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Cypress secure tools for Python

Project description

This package contains security tools for creating keys, creating certificates, signing user applications, and provisioning Cypress MCUs.

Table of Contents


  • Create keys - A key is a file used to authorize access to device data. There must be a common key pair between the secure device and user application. A device must be provisioned with a public key and the user application must be signed with a corresponding private key from the same pair.

  • Entrance exam - Passing an entrance exam before provisioning a device is an option to ensure that the device has the valid state.

  • Provisioning a device - Provisioning is the act of configuring a device with an authorized set of keys, certificates, and policies.

  • Sign a user application - To run a user application on a secure device, the application must be signed with the key provisioned to the device earlier.

  • Create a certificate - Create a certificate in the X.509 format: with the device public key inside and signed with the private key. The certificate can be used when connecting to a cloud service.

  • Create image certificate - Based on an image, create a JWT that certifies the image's validity.

  • Output CyBootloader and Secure Flash Boot version - Outputs CyBootloader and Secure Flash Boot version.



  • Python 3.6 or later

  • Installed the libusb driver


    • Download and unzip libusb- from
    • Run the following command to determine if a Python shell is executing in 32-bit or 64-bit mode on the OS: python -c "import struct; print(struct.calcsize('P') * 8)"
    • Copy libusb-1.0.dll file into the Python root folder (in same folder with python.exe). Use the 64-bit version of DLL for the 64-bit Python (MinGW64 directory) and the 32-bit version of DLL for the 32-bit Python (MinGW32 directory).
    • Ensure the Python path is located at the beginning of the Path environment variable.

    Linux/Mac OS

    • Use homebrew to install the driver from the terminal: homebrew install libusb

Installing Package

Invoke pip install from the command line:

pip install cysecuretools

Init Project

Initialize new project. The command creates the sufficient list of files for the specified target to start working with the tool.

If the project is not initialized, the tool refers to the package directory for the necessary files.


cysecuretools -t <TARGET> init

Use your real target name, taken from the cysecuretools device-list command, instead of <TARGET>

Quick Start

To get supported devices list:

CySecureTools contains a command device-list for an output of the supported devices list. The list of supported devices will be output to the console.


cysecuretools device-list


from cysecuretools import CySecureTools
tools = CySecureTools()

A possible output of this command:

Supported targets and families:
PSoC64 Secure Boot Family:
PSOC64 Kit targets:
PSoC64 Standard Secure Family:

Full cycle example:

This example shows how to provision a device with a new key and default policy. To run the above code, use your real target name, taken from the cysecuretools device-list command, instead of <TARGET>.

If you use a custom policy, you can specify the policy file with the -p paramether in the CLI or a second paramether in the API (tools = CySecureTools('<TARGET>', '<POLICY>')).


Default policy example:

cysecuretools -t <TARGET> entrance-exam create-keys provision-device

Custom policy example:

cysecuretools -t <TARGET> -p <POLICY> entrance-exam create-keys provision-device


Default policy example:

from cysecuretools import CySecureTools

tools = CySecureTools('<TARGET>')

# Ensure that the device has a valid state by passing an entrance exam

# Create a common key pair used by the secure device and user application

# Create a JWT packet that contains the policy and keys to be provisioned to a device

# Execute device provisioning

# Sign the user application with the keys

Custom policy example:

from cysecuretools import CySecureTools

tools = CySecureTools('<TARGET>', '<CUSTOM_POLICY>')

# Ensure that the device has a valid state by passing an entrance exam

# Create a common key pair used by the secure device and user application

# Create a JWT packet that contains the policy and keys to be provisioned to a device

# Execute device provisioning

# Sign the user application with the keys

Interface description

Common options

The CLI (command line interface) provides common options - the options that are common for all commands and must precede them:

Option Description
-t, --target Device name or family
-p, --policy Provisioning policy file
-v, --verbose Provides debug-level log
--logfile-off Avoids logging into file
--help Shows the tool help

Usage example:

cysecuretools -t <TARGET> -p <POLICY> <COMMAND> --<COMMAND_OPTION>

For the detailed help of particular command use:

cysecuretools <COMMAND> --help

Create keys

Creates keys specified in the policy file for the image signing.

CLI implementation



Name Optional/Required Description
--overwrite / --no-overwrite optional Indicates whether overwrite the keys in the output directory if they already exist. If omitted, a prompt will ask whether to overwrite the existing keys.
-o, --out optional The output directory for generated keys. By default, the keys location will be as specified in the policy file.
--kid optional The ID of the key to create. If not specified, all the keys found in the policy file will be generated.

Usage example

cysecuretools -t CY8CKIT-064B0S2-4343W create-keys --overwrite


cysecuretools -t CY8CKIT-064B0S2-4343W -p MyPolicy.json create-keys --overwrite

API implementation



Name Optional/Required Description
overwrite optional Indicates whether overwrite the keys in the output directory if they already exist. The available values: True, False, None. If None, a prompt will ask whether to overwrite the existing keys.
out optional The output directory for generated keys. By default, the keys location will be as specified in the policy file.

Usage example

from cysecuretools import CySecureTools
tools = CySecureTools('CY8CKIT-064B0S2-4343W')


from cysecuretools import CySecureTools
tools = CySecureTools('CY8CKIT-064B0S2-4343W', 'MyPolicy.json')

Create provisioning packet

Creates a JWT packet (a file to be programmed into the device during the provisioning procedure). In general, this is a policy, keys, and certificates in the JWT format. Returns True if the packet is created successfully, otherwise - False.

CLI implementation



No parameters required.

Usage example

cysecuretools -t CY8CKIT-064B0S2-4343W create-provisioning-packet


cysecuretools -t CY8CKIT-064B0S2-4343W -p MyPolicy.json create-provisioning-packet

API implementation



No parameters required.

Usage example

from cysecuretools import CySecureTools
tools = CySecureTools('CY8CKIT-064B0S2-4343W')


from cysecuretools import CySecureTools
tools = CySecureTools('CY8CKIT-064B0S2-4343W', 'MyPolicy.json')

Provision device

Starts a device provisioning process. Returns True if provisioning was success, otherwise - False.

WARNING: This operation can be done with the SECURE UNCLAIMED device only. SECURE UNCLAIMED means it was not provisioned before, so does not have an identity assigned. Once device was provisioned it is considered as a SECURE CLAIMED and further identity assigning is not possible. It can be re-provisioned with the re-provision-device command.

CLI implementation



Name Optional/Required Description
--probe_id optional The probe serial number. Can be used to specify a probe if more than one device is connected to a computer.
--existing-packet optional Skip the provisioning packet creation and use the existing packet.

Usage example

cysecuretools -t CY8CKIT-064B0S2-4343W provision-device


cysecuretools -t CY8CKIT-064B0S2-4343W -p MyPolicy.json provision-device

API implementation



Name Optional/Required Description
probe_id optional The probe serial number. Can be used to specify a probe if more than one device is connected to a computer.

Usage example

from cysecuretools import CySecureTools
tools = CySecureTools('CY8CKIT-064B0S2-4343W')


from cysecuretools import CySecureTools
tools = CySecureTools('CY8CKIT-064B0S2-4343W', 'MyPolicy.json')

Re-provision device

Starts a device re-provisioning process. Returns True if re-provisioning was success, otherwise - False.

CLI implementation



Name Optional/Required Description
--probe_id optional The probe serial number. Can be used to specify a probe if more than one device is connected to a computer.
--existing-packet optional Skip the provisioning packet creation and use the existing packet.
--control-dap-cert optional The certificate that provides the access to control DAP. For more information refer to Open CM0 Access Port.

Usage example

cysecuretools -t CY8CKIT-064B0S2-4343W re-provision-device


cysecuretools -t CY8CKIT-064B0S2-4343W -p MyPolicy.json re-provision-device

API implementation



Name Optional/Required Description
probe_id optional The probe serial number. Can be used to specify a probe if more than one device is connected to a computer.
erase_boot optional Indicates whether erase BOOT slot.
control_dap_cert optional The certificate that provides the access to control DAP. For more information refer to Open CM0 Access Port.

Usage example

from cysecuretools import CySecureTools
tools = CySecureTools('CY8CKIT-064B0S2-4343W')


from cysecuretools import CySecureTools
tools = CySecureTools('CY8CKIT-064B0S2-4343W', 'MyPolicy.json')

Sign image

Signs the user application with the keys created by the create keys.

CLI implementation



Name Optional/Required Description
-h, --hex required The hex file with the user application.
-i, --image-id optional The ID of the firmware image in the device. The default value is 4.
--image-type optional Indicates which type of an image is signed - boot or upgrade. If omitted, both types will be generated. Accepted only BOOT or UPGRADE values.
-e, --encrypt optional Public key PEM-file for the image encryption.
-R, --erased-val optional The value that is read back from erased flash.
--boot-record optional Create CBOR encoded boot record TLV. Represents the role of the software component (e.g. CoFM for coprocessor firmware) [max. 12 characters]

Usage example

cysecuretools -t CY8CKIT-064B0S2-4343W sign-image --hex example-blinky.hex --image-type BOOT


cysecuretools -t CY8CKIT-064B0S2-4343W -p MyPolicy.json sign-image --hex example-blinky.hex --image-type BOOT

API implementation



Name Optional/Required Description
hex_file required The hex file with the user application.
image_id optional The ID of the firmware image in the device. The default value is 4.
image_type optional Indicates which type of an image is signed - boot or upgrade. If omitted, both types will be generated. Accepted only BOOT or UPGRADE values.
encrypt_key optional Path to public key file for the image encryption.
erased_val optional The value that is read back from erased flash.
boot_record optional Create CBOR encoded boot record TLV. Represents the role of the software component (e.g. CoFM for coprocessor firmware) [max. 12 characters]

Usage example

from cysecuretools import CySecureTools
tools = CySecureTools('CY8CKIT-064B0S2-4343W')


from cysecuretools import CySecureTools
tools = CySecureTools('CY8CKIT-064B0S2-4343W', 'MyPolicy.json')

Entrance exam

Checks the device life-cycle, Flashboot firmware, and Flash memory state. Returns True if the device is ready for provisioning, otherwise - False.

CLI implementation



No parameters needed.

Usage example

cysecuretools -t CY8CKIT-064B0S2-4343W entrance-exam


cysecuretools -t CY8CKIT-064B0S2-4343W -p MyPolicy.json entrance-exam

API implementation



No parameters needed.

Usage example

from cysecuretools import CySecureTools
tools = CySecureTools('CY8CKIT-064B0S2-4343W')


from cysecuretools import CySecureTools
tools = CySecureTools('CY8CKIT-064B0S2-4343W', 'MyPolicy.json')

Create a certificate

Creates a certificate in the X.509 format based on the device public key.

CLI implementation



Name Optional/Required Description
-n, --name optional The certificate filename. By default 'psoc_cert.pem'
-e , --encoding optional The certificate encoding (PEM, DER). By default 'PEM'
--probe-id optional The probe serial number.
--subject-name optional The certificate subject name. By default 'Example Certificate'
--country optional The certificate country code. By default 'US'
--state optional The certificate issuer state. By default 'San Jose'
--organization optional The certificate issuer organization. By default 'Cypress Semiconductor'
--issuer-name optional The certificate issuer name. By default 'Example Issuer Name'
--private-key optional The private key to sign the certificate. By default HSM private key

Usage example

cysecuretools -t CY8CKIT-064B0S2-4343W create-certificate -e DER --private-key some_key.json


cysecuretools -t CY8CKIT-064B0S2-4343W -p MyPolicy.json create-certificate -e DER --private-key some_key.json

API implementation



Name Optional/Required Description
cert_name optional The certificate filename.
cert_encoding optional The certificate encoding (PEM or DER). By default 'PEM'
probe_id optional The probe ID. Used to read a public key and die ID from a device. Can be used to specify a probe if more than one device is connected to a computer.
kwargs optional The dictionary with the certificate fields.

Usage example

from cysecuretools import CySecureTools
tool = CySecureTools('CY8CKIT-064B0S2-4343W')
cert_fields = {
    'subject_name': 'Example Certificate',
    'country': 'US',
    'state': 'San Jose',
    'organization': 'Cypress Semiconductor',
    'issuer_name': 'Example Issuer Name',
    'private_key': 'keys/hsm_state.json'
tool.create_x509_certificate(cert_name='example_cert.pem', **cert_fields)


from cysecuretools import CySecureTools
tools = CySecureTools('CY8CKIT-064B0S2-4343W', 'MyPolicy.json')
cert_fields = {
    'subject_name': 'Example Certificate',
    'country': 'US',
    'state': 'San Jose',
    'organization': 'Cypress Semiconductor',
    'issuer_name': 'Example Issuer Name',
    'private_key': 'keys/hsm_state.json'
tool.create_x509_certificate(cert_name='example_cert.pem', **cert_fields)

Create image certificate

Creates Bootloader image certificate.

CLI implementation



Name Optional/Required Description
-i, --image required The bootloader image path.
-k, --key required The private key for certificate signing.
-o, --cert optional The output certificate file path.
-v, --version optional The image version.
--image-id optional The image ID.
-d, --exp-date optional The certificate expiration date.

Usage example

cysecuretools -t CY8CKIT-064B0S2-4343W image-certificate -i CypressBootloader_CM0p.hex --key ../keys/key.json -o CypressBootloader_CM0p.jwt --version "" --image-id 0 --exp-date "Jan 1 2031"


cysecuretools -t CY8CKIT-064B0S2-4343W -p MyPolicy.json image-certificate -i CypressBootloader_CM0p.hex --key ../keys/key.json -o CypressBootloader_CM0p.jwt --version "" --image-id 0 --exp-date "Jan 1 2031"

API implementation



Name Optional/Required Description
image required The bootloader image path.
key required The private key for certificate signing.
output required The output certificate file path.
version required The image version.
image_id optional The image ID.
exp_date_str optional The certificate expiration date.

Usage example

from cysecuretools import CySecureTools
tool = CySecureTools('CY8CKIT-064B0S2-4343W')
tool.create_image_certificate('CypressBootloader_CM0p.hex', '../keys/key.json', 'CypressBootloader_CM0p.jwt', "", 0, 'Jan 1 2031')


from cysecuretools import CySecureTools
tools = CySecureTools('CY8CKIT-064B0S2-4343W', 'MyPolicy.json')
tools.create_image_certificate('CypressBootloader_CM0p.hex', '../keys/key.json', 'CypressBootloader_CM0p.jwt', "", 0, 'Jan 1 2031')

Flash map methods

These methods provides an image address and size from the policy file.

CLI implementation

The CLI only methods.


Returns slot address from given policy


Name Optional/Required Description
-i, --image-id required The image ID.
-t, --image-type required The image type - BOOT or UPGRADE.
-h optional If present, output value will be in HEX format.

Usage example

cysecuretools -t CY8CKIT-064B0S2-4343W slot-address --image-id 1 --image-type BOOT -h


cysecuretools -t CY8CKIT-064B0S2-4343W -p MyPolicy.json slot-address --image-id 1 --image-type UPGRADE


Returns slot size from given policy


Name Optional/Required Description
-i, --image-id required The image ID.
-t, --image-type required The image type - BOOT or UPGRADE.
-h optional If present, output value will be in HEX format.

Usage example

cysecuretools -t CY8CKIT-064B0S2-4343W slot-size --image-id 4 --image-type BOOT -h


cysecuretools -t CY8CKIT-064B0S2-4343W -p MyPolicy.json slot-size --image-id 4 --image-type UPGRADE

API implementation

The API only method. Returns a tuple with the address and size for a specified image.



Name Optional/Required Description
image_id optional The ID of the firmware image in the device. The default value is 4.

Usage example

from cysecuretools import CySecureTools
tools = CySecureTools('CY8CKIT-064B0S2-4343W')


from cysecuretools import CySecureTools
tools = CySecureTools('CY8CKIT-064B0S2-4343W', 'MyPolicy.json')

List of supported devices

Outlists the supported devices to the console

CLI implementation



No parameters needed.

Usage example

cysecuretools device-list

API implementation



No parameters needed.

Usage example

from cysecuretools import CySecureTools
tools = CySecureTools('CY8CKIT-064B0S2-4343W')


from cysecuretools import CySecureTools
tools = CySecureTools()

Encrypted programming

The encrypted programming consists of two steps:

  • Create encrypted image
  • Program encrypted image

Create encrypted image

Creates encrypted image for encrypted programming.

CLI implementation



Name Optional/Required Description
-i, --image required The image to encrypt.
-h, --host-key-id required Host private key ID (4 - HSM, 5 - OEM).
-d, --device-key-id required Device public key ID (1 - device, 12 - group).
-a, --algorithm optional Asymmetric algorithm for key derivation function.
--key-length optional Derived key length.
--raw-image optional Output file of raw image for encrypted programming.
-o, --encrypted-image required Output file of encrypted image for encrypted programming.
--padding-value optional Value for image padding.
--probe_id optional Probe serial number. Used to read device public key from device.

Usage example

cysecuretools -t CY8CKIT-064B0S2-4343W encrypt-image -i BlinkyApp.hex -h 4 -d 1 -o encrypted_image.txt

API implementation



Name Optional/Required Description
image required The image to encrypt.
host_key_id required Host private key ID (4 - HSM, 5 - OEM).
dev_key_id required Device public key ID (1 - device, 12 - group).
algorithm optional Asymmetric algorithm for key derivation function.
key_length optional Derived key length.
raw_image optional Output file of raw image for encrypted programming.
encrypted_image optional Output file of encrypted image for encrypted programming.
padding_value optional Value for image padding.
probe_id optional Probe serial number. Used to read device public key from device.

Usage example

from cysecuretools import CySecureTools
tools = CySecureTools('CY8CKIT-064B0S2-4343W')
tools.encrypt_image('BlinkyApp.hex', 4, 1, encrypted_image='encrypted_image.txt')

Program encrypted image

Programs encrypted image.

CLI implementation



Name Optional/Required Description
-i, --encrypted-image required The encrypted image to program.
--probe-id optional Probe serial number.

Usage example

cysecuretools -t CY8CKIT-064B0S2-4343W encrypted-programming -i encrypted_image.txt

API implementation



Name Optional/Required Description
encrypted_image required The encrypted image to program.
probe_id optional Probe serial number.

Usage example

from cysecuretools import CySecureTools
tools = CySecureTools('CY8CKIT-064B0S2-4343W')

Programming encrypted bootloader

During device provisioning, the bootloader can be programmed in encrypted format. This requires following steps:

  1. Create image certificate for your custom bootloader application (refer Create image certificate).

  2. Encrypt bootloader application (refer Create encrypted image).

  3. Update policy with the encrypted bootloader file:

    In the policy file, set the bootloader mode to custom and provide bootloader program file (hex_path) and image certificate (jwt_path). To indicate that the image is encrypted, set encrypted field to true. If custom bootloader is not encrypted, set encrypted field to false or do not specify it. Absolute or relative path can be used. Relative path is related to the policy file location.

         "mode": "custom",
         "hex_path": "encrypted_image.txt",
         "jwt_path": "CypressBootloader_CM0p.jwt",
         "encrypted": true

Programming encrypted user application

This requires following steps:

  1. Encrypt application (refer Create encrypted image).

  2. Update policy with the encrypted bootloader file:

    In the policy file pre_build field add user_apps field as shown below. To indicate that the image is encrypted, set encrypted_ field to true. If the application is not encrypted, set encrypted field to false. Absolute or relative path can be used. Relative path is related to the policy file location.

    "pre_build": {
         "user_apps": [
             { "encrypted": true, "app": "encrypted_image.txt" },
             { "encrypted": true, "app": "encrypted_image.txt" }

CyBootloader and Secure Flash Boot version

Outputs CyBootloader version bundled with the package. Outputs CyBootloader and Secure Flash Boot version programmed into device.

CLI implementation



Name Optional/Required Description
--probe-id optional Probe serial number.
--ap optional The access port used for to read CyBootloader and Secure Flash Boot version from device.

Usage example

Using the command without --target argument outputs CyBootloader version bundled with the package.

cysecuretools version

Using the command with --target argument outputs CyBootloader and Secure Flash Boot version programmed into the connected device.

cysecuretools -t CY8CKIT-064B0S2-4343W version

API implementation



Name Optional/Required Description
probe_id optional Probe serial number.
ap optional The access port used for to read CyBootloader and Secure Flash Boot version from device.

Usage example

from cysecuretools import CySecureTools
tools = CySecureTools('CY8CKIT-064B0S2-4343W')

Sign certificate

Signs JSON certificate with the private key.

CLI implementation



Name Optional/Required Description
-j, --json-file required JSON file to be signed.
-k, --key-id required Private Key ID to sign the certificate with (1 - DEVICE, 4 - HSM, 5 - OEM, 12 - GROUP).
-o, --out-file optional Filename where to save the JWT. If not specified, the input file name with "jwt" extension will be used.

Usage example

cysecuretools -t CY8CKIT-064B0S2-4343W sign-cert --json-file packets/control_dap_cert.json --key-id 5


cysecuretools -t CY8CKIT-064B0S2-4343W -p MyPolicy.json sign-cert --json-file packets/control_dap_cert.json --key-id 5

API implementation



Name Optional/Required Description
json_file required JSON file to be signed.
priv_key_id required Private Key ID to sign the certificate with (1 - DEVICE, 4 - HSM, 5 - OEM, 12 - GROUP).
output_file optional Filename where to save the JWT. If not specified, the input file name with "jwt" extension will be used.

Usage example

from cysecuretools import CySecureTools
tools = CySecureTools('CY8CKIT-064B0S2-4343W')
jwt = tools.sign_json('dap_cert.json', 5)


from cysecuretools import CySecureTools
tools = CySecureTools('CY8CKIT-064B0S2-4343W', 'MyPolicy.json')
jwt = tools.sign_json('dap_cert.json', 5)

Read public key from device

Reads public key from device.

CLI implementation



Name Optional/Required Description
-k, --key-id required Key ID to read (1 - DEVICE, 4 - HSM, 5 - OEM, 12 - GROUP).
-f, --key-format optional Key format (jwk or pem). Default is 'jwk'.
-o, --out-file optional Filename where to save the key. If not specified, the log file is used for output.
--probe-id optional Probe serial number.

Usage example

cysecuretools -t CY8CKIT-064B0S2-4343W read-public-key --key-id 5 --out-file oem_pub.jwk


cysecuretools -t CY8CKIT-064B0S2-4343W read-public-key --key-id 5 --key-format pem --out-file oem_pub.pem

API implementation



Name Optional/Required Description
key_id required Key ID to read (1 - DEVICE, 4 - HSM, 5 - OEM, 12 - GROUP).
key_fmt required Key format (jwk or pem).
out_file optional Filename where to save the key.
probe_id optional Probe serial number.

Usage example

from cysecuretools import CySecureTools
tools = CySecureTools('CY8CKIT-064B0S2-4343W')
jwk = tools.read_public_key(5, 'jwk')


from cysecuretools import CySecureTools
tools = CySecureTools('CY8CKIT-064B0S2-4343W', 'MyPolicy.json')
pem = tools.read_public_key(5, 'pem', 'pub_oem.pem')

Read die ID from device

Reads die ID from device.

CLI implementation



Name Optional/Required Description
-o, --out-file optional Filename where to save die ID. If not specified, the log file is used for output.
--probe-id optional Probe serial number.

Usage example

cysecuretools -t CY8CKIT-064B0S2-4343W read-die-id -o die_id.json

API implementation



Name Optional/Required Description
probe_id optional Probe serial number.

Usage example

from cysecuretools import CySecureTools
tools = CySecureTools('CY8CKIT-064B0S2-4343W')
jwk = tools.read_die_id()

Closing All Access Ports

Often it is necessary to close all access ports during provisioning. After closing the access ports, there will be no way to program application. In this case, the application can be programmed during the provisioning process, when the access ports are open. Refer Programming encrypted user application.

Open CM0 Access Port

System AP must be enabled since it is used to open CM0 AP.

There is a way to close CM0 access port and allow to open it using a certificate. To close CM0 port with the ability of further opening, provision the device with the following configuration of m0p in the policy file:

"m0p" : {
    "permission" : "allowed",
    "control" : "certificate",
    "key" : 5

The above configuration means that the CM0 AP can be opened with certificate. The certificate must be signed with the key with ID 5. The certificate can be found in the packets directory (look for control_dap_cert.json).

Sign certificate

Once device was provisioned with the above m0p configuration, the AP can be opened with the certificate.

To sign the certificate refer to Sign certificate section. The key ID used to sign the certificate must match the key ID specified in the policy file m0p properties.

Re-provision and open CM0 access port

Re-provision device using the certificate to open CM0 access port for programming bootloader program file.

cysecuretools -t CY8CKIT-064B0S2-4343W re-provision-device --control-dap-cert packets/control_dap_cert.jwt

NOTE: The access port opens for a short time to program bootloader during re-provisioning.

Policy and Keys

Provisioning Policies

Change the policy by specifying the policy argument. All available policy files are located in the policy directory inside the folder with the target name in the package installation directory.

Policy Location

By default, the keys and policy files location is the package installation directory. To use a policy file from a different location, provide the policy file location while creating a CySecureTools object.

CLI example:

cysecuretools -t CY8CKIT-064B0S2-4343W -p /Users/example/policy_multi_CM0_CM4.json

API example:

from cysecuretools import CySecureTools
tools = CySecureTools('CY8CKIT-064B0S2-4343W', '/Users/example/policy_multi_CM0_CM4.json')

Custom Data Sections

Policy file used for provisioning or reprovisioning can contain optional list of sections, e.g.:

    "custom_data_sections": ["abc", "xyz"],

All listed sections content will be added to the provisioning JWT packet. These data sections are simply copied raw without validation or filtering.

Keys Location

By default, the keys location is the keys directory inside the package installation directory. The keys location can be changed in the policy file. Either an absolute or relative path can be used. A relative path is related to the policy file location.


    "boot_auth": [
    "boot_keys": [
        { "kid": 8, "key": "../keys/USERAPP_CM4_KEY.json" }
    "id": 4,
    "monotonic": 0,
    "smif_id": 0,
    "upgrade": true,
    "version": "0.1",
    "rollback_counter": 0,
    "encrypt": true,
    "encrypt_key_id": 1,
    "encrypt_peer": "../keys/dev_pub_key.pem",
    "resources": [
            "type": "BOOT",
            "address": 268435456,
            "size": 327680
            "type": "UPGRADE",
            "address": 268763136,
            "size": 327680

The policy file properties which represent the keys:

Property Description
boot_keys The keys for signing a BOOT image.
encrypt_peer The public key read from the device during the provisioning procedure. The key is used for the image encryption.


By default, the tools use release mode of CyBootloader. This does not output CyBootloader logs to the serial port, but it has a smaller size. The debug mode of CyBootloader allows seeing its logs using the serial port with the baud rate 115200. To change CyBootloader mode, change the cy_bootloader field in the policy file:

for debug mode

    "mode": "debug"

for release mode

    "mode": "release"

Custom Bootloader

To use a custom bootloader, specify value custom in the cy_bootloader mode field. Also, it requires the specifying bootloader image (hex_path) and its certificate (jwt_path). A bootloader image certificate is a JWT file that confirms the image's validity. To create an image certificate, use the image certificate creation command.

    "mode": "custom",
    "hex_path": "../prebuilt/CyBootloader_WithLogs/CypressBootloader_CM0p.hex",
    "jwt_path": "../prebuilt/CyBootloader_WithLogs/CypressBootloader_CM0p.jwt"

Encrypted Bootloader

Refer Programming encrypted bootloader.

Using Different On-Chip Debugger

The package supports the following on-chip debuggers - pyocd and Cypress OpenOCD. To use a different debugger, run command set-ocd.

Command Parameters

Name Optional/Required Description
--name required The tool name (pyocd | openocd).
--path optional The path to the tool root directory. Not applicable for pyocd.

Usage example

cysecuretools set-ocd --name openocd --path /Users/example/tools/openocd-4.0


pyocd is the default debugger and is installed together with cysecuretools. The project is hosted on PyPI (


Cypress OpenOCD is downloaded and installed separately. The supported version is 4.0.0. The project is hosted on GitHub (

Package Installation Directory

Use the pip command to get the package location:

pip show cysecuretools

License and Contributions

The software is provided under the Apache-2.0 license. Contributions to this project are accepted under the same license. This project contains code from other projects. The original license text is included in those source files.


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.



  • Image SWAP using Status Partition


  • CyBootloader 2.0
  • Secure Flash Boot 4.0.2 support



  • Support PSoC64 1M
  • New command to read device die ID
  • Optionally add boot record to the signed image
  • New policy validators (address overlaps between images and bootloader, slots address alignment with the SMPU address limits, DAP closure, monotonic counter)
  • Log the device response JWT during the provisioning process


  • Fixed issue with using group private key
  • Use pyocd 0.27.3



  • Support PSoC64 2M, PSoC64 512K
  • Command line interface
  • Encrypted programming
  • Single-image and multi-image policy


  • Update provisioning according to new Secure Flash Boot functionality (update system calls, reprovisioning, encrypted image support)
  • New CyBootloaders (CY8CKIT-064B0S2-4343W, CY8CKIT-064S0S2-4343W, CY8CPROTO-064B0S3)
  • Use pyocd 0.27.0

Project details

Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distribution

cysecuretools-3.0.0.tar.gz (654.4 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

cysecuretools-3.0.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (708.8 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 2 Python 3

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