Marshal dataclasses to/from JSON and Python dict objects, and add support for properties with default values.
Project description
Dataclass Wizard
This library provides a set of simple, yet elegant wizarding tools for interacting with the Python dataclasses module.
Full documentation is at:
Here are the supported features that dataclass-wizard currently provides:
JSON (de)serialization: marshal dataclasses to/from JSON and Python dict objects.
Properties with defaults: support for using properties with default values in dataclass instances.
Using the built-in JSON marshalling support for dataclasses:
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import Optional, List
from dataclass_wizard import JSONSerializable
class MyClass(JSONSerializable):
my_str: Optional[str]
list_of_int: List[int] = field(default_factory=list)
is_active: bool = False
string = """{"my_str": 20, "ListOfInt": ["1", "2", 3], "isActive": "true"}"""
c = MyClass.from_json(string)
# prints:
# MySampleClass(my_str='20', list_of_int=[1, 2, 3], is_active=True)
# prints:
# {"myStr": "20", "listOfInt": [1, 2, 3], "isActive": true}
… and with the property_wizard, which provides supports for properties with default values in dataclasses:
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Union
from dataclass_wizard import property_wizard
class Vehicle(metaclass=property_wizard):
# Note: if you are fine with the default value for the annotated type (`0`
# in this case), comment out the below field and replace it with the
# following. The value assigned to `wheels` will be ignored, but it is
# helpful so IDEs won't complain the constructor is missing a parameter.
# wheels: Union[int, str] = 0
_wheels: Union[int, str] = 4
def wheels(self) -> int:
return self._wheels
def wheels(self, wheels: Union[int, str]):
self._wheels = int(wheels)
if __name__ == '__main__':
v = Vehicle()
# prints:
# Vehicle(wheels=4)
# My IDE does complain on this part - it also suggests `_wheels` as a
# keyword argument to the constructor, and that's expected, but it will
# error if you try it that way.
v = Vehicle(wheels=3)
# prints:
# Vehicle(wheels=3)
# Passing positional arguments seems to be preferable as the IDE does not
# complain here.
v = Vehicle('6')
# prints:
# Vehicle(wheels=6)
assert v.wheels == 6, 'The constructor should use our setter method'
# Confirm that we go through our setter method
v.wheels = '123'
assert v.wheels == 123
Installing Dataclass Wizard and Supported Versions
The Dataclass Wizard library is available on PyPI:
$ python -m pip install dataclass-wizard
The dataclass-wizard library officially supports Python 3.6 or higher.
JSON Marshalling
JSONSerializable is a Mixin class which provides the following helper methods that are useful for loading (and serializing) a dataclass to JSON, as defined by the AbstractJSONWizard interface.
from_json - Converts a JSON string to an instance of the dataclass, or a list of the dataclass instances.
from_list - Converts a Python list object to a list of the dataclass instances.
from_dict - Converts a Python dict object to an instance of the dataclass.
to_dict - Converts the dataclass instance to a Python dictionary object that is JSON serializable.
to_json - Converts the dataclass instance to a JSON string representation.
Additionally, it implements a __str__ method, which will pretty print the JSON representation of an object; this is quite useful for debugging purposes. Whenever you invoke print(obj) or str(obj), for example, it’ll invoke this method which will pretty print the dataclass object.
Note that the __repr__ method, which is implemented by the dataclass decorator, is still available. To invoke the Python object representation of the dataclass instance, you can instead use repr(obj) or f'{obj!r}'.
To mark a dataclass instance as being JSON serializable (and de-serializable), simply sub-class from JSONSerializable as shown below. You can also extend from the class alias JSONWizard, if you prefer to use that instead.
Here is a (more) complete example of using the JSONSerializable Mixin class:
from dataclasses import dataclass
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Optional, List, Literal, Union, Dict, Any, NamedTuple
from dataclass_wizard import JSONSerializable
class MyTestClass(JSONSerializable):
my_ledger: Dict[str, Any]
the_answer_to_life: Optional[int]
people: List['Person']
is_enabled: bool = True
class Person:
name: 'Name'
age: int
birthdate: datetime
gender: Literal['M', 'F', 'N/A']
occupation: Union[str, List[str]]
details: Optional[str] = None
class Name(NamedTuple):
"""A person's name"""
first: str
last: str
salutation: Optional[Literal['Mr.', 'Mrs.', 'Ms.', 'Dr.']] = 'Mr.'
data = {
'myLedger': {
'Day 1': 'some details',
'Day 17': ['a', 'sample', 'list']
'theAnswerTOLife': '42',
'People': [
'name': ('Roberto', 'Fuirron'),
'age': 21,
'birthdate': '1950-02-28T17:35:20Z',
'gender': 'M',
'occupation': ['sailor', 'fisher'],
'details': 'My sample details here'
'name': ('Janice', 'Darr', 'Dr.'),
'age': 45,
'birthdate': '1971-11-05 05:10:59Z',
'gender': 'F',
'occupation': 'Dentist'
c = MyTestClass.from_dict(data)
# prints the following result on a single line:
# MyTestClass(
# my_ledger={'Day 1': 'some details', 'Day 17': ['a', 'sample', 'list']},
# the_answer_to_life=42,
# people=[
# Person(
# name=Name(first='Roberto', last='Fuirron', salutation='Mr.'),
# age=21, birthdate=datetime.datetime(1950, 2, 28, 17, 35, 20, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc),
# gender='M', occupation=['sailor', 'fisher'], details='My sample details here'
# ),
# Person(
# name=Name(first='Janice', last='Darr', salutation='Dr.'),
# age=45, birthdate=datetime.datetime(1971, 11, 5, 5, 10, 59, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc),
# gender='F', occupation='Dentist', details=None
# )
# ], is_enabled=True)
# calling `print` on the object invokes the `__str__` method, which will
# pretty-print the JSON representation of the object by default. You can
# also call the `to_json` method to print the JSON string on a single line.
# prints:
# {
# "myLedger": {
# "Day 1": "some details",
# "Day 17": [
# "a",
# "sample",
# "list"
# ]
# },
# "theAnswerToLife": 42,
# "people": [
# {
# "name": [
# "Roberto",
# "Fuirron",
# "Mr."
# ],
# "age": 21,
# "birthdate": "1950-02-28T17:35:20Z",
# "gender": "M",
# "occupation": [
# "sailor",
# "fisher"
# ],
# "details": "My sample details here"
# },
# {
# "name": [
# "Janice",
# "Darr",
# "Dr."
# ],
# "age": 45,
# "birthdate": "1971-11-05T05:10:59Z",
# "gender": "F",
# "occupation": "Dentist",
# "details": null
# }
# ],
# "isEnabled": true
# }
Properties with Default Values
The Python dataclass library currently has some key issues with how it currently handles properties and default values.
The dataclass-wizard library natively provides support for using properties with default values in dataclasses. To use it, simply import the property_wizard helper function, and add it as a metaclass on any dataclass. The metaclass also pairs well with the JSONSerializable mixin class. Note that this allows initial values for properties to be specified via the constructor, if needed.
Advanced Usage
Common Use Cases
There are a couple well-known use cases where we might want to customize behavior of how fields are transformed during the JSON load and dump process (for example, to camel case or snake case), or when we want datetime and date objects to be converted to an epoch timestamp (as an int) instead of the default behavior, which converts these objects to their ISO 8601 string representation via isoformat.
Such common behaviors can be easily specified on a per-class basis by defining an inner class which extends from JSONSerializable.Meta, as shown below. The name of the inner class does not matter, but for demo purposes it’s named the same as the base class here.
import logging
from dataclasses import dataclass
from datetime import date
from dataclass_wizard import JSONSerializable
from dataclass_wizard.enums import DateTimeTo, LetterCase
# Sets up logging, so that library logs are visible in the console.
class MyClass(JSONSerializable):
class Meta(JSONSerializable.Meta):
# Enable better, more detailed error messages that may be helpful for
# debugging when values are an invalid type (i.e. they don't match
# the annotation for the field) when marshaling dataclass objects.
# Note there is a minor performance impact when DEBUG mode is enabled.
debug_enabled = True
# How should :class:`date` and :class:`datetime` objects be serialized
# when converted to a Python dictionary object or a JSON string.
marshal_date_time_as = DateTimeTo.TIMESTAMP
# How JSON keys should be transformed to dataclass fields.
key_transform_with_load = LetterCase.PASCAL
# How dataclass fields should be transformed to JSON keys.
key_transform_with_dump = LetterCase.SNAKE
MyStr: str
MyDate: date
data = {'my_str': 'test', 'myDATE': '2010-12-30'}
c = MyClass.from_dict(data)
# prints:
# MyClass(MyStr='test',, 12, 30))
string = c.to_json()
# prints:
# {"my_str": "test", "my_date": 1293685200}
Note that the key_transform_... attributes only apply to the field names that are defined in the dataclass; other keys such as the ones for TypedDict or NamedTuple sub-classes won’t be similarly transformed. If you need similar behavior for any of the typing sub-classes mentioned, simply convert them to dataclasses and the key transform should then apply for those fields.
Serializer Hooks
Note: To customize the load or dump process for annotated types instead of individual fields, please see the Type Hooks section below.
You can optionally add hooks that are run before a JSON string or a Python dict object is loaded to a dataclass instance, or before the dataclass instance is converted back to a Python dict object.
To customize the load process, simply implement the __post_init__ method which will be run by the dataclass decorator.
To customize the dump process, simply extend from DumpMixin and override the __pre_as_dict__ method which will be called whenever you invoke the to_dict or to_json methods. Please note that this will pass in the original dataclass instance, so updating any values will affect the fields of the underlying dataclass.
A simple example to illustrate both approaches is shown below:
from dataclasses import dataclass
from dataclass_wizard import JSONSerializable, DumpMixin
class MyClass(JSONSerializable, DumpMixin):
my_str: str
my_int: int
def __post_init__(self):
self.my_str = self.my_str.title()
def __pre_as_dict__(self):
self.my_str = self.my_str.swapcase()
data = {"my_str": "my string", "myInt": "10"}
c = MyClass.from_dict(data)
# prints:
# MyClass(my_str='My String', my_int=10)
string = c.to_json()
# prints:
# {"myStr": "mY sTRING", "myInt": 10}
Type Hooks
Sometimes you might want to customize the load and dump process for (annotated) variable types, rather than for specific dataclass fields. Type hooks are very useful and will let you do exactly that.
If you want to customize the load process for any type, extend from LoadMixin and override the load_to_... methods. To instead customize the dump process for a type, extend from DumpMixin and override the dump_with_... methods.
For instance, the default load process for Enum types is to look them up by value, and similarly convert them back to strings using the value field. Suppose that you want to load Enum types using the name field instead.
The below example will do exactly that: it will convert using the Enum name field when from_dict is called, and use the default approach to convert back using the Enum value field when to_dict is called; it additionally customizes the dump process for strings, so they are converted to all uppercase when to_dict or to_json is called.
from dataclasses import dataclass
from enum import Enum
from typing import Union, AnyStr, Type
from dataclass_wizard import JSONSerializable, DumpMixin, LoadMixin
from dataclass_wizard.type_def import N
class MyClass(JSONSerializable, LoadMixin, DumpMixin):
my_str: str
my_enum: 'MyEnum'
def load_to_enum(o: Union[AnyStr, N], base_type: Type[Enum]) -> Enum:
return base_type[o.replace(' ', '_')]
def dump_with_str(o: str, *_):
return o.upper()
class MyEnum(Enum):
NAME_1 = 'one'
NAME_2 = 'two'
data = {"my_str": "my string", "my_enum": "NAME 1"}
c = MyClass.from_dict(data)
# prints:
# MyClass(my_str='my string', my_enum=<MyEnum.NAME_1: 'one'>)
string = c.to_json()
# prints:
# {"myStr": "MY STRING", "myEnum": "one"}
This package was created with Cookiecutter and the rnag/cookiecutter-pypackage project template.
0.2.3 (2021-08-03)
Add better keywords for the package
0.2.2 (2021-08-03)
Explicitly add a dependency on typing-extensions for Python 3.6 and 3.7
0.2.1 (2021-08-03)
Fix a bug for Python 3.6 where the build failed when using the PyForwardRef annotation.
0.2.0 (2021-08-03)
Rename type variable EXPLICIT_NULL to ExplicitNull
Rename module to
Rename module to
JSONSerializable.Meta: rename attribute date_time_with_dump to marshal_date_time_as, as I believe this name is overall more clearer.
Refactor the property_wizard helper function and update it to cover some edges cases.
Add test cases to confirm intended functionality of property_wizard.
0.1.0 (2021-08-02)
First release on PyPI.
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Details for the file dataclass_wizard-0.2.3-py2.py3-none-any.whl
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- Uploaded via: twine/3.4.2 importlib_metadata/4.6.3 pkginfo/1.7.1 requests/2.26.0 requests-toolbelt/0.9.1 tqdm/4.62.0 CPython/3.8.7
File hashes
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