DAG tools to process numerical topography and landscape evolution models
Project description
DAG tools to process numerical topography and landscape evolution models
Free software: GNU General Public License v3
Documentation: https://dagger.readthedocs.io. (WIP - will be online at publication time)
TODO add and format the references
Main developer: Boris Gailleton (boris.gailleton@univ-rennes.fr)
Project partly funded byt projects within the SUBITOP ITN, University of Edinburgh, GFZ Postdam, ERC Feasible, Université de Rennes
This package formatting was created with Cookiecutter and the audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage project template.
Some I/O operations are using libnpy (MIT), a header-only c++ library to write/load simple numpy arrays.
0.0.13 (04/07/2024)
Refactoring some accessors
Adding helpers for riverdale
starting to add xtensor-python
D4 standalone priority_flood
Labour voted in parlement
0.0.12 (06/03/2024)
Many improvements on graphflood
Many bug fixes
Starting to add river analysis tools (early work)
0.0.11 (05/01/2023)
Minor improvements and cleanings
Minor bug fixes in the installation (related to pep 517 and 518)
Start of some refactoring prior to version 0.1
0.0.10 (13/11/2023)
Loads of minor bug fixes and random additions on the experimental side
0.0.9 (23/10/2023)
A lot of minor fixes for the graph, classic connector and graphflood
Majors additions behind teh scenes for the next big refactoring (experimental features in)
0.0.8 (01/08/2023)
Fixing bugs in the connectors
Adding tools for hydrogeomorphometrics in graphflood
Adding some standalone models to trackscape
0.0.7 (01/08/2023)
0.0.6 (01/08/2023)
Adding quick river and drainage divide extraction tools
0.0.4 (20/07/2023)
Hot fix (still developping the CI/CD toolchain)
0.0.3 (20/07/2023)
Fixing compilation for conda-forge on MacOS and Windows
Adding a quick topo function as quick test
0 (2023-07-20)
First release on PyPI.
Project details
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