A storage consumer for the Fedora Message Bus (fedmsg)
Project description
This is datanommer. It is comprised of only a fedmsg consumer that stuffs every message in a sqlalchemy database.
There are also a handful of CLI tools to dump information from the database.
Build Status
Branch |
Status |
master |
develop |
Try it out
Using a virtualenv
Using a virtual environment is highly recommended, although this is not a must. Using virtualenvwrapper can isolate your development environment. You will be able to work on the latest datanommer from git checkout without messing the installed datanommer copy in your system.
Install virtualenvwrapper by:
$ sudo yum install python-virtualenvwrapper
Note: If you decide not to use python-virtualenvwrapper, you can always use latest update of fedmsg and datanommer in fedora. If you are doing this, simply ignore all mkvirtualenv and workon commands in these instructions. You can install fedmsg with sudo yum install fedmsg, and datanommer with sudo yum install datanommer.
Development dependencies
$ sudo yum install python-virtualenv openssl-devel zeromq-devel gcc
Note: If submitting patches, you should check Contributing for style guidelines.
Set up virtualenv
Create a new, empty virtualenv and install all the dependencies from pypi:
$ mkvirtualenv datanommer (datanommer)$ cdvirtualenv
Note: If the mkvirtualenv command is unavailable try source /usr/bin/virtualenvwrapper.sh on Fedora (if you do not run Fedora you might have to adjust the command a little). You can also add this command to your ~/.bashrc file to have it run automatically for you.
Cloning upstream the git repo¶
The source code is on github.
Get fedmsg:
(datanommer)$ git clone https://github.com/ralphbean/fedmsg.git
Get datanommer:
(datanommer)$ git clone https://github.com/ralphbean/datanommer.git
Set up fedmsg:
(datanommer)$ cd fedmsg
For development, avoid editing master branch. Checkout develop branch:
(datanommer)$ git checkout develop (datanommer)$ python setup.py develop
Switch to datanommer:
(datanommer)$ cd ../datanommer
Please note that you should set up the three packages in the following sequence: “datanommer.models”, “datanommer.commands” and “datanommer.consumer”. Go to the three subfolders in sequence and type:
(datanommer)$ git checkout develop (datanommer)$ python setup.py develop
Create datanommer db:
(datanommer)$ datanommer-create-db
Try out datanommer
Open three terminals to try out the commands. In each of them, activate your virtualenv with:
$ workon datanommer
In one terminal, type:
(datanommer)$ fedmsg-relay
In another, type:
(datanommer)$ fedmsg-hub
In a third, emit a message, which gets picked up by the relay, rebroadcasted, consumed by datanommer, and inserted into datanommer.db:
(datanommer)$ echo "this is a test" | fedmsg-logger
Try the commands. Was the message stored?:
(datanommer)$ datanommer-stats
LoggerMessage should have entries.:
(datanommer)$ datanommer-dump
Inspect the database:
(datanommer)$ sqlite3 datanommer.db > select* from messages;
You should see a line similar to:
1|1|org.fedoraproject.dev.logger.log|2012-11-30 23:33:12.077429|||{"log": "this is a test"}
Migration with Alembic
When the database models are changed, we use alembic to retain the data. Alembic is located in the models:
(datanommer)$ cd datanommer.models
To check the current models version:
(datanommer)$ alembic current
If your models are up to date, you should see:
INFO [alembic.migration] Context impl SQLiteImpl. INFO [alembic.migration] Will assume transactional DDL. Current revision for sqlite:///../datanommer.db: 198447250956 -> ae2801c4cd9 (head), add category column
If you result is:
INFO [alembic.migration] Context impl SQLiteImpl. INFO [alembic.migration] Will assume transactional DDL. Current revision for sqlite:///../datanommer.db: None
then migrate to the most recent version with:
(datanommer)$ alembic upgrade head
You should see:
INFO [alembic.migration] Context impl SQLiteImpl. INFO [alembic.migration] Will assume transactional DDL. INFO [alembic.migration] Running upgrade None -> 198447250956 INFO [alembic.migration] Running upgrade 198447250956 -> ae2801c4cd9
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