Extract date and location from a list of strings
Project description
Date Location Extractor
date_location_extractor is a date_location extractor that retrieves dates and locations found in a list of strings. The input can either be a json file with a list or you can use a list directly
Install & Setup
Grab the package using pip
(this will take a few minutes)
pip install TBD
Dater Location Extractor uses the following dependencies:
- datetime
- dateutil
- geotext
- datefinder
- ast
- os
Basic Usage
Import the module, give some text or a URL, and presto.
from date_location_extractor import DateLocationExtractor
date_location_extractor = DateLocationExtractor()
print(date_location_extractor.get_date_location_from_json_file("list_to_parse.json", use_simple_parser=True))
does not use datefinder and uses the simple dateutil parser
The result is a list of dictionaries, e.g:
[{'address': 'San Juan Costa Rica', 'date_iso': '2009-11-27', 'ranking': 1.0, 'normalized_address': {'City': 'San Juan', 'Country': 'CR'}}]
Without loading a file:
from date_location_extractor import DateLocationExtractor
date_location_extractor = DateLocationExtractor()
print(date_location_extractor.get_date_location_from_list(["13 May 2009", "12/15/2010"]))
print(date_location_extractor.get_date_location_from_list_with_parser(["13 May 2009", "12/15/2010"]))
The ranking algorithm
Project details
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Download files
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Source Distribution
Hashes for date_location_extractor-0.1.0.tar.gz
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | b25f6a7b35d66c55065f22d38359abecc13e4104fd88e1abffd3f454e97d3489 |
MD5 | 17f5c188ac00c6d872f1f497941037ee |
BLAKE2b-256 | 4a2f4397287ec2856a55bc16920ad555429c5b901a098d702340f4cccfeda38c |