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DashVector Client Python Sdk Library

Project description

DashVector Client Python Library

DashVector is a scalable and fully-managed vector-database service for building various machine learning applications. The DashVector client SDK is your gateway to access the DashVector service.

For more information about DashVector, please visit:


To install the DashVector client Python SDK, simply run:

pip install dashvector


import numpy as np
import dashvector

# Use DashVector `Client` api to communicate with the backend vectorDB service.
client = dashvector.Client(api_key='YOUR-DASHVECTOR-API-KEY')

# Create a collection named "quickstart" with dimension of 4, using the default Cosine distance metric
rsp = client.create(name='quickstart', dimension=4)
assert rsp

# Get a collection by name
collection = client.get(name='quickstart')

# Operations on 'Collection' includes Inert/Query/Upsert/Update/Delete/Fetch of docs
# Here we insert sample data (4-dimensional vectors) in batches of 16
        dashvector.Doc(id=str(i), vector=np.random.rand(4), fields={'anykey': 'anyvalue'}) 
        for i in range(16)

# Query a vector from the collection
docs = collection.query([0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4], topk=5)

# Get statistics about collection
stats = collection.stats()

# Delete a collection by name


Create a Client

Client host various APIs for interacting with DashVector Collection.

    api_key: str,
    endpoint: str = '',
    protocal: dashvector.DashVectorProtocol = dashvector.DashVectorProtocol.GRPC, 
    timeout: float = 10.0
) -> Client
Parameters Type Required Description
api_key str Yes Your DashVector API-KEY
endpoint str No Service Endpoint.
Default value:
protocol DashVectorProtocol No Communication protocol, support HTTP and GRPC.
Default value: DashVectorProtocol.GRPC
timeout float No Timeout period (in seconds), -1 means no timeout.
Default value: 10.0


import dashvector

client = dashvector.Client(api_key='YOUR-DASHVECTOR-API-KEY')
assert client

Create Collection

    name: str,
    dimension: int,
    dtype: Union[Type[int], Type[float]] = float,
    fields_schema: Optional[Dict[str, Union[Type[str], Type[int], Type[float], Type[bool]]]] = None,
    metric: str = 'cosine',
    timeout: Optional[int] = None
) -> DashVectorResponse
Parameters Type Required Description
name str Yes The name of the Collection to create.
dimension int Yes The dimensions of the Collection's vectors. Valid values: 1-20,000
dtype Union[Type[int], Type[float]] No The date type of the Collection's vectors.
Default value: Type[float]
fields_schema Optional[Dict[str, Union[Type[str], Type[int], Type[float], Type[bool]]]] No Fields schema of the Collection.
Default value: None
e.g. {"name": str, "age": int}
metric str No Vector similarity metric. For cosine, dtype must be float.
Valid values:
1. (Default)cosine
2. dotproduct
3. euclidean
timeout Optional[int] No Timeout period (in seconds), -1 means asynchronous creation collection.
Default value: None


import dashvector

client = dashvector.Client(api_key='YOUR-DASHVECTOR-API-KEY')

rsp = client.create('YOUR-COLLECTION-NAME', dimension=4)
assert rsp

List Collections

Client.list() -> DashVectorResponse


import dashvector

client = dashvector.Client(api_key='YOUR-DASHVECTOR-API-KEY')

collections = client.list()

for collection in collections:
# outputs:
# 'quickstart'

Describe Collection

Client.describe(name: str) -> DashVectorResponse

Parameters Type Required Description
name str Yes The name of the Collection to describe.


import dashvector

client = dashvector.Client(api_key='YOUR-DASHVECTOR-API-KEY')
rsp = client.describe('YOUR-COLLECTION-NAME')

# example output:
# {
#   "request_id": "8d3ac14e-5382-4736-b77c-4318761ddfab",
#   "code": 0,
#   "message": "",
#   "output": {
#     "name": "quickstart",
#     "dimension": 4,
#     "dtype": "FLOAT",
#     "metric": "dotproduct",
#     "fields_schema": {
#       "name": "STRING",
#       "age": "INT",
#       "height": "FLOAT"
#     },
#     "status": "SERVING",
#     "partitions": {
#       "default": "SERVING"
#     }
#   }
# }

Delete Collection

Client.delete(name: str) -> DashVectorResponse

Parameters Type Required Description
name str Yes The name of the Collection to delete.


import dashvector

client = dashvector.Client(api_key='YOUR-DASHVECTOR-API-KEY')

Get a Collection Instance

Collection provides APIs for accessing Doc and Partition

Client.get(name: str) -> Collection

Parameters Type Required Description
name str Yes The name of the Collection to get.


import dashvector

client = dashvector.Client(api_key='YOUR-DASHVECTOR-API-KEY')
collection = client.get('YOUR-COLLECTION-NAME')
assert collection

Describe Collection Statistics

Collection.stats() -> DashVectorResponse


import dashvector

client = dashvector.Client(api_key='YOUR-DASHVECTOR-API-KEY')
collection = client.get('YOUR-COLLECTION-NAME')
rsp = collection.stats()

# example output:
# {
#   "request_id": "14448bcb-c9a3-49a8-9152-0de3990bce59",
#   "code": 0,
#   "message": "Success",
#   "output": {
#     "total_doc_count": "26",
#     "index_completeness": 1.0,
#     "partitions": {
#       "default": {
#         "total_doc_count": "26"
#       }
#     }
#   }
# }

Insert/Update/Upsert Docs

    docs: Union[Doc, List[Doc], Tuple, List[Tuple]],
    partition: Optional[str] = None,
    async_req: False
) -> DashVectorResponse
Parameters Type Required Description
docs Union[Doc, List[Doc], Tuple, List[Tuple]] Yes The docs to Insert/Update/Upsert.
partition Optional[str] No Name of the partition to Insert/Update/Upsert.
Default value: None
async_req bool No Enable async request or not.
Default value: False


import dashvector
import numpy as np

client = dashvector.Client(api_key='YOUR-DASHVECTOR-API-KEY')
collection = client.get('YOUR-COLLECTION-NAME')

# insert a doc with Tuple
collection.insert(('YOUR-DOC-ID1', [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4]))
collection.insert(('YOUR-DOC-ID2', [0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5], {'age': 30, 'name': 'alice', 'anykey': 'anyvalue'}))

# insert a doc with dashvector.Doc
        vector=[0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6], 
        fields={'foo': 'bar'}

# insert in batches
ret = collection.insert(
        ('YOUR-DOC-ID4', [0.2, 0.7, 0.8, 1.3], {'age': 1}),
        ('YOUR-DOC-ID4', [0.3, 0.6, 0.9, 1.2], {'age': 2}),
        ('YOUR-DOC-ID6', [0.4, 0.5, 1.0, 1.1], {'age': 3})

# insert in batches
ret = collection.insert(
        dashvector.Doc(id=str(i), vector=np.random.rand(4)) for i in range(10)

# async insert
ret_funture = collection.insert(
        dashvector.Doc(id=str(i+10), vector=np.random.rand(4)) for i in range(10)
ret = ret_funture.get()

Query a Collection

    vector: Optional[Union[List[Union[int, float]], np.ndarray]] = None,
    id: Optional[str] = None,
    topk: int = 10,
    filter: Optional[str] = None,
    include_vector: bool = False,
    partition: Optional[str] = None,
    output_fields: Optional[List[str]] = None,
    async_req: False
) -> DashVectorResponse
Parameters Type Required Description
vector Optional[Union[List[Union[int, float]], np.ndarray]] No The vector to query
id Optional[str] No The doc id to query.
Setting id means searching by vector corresponding to the id
topk Optional[str] No Number of similarity results to return.
Default value: 10
filter Optional[str] No Expression used to filter results
Default value: None
e.g. age>20
include_vector bool No Return vector details or not.
Default value: False
partition Optional[str] No Name of the partition to Query.
Default value: None
output_fields Optional[List[str]] No List of field names to return.
Default value: None, means return all fields
e.g. ['name', 'age']
async_req bool No Enable async request or not.
Default value: False


import dashvector

client = dashvector.Client(api_key='YOUR-DASHVECTOR-API-KEY')
collection = client.get('YOUR-COLLECTION-NAME')
match_docs = collection.query([0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4], topk=100, filter='age>20', include_vector=True, output_fields=['age','name','foo'])
if match_docs:
    for doc in match_docs:

Delete Docs

    ids: Union[str, List[str]],
    delete_all: bool = False,
    partition: Optional[str] = None,
    async_req: bool = False
) -> DashVectorResponse
Parameters Type Required Description
ids Union[str, List[str]] Yes The id (or list of ids) for the Doc(s) to Delete
delete_all bool No Delete all vectors from partition.
Default value: False
partition Optional[str] No Name of the partition to Delete from.
Default value: None
async_req bool No Enable async request or not.
Default value: False


import dashvector

client = dashvector.Client(api_key='YOUR-DASHVECTOR-API-KEY')
collection = client.get('YOUR-COLLECTION-NAME')

Fetch Docs

    ids: Union[str, List[str]],
    partition: Optional[str] = None,
    async_req: bool = False
) -> DashVectorResponse
Parameters Type Required Description
ids Union[str, List[str]] Yes The id (or list of ids) for the Doc(s) to Fetch
partition Optional[str] No Name of the partition to Fetch from.
Default value: None
async_req bool No Enable async request or not.
Default value: False


import dashvector

client = dashvector.Client(api_key='YOUR-DASHVECTOR-API-KEY')
collection = client.get('YOUR-COLLECTION-NAME')
fetch_docs = collection.fetch(['YOUR-DOC-ID1', 'YOUR-DOC-ID2'])
if fetch_docs:
    for doc_id in fetch_docs:
        doc = fetch_docs[doc_id]

Create Collection Partition

Collection.create_partition(name: str) -> DashVectorResponse

Parameters Type Required Description
name str Yes The name of the Partition to Create.
timeout Optional[int] No Timeout period (in seconds), -1 means asynchronous creation partition.
Default value: None


import dashvector

client = dashvector.Client(api_key='YOUR-DASHVECTOR-API-KEY')
collection = client.get('YOUR-COLLECTION-NAME')
rsp = collection.create_partition('YOUR-PARTITION-NAME')
assert rsp

Delete Collection Partition

Collection.delete_partition(name: str) -> DashVectorResponse

Parameters Type Required Description
name str Yes The name of the Partition to Delete.


import dashvector

client = dashvector.Client(api_key='YOUR-DASHVECTOR-API-KEY')
collection = client.get('YOUR-COLLECTION-NAME')
rsp = collection.delete_partition('YOUR-PARTITION-NAME')
assert rsp

List Collection Partitions

Collection.list_partitions() -> DashVectorResponse


import dashvector

client = dashvector.Client(api_key='YOUR-DASHVECTOR-API-KEY')
collection = client.get('YOUR-COLLECTION-NAME')
partitions = collection.list_partitions()

assert partitions
for pt in partitions:

Describe Collection Partition

Collection.describe_partition(name: str) -> DashVectorResponse

Parameters Type Required Description
name str Yes The name of the Partition to Describe.


import dashvector

client = dashvector.Client(api_key='YOUR-DASHVECTOR-API-KEY')
collection = client.get('YOUR-COLLECTION-NAME')

rsp = collection.describe_partition('shoes')
# example output:
# {"request_id":"296267a7-68e2-483a-87e6-5992d85a5806","code":0,"message":"","output":"SERVING"}

Statistics for Collection Partition

Collection.stats_partition(name: str) -> DashVectorResponse

Parameters Type Required Description
name str Yes The name of the Partition to get Statistics.


import dashvector

client = dashvector.Client(api_key='YOUR-DASHVECTOR-API-KEY')
collection = client.get('YOUR-COLLECTION-NAME')

rsp = collection.stats_partition('shoes')
# example outptut:
# {
#     "code":0,
#     "message":"",
#     "requests_id":"330a2bcb-e4a7-4fc6-a711-2fe5f8a24e8c",
#     "output":{
#         "total_doc_count":0
#     }
# }



class Doc(object):
    id: str
    vector: Union[List[int], List[float], numpy.ndarray]
    fields: Optional[Dict[str, Union[Type[str], Type[int], Type[float], Type[bool]]]] = None 
    score: float = 0.0


class DashVectorResponse(object):
    code: DashVectorCode
    message: str
    request_id: str
    output: Any


This project is licensed under the Apache License (Version 2.0).

Project details

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Source Distribution

dashvector-1.0.17.tar.gz (47.0 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

dashvector-1.0.17-py3-none-any.whl (76.7 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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