

In order of preference:

  • from filesystem fstags
  • from file basename matching
  • from various _type suffixes
  • from the cascade rules (see FSTags.cascade_rules)

Property TaggedPath.keypath: The key path used to index this TaggedPath within its FSTags from FSTags.keypath(path).

Method TaggedPath.merged_tags(self): Compute the cumulative tags for this path as a new TagSet by merging the tags from the root to the path.

Property The .name is basename(self.fspath).

Property TaggedPath.parent: A reference to the parent of this TaggedPath, or None.

Method TaggedPath.prune_inherited(self): Examine the tags of this path's parent. Remove any tag on this file if they are present on the parent. Return a TagSet containing the pruned Tags.

Method, prune=True): Update the associated FSTagsTagFile.

Method TaggedPath.set(self, tag_name, value, **kw): Forbid the special tag name 'name', reserved for the filename.

Property TaggedPath.tagfile: Return the FSTagsTagFile storing the state for this TaggedPath.

Function update_xattr_value(fspath, xattr_name, new_xattr_value)

Update the extended attributes of fspath with new_xattr_value for xattr_name. Return the previous value, or None if the attribute was missing.

We avoid calling os.setxattr if the value will not change.


  • fspath: the filesystem path to update
  • xattr_name: the extended attribute to update; if this is a str, the attribute is the UTF-8 encoding of that name.
  • new_xattr_value: the new extended attribute value, a str which should be the transcription of TagSet i.e. str(tagset)

Function verbose(msg, *a)

Emit message if in verbose mode.

Release Log

Release 20240709:

  • New CachedValue class to manage a cached TaggedPath tag value.
  • New TaggedPath.cached_value() method to return a CachedValue.

Release 20240422:

  • Bugfix: .fstags files should no longer get Python repr() output for weirdly typed tag values.
  • Some other minor internal updates.

Release 20240412: Changes to accomodate dropping BaseCommandOptions.runstate.

Release 20240316:

  • TaggedPath.infer_tags: add _dt, _date, _f conversions, skip conversions which raise TypeError or ValueError.
  • rpaths: fix to yield relative paths.

Release 20240211:

  • TaggedPath: subclass Promotable, add from_str(fspath) class method.
  • FSTags: new mv(srcpath,dstpath) method to move/link/symlink a file bringing its tags.

Release 20240201.1: Release with "fstags" script.

Release 20240201: FSTags.attach_path: do not save the tagfile if the FSTags is open - the final close will do it.

Release 20231129: FSTags.startup_shutdown: run self.sync() in a finally clause.

Release 20230407:

  • FSTags: support open/close of self.update_mapping, update startup/shutdown to startup_shutdown.
  • Move the (optional) ORM open/close from FSTags.startup_shutdown to, greatly shortens the ORM lock.

Release 20230217: FSTagsCommand.cmd_rename: use -o for the format string as for other commands, -n is for "no action".

Release 20230212:

  • FSTags.keypath(fspath) and TaggedPath.keypath with the singleton filesystem path for a TaggedPath.
  • TaggedPath.parent property.
  • TaggedPath.findup(check) method.
  • FSTagsCommand: cmd_find,cmd_ls: abort if runstate.cancelled thus honouring SIGINT/^C.

Release 20230211: FSTags.init: treat empty $FSTAGS_UPDATE_MAPPING as missing i.e. None.

Release 20230210: New optional update_mapping for mirroring tags eg to an SQLTags; activated automatically by an $FSTAGS_UPDATE_MAPPING environment variable.

Release 20221228: new options prune=True parameter to drop empty top level dict/lists.

Release 20220918:

  • FSTagsConfig: add empty .provided dict for config overrides.
  • FSTagsConfig: set FSPATH_DEFAULT=RCFILE for use by FSPathBasedSingleton._singleton_key.
  • FSTagsConfig: accept optional physical parameter to choose realpath over abspath and new .physical property.
  • FSTags.getitem: use abspath or realpath depending on self.config.physical.
  • FSTagsCommand: new -P option for "physical" mode, plumb though to the config and self.options.
  • Provide a DEFAULT_FSTAGS instance and an @uses_fstags decorator.

Release 20220606: FSTagsCommand.edit: mention the filename in the header comments in tagset edit mode.

Release 20220430: Minor bugfixes.

Release 20220311:

  • New TaggedPath.infer_tags() method to compute and return the inferred TagSet.
  • New "fstags infer pathname" command.

Release 20211212:

  • Rename edit_many to edit_tagsets for clarity.
  • FSTags.edit_dirpath: include realpath(dirpath) at the top of the edit list.

Release 20210906:

  • TaggedPath: new auto_infer method overriding the inherited TagSet.auto_infer which consults the cascade_rules from the .fstagsrc.
  • fstags ls: new -l option to print a multiline tag listing.
  • fstags cptags: copy the tags from one path to another.
  • Assorted other changes.

Release 20210404:

  • FSTags.edit_dirpath: new all_names parameter to include dot-names.
  • FSTagsCommand.cmd_edit: new -a option to turn on the all_names parameter.

Release 20210306:

  • FSTags: new tagfile_for(filepath) to obtain the TagFile for filepath.
  • FSTagsCommand: new -o ontology option to supply an ontology file for the FSTags.
  • FSTagsCommand.cmd_ont: drop -o/--ontology, superceded by global -o option.
  • Move BaseTagFile from cs.fstags to TagFile in cs.tagset.
  • FSTags.edit_dirpath: we now get (old_name,new_name,TaggedPath) back from edit_many, obviating the te_id_map.
  • TaggedPath: .name property returning basename(self.filepath), .set and .discard methods rejecting use of the 'name' tag.
  • FSTagsCommand: port to new cs.cmdutils API.
  • Many small refactors and bugfixes.

Release 20200717.1: Add the manual page MarkDown source files. Note: well out of date, need updating.

Release 20200717: DISTINFO: require cs.obj>=20200716 for SingletonMixin API change.

Release 20200716:

  • Update for changed cs.obj.SingletonMixin API.
  • fstags: new "export" and "import" subcommands roughly paralleling those from "sqltags", providing CSV formatted export/import.
  • fstags export: ew -a (all paths) option - the default is not to not export paths with no tags.

Release 20200521.1: fix DISTINFO.install_requires

Release 20200521:

  • Add -i option to cp,ln,mv for command line compatibility, just disables -f.
  • New "rename" subcommand to rename files according to a format string.
  • Ontology support (optional).
  • Various classes are now singletons to avoid dissonance.
  • Fold "edittags" subcommand into "edit" via the "-d" (directories like files) option.
  • New "ns" subcommand reporting on the primary names available for formatting.
  • Accept [clausename]entryname as a format string to obtain the string from that entry of the config file.
  • Many bugfixes and improvements.

Release 20200229:

  • New TaggedPath.modified property aliasing the TagSet.modified attribute.
  • ls: new -d option to treat directories like files (do not recurse), aiding reporting of tags for a directory.
  • find,ls subcommands: work off the realpath of the supplied top level path.
  • Tag: now subclasses namedtuple.
  • Rewrite rpaths() to use scandir and to also yield (is_dir,path) tuples.
  • TagSet, Tag, TagChoice moved into new cs.tagset module for reuse.
  • json_import: make --prefix mandatory, is "." as separator if not empty.
  • Move filename regexp rules to [filename_rules] config section.
  • New CascadeRule for representing a "target_tag_name = tag_name1 tag_name2..." config rules.
  • autotag: include the cascade rules in the autotagging after the filename rules.

Release 20200210:

  • New "json_import" subcommand to import a JSON dict as tags, initial use case to load the metadata from youtube-dl.
  • New "scrub" command line operation, to purge tags of paths which do not exist.
  • New "cp", "ln" and "mv" subcommands to copy/link/move paths and take their tags with them.
  • New "test" subcommand to test paths against tag criteria, useful for find and scripts.
  • Small bugfixes.

Release 20200130:

  • New FSTagsConfig class which parses the .fstagsrc as a .ini file; related adjustments.
  • New HasFSTagsMixin presenting a settable .fstags property with a shared default.
  • New xattr_import and xattr_export subcommands, remove implicit xattr access/update from other operations.
  • New TagSet.len returning the number of tags.
  • Add "-" support for stdin to "tag" and "tagpaths" subcommands.

Release 20200113.2: FSTagsCommand docstring tweak.

Release 20200113.1: Small docstring updates.

Release 20200113: Mirror tags to user.cs.fstags xattr to honour Linux namespace requirements. Add "filesize" to available tag string format (-o option). Small bugfixes.

Release 20191230:

  • Command line: new "find" command to search a file tree based on tags.
  • Command line: new "mv" command to move a file and its tags.
  • Command line: Python string formats for "find" and "ls" output.
  • TaggedPath.autotag: new optional no_save parameter, default False, to suppress update of the associated .fstags file.
  • Inital and untested "mirror tags to xattrs" support.

Release 20191201: New "edit" subcommand to rename files and edit tags.

Release 20191130.1: Initial release: fstags, filesystem based tagging utility.

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