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The Upsolver adapter plugin for dbt

Project description


Using Upsolver udapter for dbt

What is Upsolver

Upsolver enables you to use familiar SQL syntaxto quickly build and deploy data pipelines, powered by a stream processing engine designed for cloud data lakes.


SQLake is Upsolvers new UI and SQL console allowing to execute commands and monitor pipelines in the UI. It also includes freee trial and access to variety of examples and tutorials.

What is dbt

dbt is a transformation workflow that helps you get more work done while producing higher quality results.

What is dbt Core

dbt Core is an open-source tool that enables data teams to transform data using analytics engineering best practices. You can install and use dbt Core on the command line.

Getting started

Install dbt-upsolver adapter :

 pip install  dbt-upsolver

Make sure the adapter is installed:

dbt --version

Expect to see:

  - installed: <version>
  - latest:    <version>
  - upsolver: <version>

Register Upsolver account

To register just navigate to SQL Lake Sign Up form. You'll have access to SQL workbench with examples and tutorials after completing the registration.

Create API token

After login navigate to "Settings" and then to "API Tokens"

You will need API token and API Url to access Upsolver programatically.

API Tokens screen

Then click "Generate" new token and save it for future use.

Get your user name, database and schema

For user name navigate to Settings -> User details and copy user name For database and schema navigate to Worksheets and click New. You will find database name and schema(catalog) name under Entities panel

Create new dbt-upsolver project

dbt init <project_name>


Which database would you like to use? [1] upsolver

Enter a number:
api_url (your api_url):
token (your token): <token>
user (dev username): <username>
database (default database): <database>
schema (default schema): <schema>
threads (1 or more) [1]: <number>

profiles.yml should look like this:

profiles.yml location is something like /Users//.dbt/profiles.yml
  target: dev
      database: ...
      schema: ...
      threads: 1
      token: ...
      type: upsolver
      user: ...

Check connection

dbt debug

- To run all models

dbt run

- To run the specific model

dbt run --select <model name>

Supported Upsolver SQLake functionality:

SQL compute cluster not supported -
SQL connections supported connection
SQL copy job supported incremental
SQL merge job supported incremental
SQL insert job supported incremental
SQL materialized views supported materializedview
Expectations supported incremental

Configs materialization

Config Required Materialization Description Example
connection_type Yes connection Connection identifier: S3/GLUE_CATALOG/KINESIS connection_type='S3'
connection_options Yes connection Dictionary of options supported by selected connection connection_options={ 'aws_role': 'aws_role', 'external_id': 'SAMPLES', 'read_only': True }
incremental_strategy No incremental Define one of incremental strategies: merge/copy/insert. Default: copy incremental_strategy='merge'
source No incremental Define source to copy from: S3/KAFKA/KINESIS source = 'S3'
target_type No incremental Define target type REDSHIFT/ELASTICSEARCH/S3/SNOWFLAKE/POSTGRES. Default None for Data lake target_type='Snowflake'
target_prefix False incremental Define PREFIX for ELASTICSEARCH target type target_prefix = 'orders'
target_location False incremental Define LOCATION for S3 target type target_location = 's3://your-bucket-name/path/to/folder/'
schema Yes/No incremental Define target schema. Required if target_type, no table created in a metastore connection schema = 'target_schema'
database Yes/No incremental Define target connection. Required if target_type, no table created in a metastore connection database = 'target_connection'
alias Yes/No incremental Define target table. Required if target_type, no table created in a metastore connection alias = 'target_table'
delete_condition No incremental Records that match the ON condition and a delete condition can be deleted delete_condition='nettotal > 1000'
partition_by No incremental List of dictionaries to define partition_by for target metastore table partition_by=[{'field':'$field_name'}]
primary_key No incremental List of dictionaries to define partition_by for target metastore table primary_key=[{'field':'customer_email', 'type':'string'}]
map_columns_by_name No incremental Maps columns from the SELECT statement to the table. Boolean. Default: False map_columns_by_name=True
sync No incremental/materializedview Boolean option to define if job is synchronized or non-msynchronized. Default: False sync=True
options No incremental/materializedview Dictionary of job options options={ 'START_FROM': 'BEGINNING', 'ADD_MISSING_COLUMNS': True }

SQL connection

Connections are used to provide Upsolver with the proper credentials to bring your data into SQLake as well as to write out your transformed data to various services. More details on "Upsolver SQL connections" As a dbt model connection is a model with materialized='connection'

{{ config(
        connection_type={ 'S3' | 'GLUE_CATALOG' | 'KINESIS' | 'KAFKA'| 'SNOWFLAKE' },

Running this model will compile CREATE CONNECTION(or ALTER CONNECTION if exists) SQL and send it to Upsolver engine. Name of the connection will be name of the model.

SQL copy job

A COPY FROM job allows you to copy your data from a given source into a table created in a metastore connection. This table then serves as your staging table and can be used with SQLake transformation jobs to write to various target locations. More details on "Upsolver SQL copy-from"

As a dbt model copy job is model with materialized='incremental'

{{ config(  materialized='incremental',
            source = 'S3'| 'KAFKA' | ... ,
              	'option_name': 'option_value'
SELECT * FROM {{ ref(<model>) }}

Running this model will compile CREATE TABLE SQL for target type Data lake (or ALTER TABLE if exists) and CREATE COPY JOB(or ALTER COPY JOB if exists) SQL and send it to Upsolver engine. Name of the table will be name of the model. Name of the job will be name of the model plus '_job'

SQL insert job

An INSERT job defines a query that pulls in a set of data based on the given SELECT statement and inserts it into the designated target. This query is then run periodically based on the RUN_INTERVAL defined within the job. More details on "Upsolver SQL insert".

As a dbt model insert job is model with materialized='incremental' and incremental_strategy='insert'

{{ config(  materialized='incremental',
              	'option_name': 'option_value'
FROM {{ ref(<model>) }}
HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT orderid::string) ...

Running this model will compile CREATE TABLE SQL for target type Data lake(or ALTER TABLE if exists) and CREATE INSERT JOB(or ALTER INSERT JOB if exists) SQL and send it to Upsolver engine. Name of the table will be name of the model. Name of the job will be name of the model plus '_job'

SQL merge job

A MERGE job defines a query that pulls in a set of data based on the given SELECT statement and inserts into, replaces, or deletes the data from the designated target based on the job definition. This query is then run periodically based on the RUN_INTERVAL defined within the job. More details on "Upsolver SQL merge".

As a dbt model merge job is model with materialized='incremental' and incremental_strategy='merge'

{{ config(  materialized='incremental',
              	'option_name': 'option_value'
FROM {{ ref(<model>) }}

Running this model will compile CREATE TABLE SQL for target type Data lake(or ALTER TABLE if exists) and CREATE MERGE JOB(or ALTER MERGE JOB if exists) SQL and send it to Upsolver engine. Name of the table will be name of the model. Name of the job will be name of the model plus '_job'

SQL materialized views

When transforming your data, you may find that you need data from multiple source tables in order to achieve your desired result. In such a case, you can create a materialized view from one SQLake table in order to join it with your other table (which in this case is considered the main table). More details on "Upsolver SQL materialized views".

As a dbt model materialized views is model with materialized='materializedview'.

{{ config(  materialized='materializedview',
            options={'option_name': 'option_value'}
FROM {{ ref(<model>) }}

Running this model will compile CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW SQL(or ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW if exists) and send it to Upsolver engine. Name of the materializedview will be name of the model.


Data quality conditions can be added to your job to drop a row or trigger a warning when a column violates a predefined condition.

WITH EXPECTATION <expectation_name> EXPECT <sql_predicate>

Expectations can be implemented with dbt constraints Supported constraints: check and not_null

  - name: <model name>
    # required
        enforced: true
    # model-level constraints
      - type: check
        columns: ['<column1>', '<column2>']
        expression: "column1 <= column2"
        name: <constraint_name>
      - type: not_null
        columns: ['column1', 'column2']
        name: <constraint_name>

      - name: <column3>
        data_type: string

        # column-level constraints
          - type: not_null
          - type: check
            expression: "REGEXP_LIKE(<column3>, '^[0-9]{4}[a-z]{5}$')"
            name: <constraint_name>

Projects examples

projects examples link:

Connection options

Option Storage Editable Optional Config Syntax
aws_role s3 True True 'aws_role': '<aws_role>'
external_id s3 True True 'external_id': '<external_id>'
aws_access_key_id s3 True True 'aws_access_key_id': '<aws_access_key_id>'
aws_secret_access_key s3 True True 'aws_secret_access_key_id': '<aws_secret_access_key_id>'
path_display_filter s3 True True 'path_display_filter': '<path_display_filter>'
path_display_filters s3 True True 'path_display_filters': ('<filter>', ...)
read_only s3 True True 'read_only': True/False
encryption_kms_key s3 True True 'encryption_kms_key': '<encryption_kms_key>'
encryption_customer_managed_key s3 True True 'encryption_customer_kms_key': '<encryption_customer_kms_key>'
comment s3 True True 'comment': '<comment>'
host kafka False False 'host': '<host>'
hosts kafka False False 'hosts': ('<host>', ...)
consumer_properties kafka True True 'consumer_properties': '<consumer_properties>'
version kafka False True 'version': '<value>'
require_static_ip kafka True True 'require_static_ip': True/False
ssl kafka True True 'ssl': True/False
topic_display_filter kafka True True 'topic_display_filter': '<topic_display_filter>'
topic_display_filters kafka True True 'topic_display_filter': ('<filter>', ...)
comment kafka True True 'comment': '<comment>'
aws_role glue_catalog True True 'aws_role': '<aws_role>'
external_id glue_catalog True True 'external_id': '<external_id>'
aws_access_key_id glue_catalog True True 'aws_access_key_id': '<aws_access_key_id>'
aws_secret_access_key glue_catalog True True 'aws_secret_access_key': '<aws_secret_access_key>'
default_storage_connection glue_catalog False False 'default_storage_connection': '<default_storage_connection>'
default_storage_location glue_catalog False False 'default_storage_location': '<default_storage_location>'
region glue_catalog False True 'region': '<region>'
database_display_filter glue_catalog True True 'database_display_filter': '<database_display_filter>'
database_display_filters glue_catalog True True 'database_display_filters': ('<filter>', ...)
comment glue_catalog True True 'comment': '<comment>'
aws_role kinesis True True 'aws_role': '<aws_role>'
external_id kinesis True True 'external_id': '<external_id>'
aws_access_key_id kinesis True True 'aws_access_key_id': '<aws_access_key_id>'
aws_secret_access_key kinesis True True 'aws_secret_access_key': '<aws_secret_access_key>'
region kinesis False False 'region': '<region>'
read_only kinesis False True 'read_only': True/False
max_writers kinesis True True 'max_writers': <integer>
stream_display_filter kinesis True True 'stream_display_filter': '<stream_display_filter>'
stream_display_filters kinesis True True 'stream_display_filters': ('<filter>', ...)
comment kinesis True True 'comment': '<comment>'
connection_string snowflake True False 'connection_string': '<connection_string>'
user_name snowflake True False 'user_name': '<user_name>'
password snowflake True False 'password': '<password>'
max_concurrent_connections snowflake True True 'max_concurrent_connections': <integer>
comment snowflake True True 'comment': '<comment>'
connection_string redshift True False 'connection_string': '<connection_string>'
user_name redshift True False 'user_name': '<user_name>'
password redshift True False 'password': '<password>'
max_concurrent_connections redshift True True 'max_concurrent_connections': <integer>
comment redshift True True 'comment': '<comment>'
connection_string mysql True False 'connection_string': '<connection_string>'
user_name mysql True False 'user_name': '<user_name>'
password mysql True False 'password': '<password>'
comment mysql True True 'comment': '<comment>'
connection_string postgres True False 'connection_string': '<connection_string>'
user_name postgres True False 'user_name': '<user_name>'
password postgres True False 'password': '<password>'
comment postgres True True 'comment': '<comment>'
connection_string elasticsearch True False 'connection_string': '<connection_string>'
user_name elasticsearch True False 'user_name': '<user_name>'
password elasticsearch True False 'password': '<password>'
comment elasticsearch True True 'comment': '<comment>'
connection_string mongodb True False 'connection_string': '<connection_string>'
user_name mongodb True False 'user_name': '<user_name>'
password mongodb True False 'password': '<password>'
timeout mongodb True True 'timeout': "INTERVAL 'N' SECONDS"
comment mongodb True True 'comment': '<comment>'
connection_string mssql True False 'connection_string': '<connection_string>'
user_name mssql True False 'user_name': '<user_name>'
password mssql True False 'password': '<password>'
comment mssql True True 'comment': '<comment>'

Target options

Option Storage Editable Optional Config Syntax
globally_unique_keys datalake False True 'globally_unique_keys': True/False
storage_connection datalake False True 'storage_connection': '<storage_connection>'
storage_location datalake False True 'storage_location': '<storage_location>'
compute_cluster datalake True True 'compute_cluster': '<compute_cluster>'
compression datalake True True 'compression': 'SNAPPY/GZIP'
compaction_processes datalake True True 'compaction_processes': <integer>
disable_compaction datalake True True 'disable_compaction': True/False
retention_date_partition datalake False True 'retention_date_partition': '<column>'
table_data_retention datalake True True 'table_data_retention': '<N DAYS>'
column_data_retention datalake True True 'column_data_retention': ({'COLUMN' : '<column>','DURATION': '<N DAYS>'})
comment datalake True True 'comment': '<comment>'
storage_connection materialized_view False True 'storage_connection': '<storage_connection>'
storage_location materialized_view False True 'storage_location': '<storage_location>'
max_time_travel_duration materialized_view True True 'max_time_travel_duration': '<N DAYS>'
compute_cluster materialized_view True True 'compute_cluster': '<compute_cluster>'
column_transformations snowflake False True 'column_transformations': {'<column>' : '<expression>' , ...}
deduplicate_with snowflake False True 'deduplicate_with': {'COLUMNS' : ['col1', 'col2'],'WINDOW': 'N HOURS'}
exclude_columns snowflake False True 'exclude_columns': ('<exclude_column>', ...)
create_table_if_missing snowflake False True 'create_table_if_missing': True/False}
run_interval snowflake False True 'run_interval': '<N MINUTES/HOURS/DAYS>'

Transformation options

Option Storage Editable Optional Config Syntax
run_interval s3 False True 'run_interval': '<N MINUTES/HOURS/DAYS>'
start_from s3 False True 'start_from': '<timestamp>/NOW/BEGINNING'
end_at s3 True True 'end_at': '<timestamp>/NOW'
compute_cluster s3 True True 'compute_cluster': '<compute_cluster>'
comment s3 True True 'comment': '<comment>'
skip_validations s3 False True 'skip_validations': ('ALLOW_CARTESIAN_PRODUCT', ...)
skip_all_validations s3 False True 'skip_all_validations': True/False
aggregation_parallelism s3 True True 'aggregation_parallelism': <integer>
run_parallelism s3 True True 'run_parallelism': <integer>
file_format s3 False False 'file_format': '(type = <file_format>)'
compression s3 False True 'compression': 'SNAPPY/GZIP ...'
date_pattern s3 False True 'date_pattern': '<date_pattern>'
output_offset s3 False True 'output_offset': '<N MINUTES/HOURS/DAYS>'
run_interval elasticsearch False True 'run_interval': '<N MINUTES/HOURS/DAYS>'
routing_field_name elasticsearch True True 'routing_field_name': '<routing_field_name>'
start_from elasticsearch False True 'start_from': '<timestamp>/NOW/BEGINNING'
end_at elasticsearch True True 'end_at': '<timestamp>/NOW'
compute_cluster elasticsearch True True 'compute_cluster': '<compute_cluster>'
skip_validations elasticsearch False True 'skip_validations': ('ALLOW_CARTESIAN_PRODUCT', ...)
skip_all_validations elasticsearch False True 'skip_all_validations': True/False
aggregation_parallelism elasticsearch True True 'aggregation_parallelism': <integer>
run_parallelism elasticsearch True True 'run_parallelism': <integer>
bulk_max_size_bytes elasticsearch True True 'bulk_max_size_bytes': <integer>
index_partition_size elasticsearch True True 'index_partition_size': 'HOURLY/DAILY ...'
comment elasticsearch True True 'comment': '<comment>'
custom_insert_expressions snowflake True True 'custom_insert_expressions': {'INSERT_TIME' : 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()','MY_VALUE': '<value>'}
custom_update_expressions snowflake True True 'custom_update_expressions': {'UPDATE_TIME' : 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()','MY_VALUE': '<value>'}
keep_existing_values_when_null snowflake True True 'keep_existing_values_when_null': True/False
add_missing_columns snowflake False True 'add_missing_columns': True/False
run_interval snowflake False True 'run_interval': '<N MINUTES/HOURS/DAYS>'
commit_interval snowflake True True 'commit_interval': '<N MINUTE[S]/HOUR[S]/DAY[S]>'
start_from snowflake False True 'start_from': '<timestamp>/NOW/BEGINNING'
end_at snowflake True True 'end_at': '<timestamp>/NOW'
compute_cluster snowflake True True 'compute_cluster': '<compute_cluster>'
skip_validations snowflake False True 'skip_validations': ('ALLOW_CARTESIAN_PRODUCT', ...)
skip_all_validations snowflake False True 'skip_all_validations': True/False
aggregation_parallelism snowflake True True 'aggregation_parallelism': <integer>
run_parallelism snowflake True True 'run_parallelism': <integer>
comment snowflake True True 'comment': '<comment>'
add_missing_columns datalake False True 'add_missing_columns': True/False
run_interval datalake False True 'run_interval': '<N MINUTES/HOURS/DAYS>'
start_from datalake False True 'start_from': '<timestamp>/NOW/BEGINNING'
end_at datalake True True 'end_at': '<timestamp>/NOW'
compute_cluster datalake True True 'compute_cluster': '<compute_cluster>'
skip_validations datalake False True 'skip_validations': ('ALLOW_CARTESIAN_PRODUCT', ...)
skip_all_validations datalake False True 'skip_all_validations': True/False
aggregation_parallelism datalake True True 'aggregation_parallelism': <integer>
run_parallelism datalake True True 'run_parallelism': <integer>
comment datalake True True 'comment': '<comment>'
run_interval redshift False True 'run_interval': '<N MINUTES/HOURS/DAYS>'
start_from redshift False True 'start_from': '<timestamp>/NOW/BEGINNING'
end_at redshift True True 'end_at': '<timestamp>/NOW'
compute_cluster redshift True True 'compute_cluster': '<compute_cluster>'
skip_validations redshift False True 'skip_validations': ('ALLOW_CARTESIAN_PRODUCT', ...)
skip_all_validations redshift False True 'skip_all_validations': True/False
aggregation_parallelism redshift True True 'aggregation_parallelism': <integer>
run_parallelism redshift True True 'run_parallelism': <integer>
skip_failed_files redshift False True 'skip_failed_files': True/False
fail_on_write_error redshift False True 'fail_on_write_error': True/False
comment redshift True True 'comment': '<comment>'
run_interval postgres False True 'run_interval': '<N MINUTES/HOURS/DAYS>'
start_from postgres False True 'start_from': '<timestamp>/NOW/BEGINNING'
end_at postgres True True 'end_at': '<timestamp>/NOW'
compute_cluster postgres True True 'compute_cluster': '<compute_cluster>'
skip_validations postgres False True 'skip_validations': ('ALLOW_CARTESIAN_PRODUCT', ...)
skip_all_validations postgres False True 'skip_all_validations': True/False
aggregation_parallelism postgres True True 'aggregation_parallelism': <integer>
run_parallelism postgres True True 'run_parallelism': <integer>
comment postgres True True 'comment': '<comment>'

Copy options

Option Storage Category Editable Optional Config Syntax
topic kafka source_options False False 'topic': '<topic>'
exclude_columns kafka job_options False True 'exclude_columns': ('<exclude_column>', ...)
deduplicate_with kafka job_options False True 'deduplicate_with': {'COLUMNS' : ['col1', 'col2'],'WINDOW': 'N HOURS'}
consumer_properties kafka job_options True True 'consumer_properties': '<consumer_properties>'
reader_shards kafka job_options True True 'reader_shards': <integer>
store_raw_data kafka job_options False True 'store_raw_data': True/False
start_from kafka job_options False True 'start_from': 'BEGINNING/NOW'
end_at kafka job_options True True 'end_at': '<timestamp>/NOW'
compute_cluster kafka job_options True True 'compute_cluster': '<compute_cluster>'
run_parallelism kafka job_options True True 'run_parallelism': <integer>
content_type kafka job_options True True 'content_type': 'AUTO/CSV/...'
compression kafka job_options False True 'compression': 'AUTO/GZIP/...'
column_transformations kafka job_options False True 'column_transformations': {'<column>' : '<expression>' , ...}
commit_interval kafka job_options True True 'commit_interval': '<N MINUTE[S]/HOUR[S]/DAY[S]>'
skip_validations kafka job_options False True 'skip_validations': ('MISSING_TOPIC')
skip_all_validations kafka job_options False True 'skip_all_validations': True/False
comment kafka job_options True True 'comment': '<comment>'
table_include_list mysql source_options True True 'table_include_list': ('<regexFilter>', ...)
column_exclude_list mysql source_options True True 'column_exclude_list': ('<regexFilter>', ...)
exclude_columns mysql job_options False True 'exclude_columns': ('<exclude_column>', ...)
column_transformations mysql job_options False True 'column_transformations': {'<column>' : '<expression>' , ...}
skip_snapshots mysql job_options True True 'skip_snapshots': True/False
end_at mysql job_options True True 'end_at': '<timestamp>/NOW'
compute_cluster mysql job_options True True 'compute_cluster': '<compute_cluster>'
snapshot_parallelism mysql job_options True True 'snapshot_parallelism': <integer>
ddl_filters mysql job_options False True 'ddl_filters': ('<filter>', ...)
comment mysql job_options True True 'comment': '<comment>'
table_include_list postgres source_options False False 'table_include_list': ('<regexFilter>', ...)
column_exclude_list postgres source_options False True 'column_exclude_list': ('<regexFilter>', ...)
heartbeat_table postgres job_options False True 'heartbeat_table': '<heartbeat_table>'
skip_snapshots postgres job_options False True 'skip_snapshots': True/False
publication_name postgres job_options False False 'publication_name': '<publication_name>'
end_at postgres job_options True True 'end_at': '<timestamp>/NOW'
compute_cluster postgres job_options True True 'compute_cluster': '<compute_cluster>'
comment postgres job_options True True 'comment': '<comment>'
parse_json_columns postgres job_options False False 'parse_json_columns': True/False
column_transformations postgres job_options False True 'column_transformations': {'<column>' : '<expression>' , ...}
snapshot_parallelism postgres job_options True True 'snapshot_parallelism': <integer>
exclude_columns postgres job_options False True 'exclude_columns': ('<exclude_column>', ...)
location s3 source_options False False 'location': '<location>'
date_pattern s3 job_options False True 'date_pattern': '<date_pattern>'
file_pattern s3 job_options False True 'file_pattern': '<file_pattern>'
initial_load_pattern s3 job_options False True 'initial_load_pattern': '<initial_load_pattern>'
initial_load_prefix s3 job_options False True 'initial_load_prefix': '<initial_load_prefix>'
delete_files_after_load s3 job_options False True 'delete_files_after_load': True/False
deduplicate_with s3 job_options False True 'deduplicate_with': {'COLUMNS' : ['col1', 'col2'],'WINDOW': 'N HOURS'}
end_at s3 job_options True True 'end_at': '<timestamp>/NOW'
start_from s3 job_options False True 'start_from': '<timestamp>/NOW/BEGINNING'
compute_cluster s3 job_options True True 'compute_cluster': '<compute_cluster>'
run_parallelism s3 job_options True True 'run_parallelism': <integer>
content_type s3 job_options True True 'content_type': 'AUTO/CSV...'
compression s3 job_options False True 'compression': 'AUTO/GZIP...'
comment s3 job_options True True 'comment': '<comment>'
column_transformations s3 job_options False True 'column_transformations': {'<column>' : '<expression>' , ...}
commit_interval s3 job_options True True 'commit_interval': '<N MINUTE[S]/HOUR[S]/DAY[S]>'
skip_validations s3 job_options False True 'skip_validations': ('EMPTY_PATH')
skip_all_validations s3 job_options False True 'skip_all_validations': True/False
exclude_columns s3 job_options False True 'exclude_columns': ('<exclude_column>', ...)
stream kinesis source_options False False 'stream': '<stream>'
reader_shards kinesis job_options True True 'reader_shards': <integer>
store_raw_data kinesis job_options False True 'store_raw_data': True/False
start_from kinesis job_options False True 'start_from': '<timestamp>/NOW/BEGINNING'
end_at kinesis job_options False True 'end_at': '<timestamp>/NOW'
compute_cluster kinesis job_options True True 'compute_cluster': '<compute_cluster>'
run_parallelism kinesis job_options False True 'run_parallelism': <integer>
content_type kinesis job_options True True 'content_type': 'AUTO/CSV...'
compression kinesis job_options False True 'compression': 'AUTO/GZIP...'
comment kinesis job_options True True 'comment': '<comment>'
column_transformations kinesis job_options True True 'column_transformations': {'<column>' : '<expression>' , ...}
deduplicate_with kinesis job_options False True 'deduplicate_with': {'COLUMNS' : ['col1', 'col2'],'WINDOW': 'N HOURS'}
commit_interval kinesis job_options True True 'commit_interval': '<N MINUTE[S]/HOUR[S]/DAY[S]>'
skip_validations kinesis job_options False True 'skip_validations': ('MISSING_STREAM')
skip_all_validations kinesis job_options False True 'skip_all_validations': True/False
exclude_columns kinesis job_options False True 'exclude_columns': ('<exclude_column>', ...)
table_include_list mssql source_options True True 'table_include_list': ('<regexFilter>', ...)
column_exclude_list mssql source_options True True 'column_exclude_list': ('<regexFilter>', ...)
exclude_columns mssql job_options False True 'exclude_columns': ('<exclude_column>', ...)
column_transformations mssql job_options False True 'column_transformations': {'<column>' : '<expression>' , ...}
skip_snapshots mssql job_options True True 'skip_snapshots': True/False
end_at mssql job_options True True 'end_at': '<timestamp>/NOW'
compute_cluster mssql job_options True True 'compute_cluster': '<compute_cluster>'
snapshot_parallelism mssql job_options True True 'snapshot_parallelism': <integer>
parse_json_columns mssql job_options False False 'parse_json_columns': True/False
comment mssql job_options True True 'comment': '<comment>'
collection_include_list mongodb source_options True True 'collection_include_list': ('<regexFilter>', ...)
exclude_columns mongodb job_options False True 'exclude_columns': ('<exclude_column>', ...)
column_transformations mongodb job_options False True 'column_transformations': {'<column>' : '<expression>' , ...}
skip_snapshots mongodb job_options True True 'skip_snapshots': True/False
end_at mongodb job_options True True 'end_at': '<timestamp>/NOW'
compute_cluster mongodb job_options True True 'compute_cluster': '<compute_cluster>'
snapshot_parallelism mongodb job_options True True 'snapshot_parallelism': <integer>
comment mongodb job_options True True 'comment': '<comment>'

Further reading

Projects examples

Upsolver sqlake documentation

DBT documentation

Upsolver Comunity Slack

Project details

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Source Distribution

dbt-upsolver-1.5.28.tar.gz (48.8 kB view hashes)

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Built Distribution

dbt_upsolver-1.5.28-py3-none-any.whl (43.4 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

Supported by

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