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Strongly typed, zero-effort CLIs

Project description


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dcargs is a library for typed CLI interfaces and configuration objects.

Our core interface generates an argument parser from a type-annotated callable f, which may be a function, class, or dataclass:

    f: Callable[..., T],
    description: Optional[str]=None,
    args: Optional[Sequence[str]]=None,
    default_instance: Optional[T]=None,
) -> T
Call `f(...)`, with arguments populated from an automatically generated CLI

`f` should have type-annotated inputs, and can be a function or class. Note that if
`f` is a class, `dcargs.cli()` returns an instance.

The parser is generated by populating helptext from docstrings and types from
annotations; a broad range of core type annotations are supported...
    - Types natively accepted by `argparse`: str, int, float, pathlib.Path, etc.
    - Default values for optional parameters.
    - Booleans, which are automatically converted to flags when provided a default
    - Enums (via `enum.Enum`).
    - Various annotations from the standard typing library. Some examples:
      - `typing.ClassVar`.
      - `typing.Optional`.
      - `typing.Literal`.
      - `typing.Sequence`.
      - `typing.List`.
      - `typing.Tuple`, such as `typing.Tuple[T1, T2, T3]` or
        `typing.Tuple[T, ...]`.
      - `typing.Set`.
      - `typing.Final` and `typing.Annotated`.
      - Nested combinations of the above: `Optional[Literal[T]]`,
        `Final[Optional[Sequence[T]]]`, etc.
    - Nested structures; dataclasses, TypedDict, NamedTuple, classes.
      - Simple nesting.
      - Unions over nested structures (subparsers).
      - Optional unions over nested structures (optional subparsers).
    - Generics (including nested generics).

    f: Callable.

Keyword Args:
    description: Description text for the parser, displayed when the --help flag is
        passed in. If not specified, `f`'s docstring is used. Mirrors argument from
    args: If set, parse arguments from a sequence of strings instead of the
        commandline. Mirrors argument from `argparse.ArgumentParser.parse_args()`.
    default_instance: An instance of `T` to use for default values; only supported
        if `T` is a dataclass, TypedDict, or NamedTuple. Helpful for merging CLI
        arguments with values loaded from elsewhere. (for example, a config object
        loaded from a yaml file)

    The output of `f(...)`.

The goal is a tool that's lightweight enough for simple interactive scripts, but flexible enough to replace heavier configuration frameworks like hydra and ml_collections. Notably, dcargs.cli() supports nested classes and dataclasses, which enable expressive hierarchical configuration objects built on standard Python features.

Ultimately, we aim to enable configuration interfaces that are:

  • Low-effort. Type annotations, docstrings, and default values can be used to automatically generate argument parsers with informative helptext. This includes bells and whistles like enums, containers, etc.
  • Strongly typed. Unlike dynamic configuration namespaces produced by libraries like argparse, YACS, abseil, hydra, or ml_collections, typed outputs mean that IDE-assisted autocomplete, rename, refactor, go-to-definition operations work out-of-the-box, as do static checking tools like mypy and pyright.
  • Modular. Most approaches to configuration objects require a centralized definition of all configurable fields. Supporting hierarchically nested configuration structures, however, makes it easy to distribute definitions, defaults, and documentation of configurable fields across modules or source files. A model configuration dataclass, for example, can be co-located in its entirety with the model implementation and dropped into any experiment configuration with an import — this eliminates redundancy and makes the entire module easy to port across codebases.


1. Functions


"""CLI generation example from a simple annotated function. `dcargs.cli()` will call
`main()`, with arguments populated from the CLI."""

import dcargs

def main(
    field1: str,
    field2: int = 3,
    flag: bool = False,
) -> None:
    """Function, whose arguments will be populated from a CLI interface.

        field1: A string field.
        field2: A numeric field, with a default value.
        flag: A boolean flag.
    print(field1, field2, flag)

if __name__ == "__main__":

$ python examples/ --help
usage: [-h] --field1 STR [--field2 INT] [--flag]

Function, whose arguments will be populated from a CLI interface.

required arguments:
  --field1 STR  A string field.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help    show this help message and exit
  --field2 INT  A numeric field, with a default value. (default: 3)
  --flag        A boolean flag.
2. Dataclasses


"""Example using dcargs.cli() to instantiate a dataclass."""

import dataclasses

import dcargs

class Args:
    This should show up in the helptext!"""

    field1: str  # A string field.
    field2: int = 3  # A numeric field, with a default value.
    flag: bool = False  # A boolean flag.

if __name__ == "__main__":
    args = dcargs.cli(Args)

$ python examples/ --help
usage: [-h] --field1 STR [--field2 INT] [--flag]

This should show up in the helptext!

required arguments:
  --field1 STR  A string field.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help    show this help message and exit
  --field2 INT  A numeric field, with a default value. (default: 3)
  --flag        A boolean flag.
3. Enums And Containers


"""Examples of more advanced type annotations: enums and containers types.

For collections, we only showcase Tuple here, but List, Sequence, Set, etc are all
supported as well."""

import dataclasses
import enum
import pathlib
from typing import Optional, Tuple

import dcargs

class OptimizerType(enum.Enum):
    ADAM =
    SGD =

class TrainConfig:
    # Example of a variable-length tuple:
    dataset_sources: Tuple[pathlib.Path, ...]
    """Paths to load training data from. This can be multiple!"""

    # Fixed-length tuples are also okay:
    image_dimensions: Tuple[int, int]
    """Height and width of some image data."""

    # Enums are handled seamlessly.
    optimizer_type: OptimizerType
    """Gradient-based optimizer to use."""

    # We can also explicitly mark arguments as optional.
    checkpoint_interval: Optional[int]
    """Interval to save checkpoints at."""

if __name__ == "__main__":
    config = dcargs.cli(TrainConfig)

$ python examples/ --help
usage: [-h] --dataset-sources PATH [PATH ...]
                                  --image-dimensions INT INT --optimizer-type
                                  {ADAM,SGD} [--checkpoint-interval INT]

required arguments:
  --dataset-sources PATH [PATH ...]
                        Paths to load training data from. This can be multiple!
  --image-dimensions INT INT
                        Height and width of some image data.
  --optimizer-type {ADAM,SGD}
                        Gradient-based optimizer to use.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --checkpoint-interval INT
                        Interval to save checkpoints at. (default: None)
4. Flags


"""Example of how booleans are handled and automatically converted to flags."""

import dataclasses
from typing import Optional

import dcargs

class Args:
    # Boolean. This expects an explicit "True" or "False".
    boolean: bool

    # Optional boolean. Same as above, but can be omitted.
    optional_boolean: Optional[bool]

    # Pass --flag-a in to set this value to True.
    flag_a: bool = False

    # Pass --no-flag-b in to set this value to False.
    flag_b: bool = True

if __name__ == "__main__":
    args = dcargs.cli(Args)

$ python examples/ --help
usage: [-h] --boolean {True,False}
                   [--optional-boolean {True,False}] [--flag-a] [--no-flag-b]

required arguments:
  --boolean {True,False}
                        Boolean. This expects an explicit "True" or "False".

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --optional-boolean {True,False}
                        Optional boolean. Same as above, but can be omitted. (default: None)
  --flag-a              Pass --flag-a in to set this value to True.
  --no-flag-b           Pass --no-flag-b in to set this value to False.
5. Hierarchical Configs


"""An example of how we can create hierarchical configuration interfaces by nesting

import dataclasses
import enum
import pathlib

import dcargs

class OptimizerType(enum.Enum):
    ADAM =
    SGD =

class OptimizerConfig:
    # Gradient-based optimizer to use.
    algorithm: OptimizerType = OptimizerType.ADAM

    # Learning rate to use.
    learning_rate: float = 3e-4

    # Coefficient for L2 regularization.
    weight_decay: float = 1e-2

class ExperimentConfig:
    # Various configurable options for our optimizer.
    optimizer: OptimizerConfig

    # Batch size.
    batch_size: int = 32

    # Total number of training steps.
    train_steps: int = 100_000

    # Random seed. This is helpful for making sure that our experiments are all
    # reproducible!
    seed: int = 0

def train(
    out_dir: pathlib.Path,
    config: ExperimentConfig,
    restore_checkpoint: bool = False,
    checkpoint_interval: int = 1000,
) -> None:
    """Train a model.

        out_dir: Where to save logs and checkpoints.
        config: Experiment configuration.
        restore_checkpoint: Set to restore an existing checkpoint.
        checkpoint_interval: Training steps between each checkpoint save.

if __name__ == "__main__":

$ python examples/ --help
usage: [-h]
                                  [--config.optimizer.algorithm {ADAM,SGD}]
                                  [--config.optimizer.learning-rate FLOAT]
                                  [--config.optimizer.weight-decay FLOAT]
                                  [--config.batch-size INT]
                                  [--config.train-steps INT]
                                  [--config.seed INT] [--restore-checkpoint]
                                  [--checkpoint-interval INT]

Train a model.

positional arguments:
  OUT_DIR               Where to save logs and checkpoints.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --restore-checkpoint  Set to restore an existing checkpoint.
  --checkpoint-interval INT
                        Training steps between each checkpoint save. (default: 1000)

optional config.optimizer arguments:
  Various configurable options for our optimizer.

  --config.optimizer.algorithm {ADAM,SGD}
                        Gradient-based optimizer to use. (default: ADAM)
  --config.optimizer.learning-rate FLOAT
                        Learning rate to use. (default: 0.0003)
  --config.optimizer.weight-decay FLOAT
                        Coefficient for L2 regularization. (default: 0.01)

optional config arguments:
  Experiment configuration.

  --config.batch-size INT
                        Batch size. (default: 32)
  --config.train-steps INT
                        Total number of training steps. (default: 100000)
  --config.seed INT     Random seed. This is helpful for making sure that our experiments are all
                        reproducible! (default: 0)
6. Literals


"""typing.Literal[] can be used to specify accepted input choices."""

import dataclasses
import enum
from typing import Literal

import dcargs

class Color(enum.Enum):
    RED =
    GREEN =
    BLUE =

class Args:
    enum: Color
    restricted_enum: Literal[Color.RED, Color.GREEN]

    integer: Literal[0, 1, 2, 3]
    string: Literal["red", "green"]

    restricted_enum_with_default: Literal[Color.RED, Color.GREEN] = Color.GREEN
    integer_with_default: Literal[0, 1, 2, 3] = 3
    string_with_Default: Literal["red", "green"] = "red"

if __name__ == "__main__":
    args = dcargs.cli(Args)

$ python examples/ --help
usage: [-h] --enum {RED,GREEN,BLUE} --restricted-enum
                      {RED,GREEN} --integer {0,1,2,3} --string {red,green}
                      [--restricted-enum-with-default {RED,GREEN}]
                      [--integer-with-default {0,1,2,3}]
                      [--string-with-Default {red,green}]

required arguments:
  --enum {RED,GREEN,BLUE}
  --restricted-enum {RED,GREEN}
  --integer {0,1,2,3}
  --string {red,green}

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --restricted-enum-with-default {RED,GREEN}
                        (default: GREEN)
  --integer-with-default {0,1,2,3}
                        (default: 3)
  --string-with-Default {red,green}
                        (default: red)
7. Positional Args


"""Positional-only arguments in functions are converted to positional CLI arguments."""

from __future__ import annotations

import dataclasses
import enum
import pathlib
from typing import Tuple

import dcargs

def main(
    source: pathlib.Path,
    dest: pathlib.Path,
    /,  # Mark the end of positional arguments.
    optimizer: OptimizerConfig,
    force: bool = False,
    verbose: bool = False,
    background_rgb: Tuple[float, float, float] = (1.0, 0.0, 0.0),
) -> None:
    """Command-line interface defined using a function signature. Note that this
    docstring is parsed to generate helptext.

        source: Source path.
        dest: Destination path.
        optimizer: Configuration for our optimizer object.
        force: Do not prompt before overwriting.
        verbose: Explain what is being done.
        background_rgb: Background color. Red by default.

class OptimizerType(enum.Enum):
    ADAM =
    SGD =

class OptimizerConfig:
    algorithm: OptimizerType = OptimizerType.ADAM
    """Gradient-based optimizer to use."""

    learning_rate: float = 3e-4
    """Learning rate to use."""

    weight_decay: float = 1e-2
    """Coefficient for L2 regularization."""

if __name__ == "__main__":

$ python examples/ --help
usage: [-h] [--optimizer.algorithm {ADAM,SGD}]
                             [--optimizer.learning-rate FLOAT]
                             [--optimizer.weight-decay FLOAT] [--force]
                             [--verbose] [--background-rgb FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT]
                             SOURCE DEST

Command-line interface defined using a function signature. Note that this
docstring is parsed to generate helptext.

positional arguments:
  SOURCE                Source path.
  DEST                  Destination path.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --force               Do not prompt before overwriting.
  --verbose             Explain what is being done.
  --background-rgb FLOAT FLOAT FLOAT
                        Background color. Red by default. (default: 1.0 0.0 0.0)

optional optimizer arguments:
  Configuration for our optimizer object.

  --optimizer.algorithm {ADAM,SGD}
                        Gradient-based optimizer to use. (default: ADAM)
  --optimizer.learning-rate FLOAT
                        Learning rate to use. (default: 0.0003)
  --optimizer.weight-decay FLOAT
                        Coefficient for L2 regularization. (default: 0.01)
8. Standard Classes


"""In addition to functions and dataclasses, we can also generate CLIs from (the
constructors of) standard Python classes."""

import dcargs

class Args:
    def __init__(
        field1: str,
        field2: int,
        flag: bool = False,

            field1: A string field.
            field2: A numeric field.
            flag: A boolean flag.
        """ = [field1, field2, flag]

if __name__ == "__main__":
    args = dcargs.cli(Args)

$ python examples/ --help
usage: [-h] --field1 STR --field2 INT [--flag]


required arguments:
  --field1 STR  A string field.
  --field2 INT  A numeric field.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help    show this help message and exit
  --flag        A boolean flag.
9. Subparsers


"""Unions over nested types (classes or dataclasses) will result in subparsers."""

from __future__ import annotations

import dataclasses
from typing import Union

import dcargs

def main(command: Union[Checkout, Commit]) -> None:

class Checkout:
    """Checkout a branch."""

    branch: str

class Commit:
    """Commit changes."""

    message: str
    all: bool = False

if __name__ == "__main__":

$ python examples/ --help
usage: [-h] {checkout,commit} ...

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit

10. Generics


"""Example of parsing for generic (~templated) dataclasses."""

import dataclasses
from typing import Generic, TypeVar

import dcargs

ScalarType = TypeVar("ScalarType")
ShapeType = TypeVar("ShapeType")

class Point3(Generic[ScalarType]):
    x: ScalarType
    y: ScalarType
    z: ScalarType
    frame_id: str

class Triangle:
    a: Point3[float]
    b: Point3[float]
    c: Point3[float]

class Args(Generic[ShapeType]):
    point_continuous: Point3[float]
    point_discrete: Point3[int]
    shape: ShapeType

if __name__ == "__main__":
    args = dcargs.cli(Args[Triangle])

$ python examples/ --help
usage: [-h] --point-continuous.x FLOAT --point-continuous.y
                      FLOAT --point-continuous.z FLOAT
                      --point-continuous.frame-id STR --point-discrete.x INT
                      --point-discrete.y INT --point-discrete.z INT
                      --point-discrete.frame-id STR --shape.a.x FLOAT
                      --shape.a.y FLOAT --shape.a.z FLOAT --shape.a.frame-id
                      STR --shape.b.x FLOAT --shape.b.y FLOAT --shape.b.z
                      FLOAT --shape.b.frame-id STR --shape.c.x FLOAT
                      --shape.c.y FLOAT --shape.c.z FLOAT --shape.c.frame-id

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

required point_continuous arguments:

  --point-continuous.x FLOAT
  --point-continuous.y FLOAT
  --point-continuous.z FLOAT
  --point-continuous.frame-id STR

required point_discrete arguments:

  --point-discrete.x INT
  --point-discrete.y INT
  --point-discrete.z INT
  --point-discrete.frame-id STR

required shape.a arguments:

  --shape.a.x FLOAT
  --shape.a.y FLOAT
  --shape.a.z FLOAT
  --shape.a.frame-id STR

required shape.b arguments:

  --shape.b.x FLOAT
  --shape.b.y FLOAT
  --shape.b.z FLOAT
  --shape.b.frame-id STR

required shape.c arguments:

  --shape.c.x FLOAT
  --shape.c.y FLOAT
  --shape.c.z FLOAT
  --shape.c.frame-id STR
11. Typed Dictionaries


"""Dictionary inputs can be specified using a TypedDict type.

TODO: note that setting total=False is not yet (but could be) supported."""

from typing import TypedDict

import dcargs

class DictionarySchema(TypedDict):
    field1: str  # A string field.
    field2: int  # A numeric field.
    field3: bool  # A boolean field.

if __name__ == "__main__":
    x = dcargs.cli(DictionarySchema)
    assert isinstance(x, dict)

$ python examples/ --help
usage: [-h] --field1 STR --field2 INT --field3

required arguments:
  --field1 STR          A string field.
  --field2 INT          A numeric field.
  --field3 {True,False}
                        A boolean field.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
12. Named Tuples


"""Example using dcargs.cli() to instantiate a named tuple."""

from typing import NamedTuple

import dcargs

class TupleType(NamedTuple):
    This should show up in the helptext!"""

    field1: str  # A string field.
    field2: int = 3  # A numeric field, with a default value.
    flag: bool = False  # A boolean flag.

if __name__ == "__main__":
    x = dcargs.cli(TupleType)
    assert isinstance(x, tuple)

$ python examples/ --help
    This should show up in the helptext!
usage: [-h] --field1 STR [--field2 INT] [--flag]

This should show up in the helptext!

required arguments:
  --field1 STR  A string field.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help    show this help message and exit
  --field2 INT  A numeric field, with a default value. (default: 3)
  --flag        A boolean flag.


As a secondary feature aimed at enabling the use of dcargs.cli() for general configuration use cases, we also introduce functions for human-readable dataclass serialization:

  • dcargs.from_yaml(cls: Type[T], stream: Union[str, IO[str], bytes, IO[bytes]]) -> T and dcargs.to_yaml(instance: T) -> str convert between YAML-style strings and dataclass instances.

The functions attempt to strike a balance between flexibility and robustness — in contrast to naively dumping or loading dataclass instances (via pickle, PyYAML, etc), explicit type references enable custom tags that are robust against code reorganization and refactor, while a PyYAML backend enables serialization of arbitrary Python objects.

Alternative tools

The core functionality of dcargs — generating argument parsers from type annotations — can be found as a subset of the features offered by many other libraries. A summary of some distinguishing features:

Choices from literals Generics Docstrings as helptext Nesting Subparsers Containers
simple-parsing soon

Note that most of these other libraries are generally aimed specifically at dataclasses rather than general typed callables, but offer other features that you might find useful, such as registration for custom types (pyrallis), different approaches for serialization and config files (tap, pyrallis), simultaneous parsing of multiple dataclasses (simple-parsing), etc.

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dcargs-0.1.4.tar.gz (34.0 kB view hashes)

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Built Distribution

dcargs-0.1.4-py3-none-any.whl (31.5 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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