- Update your system packages:
sudo apt update -y && apt full-upgrade -y
- Clone the Cyberonix repository from GitHub:
git clone
- Navigate to the Cyberonix directory:
cd Cyberonix
- Make the setup script executable:
chmod +x
- Run the setup script using Python3:
sudo python3
- Execute Cyberonix:
PIP intallation
pip install cyberonix
If you encounter the "Externally-Managed-Environment" issue on your machine, please refer to our blog for a solution. You can find detailed information and steps to resolve this problem by clicking here.
To display the help menu, use the following command: cyberonix -h
To exit the Cyberonix tool, press: ctrl+c
Press the enter
key to navigate back.
Below are the instructions to access the tool's help function, along with a complete list of all available switches:
Welcome to Cyberonix - Your Cyber Security Resource Hub!
Basic Options:
-h, --help : Get this help message.
--domain DOMAIN, -D DOMAIN : Target a specific domain.
--output OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT : Save results to a file (provide the file path).
--file FILE, -f FILE : Read input from a file (provide the file path).
--ip IP, -ip IP : Target a specific IP address.
Main Functions:
--tools, -t : Access various cybersecurity tools.
--cheatsheet, -c : Get a cybersecurity reference guide.
IP Operations:
--getip, -gip : Get the IP address of a domain.
Can use with: --domain, --file, --output
--ipinfo, -ipi : Get information about an IP address.
Can use with: --ip, --file, --output
DNS Operations:
--dnsrecord, -dns : Get DNS records for a domain.
Can use with: --domain, --file, --output
--record RECORD, -r RECORD : Specify the type of DNS record (e.g., A, TXT, MX).
usage: --record <type>
ASN Record:
--asnrecord, -asn : Get ASN (network) information.
Can use with: --ip, --file, --output
--screenshot, -s : Take a website screenshot.
Can use with: --domain, --file, --output
HTTP Status:
--http-status, -S : Check a website's HTTP status code.
Can use with: --domain, --file, --output
Remove Duplicate:
--remove-duplicate, -rd : Remove duplicate lines from a file.
Can use with: --file, --output
Password Generation:
--passwordgen, -P : Generate a secure password.
--default-password-gen, -pass: Generate a strong random password (recommended).
Customization Options:
--upper, -u : Include uppercase letters.
--lower, -l : Include lowercase letters.
--digits, -d : Include numbers.
--punctuation, -p : Include symbols.
--length LENGTH, -L LENGTH : Set password length (default is 8).
--checkpassword, -C : Test the strength of a password.
Worlist Generation:
--worlist, -w : To generate a wordlist
--characters,-c : Set of characters to include in the wordlist (Default = abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 )
--min_length, -min : Minimum length of the words ( Default = 4 )
--max_length, -max : Maximum length of the words ( Default = 6 )
--output_file, -ot : Output file name ( Default = custom_wordlist.txt )
Information Gathering
Tool Name |
Tool Name |
Tool Name |
Useful Websites |
Nmap |
Subfinder |
Maltego |
Dracnmap |
Red_Hawk |
Th3Inspector |
Hping3 |
Arping |
Netdiscover |
The Harvester |
Wafw00f |
Recon-Ng |
Sublist3R |
Spiderfoot |
Amass |
Vulnerability Analysis
Tool Name |
Tool Name |
Tool Name |
Wpscan |
Wireshark |
Wapiti |
Nmap |
Legion |
Nikto |
Wfuzz |
Web Application Analysis
Tool Name |
Tool Name |
Tool Name |
Burp Suite |
Dirsearch |
Owasp Zap |
Dirbuster |
Nikto |
Wapiti |
Nessus |
Dirb |
Nuclei |
Ffuf |
Password Attacks
Brute Force Attacks
Tool Name |
Tool Name |
Tool Name |
Hashcat |
John The Ripper |
Hydra |
Johnny (GUI John) |
Brutus |
Dirbuster |
Reaver |
Dirsearch |
Dicitionary Attacks
Tool Name |
Tool Name |
Tool Name |
Hashcat |
John The Ripper |
Hydra |
Medusa |
Ncrack |
Johnny (GUI John) |
Rainbow Table Attacks
Tool Name |
Tool Name |
Rainbowcrack |
Ophcrack |
Wordlist Generator
Tool Name |
Tool Name |
Tool Name |
Crunch |
Cupp |
Bopscrk |
Phishing Attacks
Tool Name |
Tool Name |
Tool Name |
Social-Engineer Toolkit (SET) |
Hiddeneye |
R3Bu5 |
Zphisher |
Shellphish |
Gophish (GUI) |
Camphish |
Keylogger Attacks
Tool Name |
Tool Name |
Zlogger |
Keylogger |
Wireless Attacks
Tool Name |
Tool Name |
Tool Name |
Kismet |
Wifite |
Fern Wifi Cracker |
Aircrack-Ng |
Fluxion |
Wifiphisher |
Exploitation Tools
Tool Name |
Tool Name |
Tool Name |
Metasploit |
Crackmapexec |
Searchsploit |
Beef |
Routersploit |
Sqlmap |
Seclists |
Airmitage |
Sniffing And Spoofing
Tool Name |
Tool Name |
Tool Name |
Wireshark |
Bettercap |
Tcpdump |
Arpspoof |
Dsniff |
Scapy |
Netsniff-Ng |
Macchanger |
Responder |
Airgeddon |
Sharesniffer |
Wifi-Pumpkin-3 |
Mitmproxy |
Zaproxy |
Post Exploitation
Tool Name |
Tool Name |
Tool Name |
Metasploit-Framework |
Linpeas |
Linenum |
Sudo Killer |
Beroot |
Linux Exploit Suggester 2 |
LSE (Linux Smart Enumeration) |
Pspy |
Bashark |
Linux Private-I |
Shellter |
Amber |
Upx (Ultimate Packer for Executable) |
Covermyass |
Tool Name |
Tool Name |
Tool Name |
Tor |
Anonsurf |
Nipe |
Proxychain |
Tool Name |
Tool Name |
OSINT Framework |
MITRE Framework |
Pentesting And Bug-Bounty
Information Gathering
Tool Name |
Tool Name |
Tool Name |
Useful Websites |
Nmap |
Subfinder |
Maltego |
Dracnmap |
Red_Hawk |
Th3Inspector |
Hping3 |
Arping |
Netdiscover |
The Harvester |
Wafw00f |
Recon-Ng |
Sublist3R |
Spiderfoot |
Amass |
Configuration Management
Tool Name |
Tool Name |
Tool Name |
Dirb |
gobuster |
Nikto |
Wfuzz |
Skipfish |
Dirbuster |
Feroxbuster |
Nmap |
Httpie |
Metasploit |
Securityheaders |
Sqlmap |
Trufflehog |
Gitleaks |
Secretfinder |
Secure Transmission
Writeups |
Writeups |
Check SSL Version, Algorithms, Key Length |
Check for Digital Certificate Validity |
Check Credentials Only Delivered Over HTTPS |
Check Session Tokens Only Delivered Over HTTPS |
Check if HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) |
Writeups |
Writeups |
Writeups |
User Enumeration |
Authentication Bypass |
Vulnerable Remember Me Functionality |
Password Reset |
Captcha Bypass |
Autocomplete On |
Multifactor Authentication |
Logout Functionality |
Cache Management |
Default Credentials |
Session Management
Tool Name |
Tool Name |
Tool Name |
BurpSuite |
Nikto |
Nmap |
Wapiti |
Nessus |
Nuclei |
Fiddler |
Penetration Testers Framework (PTF) |
Tool Name |
Tool Name |
Tool Name |
BurpSuite |
Wireshark |
Nessus |
Hydra |
Beef |
Sqlmap |
Metasploit |
Nmap |
Penetration Testers Framework (PTF) |
Data Validation
Tool Name |
Tool Name |
Tool Name |
HTML Injection |
SQL Injection |
Command Injection |
HTTP Smuggling |
HTTP Parameter Pollution |
Open Redirection |
Denial Of Service
Tool Name |
Tool Name |
Goldeneye |
Slowhttptest |
Thc-SSL-Dos |
Slowloris |
Business Logic
Writeups |
Writeups |
Business Logic |
Exploiting Business Logic Vulnerabilities |
Web Application — Business Logic Vulnerabilities |
Business Logic Flaw |
Tool Name |
Tool Name |
Tool Name |
SSLstrip |
Bettercap |
Ettercap |
SSLyze |
0-Saft |
SSLscan |
SSLLabs |
Risky Functionality - File Uploads
Tool Name |
Tool Name |
Fuxploider |
Upload Scanner |
Risky Functionality - Card Payment
Tool Name |
Tool Name |
Tool Name |
BurpSuite |
Wireshark |
Nessus |
SQLmap |
Fiddler |
Metasploit |
Nmap |
Penetration Testers Framework (PTF) |
Html 5
Writeups |
Writeups |
Writeups |
Web Messaging |
Web Storage SQL Injection |
CORS Implementation |
Certifications & Roadmap
Beginner Level Certifications
Advance Level Certifications
Bug Bounty
- Bug Bounty for Beginners
- Reconnaissance
- Intel Discovery
- Enumeration
- Vulnerability Analysis
- Exploitation
- Reporting
Thanks To All Contributors