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Logging convenience routines.

Project description

Logging convenience routines.

Latest release 20240923: setup_logging: accept leading cmd_name for backwards compatibility, reported by Lance Cohen.

The logging package is very useful, but a little painful to use. This package provides low impact logging setup and some extremely useful if unconventional context hooks for logging.

The default logging verbosity output format has different defaults based on whether an output log file is a tty and whether the environment variable $DEBUG is set, and to what.

On terminals warnings and errors get ANSI colouring.

A mode is available that uses cs.upd for certain log levels.

Log messages dispatched via warning and friends from this module are automatically prefixed with the current cs.pfx prefix string, providing automatic message context.

Some examples:

Program initialisation:

from cs.logutils import setup_logging

def main(argv):
    cmd = os.path.basename(argv.pop(0))

Basic logging from anywhere:

from cs.logutils import info, warning, error
def some_function(...):
    error("nastiness found! bad value=%r", bad_value)

add_logfile(filename, logger=None, mode='a', encoding=None, delay=False, format=None, no_prefix=False)

Add a FileHandler logging to the specified filename; return the chosen logger and the new handler.


  • logger: if supplied and not None, add the FileHandler to that Logger, otherwise to the root Logger. If logger is a string, call logging.getLogger(logger) to obtain the logger.
  • mode, encoding and delay: passed to the FileHandler initialiser.
  • format: used to override the handler's default format.
  • no_prefix: if true, do not put the Pfx context onto the front of the message.

critical(msg, *args, **kwargs)

Emit a log at logging.CRITICAL level with the current Pfx prefix.

D(msg, *args)

Print formatted debug string straight to sys.stderr if D_mode is true, bypassing the logging modules entirely. A quick'n'dirty debug tool.

debug(msg, *args, **kwargs)

Emit a log at logging.DEBUG level with the current Pfx prefix.

error(msg, *args, **kwargs)

Emit a log at logging.ERROR level with the current Pfx prefix.

exception(msg, *args, **kwargs)

Emit an exception log with the current Pfx prefix.


Test the loginfo.level against logging.DEBUG.

ifverbose(is_verbose, msg, *args, **kwargs)

Conditionally log a message.

If is_verbose is None, log at VERBOSE level and rely on the logging setup. Otherwise, if is_verbose is true, log at INFO level.

infer_logging_level(env_debug=None, environ=None, verbose=None)

Infer a logging level from the env_debug, which by default comes from the environment variable $DEBUG.

Usually default to logging.WARNING, but if sys.stderr is a terminal, default to logging.INFO.

Parse the environment variable $DEBUG as a comma separated list of flags.

Examine the in sequence flags to affect the logging level:

  • numeric < 1: logging.WARNING
  • numeric >= 1 and < 2: logging.INFO
  • numeric >= 2: logging.DEBUG
  • "DEBUG": logging.DEBUG
  • "INFO": logging.INFO
  • "WARNING": logging.WARNING
  • "ERROR": logging.ERROR

Return an object with the following attributes:

  • .level: A logging level.
  • .flags: All the words from $DEBUG as separated by commas and uppercased.

info(msg, *args, **kwargs)

Emit a log at logging.INFO level with the current Pfx prefix.

log(level, msg, *args, **kwargs)

Emit a log at the specified level with the current Pfx prefix.

logException(exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb)

Replacement for sys.excepthook that reports via the cs.logutils logging wrappers.

Class LoggingState(types.SimpleNamespace)

A logging setup arranged for conventional UNIX command line use.

LoggingState.__init__(self, cmd=None, main_log=None, format=None, level=None, flags=None, upd_mode=None, ansi_mode=None, trace_mode=None, verbose=None, supplant_root_logger=False): Prepare the LoggingState for conventional UNIX command line error messaging.

Amongst other things, the default logger now includes the cs.pfx prefix in the message.

This function runs in two modes:

  • if logging has not been set up, it sets up a root logger
  • if the root logger already has handlers, monkey patch the first handler's formatter to prefix the cs.pfx state


  • cmd: program name, default from basename(sys.argv[0]). Side-effect: sets cs.pfx.cmd to this value.
  • main_log: default logging system. If None, the main log will go to sys.stderr; if main_log is a string, is it used as a filename to open in append mode; otherwise main_log should be a stream suitable for use with logging.StreamHandler(). The resulting log handler is added to the logging root logger.
  • format: the message format for main_log. If None, use DEFAULT_PFX_FORMAT_TTY when main_log is a tty or FIFO, otherwise DEFAULT_PFX_FORMAT.
  • level: main_log logging level. If None, infer a level from the environment using infer_logging_level().
  • flags: a string containing debugging flags separated by commas. If None, infer the flags from the environment using infer_logging_level(). The following flags have meaning: D: set cs.logutils.D_mode to True; TDUMP: attach a signal handler to SIGHUP to do a thread stack dump; TRACE: enable various noisy tracing facilities; UPD, NOUPD: set the default for upd_mode to True or False respectively.
  • upd_mode: a Boolean to activate cs.upd as the main_log method; if None, set it to True if flags contains 'UPD', otherwise to False if flags contains 'NOUPD', otherwise set it from main_log.isatty(). A true value causes the root logger to use cs.upd for logging.
  • ansi_mode: if None, set it from main_log.isatty() and not cs.colourise.env_no_color(), which thus honours the $NO_COLOR environment variable (see for the convention). A true value causes the root logger to colour certain logging levels using ANSI terminal sequences (currently only if cs.upd is used).
  • trace_mode: if None, set it according to the presence of 'TRACE' in flags. Otherwise if trace_mode is true, set the global loginfo.trace_level to loginfo.level; otherwise it defaults to logging.DEBUG.
  • verbose: if None, then if stderr is a tty then the log level is INFO otherwise WARNING. Otherwise, if verbose is true then the log level is INFO otherwise WARNING.

LoggingState.apply(self): Apply this LoggingState to the current logging setup.

loginfo = LoggingState(main_log=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stderr>' mode='w' encoding='utf-8'>, level=25, verbose=None, trace_level=10, flags=[], cmd='cs-release', upd=<cs.upd.Upd object at 0x110f88590>, upd_mode=True, ansi_mode=True, format='%(pfx)s: %(message)s', supplant_root_logger=False)

A logging setup arranged for conventional UNIX command line use.

Class LogTime

LogTime is a context manager that logs the elapsed time of the enclosed code. After the run, the field .elapsed contains the elapsed time in seconds.

LogTime.__init__(self, tag, *args, **kwargs): Set up a LogTime.


  • tag: label included at the start of the log entry
  • args: optional array; if not empty args is applied to tag with %
  • level: keyword argument specifying a log level for a default log entry, default logging.INFO
  • threshold: keyword argument specifying minimum time to cause a log, default None (no minimum)
  • warning_level: keyword argument specifying the log level for a warning log entry, default logging.WARNING
  • warning_threshold: keyword argument specifying a time which raises the log level to warning_level

logTo(filename, logger=None, mode='a', encoding=None, delay=False, format=None, no_prefix=False)

Add a FileHandler logging to the specified filename; return the chosen logger and the new handler.


  • logger: if supplied and not None, add the FileHandler to that Logger, otherwise to the root Logger. If logger is a string, call logging.getLogger(logger) to obtain the logger.
  • mode, encoding and delay: passed to the FileHandler initialiser.
  • format: used to override the handler's default format.
  • no_prefix: if true, do not put the Pfx context onto the front of the message.

Class NullHandler(logging.Handler)

A Handler which discards its requests.

NullHandler.emit(self, record): Discard the log record.

Class PfxFormatter(logging.Formatter)

A Formatter subclass that has access to the program's cmd and Pfx state.

PfxFormatter.__init__(self, fmt=None, datefmt=None, cmd=None): Initialise the PfxFormatter.


  • fmt: format template, default from DEFAULT_PFX_FORMAT '%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(pfx)s: %(message)s'. Passed through to Formatter.__init__.
  • datefmt: Passed through to Formatter.__init__.
  • cmd: the "command prefix" made available to format strings. If not set, cs.pfx.cmd is presented.

PfxFormatter.format(self, record): Set record.cmd and record.pfx to the global cmd and Pfx context prefix respectively, then call Formatter.format.

PfxFormatter.patch_formatter(formatter): Monkey patch an existing Formatter instance with a format method which prepends the current Pfx prefix.

quiet(msg, *args, **kwargs)

Emit a log at QUIET level with the current Pfx prefix.

setup_logging(cmd_name=None, **kw)

Prepare a LoggingState and return it. It is also available as the global cs.logutils.loginfo.

status(msg, *args, **kwargs)

Emit a log at STATUS level with the current Pfx prefix.

trace(msg, *args, **kwargs)

Emit a log message at loginfo.trace_level with the current Pfx prefix.

track(msg, *args, **kwargs)

Emit a log at TRACK level with the current Pfx prefix.

upd(msg, *args, **kwargs)

If we're using an UpdHandler, update the status line otherwise write an info message.

Note that this calls Upd.out directly with msg%args and thus does not include the current Pfx prefix. You may well want to use the status() function instead.

Class UpdHandler(logging.StreamHandler)

A StreamHandler subclass whose .emit method uses a cs.upd.Upd for transcription.

UpdHandler.__init__(self, strm=None, upd_level=None, ansi_mode=None, over_handler=None): Initialise the UpdHandler.


  • strm: the output stream, default sys.stderr.
  • upd_level: the magic logging level which updates the status line via Upd. Default: STATUS.
  • ansi_mode: if None, set from strm.isatty(). A true value causes the handler to colour certain logging levels using ANSI terminal sequences.

UpdHandler.emit(self, logrec): Emit a LogRecord logrec.

For the log level self.upd_level update the status line. For other levels write a distinct line to the output stream, possibly colourised.

UpdHandler.flush(self): Flush the update status.

verbose(msg, *args, **kwargs)

Emit a log at VERBOSE level with the current Pfx prefix.

warning(msg, *args, **kwargs)

Emit a log at logging.WARNING level with the current Pfx prefix.

with_log(filename, **kw)

Context manager to add a Logger to the output logs temporarily.

Release Log

Release 20240923: setup_logging: accept leading cmd_name for backwards compatibility, reported by Lance Cohen.

Release 20240630:

  • New LoggingState class for the computed log state, split out setup_logging() as a little stub.
  • Drop func_wrap and _ftrace, superceded by cs.debug.trace.
  • infer_logging_level: ignore the and module:function_name $DEBUG values, now done by importing cs.debug.

Release 20230212: Late import of cs.upd at need to avoid import loop.

Release 20220531: PfxFormatter.patch_formatter: notice if record.args is not a tuple and do not try to prefix it (for now).

Release 20220530:

  • New QUIET log level between TRACK and STATUS, add new quiet() logging call.
  • PfxFormatter.patch_formatter: bugfix handling of record.msg,record.args.

Release 20220315: A bit of a hack to prevent double patching a formatter, as when BaseCommand calls a BaseCommand and other circumstances where setup_logging() gets called more than once.

Release 20220227:

  • PfxFormatter: new patch_formatter() static method to modify an existing Formatter.
  • setup_logging: just use PfxFormatter.patch_formatter on the first handler's formatter if logging is already set up.

Release 20211208: Docstring update.

Release 20210721: UpdHandler.emit: for newline-emitting messages, fall back to new .over_handler if the Upd is disabled.

Release 20210718: setup_logging: new supplant_root_logger=False parameter to pop the existing handler, typical use supplant_root_logger=sys.stderr.isatty().

Release 20210306:

  • Default logging level for ttys is now INFO, not STATUS.
  • New VERBOSE level below INFO but above DEBUG.
  • infer_logging_level: if verbose unspecified, logging=WARNING on a tty and TRACK otherwise, else if verbose, level=VERBOSE, otherwise WARNING.
  • Include .verbose in the loginfo.
  • New verbose() and ifverbose().

Release 20201021:

  • setup_logging: always provide loginfo.upd, being either main_handler.upd if upd_mode otherwise Upd().
  • exception(): plumb keyword arguments.

Release 20200729: setup_logging: honour $NO_COLOR if ansi_mode not specified, per

Release 20200613:

  • LogTime: set .end on exit.
  • UpdHandle.emit: fix message colouring logic.

Release 20200521: setup_logging: include the logger in loginfo (presently always the root logger).

Release 20200519: bugfix setup_logging: apparently a LoggingProxy does not have an encoding

Release 20200518:

  • Sweeping removal of cs.obj.O, universally supplanted by types.SimpleNamespace.
  • Default to logging level TRACK if stderr is a tty instead of logging.INFO.
  • New ifverbose function with leading verbose parameter: if None, log at INFO otherwise if true, log at TRACK, otherwise do not log.
  • BREAKING: remove global logging_level and trace_level variables, put it all in the global loginfo.
  • Make STATUS just below TRACK so that it is above INFO instead of below.
  • New status() function for cs.upd messages.
  • UpdHandler: treat status_level as special, going directly to Upd.out.
  • Improved source line recitation on modern Python.
  • Default level if sys.stderr.isatty() now STATUS, not TRACK.
  • Some fixes for loginfo initialisation and setting cs.pfx.cmd.

Release 20200229:

  • Update for new Upd.without context manager.
  • setup_logging: default upd_mode to main_log.isatty(), was previously False.
  • Drop UpdHandler.upd method, shadowed by instance attribute, never used.

Release 20190923:

  • New TRACK constant equal to logging.INFO+5 to provide a level higher than INFO
  • (which seems unreasonably noisy) and lower than WARNING
  • warning for tracking salient events.
  • New track() function to match.

Release 20190220: Improvements to upd_mode.

Release 20190103: Documentation updates.

Release 20190101: Bugfix for @contextmanager usage.

Release 20171030: Assorted fixes from recent module reshuffle. Other small features and cleanups. Drop a couple of unused functions.

Release 20160828: Use "install_requires" instead of "requires" in DISTINFO.

Release 20160827:

  • Pfx: import exit handler
  • Preliminary per-module and per-function syntax accepted in $DEBUG envvar.
  • Improvements to X(), add DP() and XP() prefixed flavours.
  • status() function to update terminal status line.
  • New X_via_tty global flag: directs X() to tty instead of sys.stderr.
  • Assorted other minor improvements.

Release 20150118: metadata updates

Release 20150110: Initial PyPI release.

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