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Sunbird dcTrack API client in Python

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Sunbird dcTrack API clients in Python and JavaScript


dcTrackClient can be installed from the package manager of your choice.


pip install dcTrackClient==1.3.0


npm i dctrackclient@1.3.0

Initialize a connection to the dcTrack API

Authentication is by using a base URL (the same URL to access the GUI) and a username and password, or a base URL and an API token.


from dcTrackClient import Client
## Using a username and password ##
api = Client('', username='user', password='pass')
## Using an API token ##
api = Client('', apiToken='token')


import { Client } from 'dctrackclient';
// Using a username and password // 
const api = new Client('', { username: 'user', password: 'pass' });
// Using an API token //
const api = new Client('', { apiToken: 'token' });

Advanced: Initialize a connection with a proxy

Proxies can be used for either authentication method (username/password or API token) for both libraries. For the Python library, specify an HTTP or HTTPS proxy, or both. These can also be SOCKS proxies. For the JavaScript library, only 1 proxy is required and https proxies can either be HTTP or HTTPS. HTTPS will automatically upgraded to TLS.


api = Client('', username='user', password='pass', httpProxy='http://proxy:port', httpsProxy='https://proxy:port')


const api = new Client('', { username: 'user', password: 'pass' }, { https: 'http://proxy:port', socks: 'socks://proxy:port' });

Obtain an API Token

Obtain an API token using the Client.generateToken() function provided. Re-authentication is not necessary, as the API token will automatically be used in subsequent API calls. The function returns the token's value in case the user wants to store the token for the next initialization of the API.


token = api.generateToken()


Notice the await keyword before the function call. This is because the JavaScript library is asynchronous and returns a Promise to the return value. All the API calls in this library require that keyword.

const token = await api.generateToken();

Usage Example

This section demonstrates item manipulation with the API client.

Create an item

This example shows the minimum attributes required to create an item using the createItem function. View the comprehensive list of item attributes in the official documentation. Make sure to capture the return value of this function to see the created item details, such as the unique numeric item ID, or to determine if an error occurred while creating an item.


# Set `returnDetails = True` to return the complete item field list.
response = api.createItem(False, {
    'cmbLocation': 'item location',
    'tiName': 'item name',
    'cmbMake': 'item make',
    'cmbModel': 'item model'


See the JavaScript section on obtaining an API token why the await keyword is required.

// Set `returnDetails = true` to return the complete item field list.
let response = await api.createItem(false, {
    'cmbLocation': 'item location',
    'tiName': 'item name',
    'cmbMake': 'item make',
    'cmbModel': 'item model'

On Success

This function returns the JSON object for the newly created item. This is an example response if returnDetails was set to false.

{ "item": { "id": 1234, "tiName": "item name" } }

On Failure

This function returns a JSON object containing the error message.

Retrieve item details

This example shows the usage of the getItem function. This function requires the unique item's ID, shown in the create item example. It returns the full list of item attributes.


response = api.getItem(1234)


let response = await api.getItem(1234);


    "item": {
        "cmbLocation": "item location",
        "tiName": "item name",

Modify an existing item

This example shows the usage of the updateItem function. Any number of attributes can be included in the payload to be modified. The returnDetails parameter behaves in the same way as in the create item example.


response = api.updateItem(1234, False, {'tiSerialNumber': 12345})


let response = await api.updateItem(1234, false, { 'tiSerialNumber': 12345 });

Search for an item

This example demonstrates usage of the searchItems function. Follow this guide for details on creating the request payload. In this example, the API searches for an item based on the tiName field.


response = api.searchItems(0, 0, {
    'columns': [
        {'name': 'tiName', 'filter': {'eq': 'item name'}}
    'selectedColumns': [
        {'name': 'id'},
        {'name': 'tiName'},


let response = await api.searchItems(0, 0, {
    'columns': [
        { 'name': 'tiName', 'filter': { 'eq': 'item name' } }
    'selectedColumns': [
        { 'name': 'id' },
        { 'name': 'tiName' },


    "selectedColumns": [],
    "totalRows": 1,
    "pageNumber": 0,
    "pageSize": 0,
    "searchResults": {
        "items": [
            {"id": "1234", "tiName": "item name"}

Delete an item

This example demonstrates usage of the deleteItem function.




await api.deleteItem(1234);


{ "itemId": 1234 }

Official DcTrack Documentation

Visit this link for the official documentation on request bodies and attrribute names.

Package Documentation

The section below shows all the functions contained within this client along with basic usage.


Get item details using the item ID. Returns an Item JSON object.

GET api/v2/dcimoperations/items/{id}
Parameter Type
id number

createItem(returnDetails, payload)

Create a new item. When returnDetails is set to true, the API call will return the full json payload. If set to false, the call returns only the "id" and "tiName".

POST api/v2/dcimoperations/items payload
Parameter Type
returnDetails boolean
payload object

updateItem(id, returnDetails, payload)

Update an existing item. When returnDetails is set to true, the API call will return the full json payload. If set to false, the call returns only the "id" and "tiName".

PUT api/v2/dcimoperations/items/{id} payload
Parameter Type
id number
returnDetails boolean
payload object


Delete an item using the item ID.

DELETE api/v2/dcimoperations/items/{id}
Parameter Type
id number

searchItems(pageNumber, pageSize, payload)

Search for items using criteria JSON object. Search criteria can be any of the fields applicable to items, including custom fields. Specify the fields to be included in the response. This API supports pagination. Returns a list of items with the specified information.

POST api/v2/quicksearch/items payload
Parameter Type
pageNumber number
pageSize number
payload object


Returns a list of Items contained in a Cabinet using the ItemID of the Cabinet. The returned list includes all of the Cabinet's Items including Passive Items.

GET api/v2/items/cabinetItems/{CabinetId}
Parameter Type
CabinetId number


Add/Update/Delete Items.

POST api/v2/dcimoperations/items/bulk payload
Parameter Type
payload object


Returns a list of makes with basic information.

GET api/v2/makes

No parameters.


Add a new Make. Returns JSON entity containing Make information that was passed in from the Request payload.

POST api/v2/makes payload
Parameter Type
payload object

updateMake(makeId, payload)

Modify a Make. Returns JSON entity containing Make information that was passed in from the Request payload.

PUT api/v2/makes/{makeId} payload
Parameter Type
makeId number
payload object


Delete a Make.

DELETE api/v2/makes/{makeId}
Parameter Type
makeId number


Search for a make using the make name. Returns a list of makes with basic information.

GET api/v2/dcimoperations/search/makes/{makeName}
Parameter Type
makeName string

getModel(modelId, usedCounts)

Get Model fields for the specified Model ID. usedCounts is an optional parameter that determines if the count of Items for the specified model is returned in the response. If set to "true" the counts will be included in the response, if omitted or set to "false" the item count will not be included in the response.

GET api/v2/models/{modelId}
Parameter Type
modelId number
usedCounts boolean

createModel(returnDetails, proceedOnWarning, payload)

Add a new Model. Returns JSON entity containing Make information that was passed in from the Request payload. "proceedOnWarning" relates to the warning messages that are thrown in dcTrack when you try to delete custom fields that are in use. The "proceedOnWarning" value can equal either "true" or "false." If "proceedOnWarning" equals "true," business warnings will be ignored. If "proceedOnWarning" equals "false," business warnings will not be ignored. Fields that are not in the payload will remain unchanged.

POST api/v2/models payload
Parameter Type
returnDetails boolean
proceedOnWarning boolean
payload object

updateModel(id, returnDetails, proceedOnWarning, payload)

Modify an existing Model. Fields that are not in the payload will remain unchanged. Returns a JSON entity containing Make information that was passed in from the Request payload.

PUT api/v2/models/{id} payload
Parameter Type
id number
returnDetails boolean
proceedOnWarning boolean
payload object


Delete a Model using the Model ID.

DELETE api/v2/models/{id}
Parameter Type
id number

searchModels(pageNumber, pageSize, payload)

Search for models by user supplied search criteria. Returns a list of models with the "selectedColumns" returned in the payload. Search by Alias is not supported.

POST api/v2/quicksearch/models payload
Parameter Type
pageNumber number
pageSize number
payload object

getModelsByNameAndMakeID(modelName, makeId)

Search for a model using the model name and the make ID. Returns a list of models with basic information.

GET api/v2/dcimoperations/search/models/{modelName}/{makeId}
Parameter Type
modelName string
makeId number

deleteModelImage(id, orientation)

Delete a Mode Image using the Model ID and the Image Orientation, where id is the Model Id and orientation is either front or back

DELETE api/v2/models/images/{id}/{orientation}
Parameter Type
id number
orientation string

getConnector(connectorId, usedCount)

Get a Connector record by ID. Returns a Connector with all information including Compatible Connectors. The usedCount parameter is optional. If usedCount is true, the response will include the number of times the connector is in use by Models and Items. If false, no counts are returned. If omitted the default is false.

GET api/v2/settings/connectors/{connectorId}
Parameter Type
connectorId number
usedCount boolean


Add a new Connector. Returns JSON entity containing Connector information that was passed in from the Request payload.

POST api/v2/settings/connectors payload
Parameter Type
payload object

updateConnector(connectorId, payload)

Update an existing Connector. Returns JSON entity containing Connector information that was passed in from the Request payload.

PUT api/v2/settings/connectors/{connectorId} payload
Parameter Type
connectorId number
payload object


Delete one or more Connector records.

POST api/v2/settings/connectors/delete payload
Parameter Type
payload object

searchConnectors(pageNumber, pageSize, payload)

Search for Connectors using criteria JSON object. Search criteria can be any of the fields applicable to Connector, including custom fields. Specify the fields to be included in the response. This API supports pagination. Returns a list of Connectors with the specified information.

POST api/v2/quicksearch/connectors payload
Parameter Type
pageNumber number
pageSize number
payload object


Delete a Connector Image using the Connector ID.

DELETE api/v2/settings/connectors/{connectorId}/images
Parameter Type
connectorId number


Use the REST API to retrieve details from all data ports on an item. If the operation was successful, a status code 200 is displayed, and the body contains the item's data port details. If the operation failed, an error code is returned.

GET api/v1/items/{itemId}/dataports
Parameter Type
itemId number

getDataPort(itemId, dataportId)

Use the REST API to read the details of an item's data port. To do this, specify the item and item data port ID. If the operation was successful, a status code 200 is displayed, and the body contains the item's data port details. If the operation failed, an error code is returned.

GET api/v1/items/{itemId}/dataports/{dataportId}
Parameter Type
itemId number
dataportId number

createDataPorts(itemId, payload)

Use the REST API to create data ports for an existing item. If ports are already defined for the item because it is included in the Item Models Library, you can use the REST API to create additional ports for the item. Payload contains data port parameter details in json format. All required fields must be included.

POST api/v1/items/{itemId}/dataports payload
Parameter Type
itemId number
payload object

updateDataPort(itemId, dataportId, payload)

Update an item's data port details using the REST API. To do this, specify the item and data port ID, and provide the updated parameter value(s). Payload contains data port parameter details in json format. All required fields must be included.

PUT api/v1/items/{itemId}/dataports/{dataportId} payload
Parameter Type
itemId number
dataportId number
payload object

deleteDataPort(itemId, dataportId)

Delete an item's data port using the REST API by specifying the item ID and data port ID. If the operation is successful, a status code 200 is displayed. If the operation failed, an error code is returned.

DELETE api/v1/items/{itemId}/dataports/{dataportId}
Parameter Type
itemId number
dataportId number


Use the REST API to retrieve details from all power ports on an item.

GET api/v1/items/{itemId}/powerports
Parameter Type
itemId number

getPowerPort(itemId, portId)

Use the REST API to retrieve details from one power port on an item.

GET api/v1/items/{itemId}/powerports/{portId}
Parameter Type
itemId number
portId number

updatePowerPort(itemId, portId, proceedOnWarning, payload)

Use the REST API to create power ports for an existing item. If ports are already defined for the item because it is included in the Item Models Library, you can use the REST API to create additional ports for the item.

PUT api/v1/items/{itemId}/powerports/{portId} payload
Parameter Type
itemId number
portId number
proceedOnWarning boolean
payload object

getCompatibleConnector(itemId, portId, connectorId)

Use the REST API to determine if a Connector is compatible with a specific Power Port.

GET api/v1/items/{itemId}/powerports/{portId}/connectors/{connectorId}/isCompatible
Parameter Type
itemId number
portId number
connectorId number


Get a list of all Breakers for a given Panel Item. Returns JSON entity containing an array of all the Breakers for the specified Panel Item.

GET api/v2/dcimoperations/items/{panelItemID}/breakers
Parameter Type
panelItemID number

getBreaker(panelItemID, breakerPortId)

Get a list of all Breakers for a given Panel Item. Returns JSON entity containing information for a single Panel Item Breaker.

GET api/v2/dcimoperations/items/{panelItemID}/breakers/{breakerPortId}
Parameter Type
panelItemID number
breakerPortId number

updateBreaker(panelItemD, beakerPortID, payload)

Update a single Breaker for a given Panel Item. Returns JSON entity containing information for the updated Panel Item Breaker. Note: This API performs as a true PUT and not a PATCH. Unlike with a PATCH, you must specify all attributes even if you want to change only one. Attributes that are not included in the Request will be considered as removed.

PUT api/v2/dcimoperations/items/{panelItemD}/breakers/{beakerPortID} payload
Parameter Type
panelItemD string
beakerPortID number
payload object

createBreaker(panelItemId, payload)

Create a single Breaker for a given Panel Item. Returns JSON entity containing information for the created Panel Item Breaker. Note: Breaker State is set based on the connection status of the Breaker. If the breaker is connected it will always be set to "Closed", even if "Open" is specified in the Request.

POST api/v2/dcimoperations/items/{panelItemId}/breakers payload
Parameter Type
panelItemId number
payload object

deleteBreaker(panelItemID, breakerPortId)

Delete a Breaker for a given Panel Item. Returns empty JSON.

DELETE api/v2/dcimoperations/items/{panelItemID}/breakers/{breakerPortId}
Parameter Type
panelItemID number
breakerPortId number

createBreakersBulk(panelItemID, payload)

Add/Update/Delete Breakers for a given Panel Item.

POST api/v2/dcimoperations/items/{panelItemID}/breakers/bulk payload
Parameter Type
panelItemID number
payload object


Returns a list for all Locations.

GET api/v1/locations

No parameters.


Get a single Location. Returns json containing location data for the specified ID.

GET api/v1/locations{locationId}
Parameter Type
locationId number

createLocation(proceedOnWarning, payload)

Add a Location. Returns the JSON entity containing location info that was passed in. Note: "proceedOnWarning" relates to the warning messages that are thrown in dcTrack when you try to delete custom fields that are in use. The "proceedOnWarning" value can equal either "true" or "false." If "proceedOnWarning" equals "true," business warnings will be ignored. If "proceedOnWarning" equals "false," business warnings will not be ignored.

POST api/v1/locations payload
Parameter Type
proceedOnWarning boolean
payload object

updateLocation(locationId, proceedOnWarning, payload)

Modify Location details for a single Location. Payload contains new location details. You do not have have to provide all details, but only those that you want to modify. Returns JSON entity containing Location information that was passed in from the Request payload.

PUT api/v1/locations/{locationId} payload
Parameter Type
locationId number
proceedOnWarning boolean
payload object


Delete a Location.

DELETE api/v1/locations/{locationId}
Parameter Type
locationId number

searchLocations(pageNumber, pageSize, payload)

Search for Locations by user supplied search criteria. Returns a list of Locations with the "selectedColumns" returned in the payload.

POST api/v2/quicksearch/locations payload
Parameter Type
pageNumber number
pageSize number
payload object


Returns a list of all Location fields.

GET api/v2/quicksearch/locations/locationListFields

No parameters.


Get all sub-locations for a given location in the hierarchy. The locationId is the ID of the location to get the sub-locations for.

GET api/v2/subLocations/list/{locationId}
Parameter Type
locationId number

getSublocationsOfType(locationId, typeCode)

Get all sub-locations of given type for a given location in the hierarchy. The locationId is the id of the location you are querying the sub-location types for. The type is one of either 5016 and 5017 for rows and aisles respectively.

GET api/v2/subLocations/{locationId}/type/{typeCode}
Parameter Type
locationId number
typeCode string


Get all child sub-locations for a given sub-location in the hierarchy. The locationId is the ID of the location to fetch the sub-locations for. The subLocationId is the ID of the parent sub-location that you are querying the children of.

GET api/v2/subLocations/{subLocationId}/children
Parameter Type
subLocationId number


Get details for a given sub-location. The subLocationId is the id of the sub-location you are querying for.

GET api/v2/subLocations/{subLocationId}
Parameter Type
subLocationId number


Add a new sub-location to the given location. Returns a list from the Sub-Location Hash.

POST api/v2/subLocations payload
Parameter Type
payload object

updateSublocation(subLocationId, payload)

Update a sub-location. Returns a list from the Sub-Location Hash.

PUT api/v2/subLocations/{subLocationId} payload
Parameter Type
subLocationId number
payload object


Deletes the given sub-location. The locationId is the ID of the location that the sub-location belongs to and the subLocationId is the ID of the location you are querying. Returns a success message upon success.

DELETE api/v2/subLocations/{subLocationId}
Parameter Type
subLocationId number


Retrieve a List of Location Favorites for a specific User.

GET api/v2/users/{username}/favorites/LOCATION
Parameter Type
username string


Retrieve a List of Location Favorites for all Users. Returns JSON entity containing Location Favorite information for all users.

GET api/v2/users/favorites/LOCATION

No parameters.

updateLocationFavorites(username, payload)

Assign Location Favorites to a user where username is a valid dcTrack user and "favorite" is either true or false to indicate whether you are assigning or unassigning. JSON entity containing all Location Favorites for the specified user.

PUT api/v2/users/{username}/favorites payload
Parameter Type
username string
payload object


Assign Location Favorites to a user. To Assign favorites the "favorite" column should be set to true. To Unassign favorites the "favorite" column should be set to false. Returns JSON entity containing all Location Favorites for the specified users.

PUT api/v2/users/favorites payload
Parameter Type
payload object


Find Cabinets with available space based on RUs within the specified Locations.

POST api/v2/capacity/cabinets/list/search payload
Parameter Type
payload object


Find the starting RUs within a Cabinet with the specified number of contiguous RUs.

POST api/v2/items/uposition/available payload
Parameter Type
payload object


Get explicit permission by ID. Returns JSON entity containing Permission information for the specified Permission Id.

GET api/v2/permissions/explicit/{permissionId}
Parameter Type
permissionId number


Add explicit permission. Returns JSON entity containing Permission information for the added Permission.

POST api/v2/permissions/explicit payload
Parameter Type
payload object

updatePermission(permissionId, payload)

Update explicit permission. Returns JSON entity containing Permission information for the updated Permission.

PUT api/v2/permissions/explicit/{permissionId} payload
Parameter Type
permissionId number
payload object


Delete explicit permission.

DELETE api/v2/permissions/explicit/{permissionId}
Parameter Type
permissionId number


Add/Update/Delete explicit permissions.

POST api/v2/permissions/explicit/bulk payload
Parameter Type
payload object


Get all explicit permissions. Returns JSON entity containing Permission information.

GET api/v2/permissions/explicit

No parameters.


Get explicit permissions by Entity Type. Returns JSON entity containing Permission information.

GET api/v2/permissions/explicit/entityType/{entityType}
Parameter Type
entityType string

getPermissionsByEntityId(entityType, entityId)

Get explicit permissions by Entity Type and Entity ID. Returns JSON entity containing Permission information.

GET api/v2/permissions/explicit/{entityType}/{entityId}
Parameter Type
entityType string
entityId number

getRecords(listType, id)

Get a list of records (options) for use in drop-down lists by indicating a list type and an ID. ID is optional for some list types. Returns a list of records for a given list type.

GET api/v2/dcimoperations/lookups/{listType}/{id}
Parameter Type
listType string
id number


Get a list of records (options) for use in drop-down lists for dcTrack standard fields by list type. Returns a list of records for a given list type.

GET api/v2/dcimoperations/picklists/{listType}
Parameter Type
listType string

updatePicklistOptions(listType, payload)

Update a list of records (options) for use in drop-down lists for dcTrack standard fields by list type. Returns a list of records for a given list type.

PUT api/v2/dcimoperations/picklists/{listType} payload
Parameter Type
listType string
payload object


Update the default value for a picklist field.

PUT api/v2/settings/lists/defaultValue payload
Parameter Type
payload object


Get the properties for all fields applicable to the Entity.

GET api/v2/settings/lists/fieldProperties
Parameter Type
entity string

submitRequest(id, payload)

Create a request.

PUT api/v2/dcimoperations/items/{id} payload
Parameter Type
id number
payload object


Cancel a request. Returns Returns request ID canceled.

DELETE api/v2/dcimoperations/requests/{requestId}
Parameter Type
requestId number

completeRequest(requestId, payload)

Change request status/stage to Complete using the request ID. Optionally, pass a request body with additional information. Returns request status information.

PUT api/v2/dcimoperations/requests/complete/{requestId} payload
Parameter Type
requestId number
payload object

completeWorkOrder(workOrderId, payload)

Complete work order and change work order status/stage to Complete. Optionally, pass a request body with additional information. Returns work order status information.

PUT api/v2/dcimoperations/workorders/complete/{workOrderId} payload
Parameter Type
workOrderId number
payload object


Get a list of pending request status information for a given item ID. Returns list of request status.

GET api/v2/dcimoperations/requests/pending/{itemId}
Parameter Type
itemId number


Get request status information for a given request ID. Returns full request status information.

GET api/v2/dcimoperations/requests/status/{requestId}
Parameter Type
requestId number


Get request status information for a given request ID. Returns full request status information.

POST api/v2/dcimoperations/search/list/requests payload
Parameter Type
payload object


Create a data connection. Returns the newly created data connection.

POST api/v2/connections/dataconnections payload
Parameter Type
payload object

updateDataConnection(connectionId, payload)

Edit a data connection. Returns the newly edited data connection.

PUT api/v2/connections/dataconnections/{connectionId} payload
Parameter Type
connectionId number
payload object


Get a data connection and associated details. Requires the ID of the connection you want to retrieve. Returns the requested data connection and associated details.

GET api/v2/connections/dataconnections/{connectionId}
Parameter Type
connectionId number

getDataConnectionByNode(location, itemName, portName)

Get data connection details based on the specified location, item name, and port name. The itemName specified in the URL must be either the starting or ending Item in the connection. This API does not support Data Panel Ports. Returns the JSON payload with the requested data connection details.

GET api/v2/connections/dataconnections
Parameter Type
location string
itemName string
portName string


Deletes the specified data connection.

DELETE api/v2/connections/dataconnections/{connectionId}
Parameter Type
connectionId number


Create a power connection. Returns the newly created power connection.

POST api/v2/connections/powerconnections payload
Parameter Type
payload object

updatePowerConnection(connectionId, payload)

Edit a power connection. Returns the newly edited power connection.

PUT api/v2/connections/powerconnections/{connectionId} payload
Parameter Type
connectionId number
payload object


Get a power connection and associated details. Requires the ID of the connection you want to retrieve. Returns the requested power connection and associated details.

GET api/v2/connections/powerconnections/{connectionId}
Parameter Type
connectionId number

getPowerConnectionByNode(location, itemName, portName)

Get power connection details based on the specified location, item name, and port name. Returns the JSON payload with the requested power connection details.

GET api/v2/connections/powerconnections
Parameter Type
location string
itemName string
portName string


Deletes the specified power connection. Deletes the power connection.

DELETE api/v2/connections/powerconnections/{connectionId}
Parameter Type
connectionId number

getCircuit(circuitType, location, itemName, portName)

Get power or data circuit details based on the specified circuit type location, item name, and port name. Returns the JSON payload with the requested power or data connection details.

GET api/v2/dcimoperations/circuits/{circuitType}
Parameter Type
circuitType string
location string
itemName string
portName string

retrievePowerChain(locationId, payload)

Get links and nodes of entire power chain with customizable node details for a specific location. JSON entity containing data for the entire Power Chain for a given Location. The example below illustrates returning all fields by leaving the "selectedColumn" array empty. To limit the columns in the response, list the specific columns.

POST api/v2/powerChain/{locationId} payload
Parameter Type
locationId number
payload object


Get power sum for power ports with port ID list.

POST api/v2/powerChain/powerSum/bulk payload
Parameter Type
payload object


Get power sum for power ports using item ID list.

POST api/v2/items/powerSum/bulk payload
Parameter Type
payload object


Update Actual Readings for Power Ports for an Item.

GET api/v2/powerChain/items/actualReadings/{itemId}
Parameter Type
itemId number


Retrieve Actual Readings for Power Ports for multiple Items.

POST api/v2/powerChain/items/actualReadings/bulk payload
Parameter Type
payload object


Update Actual Readings for Power Ports on one or more items.

POST api/v2/powerChain/ports/actualReadings/bulk payload
Parameter Type
payload object

updateActualReadingsByPort(portId, payload)

Update Actual Readings By Port.

PUT api/v2/powerChain/ports/actualReadings/{portId} payload
Parameter Type
portId number
payload object


Get Actual Readings By Port.

GET api/v2/powerChain/ports/actualReadings/{portId}
Parameter Type
portId number

updateActualReadingsByPortBulk(itemId, portName, portId, payload)

Update Actual Readings for Power Ports on one or more items. Returns JSON entity containing Power Readings for each updated Power Port.

PUT api/v2/items/{itemId}/actualReadings/{portName}/{portId} payload
Parameter Type
itemId number
portName string
portId number
payload object

getActualReadingsByPortBulk(itemId, portName, portId)

Get Actual Readings for Power Ports on one or more items. Returns JSON entity containing Power Readings for each Power Port.

GET api/v2/items/{itemId}/actualReadings/{portName}/{portId}
Parameter Type
itemId number
portName string
portId number


Get Ticket by Ticket ID.

GET api/v2/tickets/{ticketId}
Parameter Type
ticketId number


Create a Ticket.

POST api/v2/tickets payload
Parameter Type
payload object

updateTicket(ticketId, payload)

Update a Ticket.

PUT api/v2/tickets/{ticketId} payload
Parameter Type
ticketId number
payload object

deleteTicket(ticketId, proceedOnWarning)

Delete Ticket by Ticket ID.

DELETE api/v2/tickets/{ticketId}
Parameter Type
ticketId number
proceedOnWarning boolean

searchTickets(pageNumber, pageSize, payload)

Search for Tickets using criteria JSON object. Search criteria can be any of the fields applicable to Tickets, including custom fields. Specify the fields to be included in the response. This API supports pagination. Returns a list of Tickets with the specified information.

POST api/v2/quicksearch/tickets payload
Parameter Type
pageNumber number
pageSize number
payload object


Returns a list of all Ticket fields.

GET api/v2/quicksearch/tickets/ticketListFields

No parameters.


Add/Update/Delete Tickets in Bulk. The body of the Request should contain the required fields required to perform the specified Method.

POST api/v2/tickets/bulk payload
Parameter Type
payload object

createTicketAssignment(entityType, payload)

Assign Item to Ticket. The entity Ids provided in the Request should be the ID of the entity to be assigned to the Ticket.

POST api/v2/tickets/assignment/{entityType}/assign payload
Parameter Type
entityType string
payload object

removeTicketAssignment(entityType, payload)

Unassign Item from Ticket. This API will disassociate multiple Items or Circuits from a Ticket. The Ids provided in the Request should be the IDs of the assignment records.

POST api/v2/tickets/assignment/{entityType}/unassign payload
Parameter Type
entityType string
payload object


Creates a custom field. Returns the newly created custom field.

POST api/v2/settings/lists/customFields payload
Parameter Type
payload object

updateCustomField(customFieldId, payload)

Update the definitions of the specified custom fields. Returns the updated custom field definitions.

PUT api/v2/settings/lists/customFields/{customFieldId} payload
Parameter Type
customFieldId number
payload object


Get a list of custom fields. Returns a list of all custom fields.

GET api/v2/settings/lists/customFields
Parameter Type
orderPickListsBy string

getCustomField(customFieldId, orderPickListsBy)

Get the custom field details for a given customFieldId. Passing a -1 value will return all the labels with null values. Returns a list of custom field details for the specified custom field.

GET api/v2/settings/lists/customFields/{customFieldId}
Parameter Type
customFieldId number
orderPickListsBy string

deleteCustomField(customFieldId, proceedOnWarning)

Deletes the specified custom field and associated pick lists.

DELETE api/v2/settings/lists/customFields/{customFieldId}
Parameter Type
customFieldId number
proceedOnWarning boolean


Returns the current Webhook configuration information.

GET api/v2/notifications/config

No parameters.


Update the Webhook configuration information.

PUT api/v2/notifications/config payload
Parameter Type
payload object


Deletes the Webhook configuration.

DELETE api/v2/notifications/config

No parameters.


Get Relationship details using the Relationship ID.

GET api/v2/relationship/{id}
Parameter Type
id number


Create a new entity link. Returns the newly created item JSON object. Note: Supported entity Types are "PROJECT", "TICKET", "ITEM".

POST api/v2/relationship payload
Parameter Type
payload object

getRelationshipByEntity(entityType, entityId)

Search for Entity Links BY Entity Type and Entity ID. Entity Types are "PROJECT", "ITEM". Returns a Project JSON object.

GET api/v2/relationship/{entityType}/{entityId}
Parameter Type
entityType string
entityId number


Search for Entity Links. Returns an array of Relationship links for the entity type.

POST api/v2/relationship/search payload
Parameter Type
payload object


Delete an Entity Link using the Relationship ID.

DELETE api/v2/relationship/{id}
Parameter Type
id number


Get floormap configuration for specific location.

GET api/v2/visualization/floormaps/configuration/{locationId}
Parameter Type
locationId number


Get floormap configuration for all locations.

GET api/v2/visualization/floormaps/configuration

No parameters.

updateFloormapConfig(locationId, payload)

Modify floormap configuration for specific location.

PUT api/v2/visualization/floormaps/configuration/{locationId} payload
Parameter Type
locationId number
payload object


Modify floormap configurations for multiple locations.

POST api/v2/visualization/floormaps/configuration/bulk payload
Parameter Type
payload object


Add a new Project. JSON entity containing Project information that was passed in from the Request payload.

POST api/v2/dcimoperations/projects payload
Parameter Type
payload object

updateProject(id, payload)

Modify a Project. JSON entity containing Project information that was passed in from the Request payload.

PUT api/v2/dcimoperations/projects/{id} payload
Parameter Type
id number
payload object


Delete a Project using the Project ID.

DELETE api/v2/dcimoperations/projects/{id}
Parameter Type
id number


Get Project details using the Project ID. Returns a Project JSON object.

GET api/v2/dcimoperations/projects/{id}
Parameter Type
id number


Create Part Classes. Returns JSON entity containing data for the created Part Class.

POST api/v2/parts/classes payload
Parameter Type
payload object

updatePartClass(classId, payload)

Update Part Classes. Returns JSON entity containing data for the updated Part Class.

PUT api/v2/parts/classes/{classId} payload
Parameter Type
classId number
payload object


Delete Part Class by Class ID.

DELETE api/v2/parts/classes/{classId}
Parameter Type
classId number


Returns a list of Part Classes with basic information.

GET api/v2/parts/classes

No parameters.


Create, Update, Delete Part Classes in Bulk. Returns JSON entity containing a list of response codes.

POST api/v2/parts/classes/bulk payload
Parameter Type
payload object


Create Part Model. Returns JSON entity containing data for the created Part Model.

POST api/v2/partModels payload
Parameter Type
payload object

updatePartModel(modelId, payload)

Update a Part Model. Returns JSON entity containing data for the Updated Part Model.

PUT api/v2/partModels/{modelId} payload
Parameter Type
modelId number
payload object


Delete Part Model by Model ID.

DELETE api/v2/partModels/{modelId}
Parameter Type
modelId number


Get Model by Model ID. Returns JSON entity containing data for a single Model.

GET api/v2/partModels/{modelId}
Parameter Type
modelId number

searchPartModels(pageNumber, pageSize, payload)

Search for Part Models using criteria JSON object. Search criteria can be any of the fields applicable to Part Models, including custom fields. Specify the field to be included in the response. This API supports pagination. Returns a list of Part Models with the specified information.

POST api/v2/quicksearch/parts/models payload
Parameter Type
pageNumber number
pageSize number
payload object


Delete a Part Model Image using the Part Model ID.

DELETE api/v2/partModels/images/{modelId}
Parameter Type
modelId number


Create, Update, Delete Part Models in Bulk. Returns JSON entity containing a list of response codes.

POST api/v2/partModels/bulk payload
Parameter Type
payload object


Returns a list of all Part Model fields.

GET api/v2/quicksearch/parts/partModelListFields

No parameters.


Create Part Instance. Returns JSON entity containing data for the created Part Instance.

POST api/v2/parts payload
Parameter Type
payload object


Get Part Instance by Part ID. Returns JSON entity containing data for a single Part Instance.

GET api/v2/parts/{partId}
Parameter Type
partId number

updatePart(partId, payload)

Update Part Instance. Returns JSON entity containing data for a single Part Instance.

PUT api/v2/parts/{partId} payload
Parameter Type
partId number
payload object


Delete Part Instance. JSON entity containing errors and warnings.

DELETE api/v2/parts/{partId}
Parameter Type
partId number


Create, Update, Delete Part Instances in Bulk. Returns JSON entity containing a list of response codes.

POST api/v2/parts/bulk payload
Parameter Type
payload object

updateStock(partId, activity, payload)

Adjust or Transfer Stock where "activity" can be "adjust" or "transfer". Returns JSON entity containing data for the transaction performed.

PUT api/v2/parts/{partId}/stock/{activity} payload
Parameter Type
partId number
activity string
payload object

createPartAssignment(assignmentType, payload)

Assign Parts to Items or Item Ports where "assignmentType" can be "ITEMS" or "PORTS". Returns JSON entity containing data for the assignment.

POST api/v2/parts/assignments/{assignmentType} payload
Parameter Type
assignmentType string
payload object


Returns a list of all Part fields.

GET api/v2/quicksearch/parts/partListFields

No parameters.

searchParts(pageNumber, pageSize, payload)

Search for Parts using criteria JSON object. Search criteria can be any of the fields applicable to Parts, including custom fields. Specify the field to be included in the response. This API supports pagination. Returns a list of Parts with the specified information.

POST api/v2/quicksearch/parts payload
Parameter Type
pageNumber number
pageSize number
payload object


Returns a list of all Part Transaction fields.

GET api/v2/quicksearch/parts/partTransactionListFields

No parameters.

searchPartTransactions(pageNumber, pageSize, payload)

Search for Part Transactions using criteria JSON object. Search criteria can be any of the fields applicable to Part Transactions, including custom fields. Specify the field to be included in the response. This API supports pagination. Returns a list of Part Transactions with the specified information.

POST api/v2/quicksearch/parts/transactions payload
Parameter Type
pageNumber number
pageSize number
payload object

Project details

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