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The official Python SDK for the Deepgram automated speech recognition platform.

Project description

Deepgram Python SDK

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Official Python SDK for Deepgram. Power your apps with world-class speech and Language AI models.

This SDK only supports hosted usage of


You can learn more about the Deepgram API at

Getting an API Key

🔑 To access the Deepgram API you will need a free Deepgram API Key.


pip install deepgram-sdk


To quickly get started with examples for prerecorded and streaming, run the files in the example folder. See the README in that folder for more information on getting started.



Run the following command to install pytest and pytest-cov as dev dependencies.

pip install -r requirements.txt

Run All Tests


pip install pytest
pip install pytest-cov

Run All Tests

pytest --api-key <key> tests/

Test Coverage Report

pytest --cov=deepgram --api-key <key> tests/


To setup the configuration of the Deepgram Client, do the following:

  • Import the Deepgram client
  • Create a Deepgram Client instance and pass in credentials to the constructor.
from deepgram import Deepgram

deepgram = Deepgram(DEEPGRAM_API_KEY)

Custom API Endpoint

In order to point the SDK at a different API environment (e.g., for on-prem deployments), you can pass in an object setting the api_url when initializing the Deepgram client.

dg_client = Deepgram({ 
  "api_key": DEEPGRAM_API_KEY, 
  "api_url": "http://localhost:8080/v1/listen" 


Remote Files

from deepgram import Deepgram
import asyncio, json


async def main():
  # Initializes the Deepgram SDK
  deepgram = Deepgram(DEEPGRAM_API_KEY)
  source = {'url': FILE_URL}
  response = await asyncio.create_task(
      deepgram.transcription.prerecorded(source, {
          'smart_format': True,
          'model': 'nova',
  print(json.dumps(response, indent=4))

Local Files

from deepgram import Deepgram
import json

PATH_TO_FILE = 'some/file.wav'

def main():
    # Initializes the Deepgram SDK
    deepgram = Deepgram(DEEPGRAM_API_KEY)
    # Open the audio file
    with open(PATH_TO_FILE, 'rb') as audio:
        # ...or replace mimetype as appropriate
        source = {'buffer': audio, 'mimetype': 'audio/wav'}
        response = deepgram.transcription.sync_prerecorded(source, {'punctuate': True})
        print(json.dumps(response, indent=4))


Live Audio

from deepgram import Deepgram
import asyncio
import aiohttp

# Your Deepgram API Key

# URL for the audio you would like to stream
URL = ''

async def main():
  # Initialize the Deepgram SDK
  deepgram = Deepgram(DEEPGRAM_API_KEY)

  # Create a websocket connection to Deepgram
  # In this example, punctuation is turned on, interim results are turned off, and language is set to US English.
    deepgramLive = await{ 'punctuate': True, 'interim_results': False, 'language': 'en-US' })
  except Exception as e:
    print(f'Could not open socket: {e}')

# Listen for the connection to close
  deepgramLive.registerHandler(deepgramLive.event.CLOSE, lambda c: print(f'Connection closed with code {c}.'))

  # Listen for any transcripts received from Deepgram and write them to the console
  deepgramLive.registerHandler(deepgramLive.event.TRANSCRIPT_RECEIVED, print)

  # Listen for the connection to open and send streaming audio from the URL to Deepgram
  async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
    async with session.get(URL) as audio:
      while True:
        data = await audio.content.readany()

        # If there's no data coming from the livestream then break out of the loop
        if not data:

  # Indicate that we've finished sending data by sending the customary zero-byte message to the Deepgram streaming endpoint, and wait until we get back the final summary metadata object
  await deepgramLive.finish()


Query parameters like punctuate are added as part of the TranscriptionOptions dict in the .prerecorded/.live transcription call. Multiple query parameters can be added similarly, and any dict will do - the types are provided for reference/convenience.

response = await dg_client.transcription.prerecorded(source, {'punctuate': True, 'keywords': ['first:5', 'second']})

Depending on your preference, you can also add parameters as named arguments, instead.

response = await dg_client.transcription.prerecorded(source, punctuate=True, keywords=['first:5', 'second'])


The Deepgram.projects object provides access to manage projects associated with the API key you provided when instantiating the Deepgram client.

Get Projects

Get Projects Example Request

projects = await deepgram.projects.list()

Get Projects Response

  projects: [
      project_id: String,
      name: String,

Get Project

Retrieves a project based on the provided project id.

Get a Project Parameters

Parameter Type Description
project_id String A unique identifier for the project to retrieve

Get a Project Example Request

project = await deepgram.projects.get(PROJECT_ID)

Get a Project Response

  project_id: String,
  name: String,

Update Project

Updates a project based on a provided project object.

Update Project Parameters

Parameter Type Description
project Object Object representing a project. Must contain project_id and name properties.

Update a Project Example Request

updateResponse = await deepgram.projects.update(project)

Update a Project Response

 message: String;


The Deepgram.keys object provides access to manage keys associated with your projects. Every function provided will required a PROJECT_ID that your current has access to manage.

List Keys

You can retrieve all keys for a given project using the keys.list function.

List Project API Keys Parameters

Parameter Type Description
project_id String A unique identifier for the project the API key will be created for

List Project Keys Example Request

response = await deepgram.keys.list(PROJECT_ID)

List Keys Response

 api_keys: [
   api_key_id: string,
   comment: string,
   created: string,
   scopes: Array<string>,

Create Key

Create a new API key for a project using the keys.create function with a name for the key.

Create API Key Parameters

Parameter Type Description
project_id String A unique identifier for the project the API key will be created for
comment_for_key String A comment to denote what the API key is for
scopes Array A permissions scopes of the key to create

Create API Key Example Request

response = await deepgram.keys.create(PROJECT_ID, COMMENT_FOR_KEY, SCOPES)

Create API Key Response

  api_key_id: string,
  key: string,
  comment: string,
  created: string,
  scopes: string[]

Delete Key

Delete an existing API key using the keys.delete method with project id and key id to delete.

Delete Key Parameters

Parameter Type Description
project_id String A unique identifier for the project the API key will be delete from
key_id String A unique identifier for the API key to delete

Delete Key Example Request

await deepgram.keys.delete(PROJECT_ID, KEY_ID)

Delete Key Response

The keys.delete function returns a void.


The deepgram.members object provides access to the members endpoints of the Deepgram API. Each request is project based and will require a project_id.

Get Members

You can retrieve all members on a given project using the members.list_members function.

Get Members Parameters

Parameter Type Description
project_id String A unique identifier for the project you wish to see the members of

Get Members Example Request

response = await deepgram.members.list_members(PROJECT_ID)

Get Members Response

  members: [
      member_id: string,
      scopes: Array<string>
      email: string,
      first_name: string,
      last_name: string,

Remove Member

You can remove a member from a given project using the members.remove_member function.

Remove Member Parameters

Parameter Type Description
project_id String A unique identifier for the project you wish to see the members of
member_id String A unique identifier for the member you wish to remove

Remove Member Example Request

response = await deepgram.members.remove_member(PROJECT_ID, MEMBER_ID)

Remove Member Response

 message: string;


The deepgram.scopes object provides access to the scopes endpoints of the Deepgram API. Each request is project based and will require a project_id.

Get Member Scopes

You can retrieve all scopes of a member on a given project using the scopes.get_scope function.

Get Member Scopes Parameters

Parameter Type Description
project_id String A unique identifier for the project you wish to see the member scopes of
member_id String A unique identifier for the member you wish to see member scopes of

Get Member Scopes Example Request

response = await deepgram.scopes.get_scope(PROJECT_ID, MEMBER_ID)

Get Member Scopes Response

  scopes: string[]

Update Scope

You can update the scope of a member on a given project using the scopes.update_scope function.

Update Scope Parameters

Parameter Type Description
project_id String A unique identifier for the project you wish to update the member scopes of
member_id String A unique identifier for the member you wish to update member scopes of
scopes String The scope you wish to update the member to

Update Scope Example Request

response = await deepgram.scopes.update_scope(PROJECT_ID, MEMBER_ID, 'member')

Update Scope Response

 message: string;


The deepgram.invitations object provides access to the invites endpoints of the Deepgram API. Each request is project based and will require a project_id.

List Invites

You can retrieve all active invitations on a given project using the invitations.list_invitations function.

List Invites Parameters

Parameter Type Description
project_id String A unique identifier for the project you wish to see the invitations of

List Invites Example Request

response = await deepgram.invitations.list_invitations(PROJECT_ID)

List Invites Response

 members: [
   email: string,
   scope: string,

Send Invite

You can send an invitation to a given email address to join a given project using the invitations.send_invitation function.

Send Invite Parameters

Parameter Type Description
project_id String A unique identifier for the project you wish to send an invitation from
option Object An object containing the email address of the person you wish to send an invite to, and the scope you want them to have in the project

Send Invite Example Request

response = await deepgram.invitations.send_invitation(PROJECT_ID, {
  email: '',
  scope: 'member',

Send Invite Response

 message: string;

Delete Invite

Removes the invitation of the specified email from the specified project.

Delete Invite Parameters

Parameter Type Description
project_id String A unique identifier for the project you wish to remove the invite from
email String The email address of the invitee

Delete Invite Example Request

response = await deepgram.invitations.remove_invitation(

Delete Invite Response

 message: string;

Leave Project

Removes the authenticated account from the specified project.

Leave Project Parameters

Parameter Type Description
project_id String A unique identifier for the project you wish to leave

Leave Project Example Request

response = await deepgram.invitations.leave_project(PROJECT_ID)

Leave Project Response

 message: string;


The deepgram.usage object provides access to the usage endpoints of the Deepgram API. Each request is project based and will require a project_id.

Get All Requests

Retrieves transcription requests for a project based on the provided options.

Get All Requests Parameters

Parameter Type Description
project_id String A unique identifier for the project to retrieve usage for
options Object Parameters to filter requests. See below.

Get All Requests Options

  // The time to retrieve requests made since
  // Example: "2020-01-01T00:00:00+00:00"
  start?: String,
  // The time to retrieve requests made until
  // Example: "2021-01-01T00:00:00+00:00"
  end?: String,
  // Page of requests to return
  // Defaults to 0
  page?: Number,
  // Number of requests to return per page
  // Defaults to 10. Maximum of 100
  limit?: Number,
  // Filter by succeeded or failed requests
  // By default, all requests are returned
  status?: 'succeeded' | 'failed'

Get All Requests Example Request

response = await deepgram.usage.list_requests(PROJECT_ID, {
  'limit': 10,
  # other options are available

Get All Requests Response

  page: Number,
  limit: Number,
  requests?: [
      request_id: String;
      created: String;
      path: String;
      accessor: String;
      response?:  {
        details: {
          usd: Number;
          duration: Number;
          total_audio: Number;
          channels: Number;
          streams: Number;
          model: String;
          method: String;
          tags: String[];
          features: String[];
          config: {
            multichannel?: Boolean;
            interim_results?: Boolean;
            punctuate?: Boolean;
            ner?: Boolean;
            utterances?: Boolean;
            replace?: Boolean;
            profanity_filter?: Boolean;
            keywords?: Boolean;
            diarize?: Boolean;
            search?: Boolean;
            redact?: Boolean;
            alternatives?: Boolean;
            numerals?: Boolean;
      }, ||
        message?: String;
      callback?: {
        code: Number;
        completed: String;

Get Request

Retrieves a specific transcription request for a project based on the provided projectId and requestId.

Get Request Parameters

Parameter Type Description
project_id String A unique identifier for the project to retrieve usage for
request_id String Unique identifier of the request to retrieve

Get Request Example Request

response = await deepgram.usage.get_request(PROJECT_ID, REQUEST_ID)

Get Request Response

  request_id: String;
  created: String;
  path: String;
  accessor: String;
  response?:  {
    details: {
      usd: Number;
      duration: Number;
      total_audio: Number;
      channels: Number;
      streams: Number;
      model: String;
      method: String;
      tags: String[];
      features: String[];
      config: {
        multichannel?: Boolean;
        interim_results?: Boolean;
        punctuate?: Boolean;
        ner?: Boolean;
        utterances?: Boolean;
        replace?: Boolean;
        profanity_filter?: Boolean;
        keywords?: Boolean;
        diarize?: Boolean;
        search?: Boolean;
        redact?: Boolean;
        alternatives?: Boolean;
        numerals?: Boolean;
  }, ||
    message?: String;
  callback?: {
    code: Number;
    completed: String;

Get Usage

Retrieves aggregated usage data for a project based on the provided options.

Get Usage Parameters

Parameter Type Description
project_id String A unique identifier for the project to retrieve usage for
options Object Parameters to filter requests. See below.

Get Usage Options

  // The time to retrieve requests made since
  // Example: "2020-01-01T00:00:00+00:00"
  start?: String,
  // The time to retrieve requests made until
  // Example: "2021-01-01T00:00:00+00:00"
  end?: String,
  // Specific identifer for a request
  accessor?: String,
  // Array of tags used in requests
  tag?: String[],
  // Filter requests by method
  method?: "sync" | "async" | "streaming",
  // Filter requests by model used
  model?: String,
  // Filter only requests using multichannel feature
  multichannel?: Boolean,
  // Filter only requests using interim results feature
  interim_results?: Boolean,
  // Filter only requests using the punctuation feature
  punctuate?: Boolean,
  // Filter only requests using ner feature
  ner?: Boolean,
  // Filter only requests using utterances feature
  utterances?: Boolean,
  // Filter only requests using replace feature
  replace?: Boolean,
  // Filter only requests using profanity_filter feature
  profanity_filter?: Boolean,
  // Filter only requests using keywords feature
  keywords?: Boolean,
  // Filter only requests using diarization feature
  diarize?: Boolean,
  // Filter only requests using search feature
  search?: Boolean,
  // Filter only requests using redact feature
  redact?: Boolean,
  // Filter only requests using alternatives feature
  alternatives?: Boolean,
  // Filter only requests using numerals feature
  numerals?: Boolean

Get Usage Example Request

response = await deepgram.usage.get_usage(PROJECT_ID, {
  'start': '2020-01-01T00:00:00+00:00',
  # other options are available

Get Usage Response

  start: String,
  end: String,
  resolution: {
    units: String,
    amount: Number
  results: [
      start: String,
      end: String,
      hours: Number,
      requests: Number

Get Fields

Retrieves features used by the provided project_id based on the provided options.

Get Fields Parameters

Parameter Type Description
project_id String A unique identifier for the project to retrieve fields used for
options Object Parameters to filter requests. See below.

Get Fields Options

  // The time to retrieve requests made since
  // Example: "2020-01-01T00:00:00+00:00"
  start?: String,
  // The time to retrieve requests made until
  // Example: "2021-01-01T00:00:00+00:00"
  end?: String

Get Fields Example Request

response = await deepgram.usage.get_fields(PROJECT_ID, {
  'start': '2020-01-01T00:00:00+00:00',
  # other options are available

Get Fields Response

  tags: String[],
  models: String[],
  processing_methods: String[],
  languages: String[],
  features: String[]


The deepgram.billing object provides access to the balances endpoints of the Deepgram API. Each request is project based and will require a project_id.

Get All Balances

You can retrieve all balances on a given project using the billing.list_balance function.

Get All Balances Parameters

Parameter Type Description
project_id String A unique identifier for the project you wish to see the balance info of

Get All Balances Example Request

response = await deepgram.billing.list_balance(PROJECT_ID)

Get All Balances Response

  balances: [
      balance_id: string
      amount: number
      units: string
      purchase: string

Get Balance

You can retrieve all balances on a given project using the billing.get_balance function.

Get Balance Parameters

Parameter Type Description
project_id String A unique identifier for the project you wish to see the balance info of
balance_id String A unique identifier for the balance you wish to see the balance info of

Get Balance Example Request

const response = deepgram.billing.get_balance(PROJECT_ID, BALANCE_ID)

Get Balance Response

 balance: {
  balance_id: string;
  amount: number;
  units: string;
  purchase: string;

Development and Contributing

Interested in contributing? We ❤️ pull requests!

To make sure our community is safe for all, be sure to review and agree to our Code of Conduct. Then see the Contribution guidelines for more information.

Getting Help

We love to hear from you so if you have questions, comments or find a bug in the project, let us know! You can either:

Project details

Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distribution

deepgram-sdk-3.0.0a4.tar.gz (16.8 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

deepgram_sdk-3.0.0a4-py3-none-any.whl (11.4 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

Supported by

AWS AWS Cloud computing and Security Sponsor Datadog Datadog Monitoring Fastly Fastly CDN Google Google Download Analytics Microsoft Microsoft PSF Sponsor Pingdom Pingdom Monitoring Sentry Sentry Error logging StatusPage StatusPage Status page