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Databridges Python server Library

Reason this release was yanked:

Use 2.0.3 Initial Release

Project description

Databridges Python server Library

DataBridges makes it easy for connected devices and applications to communicate with each other in realtime in an efficient, fast, reliable and trust-safe manner. Databridges Python server library allows you to easily add realtime capabilities to your applications in record time.

Usage Overview

The following topics are covered:

Supported platforms

Supports Python versions +3.6


You can use pip package manager to install the package.

pip3 install databridges_sio_server_lib

Note : Databridges library uses for websocket protocol management.


import databridges_sio_server_lib
dbridge = dbridges-server.dBridges()

Global Configuration


The following is the list of required connection properties before connecting to dataBridges network.

dbridge.auth_url = 'URL'
dbridge.appkey = 'APP_KEY'
dbridge.appsecret = 'APP_SECRET'

You need to replace URL , APP_KEY and APP_SECRET with the actual URL ,Application Key and Application Secret.

Properties Description Exceptions
auth_url (string) Authentication url from dataBridges dashboard. source: DBLIB_CONNECT
appkey (string) Application Key from dataBridges dashboard. source: DBLIB_CONNECT
appsecret (string) Application Secret from dataBridges dashboard. source: DBLIB_CONNECT


The following is the list of optional connection properties before connecting to dataBridges network.

dbridge.maxReconnectionRetries = 10
dbridge.maxReconnectionDelay = 120000 
dbridge.minReconnectionDelay = 1000 + (new Random()).NextDouble() * 4000
dbridge.reconnectionDelayGrowFactor = 1.3
dbridge.minUptime = 200  
dbridge.connectionTimeout = 10000
dbridge.autoReconnect = true = false 
Properties Default Description
maxReconnectionDelay 10 (integer) The maximum delay between two reconnection attempts in seconds.
minReconnectionDelay 1000 + Math.random() * 4000 (integer) The initial delay before reconnection in milliseconds (affected by the reconnectionDelayGrowFactor value).
reconnectionDelayGrowFactor 1.3 (float) The randomization factor used when reconnecting (so that the clients do not reconnect at the exact same time after a server crash).
minUptime 200 (integer) Uptime before connected event is triggered, value in milliseconds.
connectionTimeout 10000 (integer) Number of milliseconds the library will wait for a connection to be established. If it fails it will emit a connection_error event.
maxReconnectionRetries 10 (integer) The number of reconnection attempts before giving up.
autoReconnect true (boolean) If false, library will not attempt reconnecting.
cf.enable false (boolean) Enable exposing client function for this connection. (Check Client Function section for details.)


Once the properties are set, use connect() function to connect to dataBridges Network.

    await dbridge.connect()
except dBError as e:
	print("source: {0} ,  code: {1}, message: {2}".format(e.source , e.code , e.message))


Source Code Message Description
DBLIB_CONNECT INVALID_URL Value of dbridge.auth_url is not a valid dataBridges authentication URL.
DBLIB_CONNECT INVALID_AUTH_PARAM Value of dbridge.appkey or dbridge.appsecret is not a valid dataBridges application key.
DBLIB_CONNECT ACCESSTOKEN_FAILED dbridge.appsecret validation failed.
DBLIB_CONNECT HTTP_ HTTP protocol reported message. HTTP Errors returned during authentication process. HTTP Error code will be concatenated with HTTP_ in the err.code. eg. HTTP_501
DBLIB_CONNECT INVALID_CLIENTFUNCTION If "callback function" is not declared for client function or typeof() variable defined is not a "function". This is applicable only if clientFunction is enabled. (Check Client Function section for details.)

sessionid (string)

print("sessionid: {0}".format( dbridge.sessionid))

Making a connection provides the application with a new sessionid that is assigned by the application. This can be used to distinguish the application's own events. A change of state might otherwise be duplicated in the application. It is also stored within the connection, and used as a token for generating signatures for private/presence/system channels/rpc functions.

disconnect (function)

To close a connection use disconnect function. When a connection has been closed explicitly, no automatic reconnection will happen.

await dbridge.disconnect()


Object Description
connectionstate connectionstate object expose properties, functions and events to monitor and manage the health of dataBridges network connection.
channel channel object exposes trust-safe flexible Pub/Sub messaging properties, functions and events to build realtime event messaging / event driven applications at scale.
rpc rpc object exposes trust-safe properties, functions and events to provide reliable two-way messaging between multiple endpoints allowing you to build sophisticated asynchronous interactions.
cf CF (Client-function) object is a special purpose RPC implementation to build command and control applications. CF object exposes properties, functions and events for command and control applications to send messages to devices and application using dataBridges client library in **trust-safe manner **, build smart update configuration system and implement **trust-safe ** actions for remote and automated management.


Connectionstate object expose properties, functions and events to monitor and manage the health of dataBridges network connection.


The following is the list of connection state properties.

Property Description
connectionstate.state (String) Current state of dataBridges network connection . List of Return Values are detailed below.
connectionstate.isconnected (Boolean) To verify if the application is still connected to the dataBridges network.
connectionstate.rttms (integer) Latency in milliseconds between your application and the dataBridges router where your application is connected.
connectionstate.reconnect_attempt (integer) Number of reconnection attempted as of now.
Return Values Description
connecting Your application is now attempting to connect to dataBridges network.
connected The connection to dataBridges network is open and authenticated with your appkey.
connection_break Indicates a network disconnection between application and dataBridges network. The library will initiate an automatic reconnection, if the reconnection property is set as true.
connect_error The dataBridges network connection was previously connected and has now errored and closed.
disconnected The application is now disconnected from the dataBridges network. The application will than need to initiate fresh connection attempt again.
reconnecting Your application is now attempting to reconnect to dataBridges network as per properties set for reconnection.
reconnect_error Reconnection attempt has errored.
reconnect_failed The application will enter reconnect_failed state when all the reconnection attempts have been exhausted unsuccessfully. The application is now disconnected from the dataBridges network. The application will than need to initiate fresh connection attempt again
reconnected The application has successfully re-connected to the dataBridges network, This state will follow connect_error or reconnect_error.

Bind to connectionstate events

Apart from retrieveing state of a dBrige connection, application can bind to connectionstate events.

You can use the following methods on connectionstate object to bind to events.

dbridge.connectionstate.bind(eventName, callable)

bind() on eventName has callback functions to be defined where you can write your own code as per requirement.

To stop listening to events use unbind(eventName) function.

To stop listening to all events use unbind() [without eventName] function.

Below are library events which can be bind to receive information about dataBridges network.

System events for connectionstate object

async def connecting():

async def reconnecting():

async def connection_break():

async def state_change( data):
    print("state_change:", data)

async def connect_error( data):
    if isinstance(data, str):
        print("connect_error:" + str(data))
    if isinstance(data, dBError.dBError):
        print(data.code, data.source, data.message)

async def reconnect_error(data):
    if isinstance(data, str):
        print("connect_error:" + str(data))
    if isinstance(data, dBError.dBError):
        print(data.code, data.source, data.message)

async def reconnect_failed( data):
    print("reconnect_failed:", data)

async def reconnected():

async def rttpong(data=None):
    print("rttpong:", .dbridge.connectionstate.rttms)
async def disconnected():

async def connected():

      dbridge.connectionstate.bind("connecting", connecting)
      dbridge.connectionstate.bind("reconnecting", reconnecting)
      dbridge.connectionstate.bind("connection_break", connection_break)
      dbridge.connectionstate.bind("state_change", state_change)
      dbridge.connectionstate.bind("connect_error", connect_error)
      dbridge.connectionstate.bind("reconnect_error", reconnect_error)
      dbridge.connectionstate.bind("reconnect_failed", reconnect_failed)
      dbridge.connectionstate.bind("reconnected", reconnected)
      dbridge.connectionstate.bind("rttpong", rttpong)
      dbridge.connectionstate.bind("connected", connected)
      dbridge.connectionstate.bind("disconnected", disconnected)
except dBError as e:
  	print(e.code, e.source, e.message)
payload: (dberror object)
    "source": "DBLIB_CONNECT" , 			// (string) Error source
    "code": "RECONNECT_ATTEMPT_EXCEEDED",	// (string) Error code 
    "message": "" 							// (string) Error message if applicable.
Events Parameters Description
connecting This event is triggered when your application is attempting to connect to dataBridges network.
connected This event is triggered when connection to dataBridges network is open and authenticated with your appkey.
connection_break payload (dberror object) Indicates a network disconnection between application and dataBridges network. The library will initiate an automatic reconnection, if the reconnection property is set as true.
connect_error payload (dberror object) This event is triggered when the dataBridges network connection was previously connected and has now errored and closed.
disconnected The application is now disconnected from the dataBridges network. The application will than need to initiate fresh connection attempt again.
reconnecting This event is triggered when application is now attempting to reconnect to dataBridges network as per properties set for reconnection.
reconnect_error payload (dberror object) This event is triggered when reconnection attempt has errored.
reconnect_failed payload (dberror object) reconnect_failed event is triggered when all the reconnection attempts have been exhaused unsuccessfully. The application is now disconnected from the dataBridges network. The application will than need to initiate fresh connection attempt again.
reconnected This event is triggered when the connection to dataBridges network is open and reconnected after connect_error or reconnect_error.
state_change payload with payload.previous, payload.current (dict) This event is triggered whenever there is any state changes in dataBridges network connection. Payload will have previous and current state of connection.
rttpong payload (integer) In Response to rttping() function call to dataBridges network, payload has latency in milliseconds between your application and the dataBridges router where your application is connected.


Source Code Message Description
DBLIB_CONNECT RECONNECT_ATTEMPT_EXCEEDED Triggered when reconnect_failed event is raised.
DBNET_CONNECT DISCONNECT_REQUEST Triggered when connect_error event is raised.
DBNET_CONNECT RECONNECT_REQUEST Triggered when connect_error, connection_break event is raised.
DBLIB_CONNECT NETWORK_DISCONNECTED Triggered when connect_error, reconnect_error event is raised.
DBLIB_CONNECT INVALID_URL Value of dbridge.auth_url is not a valid dataBridges authentication URL.
DBLIB_CONNECT INVALID_AUTH_PARAM Value of dbridge.appkey or dbridge.appsecret is not a valid dataBridges application key.
DBLIB_CONNECT ACCESSTOKEN_FAILED dbridge.appsecret validation failed.
DBLIB_CONNECT HTTP_ HTTP protocol reported message. HTTP Errors returned during authentication process. HTTP Error code will be concatenated with HTTP_ in the err.code. eg. HTTP_501
DBLIB_CONNECT INVALID_CLIENTFUNCTION If "callback function" is not declared for client function or typeof() variable defined is not a "function". (Check Client Function section for details.)


Source Code Description
DBLIB_CONNECT_BIND INVALID_EVENTNAME Invalid Event name. Not in defined events as above.
DBLIB_CONNECT_BIND INVALID_CALLBACK If "callback function" is not declared or typeof() variable defined is not a "function".



This method is to understand the latency in milliseconds between your application and the dataBridges router where your application is connected. Event rttpong is triggered once response is received from dataBridges network. Bind to event:rttpong to retrieve the latency in ms.

# To get the last known Latency in milliseconds between your application and the dataBridges router where your application is connected.
# The dataBridges library exchanges rttms during the initial dataBridges network connection routine.

# To get the latest Latency in milliseconds between your application and the dataBridges router where your application is connected.
    expect dBError as err:
        Console.WriteLine("{0} ,  {1} , {2}" , err.source, err.code, err.message);

# Bind to rttpong, to get notified about the latest Latency in milliseconds between your application and the dataBridges router where your application is connected.

def rttpong(payload):
    //payload is an integer value is in millisecond which is same as dbridge.connectionstate.rttms.

    expect dBError as err:
 	Console.WriteLine("{0} ,  {1} , {2}" , err.source, err.code, err.message);


Source Code Description
DBLIB_RTTPING NETWORK_DISCONNECTED Connection to dataBridges network is not active.


channel object exposes trust-safe flexible Pub/Sub messaging properties, functions and events to build realtime event messaging / event driven applications at scale.


  • A message is attached to an event
  • Group similar events into a channel
  • Subscribe to a channel to receive all channel event messages.
  • Publish event message to the channel and it will be sent to all the channel subscribers who are connected to dataBridges network and online.
  • if you need to have an access controlled channel, prefix the channel name with pvt: , prs: and sys: .
    • Note dataBridges have 2 seprate libraries (client lib, server lib). You are reading the server library api document.
      • Server lib uses app.key along with secret to get access to all channels including pvt: , prs: and sys: channels linked to the application.
      • Whereas application using client library (client application) will always need to pass a trust-token to access restricted channels (pvt: prs: sys: ) . A trust-token is a JWT document created using a combination of channelname + sessionid + app.secret. Trust token can be created by application having access to app.key's secret.
        • you can use your existing access control, authorization and session identification rule-set, process and methods to create a trust-token instructing the dataBridges router to accept the pvt: prs: and sys: channel subscription, connection of from client application.
        • Trust-tokens allows you to enable secured, access controlled and compliance driven realtime event driven messaging in your existing and new initiative applications.

dataBridges library supports 4 types of channel. The namespace is the 4 characters preceding the channelName (pvt:,prs:,sys:), identifying which type of channel the application is connecting to.

Channel Type Channel Name Style Description
Public channelName Public channel is used to send and receive messages that are to be publicly available. This channel type does not require any trust authorization token to subscribe.
e.g channelName = mychannel
Private **pvt:**channeName Private channels is restricted channel. e.g channelName = mychannel
Presence **prs:**channeName Presence channels is a specialized private channel with additional feature of presence awareness. Subscribing to presence channel allows application to be notified of members joining / leaving the channel. e.g channelName = prs:mychannel
System **sys:**channeName System channel is a specialized Presence channel to build command and control applications. Using System channel to create command and control server applications to send messages to devices and application using dataBridges library in **trust-safe manner **, build smart update configuration system and implement **trust-safe ** actions for remote and automated management. System channel allows application to send and receive messages with the server application (using dataBridges server library).
e.g channelName = sys:systeminfo

Subscribe to Channel

Application that subscribes to a channel will receive messages and can send messages.


The default method for subscribing to a channel involves invoking the channel.subscribe function of your dataBridges object:

    subscribed_channel =  await'mychannel')
except dBError as e:
  	print(e.code, e.source, e.message)
Parameter Rules Description
string channelName OR
pvt:channelName OR
prs:channelName OR
channelName to which subscription to be done.
Return Type Description
object channel object which events and related functions can be bound to.

Application can directly work with dataBridges object without using Channel object.

try {'mychannel')
} catch (dBError err) {
    Console.WriteLine("{0} ,  {1} , {2}" , err.source, err.code, err.message)
Source Code Description
DBLIB_CHANNEL_SUBSCRIBE NETWORK_DISCONNECTED Connection to dataBridges network is not active.
1. channelName is not defined.
2. channelName validation error, typeof() channelName is not type string
3. channelName validation error, channelName fails a-zA-Z0-9\.:_- validation.
DBLIB_CHANNEL_SUBSCRIBE INVALID_CHANNELNAME_LENGTH channelName validation error, length of channelName greater than 64


To unsubscribe from a subscribed channel, invoke the unsubscribe function of your dataBridges object. unsubscribe cannot be done on channel object.

except dBError as e:
  	print(e.code, e.source, e.message)
Parameter Rules Description
string *channelName OR
**pvt:**channelName OR
**prs:**channelName OR
channelName to which un-subscription to be done.
Return Type Description
Source Code Description
DBLIB_CHANNEL_UNSUBSCRIBE NETWORK_DISCONNECTED Connection to dataBridges network is not active.
DBLIB_CHANNEL_UNSUBSCRIBE UNSUBSCRIBE_ALREADY_INITIATED unsubscription to the channel is already initiated and hence the current unsubscribe command exited with exception.

Channel Information


dBridgeObject as well as channelObject provides a function to check if the channel is online. The best practice is to check the channel is online before publishing any message.

isonline ='mychannel')
isonline = subscribed_channel.isOnline()
Parameter Rules Description
string *channelName OR
**pvt:**channelName OR
**prs:**channelName OR
Return Values Description
boolean Is the current status of channel online or offline.


dBridgeObject provides a function to get list of successfully subscribed or connected channel.

channels =
#=> [{"name":  "mychannel" , "type": "subscribed/connect" ,  "isonline": True/False }]
Return Type Description
array of dict Array of channels subscribed or connected.

Dictionary contains below information.

Key Description
name (string) channelName of subscribed or connected channel.
type (string) subscribed
isonline (boolean) Is the current status of channel online or offline.


channelObject provides a function to get the channelName.

chName = channelobject.getChannelName()
Return Type Description
string channelName of subscribed channel.

Publish to Channel

Publish event-message using the publish function on an instance of the channel object.

A message is linked to an event and hence event-message. dataBridges allows you to bind to various events to create rich event processing flows.


The default method for publishing user-defined events to a channel involves invoking the channel.publish function of your channelObject for which it has connected to OR using dbridgeObject giving the channelName as parameter.

Note: channel.publish is not allowed using channelObject subscribed to sys:* channel.

# Using dbridgeObject 
    dbridge.channe.publish(channelName, event, payload, excludeSessionId, sourceId, seqno)
except dBError as e:
  print(e.code, e.source, e.message) 

# Using channelObject 
    channelObject.publish(eventname, payload, excludeSessionId, sourceId, seqno)
except dBError as e:
  print(e.code, e.source, e.message)

#// Best practice is to check the channel is online before publishing any message.
if channelObject.isOnline():
        channelObject.publish(eventname, payload, excludeSessionId, sourceId, seqno)
    except dBError as e:
      print(e.code, e.source, e.message)
Parameter Description
channelName (string) Channel name for which details are required.
event (string) event Name to which the message to be sent. event Name cannot start with dbridges:
payload (string) Payload to be sent with the event.
excludeSessionId (string) Excludes the event from being sent to a specific sessionid (connection).

For example when a server application (example: chat server) sends event message on behalf of a specific session ( example: chat user) to a channel (example: chat group), the sessionID (example: chat user) will be excluded to receive its own message.
sourceId (string) Required in case of presence(prs:) and system (sys:) channel. When sending a message to a presence(prs:) or system (sys:) channel, application need to specify a message source by using this sourceId.

For example when a server application (example: chat server) sends event message on behalf of a specific session ( example: chat user) to a channel (example: chat group), the sourceID (example: chat user information) can be attached usiing sourceID to the event message. This allows all message receipient to know who has sent the message.
seqno (string) [optional] Message sequence number. This is optional parameter. seqno can be used by applications to manage message queue processing by the subscribers.
Return Values Description
Source Code Description
DBLIB_CHANNEL_PUBLISH NETWORK_DISCONNECTED Connection to dataBridges network is not active.
1. channelName
validation error, typeof() channelName is not type string
2. channelName validation error, channelName fails a-zA-Z0-9\.:_- validation.
3. channelName is sys:*
4. channelName is not defined.
DBLIB_CHANNEL_PUBLISH INVALID_CHANNELNAME_LENGTH channelName validation error, length of channelName greater than 64
DBLIB_CHANNEL_PUBLISH INVALID_SUBJECT Applicable for below conditions
1. event validation error, event is not defined
2. event validation error, typeof() event is not type string

Send Message to Members / sessionID

It's possible to send message to individual sessionId using the channel.sendmsg function on an instance of the channelObject or using dbridgeObject.


The default method for send message user-defined events to a individual sessionId involves invoking the channel.sendmsg function of your channelObject for which it has connected to OR using dbridgeObject giving the channelName as parameter.

Note: channel.sendmsg is not allowed using channelObject subscribed to sys:* channel.

# Using dbridgeObject 
try:, event, payload, toSessionId, sourceId, seqno)
except dBError as e:
    print(e.code, e.source, e.message) 

# Using channelObject 
    channelObject.sendmsg( event, payload, toSessionId, sourceId, seqno)
except dBError as e:
    print(e.code, e.source, e.message) 

# Best practice is to check the channel is online before publishing any message.
if channelObject.isOnline():
        channelObject.sendmsg(event, payload, toSessionId, sourceId, seqno);
    except dBError as e:
    print(e.code, e.source, e.message) 
Parameter Description
channelName (string) Channel name for which details are required.
event (string) event Name to which the message to be sent. event Name cannot start with dbridges:
payload (string) Payload to be sent with the event.
toSessionId (string) sessionid where the message to be sent.
sourceId (string) Required in case of presence(prs:) and system (sys:) channel. When sending a message to a presence(prs:) or system (sys:) channel, application need to specify a message source by using this sourceId.

For example when a server application (example: chat server) sends event message on behalf of a specific session ( example: chat user) to a channel (example: chat group), the sourceID (example: chat user information) can be attached usiing sourceID to the event message. This allows all message receipient to know who has sent the message.
seqno (string) [optional] Message sequence number. This is optional parameter. seqno can be used by applications to manage message queue processing by the subscribers.
Return Values Description
Source Code Description
DBLIB_CHANNEL_SENDMSG NETWORK_DISCONNECTED Connection to dataBridges network is not active.
1. channelName
validation error, typeof() channelName is not type string
2. channelName validation error, channelName fails a-zA-Z0-9\.:_- validation.
3. channelName is sys:*
4. channelName is not defined.
5. channelType is prs: and sourceId is not provided.
6. channelName contains : and first token is not pvt,prs,sys
DBLIB_CHANNEL_SENDMSG INVALID_CHANNELNAME_LENGTH channelName validation error, length of channelName greater than 64

Binding to events

A message is linked to an event and hence event-message. dataBridges allows you to bind to various events to create rich event processing flows. An application needs to bind to event to process the received message.

You can use the following methods either on a channelObject, to bind to events on a particular channel; or on the dbridgeObject, to bind to events on all subscribed channels simultaneously.

bind and unbind

Bind to "event" on channel: payload and metadata is received.

# Binding to channel events on channelObject  
def eventFunction(payload ,  metadata):
  	print(payload , metadata)

    channelObject.bind('eventName',  eventFunction)
except dBError as e:
  	print(e.code, e.source, e.message) 

# Binding to channel events on dbridgeObject 
try {'eventName', eventFunction)
except dBError as e:
  	print(e.code, e.source, e.message) 
Parameter Description
event (string) event Name to which binding to be done.
Callback parameters

(string) Payload data sent by the publisher.

metadata (dict):
    "channelname": "channelName" , 		// (string) channelName to which subscription is done.
    "eventname": "event",				// (string) eventName 
    "sourcesysid": "", 					// (string) Sender system identity, applicable only for presence or system channel.
    "sqnum": "1",						// (string) user defined, sent during publish function.
    "sessionid": "", 					// (string) Sender sessionid, applicable only for presence or system channel.
    "intime": 1645554960732  			// (string) EPOC time of the sender at time of publish.
Source Code Description
DBLIB_CONNECT_BIND INVALID_EVENTNAME Invalid Event name. Not in user-defined events or default events.
DBLIB_CONNECT_BIND INVALID_CALLBACK If "callback function" is not declared or typeof() variable defined is not a "function".

Unbind behavior varies depending on which parameters you provide it with. For example:

# Remove just `handler` of the `event` in the subscribed/connected channel 

# Remove all `handler` of the `event` in the subscribed/connected channel

# Remove all handlers for the all event in the subscribed/connected channel

# Remove `handler` of the `event` for all events across all subscribed/connected channels'event',handler)

# Remove all handlers of the `event` for all events across all subscribed/connected channels'event')

# Remove all handlers for all events across all subscribed/connected channels

bind_all and unbind_all

bind_all and unbind_all work much like bind and unbind, but instead of only firing callbacks on a specific event, they fire callbacks on any event, and provide that event in the metadata to the handler along with the payload.

# Binding to channel events on channelObject  
def eventFunction(payload ,  metadata):
  	print(payload , metadata)

    channelObject.bind_all('event',  eventFunction)
except dBError as e:
  	print(e.code, e.source, e.message) 

# Binding to channel events on dbridgeObject 

try {'event', eventFunction)
except dBError as e:
  	print(e.code, e.source, e.message)

Callback out parameter payload, metadata details are explained with each event below in this document.

Source Code Description
DBLIB_CONNECT_BIND INVALID_CALLBACK If "callback function" is not declared or typeof() variable defined is not a "function".

unbind_all works similarly to unbind.

# Remove just `handler` across the channel 

#Remove all handlers for the all event in the subscribed/connected channel

# Remove `handler` across the subscribed/connected channels

# Remove all handlers for all events across all subscribed/connected channels

System events for channel object

There are a number of events which are triggered internally by the library, but can also be of use elsewhere. Below are the list of all events triggered by the library.

Below syntax is same for all system events.

# Binding to systemevent on channelObject  
def eventFunction(payload ,  metadata):
  	print(payload , metadata)

    channelObject.bind_all('dbridges:subscribe.success',  eventFunction)
except dBError as e:
  	print(e.code, e.source, e.message) 

# Binding to systemevent on dbridgeObject 

try:'dbridges:subscribe.success', eventFunction)
except dBError as e:
  	print(e.code, e.source, e.message)
Callback parameters



metadata (dict):

    "channelname": "channelName" , 			// (string) channelName to which subscription is done.
    "eventname": "dbridges:subscribe.success",// (string) eventName 
    "sourcesysid": "", 					// (string) Sender system identity, applicable only for presence or system channel.
    "sqnum": "1",						// (string) user defined, sent during publish function.
    "sessionid": "", 					// (string) Sender sessionid, applicable only for presence or system channel.
    "intime": 1645554960732  			// (string) EPOC time of the sender at time of publish.
Callback parameters

payload: (dberror object)

    "source": "dberror.Source" , 		// (string) Error source, Refer dberror: for details
    "code": "dberror.Code",				// (string) Error code, Refer dberror: for details
    "message": "" 						// (string) Error message if applicable.

metadata (dict):

    "channelname": "channelName" , 		// (string) channelName to which subscription is done.
    "eventname": "",// (string) eventName 
    "sourcesysid": "", 					// (string) 
    "sqnum": "",						// (string) 
    "sessionid": "", 					// (string) 
    "intime": 	  						// (string) 
Callback parameters



metadata (dict):

    "channelname": "channelName" , 		// (string) channelName to which subscription is done.
    "eventname": "",// (string) eventName 
    "sourcesysid": "", 					// (string) 
    "sqnum": "",						// (string) 
    "sessionid": "", 					// (string) 
    "intime": 	  						// (string) 
Callback parameters



metadata (dict):

    "channelname": "channelName" , 		// (string) channelName to which subscription is done.
    "eventname": "dbridges:channel.offline",// (string) eventName 
    "sourcesysid": "", 					// (string) 
    "sqnum": "",						// (string) 
    "sessionid": "", 					// (string) 
    "intime": 	  						// (string) 
Callback parameters



metadata (dict):

    "channelname": "channelName" , 		// (string) channelName to which subscription is done.
    "eventname": "dbridges:channel.removed",// (string) eventName 
    "sourcesysid": "", 					// (string) 
    "sqnum": "",						// (string) 
    "sessionid": "", 					// (string) 
    "intime": 	  						// (string) 
Callback parameters



metadata (dict):

    "channelname": "channelName" , 		// (string) channelName to which subscription is done.
    "eventname": "dbridges:unsubscribe.success",// (string) eventName 
    "sourcesysid": "", 					// (string) 
    "sqnum": "",						// (string) 
    "sessionid": "", 					// (string) 
    "intime": 	  						// (string) 
Callback parameters

payload: (dberror object)

    "source": "dberror.Source" , 		// (string) Error source, Refer dberror: for details
    "code": "dberror.Code",				// (string) Error code, Refer dberror: for details
    "message": "" 						// (string) Error message if applicable.

metadata (dict):

    "channelname": "channelName" , 		// (string) channelName to which subscription is done.
    "eventname": "",// (string) eventName 
    "sourcesysid": "", 					// (string) 
    "sqnum": "",						// (string) 
    "sessionid": "", 					// (string) 
    "intime": 	  						// (string) 
Callback parameters



metadata (dict):

    "channelname": "channelName" , 		// (string) channelName to which subscription is done.
    "eventname": "dbridges:resubscribe.success",// (string) eventName 
    "sourcesysid": "", 					// (string) 
    "sqnum": "",						// (string) 
    "sessionid": "", 					// (string) 
    "intime": 	  						// (string) 
Callback parameters

payload: (dberror object)

    "source": "dberror.Source" , 		// (string) Error source, Refer dberror: for details
    "code": "dberror.Code",				// (string) Error code, Refer dberror: for details
    "message": "" 						// (string) Error message if applicable.

metadata (dict):

    "channelname": "channelName" , 		// (string) channelName to which subscription is done.
    "eventname": "",// (string) eventName 
    "sourcesysid": "", 					// (string) 
    "sqnum": "",						// (string) 
    "sessionid": "", 					// (string) 
    "intime": 	  						// (string) 

This will be triggered only for presence (prs:) and system (sys:) channel subscription.

Callback parameters

payload: (dict)

  "sessionid": "ydR27s3Z92yQw7wjGY2lX", 	// (string) Session id of the member who has subscribed/connected to channel
  "libtype": "nodejs", 						// (string) Library Lang of the member who has subscribed/connected to channel
  "sourceipv4": "", 					// (string) IPv4 of the member who has subscribed/connected to channel
  "sourceipv6": "::1", 						// (string) Not Applicable in this version
  "sysinfo": '{"sysid":"nameofcaller"}' 	// (string) System Info of the member who has subscribed/connected to channel

metadata (dict):

    "channelname": "prs:channelName" , 		// (string) channelName to which subscription is done.
    "eventname": "dbridges:participant.joined",// (string) eventName 
    "sourcesysid": "nameofcaller", 			// (string) Sys id of the member who has subscribed/connected to channel
    "sqnum": null,							// (string) 
    "sessionid": "ydR27s3Z92yQw7wjGY2lX", 	// (string) Session id of the member who has subscribed/connected to channel
    "intime": null	  						// (string) 

This will be triggered only for presence (prs:) and system (sys:) channel subscription.

Callback parameters

payload: (dict)

  "sessionid": "ydR27s3Z92yQw7wjGY2lX", 	// (string) Session id of the member who has subscribed/connected to channel
  "libtype": "nodejs", 						// (string) Library Lang of the member who has subscribed/connected to channel
  "sourceipv4": "", 					// (string) IPv4 of the member who has subscribed/connected to channel
  "sourceipv6": "::1", 						// (string) Not Applicable in this version
  "sysinfo": '{"sysid":"nameofcaller"}' 	// (string) System Info of the member who has subscribed/connected to channel

metadata (dict):

    "channelname": "prs:channelName" , 		// (string) channelName to which subscription is done.
    "eventname": "dbridges:participant.left",// (string) eventName 
    "sourcesysid": "nameofcaller", 			// (string) Sys id of the member who has subscribed/connected to channel
    "sqnum": null,							// (string) 
    "sessionid": "ydR27s3Z92yQw7wjGY2lX", 	// (string) Session id of the member who has subscribed/connected to channel
    "intime": null	  						// (string) 
System events - payload (dberror object) - details:
Source Code Description
DBNET_CHANNEL_SUBSCRIBE ERR_FAIL_ERROR dataBridges network encountered error when subscribing to the channel.
DBNET_CHANNEL_SUBSCRIBE ERR_ACCESS_DENIED dBrdige network reported access violation with access_token function during subscription of this channel.
DBNET_CHANNEL_UNSUBSCRIBE ERR_FAIL_ERROR dataBridges network encountered error when unsubscribing to the channel.
DBNET_CHANNEL_UNSUBSCRIBE ERR_ACCESS_DENIED dataBridges network reported access violation with access_token function during unsubscribing of this channel.

object: rpc (Remote Procedure Call)

rpc object exposes trust-safe properties, functions and events to provide reliable two-way messaging (request-response) between multiple endpoints allowing you to build sophisticated asynchronous interactions.


  • RPC endpoint / server (CALLEE)
    • Application using dataBridges server library can expose callback function(s) as a dataBridges rpc function.
    • Multiple callback function(s), can be exposed as rpc functions grouped together as an rpc endpoint / server.
    • To deploy access-controlled, trust-safe rpc endpoint / server, prefix the rpc server namespace with pvt: or prs:
      • Note dataBridges have 2 seprate libraries (client lib, server lib). You are reading the server library api document.
        • Server lib uses app.key along with secret to get access to rpc endpoint/server including pvt: , prs: access controlled rpc endpoint/server.
        • Whereas application using client library (client application) will always need to pass a trust-token to access restricted rpc endpoint/server (prefixed with pvt: prs:) . A trust-token is a JWT document created using a combination of channelname + sessionid + app.secret. Trust token can be created by application having access to app.key's secret.
          • you can use your existing access control, authorization and session identification rule-set, process and methods to create a trust-token instructing the dataBridges router to accept the pvt: prs: rpc call() client application.
          • Trust-tokens allows you to enable secured, access controlled and compliance driven two-way messaging (request-response) between multiple endpoints allowing you to build sophisticated asynchronous interactions in your existing and new initiative applications.
  • RPC clients (CALLER)
    • Both dataBridges client and server api's allow you to execute rpc function(s) exposed by rpc endpoint / server.
    • Appication consuming rpc function(s) is called CALLEE and the rpc endpoint/server application is called CALLER.
    • CALLEE application will execute a remote function by passing IN.paramter, and a timeout
      • The CALLER application's corresponding function will be invoked with the IN.parameter and it will respond with response() or exception() which will be delivered back to the CALLEE application by dataBridges network completing the request-response communication.
    • CALLEE application need not be aware about RPC servers (CALLER) identity and will only interact with RPC server (CALLER) namespace. The dataBridges network will intelligently route and load balance RPC call() to the RPC server application. The dataBridges network will automatically load balance multiple instance of server application exposing the same RPC endpoints.

To expose rpc functions the application needs to register an rpc server and register callback functions to rpc server as rpc functions.

  • The steps involved are :
    • Initialize rpc endpoint/server using init().
    • Register all rpc functions using regfn().
    • Register rpc endpoint/server with dataBridges network using register()

Initialize rpc Server

Initialize the server using rpc.init function of your dataBridges object. This will return an object to which all properties, functions and events are available.

Note : Application can have multiple rpc endpoint/server against a dataBridges object.

# lets create an rpc endpoint/server named missionControl and expose 2 functions called nasa and isro.
     missionControl = dbridge.rpc.init('missionControl')
except dBError as e:
     print(e.code, e.source, e.message) 
Parameter Rules Description
string *serverName OR
**pvt:**serverName OR
Initialize a rpcServer with serverName .
Return Type Description
object rpcObject which events, properties and related functions can be bound to.
Source Code Description
DBLIB_RPC_INIT INVALID_SERVERNAME Applicable for below conditions
1. serverName is not defined.
2. serverName already exists
3. serverName is blank.
4. serverName validation error, length of serverName greater than 64
5. serverName validation error, serverName fails a-zA-Z0-9\.:_- validation.
6. serverName contains : and first token is not pvt,prs.

Register rpc functions

Application can expose callback function(s) as rpc functions. Application using dataBridges client/server library can remotely execute the rpc functions. Each function needs to be registered with the library as a rpc function, using rpc.regfn()where you can link the functionName to rpcFunctionName.

  • The server application that exposes the rpc function is called a CALLEE.
  • The client/server application that executes the rpc function is called a CALLER.

Functions can be defined either inside the property callback function or anywhere in the scope of application. Below code exhibits both ways of exposing the function.

# function is exposed outside the property callback function, but in the scope of application.
async def rpcFunOutside(inparameter, response):
    response.tracker = True
    print("iparameter = " , inparameter.inparama)
    print("extra info  = " , inparameter.sysinfo)'This is Houston')
    response.end('message received by Houston')
    response.exception('INVALID_PARAM', 'Wrong parameter') 
except dBError as e:
  	print(e.code, e.source, e.message) 

# function is exposed inside the property callback function.
async def rpcFunctionBinder():
    # function is exposed inside the property callback function, but in the scope of application.
    async def rpcFunInside(inparameter, response):
        response.tracker = True
          response.tracker = True
          print("iparameter = " , inparameter.inparama)
          print("extra info  = " , inparameter.sysinfo)
'This is Hassan')
          response.end('message received by Hassan')
          response.exception('INVALID_PARAM', 'Wrong parameter') 
        except dBError as e:
          print(e.code, e.source, e.message) 

      #// registering function to be exposed by rpcServer
      missionControl.regfn("nasa", rpcFunInside)
      missionControl.regfn("isro", rpcFunOutside)
   except dBError as e:
      print(e.code, e.source, e.message) 

missionControl.functions = rpcFunctionBinder
# unbinding of function exposed by rpc functions
missionControl.unregfn("rpcFunOutside", ifunctionoutside)

Below are parameters of the callback function which is exposed to rpcServer.

Parameter Description
payload (object) Input payload from the caller.
response (object) Response object having properties and function to return execution results of the function back to caller.
payload: (object)
Properties/Function Description
inparam (string) Input parameters received to execute the function.
sessionid (string) Session id of the member who has requested to execute the function.
libtype (string) Library Lang of the member who has requested to execute the function.
sourceipv4 (string) IPv4 of the member who has who has requested to execute the function.
sourceipv6 (string) IPv6 of the member who has who has requested to execute the function.
info (string) System Info of the member who has who has requested to execute the function.
response: (object)
Properties/Function Description
tracker (boolean) This will enable response tracker, and event rpc.response.tracker will be fired if any issue happens in sending back response to caller. Enable this property if your function needs a confirmation of response delivered to the caller.
id (string) (readonly) Each rpc function execution is assigned a unique ID by the library. when the response tracker is enabled, the application can bind to an event rpc.response.tracker to get the delivery notification. The event will indicate the delivery notification linked to this ID. Caller application will need to maintain this ID to track the delivery notification.
next (function) dataBridges rpc supports mult-part response. Application can use to send multi-part response to the caller.
end (function) response.end is to send the final response to the caller. Once end is called, the object is closed and no more response can be sent.
exception (function) Two parameter, return errorCode (string) ,errorMessage (string) is sent to caller. This will raise an exception at the caller library.

Below exceptions are raised in the rpc.regfn.

Source Code Description
DBLIB_RPC_REGFN INVALID_CALLBACK Callback is not a function or is not defined.

Below exceptions are raised on response object inside the registered function.

Source Code Description
DBNET_RPC_CALL NETWORK_DISCONNECTED Connection to dataBridges network is not active.
DBLIB_RPC_CALL RESPONSE_OBJECT_CLOSED Return response object is closed. Thus the function is unable to respond back to the call.

Register Server

Register rpc endpoint/server with dataBridges network using register().

except dBError as e:
    print(e.code, e.source, e.message)

# Best practice is to check the channel is online before publishing any message.
if dbridge.connectionstate.isconnected():
    except dBError as e:
        print(e.code, e.source, e.message)
Source Code Description
DBLIB_RPC_REGISTER RPC_INVALID_FUNCTIONS Applicable for below conditions
1. If "callback function" is not declared for rpc server
2. typeof() variable defined is not a "function".
DBLIB_RPC_REGISTER NETWORK_DISCONNECTED Connection to dataBridges network is not active.

Unregister Server

rpcServer can be unregistered from dataBridges server library using unregister function of your rpcServerObject.



dbridgeObject The dataBridges network maintains in-process rpc function execution status. resetqueue() informs the dataBridges network that all in-process rpc function execution will be dropped by the application and response to be invalidated. Resetqueue() use case is intended to be used by application in its self health status management. Sometime due to the application process flow, the application can identify situation where it would like to ease its load by resettiing the rpc function execution queue by sending resetqueue() message to dataBridges network and than closing all in-process rpc function execution.

    await missionControl.resetqueue();
except dBError as e:
    print(e.code, e.source, e.message)
Source Code Description
DBLIB_RPC_CALL NETWORK_DISCONNECTED Connection to dataBridges network is not active.

System events for rpc server registration.

There are a number of events which are triggered internally by the library, but can also be of use elsewhere. Below are the list of all events triggered by the library.

Below syntax is same for all system events.

#  Binding to systemevents on rpcObject  
async def eventCallback(payload , metadata):
	print(payload , metadata)
   	rpcSvrObject.bind('eventName', eventCallback)
except dBError as e:
    print(e.code, e.source, e.message) 

# Binding to systemevents on dbridgeObject 
    dbridge.rpc.bind('eventName',  eventCallback)
except dBError as e:
    print(e.code, e.source, e.message)

Callback out parameter payload, metadata details are explained with each event below in this document.

Source Code Description
DBLIB_RPC_BIND INVALID_EVENTNAME Invalid Event name. Not in default events.
DBLIB_RPC_BIND INVALID_CALLBACK Callback is not a function or is not defined.

bind_all and unbind_all

bind_all and unbind_all work much like bind and unbind, but instead of only firing callbacks on a specific event, they fire callbacks on any event, and provide that event in the metadata to the handler along with the payload.

# Binding to rpc events on rpcObject  
def eventFunction(payload ,  metadata):
  	print(payload , metadata)

    rpcSvrObject.bind_all('eventName',  eventFunction)
except dBError as e:
  	print(e.code, e.source, e.message) 

# Binding to rpc events on dbridgeObject 
try {
    dbridge.rpc.bind_all('eventName', eventFunction)
except dBError as e:
  	print(e.code, e.source, e.message) 

Callback out parameter payload, metadata details are explained with each event below in this document.

Source Code Description
DBLIB_CONNECT_BIND INVALID_CALLBACK If "callback function" is not declared or typeof() variable defined is not a "function".

unbind_all works similarly to unbind.

# Remove just `handler` connected rpc server 

# Remove all handlers for the all event in the connected rpc server

# Remove `handler` across the connected rpc servers

# Remove all handlers for all events across all connected rpc servers


Callback parameters


metadata (dict):
    "servername": "serverName" , 						// (string) serverName to which connection is done.
    "eventname": "dbridges:rpc.server.registration.success", // (string) eventName 

Callback parameters
payload: (dberror object)
    "source": "DBNET_RPC_REGISTER" , 		// (string) Error source
    "code": "ERR_ACCESS_DENIED",			// (string) Error code 
    "message": "" 							// (string) Error message if applicable.
metadata (dict):
    "servername": "serverName" , 					// (string) serverName to which connection is done.
    "eventname": "",// (string) eventName 


Callback parameters


metadata (dict):
    "servername": "serverName" , 						// (string) serverName to which connection is done.
    "eventname": "dbridges:rpc.server.unregistration.success", // (string) eventName 

Callback parameters
payload: (dberror object)
    "source": "DBNET_RPC_REGISTER" , 		// (string) Error source
    "code": "ERR_ACCESS_DENIED",			// (string) Error code 
    "message": "" 							// (string) Error message if applicable.
metadata (dict):
    "servername": "serverName" , 					// (string) serverName to which connection is done.
    "eventname": "",// (string) eventName 

Callback parameters


metadata (dict):
    "servername": "serverName" , 		   // (string) serverName to which connection is done.
    "eventname": "", // (string) eventName 


Callback parameters


metadata (dict):
    "servername": "serverName" , 					// (string) serverName to which connection is done.
    "eventname": "dbridges:rpc.server.offline",// (string) eventName 


Only available with rpcObject.

Callback parameters
Return Values Description
payload (string) Tracker identifier. which is same as
metadata (string) Refer below table
Error Identifier Description
RE_18326 rpc caller is disconnected from dataBridges network and hence cannot process response tracking.
RE_19219 rpc caller is disconnected from dataBridges network and hence cannot process response tracking.
RE_22184 rpc caller is disconnected from dataBridges network and hence cannot process response tracking.
RE_22454 The cf callee is disconnected from dataBridges network
RE_23101 The cf callee is disconnected from dataBridges network
RE_29623 The cf callee is disconnected from dataBridges network
RE_29753 The cf callee is disconnected from dataBridges network


Only available with rpcObject.

Callback parameters
payload: (dberror object)
    "source": "DBNET_RPC_CALL" , 			// (string) Error source
    "code": "ERR_CALLEE_QUEUE_EXCEEDED",	// (string) Error code 
    "message": "" 							// (string) Error message if applicable.



Source Code Description
DBLIB_RPC_REGISTER NETWORK_DISCONNECTED Connection to dataBridges network is not active.
DBNET_RPC_REGISTER ERR_ACCESS_DENIED dataBridges network reported access violation with access_token function during current operation.
DBNET_RPC_REGISTER ERR_FAIL_ERROR dataBridges network encountered error during current operation.
DBNET_RPC_CALL ERR_CALLEE_QUEUE_EXCEEDED No new rpc calls are being routed by the dataBridges network to the application because the application's current rpc processing queue has already exceeded.
Each application connection cannot exceed rpc.queue.maximum. Refer to management console documentation for rpc.queue.maximum details.

Server Information


rpcObject provides a function to check if the channel is online.

rpcServer_isonline = rpcObject.isOnline() 
Parameter Rules Description
string *serverName OR
**pvt:**serverName OR
serverName to which subscription to be done.
Return Values Description
boolean Is the current status of server connection online or offline.


rpcObject provides a function to get the serverName.

rpcServerName = rpcObject.getServerName() 
Return Type Description
string serverName of connected rpcServer.

Connect to Server

To use rpc functions, the application has to connect to the rpc endpoint/server. This is done using connect() function explained below.


The default method for connecting to a rpc endpoint/server involves invoking the rpc.connect function of your dataBridges object.

     rpcSvrClient = dbridge.rpc.connect('rpcServer')
  	# name of the rpc endpoint/server that app wants to connect to. In our above example missionControl.
except dBError as e:
     print(e.code, e.source, e.message) 
Parameter Rules Description
string *serverName OR
**pvt:**serverName OR
serverName to which connection to be done.
Return Type Description
object rpcObject which events and related functions can be bound to.
Source Code Message Description
DBLIB_RPC_CONNECT INVALID_SERVERNAME Applicable for below conditions
1. serverName is not defined.
2. serverName validation error, length of serverName greater than 64
3. serverName validation error, serverName fails a-zA-Z0-9\.:_- validation.
4. serverName contains : and first token is not pvt,prs.
DBLIB_RPC_CONNECT NETWORK_DISCONNECTED Connection to dataBridges network is not active.
DBNET_RPC_CONNECT ERR_FAIL_ERROR dataBridges network encountered error during current operation.
DBNET_RPC_CONNECT ERR_ACCESS_DENIED dataBridges network reported access violation with access_token function during current operation.

Execute Remote Procedure Call


rpcObject call() function allows you to execute a remote function hosted by RPC endpoint / server using dataBridges library

  • passing function parameter as parameter
  • while setting an time to live (TTL) for the response

The RPC call() functions supports multipart response (where the RPC function can send back multiple responses to a single RPC function call) along with exception routine.

def progress(response):
    print("multipart: " , response)

def onResult(response):
    print("response: ", response)

def onError(error):
    print(error.code, error.source, error.message)
    p =  await"functionName" ,  parameter , 10000, progress)
except dBError as e:
    print(e.code, e.source, e.message) 

# Below example how a application can connect to a RPC endpoint / Server called mathServer and use add, multiply functions.
    myMathServer = dbridge.rpc.connect('mathServer');
except dBError as e:
    print(e.code, e.source, e.message) 

obj = { "num1":44.5, "num2":30};
inparam = json.dumps(obj);
    p =  await ,  inparam , 10000, progress)

    q =  await ,  inparam , 10000, progress)
except dBError as e:
    print(e.code, e.source, e.message) 
Parameter Expected Value Description
functionName functionname (string) Function name as defined in rpc endpoint/ Server .
Note - RPC endpoint / server can expose multiple rpc functions.
parameter function parameter (string) if multiple parameters to be passed, This can be done by putting it into array or json and stringify the object.
ttlms 1000 (integer) Time to live in millisecond, timeout value before the call() function throws error timeout.
Return Values Description
string Multipart or final response. in case of error, dberror object is returned.
Source Code Description
DBNET_RPC_CALL NETWORK_DISCONNECTED Connection to dataBridges network is not active.
DBNET_RPC_CALL RESPONSE_TIMEOUT Response not received from dataBridges network within defined ttlms. This may be due to dataBridges network or late response from rpcServer
DBNET_RPC_CALL ERR_ACCESS_DENIED dataBridges network reported access violation during current operation.
DBRPCCALLEE_RPC_CALL ERR_error_message This indicates an exception encountered by the remote RPC function. ERR_error_code will have the details.
DBNET_RPC_CALL CLE_NR_10865 rpc endpoint / server disconnected from dataBridges network. Try again.
DBNET_RPC_CALL CLE_NR_30391 rpc endpoint / server disconnected from dataBridges network. Try again.
DBNET_RPC_CALL CLE_QX_41074 Cannot process the call() because the RPC server (in this case CALLEE) has exceeded outstanding pending rpc call() queue limit.
DBNET_RPC_CALL CLE_QX_49467 Cannot process the call() because the RPC server (in this case CALLEE) has exceeded outstanding pending rpc call() queue limit.
DBNET_RPC_CALL CLR_QX_39305 Cannot process the call() because the RPC server (in this case CALLEE) has exceeded outstanding pending rpc call() queue limit.
DBNET_RPC_CALL CLR_QX_39824 Cannot process the call() because the RPC server (in this case CALLEE) has exceeded outstanding pending rpc call() queue limit.
DBNET_RPC_CALL RE_28710 rpc endpoint / server disconnected from dataBridges network. Try again.
DBNET_RPC_CALL AD_48621 Application does not have access to execute rpc functions.

System events for rpc call

There are a number of events which are triggered internally by the library, but can also be of use elsewhere. Below are the list of all events triggered by the library.

Below syntax is same for all system events.

#  Binding to systemevent on rpcObject  
async def eventCallback(payload , metadata):
	print(payload , metadata)	

   	rpcClient.bind("eventName", eventCallback)
except dBError as e:
    print(e.code, e.source, e.message)

#  Binding to systemevent on dbridgeObject  
   	dbridge.rpc.bind("eventName", eventCallback)
except dBError as e:
    print(e.code, e.source, e.message)
Source Code Description
DBLIB_RPC_CALLER INVALID_EVENTNAME Invalid Event name. Not in default events.
DBLIB_RPC_CALLER INVALID_CALLBACK Callback is not a function or is not defined.

bind_all and unbind_all

bind_all and unbind_all work much like bind and unbind, but instead of only firing callbacks on a specific event, they fire callbacks on any event, and provide that event in the metadata to the handler along with the payload.

# Binding to rpc events on rpcObject  
def eventFunction(payload ,  metadata):
  	print(payload , metadata)

    rpcSvrObject.bind_all('eventName',  eventFunction)
except dBError as e:
  	print(e.code, e.source, e.message) 

# Binding to rpc events on dbridgeObject 
try {
    dbridge.rpc.bind_all('eventName', eventFunction)
except dBError as e:
  	print(e.code, e.source, e.message) 

Callback out parameter payload, metadata details are explained with each event below in this document.

Source Code Description
DBLIB_CONNECT_BIND INVALID_CALLBACK If "callback function" is not declared or typeof() variable defined is not a "function".

unbind_all works similarly to unbind.

# Remove just `handler` connected rpc server 

# Remove all handlers for the all event in the connected rpc server

# Remove `handler` across the connected rpc servers

# Remove all handlers for all events across all connected rpc servers


Callback parameters


metadata (dict):
    "servername": "serverName" , 					// (string) serverName to which connection is done.
    "eventname": "dbridges:rpc.server.connect.success", // (string) eventName 

Callback parameters
payload: (dberror object)
    "source": "DBLIB_RPC_CONNECT" , 	// (string) Error source
    "code": "ACCESS_TOKEN_FAIL",			// (string) Error code 
    "message": "" 							// (string) Error message if applicable.
metadata (dict):
    "servername": "serverName" , 				// (string) serverName to which connection is done.
    "eventname": "",// (string) eventName 

Callback parameters


metadata (dict):
    "servername": "serverName" , 		   // (string) serverName to which connection is done.
    "eventname": "", // (string) eventName 


Callback parameters


metadata (dict):
    "servername": "serverName" , 					// (string) serverName to which connection is done.
    "eventname": "dbridges:rpc.server.offline",// (string) eventName 


Source Code Description
DBNET_RPC_CONNECT ERR_FAIL_ERROR dataBridges network encountered error during current operation.
DBNET_RPC_CONNECT ERR_ACCESS_DENIED dataBridges network reported access violation during current operation.

object:Cf (Client Function)

  • CF (Client-function) object is a special purpose RPC | request-response implementation to build command and control applications. CF object exposes properties, functions and events for command and control server applications to send messages to devices and application using dataBridges library in **trust-safe manner **, build smart update configuration system and implement **trust-safe ** actions for remote and automated management.


    • A client function(s) is a callback function exposed by the client library as a RPC (remote procedure call).
    • Server application (using dataBridges server library), can execute the CF function remotely.


    • CF (client-function) simplifies the comand and control type application design and maintenance.
    • iOT and large distributed system requires a standard, secured and compliant method to send reliable request-response communication to the managed devices from authenticated and authorized Command-and-Control server applications. dataBridges CF allows you you to expose device functions and capabilities in a easy, secured manner allowing only authoirized dataBridges server applications to communicate with the devices, remote applications.
    • Only server application using dataBridges server library + application key secret can execute CF functions exposed by remote devices.
      • The server application is called CALLER (the one executing function)
      • The server application needs to know the sessionID of the device to which it needs to communicate.
      • The device application exposing command functions is called CALLEE. Only authenticated and authorized server application will be allowed to communicate with the device application for device / application management.

Execute Client Functions


dbridgeObject call() function allows you to execute client function(s) exposed by applications using dataBridges server/client library. Note - is available only with server library and not with client library.

  • sessionid where the function to be executed.
  • clientFunction name.
  • passing function parameter as parameter
  • while setting an time to live (TTL) for the response

The cf call() functions supports multipart response (where the cf function can send back multiple responses to a single cf function call) along with exception routine.

def progress(response):
  	print("multipart: " , response)

def onResult(response):
 	print("response: ", response)

def onError(error):
	print(error.code, error.source, error.message)

  	p =  await, functionName ,  parameter , 10000, progress)
except dBError as e:
  	print(e.code, e.source, e.message)
Parameter Expected Value Description
sessionId sessionid (string) sessionid where the function to be executed.
functionName functionname (string) cf Function name.
parameter functionparameters (string) if multiple parameters to be passed, This can be done by putting it into array or json and stringify the object.
ttlms 1000 (integer) Time to live in millisecond, timeout value before the library throws error timeout.
Return Values Description
string Multipart or final response. in case of error, dberror object is returned.
Source Code Description
DBLIB_CF_CALL NETWORK_DISCONNECTED Connection to dataBridges network is not active.
DBLIB_CF_CALL RESPONSE_TIMEOUT Response not received from dataBridges network within defined ttlms. This may be due to dataBridges network or late response from cfClient
DBCFCALLEE_CF_CALL ERR_error_code Exception received from cfClient function execution. This is sent directly from cfClient function.
DBNET_CF_CALL CLR_QX_38361 Cannot process the call() because the cfClient (in this case CALLEE) has exceeded outstanding pending cf call() queue limit.
DBNET_CF_CALL CLR_QX_39179 Cannot process the call() because the cfClient (in this case CALLEE) has exceeded outstanding pending cf call() queue limit.
DBNET_CF_CALL CLE_NR_10464 cfClient disconnected from dataBridges network. Try again.
DBNET_CF_CALL CLE_NR_10558 cfClient disconnected from dataBridges network. Try again.
DBNET_CF_CALL RE_26886 cfClient disconnected from dataBridges network. Try again.
DBNET_CF_CALL RE_27968 cfClient disconnected from dataBridges network. Try again.
DBNET_CF_CALL RE_28402 cfClient disconnected from dataBridges network. Try again.


Server library can also expose client functions.

The following is the list of cf properties. These properties has to be set before dbridge.connect()

Property Description
enable (boolean) (default:false) If application wants to enable clientFunction functionality, this needs to be true else false.
functions (function) A client function is a callback function exposed by the library as a RPC (remote procedure call).


You need to enable cf in the connection property. = True


Application can expose callback function(s) as Client function (special case RPC | Request-Response). Server application using dataBridges server library can remotely execute the client functions. Each function needs to be registered with the library as a client function (CF), using you can link the functionName to ClientFunctionName.

  • The client application that exposes the client function is called a CALLEE.
  • The server application that executes the client function is called a CALLER.

Functions can be defined either inside the property callback function or anywhere in the scope of application. Below code exhibits both ways of exposing the function.

# function is exposed outside the property callback function, but in the scope of application.
async def cfFunOutside(inparameter, response):
    response.tracker = True
    upTime = {"uptime": "13:34:30 up 8 days,  3:10,  1 user,  load average: 0.03, 0.11, 0.21"};'retrieving system uptime')
    response.exception('INVALID_PARAM', 'Wrong parameter') 
except dBError as e:
  print(e.code, e.source, e.message) 

async def cfFunctionBinder():
    async def cfFunInside(inparameter, response):
    // function is exposed inside the property callback function.
        response.tracker = True
          response.tracker = True
          uName = {"uname": "Linux analysis 2.6.32-696.30.1.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue May 22 03:28:18 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux"};
'retrieving uName')
          response.exception('INVALID_PARAM', 'Wrong parameter') 
        except dBError as e:
          print(e.code, e.source, e.message) 

   try:"uName", cfFunInside)"sysUpTime", cfFunOutside)
   except dBError as e:
      print(e.code, e.source, e.message) = cfFunctionBinder
# unbinding of function exposed by rpc functions"sysUpTime", cfFunOutside)

Below are parameters of the callback function which is exposed to clientfunctions.

Parameter Description
payload (string) The inParameter for the clientFunction.
response (object) The library creates a response object unique for each client function call. The Response object has properties and function to return execution results of the function back to caller.
response: (object)
Properties/Function Description
tracker (boolean) This will enable response tracker, and event cf.response.tracker will be fired if any issue happens in sending back response to caller. Enable this property if your function needs a confirmation of reponse delivered to the caller.
id (string) (readonly) Each client function execution is assigned a unique ID by the library. when the response tracker is enabled, the application can bind to an event cf.response.tracker to get the delivery notification. The event will indicate the delivery notification linked to this ID. Application will need to maintain this ID to track the delivery notification.
next (function) dataBridges CF (Special case RPC |request-response) supports mult-part response. Application can use to send multi-part response to the caller.
end (function) response.end is to send the final response to the caller. Once end is called, the object is closed and no more response can be sent.
exception (function) Two parameter, return errorCode (string) ,errorMessage (string) is sent to caller. This will raise an exception at the caller library.

Below exceptions are raised in the cf.regfn.

Source Code Description
DBLIB_CF_REGFN INVALID_CALLBACK Callback is not a function or is not defined.

Below exceptions are raised on response object inside the registered function.

Source Code Description
DBLIB_CF_CALL NETWORK_DISCONNECTED Connection to dataBridges network is not active.
DBLIB_CF_CALL RESPONSE_OBJECT_CLOSED Return response object is closed. Thus the function is unable to respond back to the call.


dbridgeObject resetqueue() . The dataBridges network maintains in-process CF function execution status. resetqueue() informs the dataBridges network that all in-process CF function execution will be dropped by the application and response to be invalidated. Resetqueue() use case is intended to be used by application in its self health status management. Sometime due to the application process flow, the application can identify situation where it would like to ease its load by resettiing the CF function execution queue by sending resetqueue() message to dataBridges network and than closing all in-process CF function execution.

except dBError as e:
    print(e.code, e.source, e.message)
Source Code Description
DBLIB_CF_CALL NETWORK_DISCONNECTED Connection to dataBridges network is not active.

System events for cf object

There are a number of events which are triggered internally by the library, but can also be of use elsewhere. Below are the list of all events triggered by the library.

Below syntax is same for all system events.

# Binding to systemevent on dbridgeObject  
def void my_cf_function(payload , metadata):
try:'eventName', my_cf_function)
except dBError as e:
    print(e.code, e.source, e.message)


Callback parameters
Return Values Description
payload (string) Tracker identifier. which is same as
metadata (string) Refer below table.
Error Identifier Description
RE_12616 cf caller is disconnected from dataBridges network and hence cannot process response tracking.
RE_13151 cf caller is disconnected from dataBridges network and hence cannot process response tracking.
RE_30030 The cf callee is disconnected from dataBridges network
RE_33635 The cf callee is disconnected from dataBridges network


payload: (dberror object)
    "source": "DBNET_CF_CALL" , 			// (string) Error source
    "code": "ERR_CALLEE_QUEUE_EXCEEDED",	// (string) Error code 
    "message": "" 							// (string) Error message if applicable.



Source Code Description
DBNET_CF_CALL ERR_CALLEE_QUEUE_EXCEEDED No new cf calls are being routed by the dataBridges network to the application because the application's current cf processing queue has already exceeded.
Each application connection cannot exceed cf.queue.maximum. Refer to management console documentation for cf.queue.maximum details.

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DataBridges Library is released under the Apache 2.0 license.

Copyright 2022 Optomate Technologies Private Limited.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

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databridges_sio_server_lib-2.0.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl (63.6 kB view hashes)

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