cwltool 1.0.20160203144931
pip install cwltool==1.0.20160203144931
Common workflow language reference implementation
Unverified details
These details have not been verified by PyPIProject links
- License: Apache 2.0
- Author: Common workflow language working group
Project description
Common workflow language tool description reference implementation
This is the reference implementation of the Common Workflow Language. It is
intended to be feature complete and provide comprehensive validation of CWL
files as well as provide other tools related to working with CWL.
This is written and tested for Python 2.7.
The reference implementation consists of two packages. The "cwltool" package
is the primary Python module containing the reference implementation in the
"cwltool" module and console executable by the same name.
The "cwl-runner" package is optional and provides an additional entry point
under the alias "cwl-runner", which is the implementation-agnostic name for the
default CWL interpreter installed on a host.
Installing the official package from PyPi (will install "cwltool" package as well)::
pip install cwl-runner
Or from source::
git clone
cd cwltool && python install
cd cwl-runner && python install
Run on the command line
Simple command::
cwl-runner [tool] [job]
Import as a module
import cwltool
to your script.
Use with boot2docker
boot2docker is running docker inside a virtual machine and it only mounts ``Users``
on it. The default behavoir of CWL is to create temporary directories under e.g.
``/Var`` which is not accessible to Docker containers.
To run CWL successfully with boot2docker you need to set the ``--tmpdir-prefix``
and ``--tmp-outdir-prefix`` to somewhere under ``/Users``::
$ cwl-runner --tmp-outdir-prefix=/Users/username/project --tmpdir-prefix=/Users/username/project wc-tool.cwl wc-job.json
Common workflow language tool description reference implementation
This is the reference implementation of the Common Workflow Language. It is
intended to be feature complete and provide comprehensive validation of CWL
files as well as provide other tools related to working with CWL.
This is written and tested for Python 2.7.
The reference implementation consists of two packages. The "cwltool" package
is the primary Python module containing the reference implementation in the
"cwltool" module and console executable by the same name.
The "cwl-runner" package is optional and provides an additional entry point
under the alias "cwl-runner", which is the implementation-agnostic name for the
default CWL interpreter installed on a host.
Installing the official package from PyPi (will install "cwltool" package as well)::
pip install cwl-runner
Or from source::
git clone
cd cwltool && python install
cd cwl-runner && python install
Run on the command line
Simple command::
cwl-runner [tool] [job]
Import as a module
import cwltool
to your script.
Use with boot2docker
boot2docker is running docker inside a virtual machine and it only mounts ``Users``
on it. The default behavoir of CWL is to create temporary directories under e.g.
``/Var`` which is not accessible to Docker containers.
To run CWL successfully with boot2docker you need to set the ``--tmpdir-prefix``
and ``--tmp-outdir-prefix`` to somewhere under ``/Users``::
$ cwl-runner --tmp-outdir-prefix=/Users/username/project --tmpdir-prefix=/Users/username/project wc-tool.cwl wc-job.json
Project details
Unverified details
These details have not been verified by PyPIProject links
- License: Apache 2.0
- Author: Common workflow language working group
Release history Release notifications | RSS feed
Download files
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Source Distribution
File details
Details for the file cwltool-1.0.20160203144931.tar.gz
File metadata
- Download URL: cwltool-1.0.20160203144931.tar.gz
- Upload date:
- Size: 78.5 kB
- Tags: Source
- Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
File hashes
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | 6b248a8963ea87292fcb39b3b84a04638185340976f4402b94eafed4b0947f14 |
MD5 | 862b23679d259cdf55ce0fea3d04c2ee |
BLAKE2b-256 | 3e9e37b4e98aa02707e0913e24969c3865b79b29b03093d432b6429283f3d3df |