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Decimal Python SDK

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Wallet API

Generate new wallet

from decimal_sdk import Wallet

wallet = Wallet()

Generate wallet from mnemonic*

*if no mnemonic provided Wallet() will create instance with autogenerated mnemonic

from decimal_sdk import Wallet

wallet = Wallet('erase august mask elevator sand picture north there apple equal anchor target')

Get wallet address

from decimal_sdk import Wallet

wallet = Wallet()
wallet.get_address() # returns wallet address
wallet.get_mnemonic() # returns wallet mnemonic

Get DecimalAPI to perform transactions

To initiate api you have to pass address of the gateway for network you will work with

from decimal_sdk import DecimalAPI
api = DecimalAPI("")

API usage

After you initialized api instance, you can use its` send_tx() method to send prepared transaction. Transaction creation examples can be found in this file.

from decimal_sdk import DecimalAPI
api = DecimalAPI("")
api.send_tx(prepared_transaction, wallet)


To alter memo send with transaction or to use custom coin to pay fee with you can pass to send_tx() third argument: dictionary "options"

  • "memo" is used to send message with transaction
  • "denom" is used to alter coin which will be used to pay fee for the transaction
from decimal_sdk import DecimalAPI
api = DecimalAPI("")
fee_coin = "del"
memo = "message to send with transaction"
options = {
    "memo": memo,
api.send_tx(prepared_transaction, wallet, options)

DecimalAPI methods

methods called like

from decimal_sdk import DecimalAPI
api = DecimalAPI("")
wallet = Wallet('erase august mask elevator sand picture north there apple equal anchor target')
  • send_tx(transaction, wallet, options) - send prepared transaction
  • estimate_tx_fee(transaction, wallet, options) - used the same way as api.send_tx(), returns transaction fee
  • get_coin("coin_ticker") - get info about specified coin
  • get_coin_price("coin_ticker") - get price of specified coin
  • get_coins_list(limit, offset) - get list of available coins, default limit of coins to show is 10
  • get_my_transactions(wallet.get_address(), limit, offset) - get list of transactions
  • get_address(wallet.get_address()) - get data about address state including info about owned NFT
  • get_nonce(wallet.get_address()) - get data about nonce for address
  • get_stakes(wallet.get_address()) - get data about stakes for address
  • get_validator("validator_address") - get data about validator
  • get_tx("tx_hash") - get data about transaction by hash
  • get_nft("nft_id") - get json with subtokens of token (owner, reserve, subId, delegated, validator)
  • get_multisig()
  • get_multisigs()
  • get_txs_multisign()

Send Coin Transaction

from decimal_sdk import Wallet
from decimal_sdk import DecimalAPI
from decimal_sdk import SendCoinTransaction
wallet = Wallet("hollow luggage slice soup leg vague icon walnut session candy improve struggle")
api = DecimalAPI("")

receiver = "dx13ykakvugqwzqqmqdj2j2hgqauxmftdn3kqy69g"
coin_name = "tdel"
coin_amount = 1
fee_coin = "tdel"
options = {
    "memo": "message to send with transaction"
tx = SendCoinTransaction(wallet.get_address(), receiver, coin_name, coin_amount)
api.send_tx(tx, wallet, options)

Buy Coin Transaction

from decimal_sdk import Wallet
from decimal_sdk import DecimalAPI
from decimal_sdk import BuyCoinTransaction
wallet = Wallet("hollow luggage slice soup leg vague icon walnut session candy improve struggle")
api = DecimalAPI("")

coin_to_buy = "del"
coin_to_sell = "dar"
coin_to_buy_amount = 0.1
coin_to_sell_limit = 0.5 # limitation of money which will be spent to buy coin

fee_coin = "del"
options = {
    "memo": "message to send with transaction"

tx2 = BuyCoinTransaction(wallet.get_address(), coin_to_buy, coin_to_sell, coin_to_buy_amount, coin_to_sell_limit)
api.send_tx(tx2, wallet, options)

Create Coin Transaction

from decimal_sdk import Wallet
from decimal_sdk import DecimalAPI
from decimal_sdk import CreateCoinTransaction
wallet = Wallet("doctor transfer mystery electric any satisfy crop pill wet music legend hero success lock item dune shiver mesh badge orbit correct february rifle museum")
api = DecimalAPI("")

title = "My new coin MN"
symbol = "MNCMNCMN"
crr = "10"
initial_reserve = "1000000000000000000000"
initial_volume = "500000"
limit_volume = "1000000"
identity = 'e353b89e0de0a78974f9ecaf033721ac'

tx3 = CreateCoinTransaction(wallet.get_address(), title, symbol, crr, initial_volume,
                            initial_reserve, identity, limit_volume)
api.send_tx(tx3, wallet)

Update Coin Transaction

from decimal_sdk import Wallet
from decimal_sdk import DecimalAPI
from decimal_sdk import UpdateCoinTransaction
wallet = Wallet("hollow luggage slice soup leg vague icon walnut session candy improve struggle")
api = DecimalAPI("")

symbol = "MNC"
identity = 'e353b89e0de0a78974f9ecaf033721ac'
limit_volume = "1000000"

tx3 = UpdateCoinTransaction(wallet.get_address(), symbol, identity, limit_volume)
api.send_tx(tx3, wallet)

Sell All Coins Transaction

from decimal_sdk import Wallet
from decimal_sdk import DecimalAPI
from decimal_sdk import SellAllCoinsMsgTransaction

wallet = Wallet("hollow luggage slice soup leg vague icon walnut session candy improve struggle")
api = DecimalAPI("")

coin_to_sell_name = "btt"
coin_to_sell_amount = 0 # must be zero 
min_coin_to_buy_name = "del"
min_coin_to_buy_amount = 0 # must be zero 

tx4 = SellAllCoinsMsgTransaction(wallet.get_address(), coin_to_sell_name, coin_to_sell_amount,
                                 min_coin_to_buy_name, min_coin_to_buy_amount)
api.send_tx(tx4, wallet)

Delegate Transaction

from decimal_sdk import Wallet
from decimal_sdk import DecimalAPI
from decimal_sdk import DelegateTransaction

wallet = Wallet("hollow luggage slice soup leg vague icon walnut session candy improve struggle")
api = DecimalAPI("")

validator_addr = "dxvaloper1ajytg8jg8ypx0rj9p792x32fuxyezga4dq2uk0"
coins_name = "finaltest"
coin_amount = "1"

tx5 = DelegateTransaction(wallet.get_address(), validator_addr, coins_name, coin_amount)
api.send_tx(tx5, wallet)

Unbond Transaction

from decimal_sdk import Wallet
from decimal_sdk import DecimalAPI
from decimal_sdk import UnbondTransaction
wallet = Wallet("hollow luggage slice soup leg vague icon walnut session candy improve struggle")
api = DecimalAPI("")

validator_addr = "dxvaloper1ajytg8jg8ypx0rj9p792x32fuxyezga4dq2uk0"
coins_name = "tdel"
coin_amount = "10"
tx6 = UnbondTransaction(wallet.get_address(), validator_addr, coins_name, coin_amount)
api.send_tx(tx6, wallet)

Declare Candidate Transaction

from decimal_sdk import Wallet
from decimal_sdk import DecimalAPI
from decimal_sdk import DeclareCandidateTransaction
wallet = Wallet("hollow luggage slice soup leg vague icon walnut session candy improve struggle")
api = DecimalAPI("")

reward_addr = 'dx13ykakvugqwzqqmqdj2j2hgqauxmftdn3kqy69g'
# validator_addr = "dxvaloper1ajytg8jg8ypx0rj9p792x32fuxyezga4dq2uk0"
validator_addr = wallet.get_validator_address()
coin_name = 'tdel'
coin_amount = "100000000000000000000"
pub_key = 'JRlv38BXuD1TvWQJ9ic1KHr8PzuOITZH3rD8Zm0Vj3Y='
commission = "0.1" # 1 is 100%, here commission set to 10% 
moniker = 'my-node-123'
identity = "123"
website = ""
security_contact = ""
details = "details node"

tx7 = DeclareCandidateTransaction(commission, validator_addr, reward_addr,
                 coin_name, coin_amount, moniker, identity, website, security_contact, details,
api.send_tx(tx7, wallet)

Edit Candidate Transaction

from decimal_sdk import Wallet
from decimal_sdk import DecimalAPI
from decimal_sdk import EditCandidateTransaction
wallet = Wallet("hollow luggage slice soup leg vague icon walnut session candy improve struggle")
api = DecimalAPI("")

validator_address = wallet.get_validator_address()
reward_address = "dx13ykakvugqwzqqmqdj2j2hgqauxmftdn3kqy69g"
moniker = 'my-node-123-edit'
identity = '321'
website = ''
security_contact = ''
details = 'details node'

tx8 = EditCandidateTransaction(validator_address, reward_address,
                 moniker, identity, website, security_contact, details)
api.send_tx(tx8, wallet)

Disable/Enable Validator Transaction

from decimal_sdk import Wallet
from decimal_sdk import DecimalAPI
from decimal_sdk import DisableEnableValidatorTransaction
wallet = Wallet("hollow luggage slice soup leg vague icon walnut session candy improve struggle")
api = DecimalAPI("")

set_state = "disable" # "enable"
validator_address = wallet.get_validator_address()
tx9 = DisableEnableValidatorTransaction(set_state, validator_address)
api.send_tx(tx9, wallet)

Multysig Create Transaction

from decimal_sdk import Wallet
from decimal_sdk import DecimalAPI
from decimal_sdk import MultysigCreateTransaction
wallet = Wallet("hollow luggage slice soup leg vague icon walnut session candy improve struggle")
api = DecimalAPI("")

owners = ['dx13ykakvugqwzqqmqdj2j2hgqauxmftdn3kqy69g', 'dx1v9macmluxh7rk3zsd69v7dwv9fsjhctn2jfhz9']
weights = ['1', '1']
threshold = "2"
tx10 = MultysigCreateTransaction(wallet.get_address(), owners, weights, threshold)
api.send_tx(tx10, wallet)

Multysig Create TX Transaction

from decimal_sdk import Wallet
from decimal_sdk import DecimalAPI
from decimal_sdk import MultysigCreateTXTransaction
wallet = Wallet("hollow luggage slice soup leg vague icon walnut session candy improve struggle")
api = DecimalAPI("")

sender = 'dx1am6ke3l79kjzdqhwgx37em04mzg686ekf9p3pq'
receiver = 'dx13m9gxeru45wxlcqk9dxf4vlewslauwr8try0tl'
coin_name = 'tdel'
coin_amount = '10'

tx11 = MultysigCreateTXTransaction(sender, wallet.get_address(), receiver, coin_name, coin_amount)
api.send_tx(tx11, wallet)

Multysig Sign TX Transaction

from decimal_sdk import Wallet
from decimal_sdk import DecimalAPI
from decimal_sdk import MultysigSignTXTransaction
wallet = Wallet("hollow luggage slice soup leg vague icon walnut session candy improve struggle")
api = DecimalAPI("")

tx_id = 'dxmstx1tqmjch2x5uk9wgnu8zl88rj6h4hy8rm8mtqfft'

tx12 = MultysigSignTXTransaction(wallet.get_address(), tx_id)
api.send_tx(tx12, wallet)

Multisend Coin Transaction

from decimal_sdk import Wallet
from decimal_sdk import DecimalAPI
from decimal_sdk import MultisendCoinTransaction
wallet = Wallet("hollow luggage slice soup leg vague icon walnut session candy improve struggle")
api = DecimalAPI("")

tx_id = 'dxmstx1tqmjch2x5uk9wgnu8zl88rj6h4hy8rm8mtqfft'
multisend = [
        "receiver": 'dx13ykakvugqwzqqmqdj2j2hgqauxmftdn3kqy69g',
        "coin": 'tdel',
        "amount": 100.1
        "receiver": 'dx13m9gxeru45wxlcqk9dxf4vlewslauwr8try0tl',
        "coin": 'tdel',
        "amount": 50

tx13 = MultisendCoinTransaction(wallet.get_address(), multisend)
api.send_tx(tx13, wallet)

Issue Check

from decimal_sdk import Wallet
from decimal_sdk import DecimalAPI

api = DecimalAPI("")
wallet = Wallet("hollow luggage slice soup leg vague icon walnut session candy improve struggle")
data = {
    "nonce": "34",
    "coin": "tdel",
    "amount": "100",
    "password": "123",
    "due_block": 999999999,

api.issue_check(wallet, data)

Redeem Check

from decimal_sdk import Wallet
from decimal_sdk import DecimalAPI

api = DecimalAPI("")
wallet = Wallet("hollow luggage slice soup leg vague icon walnut session candy improve struggle")
data = {
    "check": "ERp9FR24Vz19XG....",
    "password": "123",

api.redeem_check(data, wallet);

Mint NFT

from decimal_sdk import Wallet
from decimal_sdk import DecimalAPI
from decimal_sdk import NftMintTransaction
wallet = Wallet("doctor transfer mystery electric any satisfy crop pill wet music legend hero success lock item dune shiver mesh badge orbit correct february rifle museum")
api = DecimalAPI("")

denom = 'eightbal'
token_uri = 'uri22212'
id = '886688'
quantity = 212
reserve = 11
allow_mint = True

tx3 = NftMintTransaction(denom, id, wallet.get_address(), wallet.get_address(), quantity, reserve, token_uri, allow_mint)
api.send_tx(tx3, wallet)

Burn NFT

from decimal_sdk import Wallet
from decimal_sdk import DecimalAPI
from decimal_sdk import NftBurnTransaction
wallet = Wallet("doctor transfer mystery electric any satisfy crop pill wet music legend hero success lock item dune shiver mesh badge orbit correct february rifle museum")
api = DecimalAPI("")

denom = 'eightbal'
id = '886688'
sub_token_ids = ["1", "3", "8"]

tx3 = NftBurnTransaction(denom, id, wallet.get_address(), sub_token_ids)
api.send_tx(tx3, wallet)

Edit NFT data

from decimal_sdk import Wallet
from decimal_sdk import DecimalAPI
from decimal_sdk import NftEditMetadataTransaction
wallet = Wallet("doctor transfer mystery electric any satisfy crop pill wet music legend hero success lock item dune shiver mesh badge orbit correct february rifle museum")
api = DecimalAPI("")

denom = 'MyBrandNewNFT'
id = '7777'
token_uri = 'uri21'

tx3 = NftEditMetadataTransaction(denom, id, wallet.get_address(), token_uri)
api.send_tx(tx3, wallet)

Transfer NFT

from decimal_sdk import Wallet
from decimal_sdk import DecimalAPI
from decimal_sdk import NftTransferTransaction
wallet = Wallet("doctor transfer mystery electric any satisfy crop pill wet music legend hero success lock item dune shiver mesh badge orbit correct february rifle museum")
api = DecimalAPI("")

denom = 'eightbal'
id = '886688'
sub_token_ids = ["2", "4", "9", "200", "150"]

tx3 = NftTransferTransaction(denom, id, wallet.get_address(), "dx13ykakvugqwzqqmqdj2j2hgqauxmftdn3kqy69g", sub_token_ids)
api.send_tx(tx3, wallet)

Delegate NFT

from decimal_sdk import Wallet
from decimal_sdk import DecimalAPI
from decimal_sdk import NftDelegateTransaction
wallet = Wallet("doctor transfer mystery electric any satisfy crop pill wet music legend hero success lock item dune shiver mesh badge orbit correct february rifle museum")
api = DecimalAPI("")

denom = 'eightbal'
id = '886688'
sub_token_ids = ["189", "201", "22", "30", "151", "23"]
validator_address = 'dxvaloper1mvqrrrlcd0gdt256jxg7n68e4neppu5tk872z3'

tx3 = NftDelegateTransaction(denom, id, wallet.get_address(), validator_address, sub_token_ids)
api.send_tx(tx3, wallet)

Unbound NFT

from decimal_sdk import Wallet
from decimal_sdk import DecimalAPI
from decimal_sdk import NftUnboundTransaction
wallet = Wallet("doctor transfer mystery electric any satisfy crop pill wet music legend hero success lock item dune shiver mesh badge orbit correct february rifle museum")
api = DecimalAPI("")

denom = 'eightbal'
id = '886688'
sub_token_ids = ["201"]
validator_address = 'dxvaloper1mvqrrrlcd0gdt256jxg7n68e4neppu5tk872z3'

tx3 = NftUnboundTransaction(denom, id, wallet.get_address(), validator_address, sub_token_ids)
api.send_tx(tx3, wallet)

Project details

Download files

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Source Distribution

decimal-python-sdk-0.0.1.tar.gz (17.0 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

decimal_python_sdk-0.0.1-py3-none-any.whl (19.7 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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