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Lightweight Json based key-value DB and/or server.

Project description

detti db server logo

Lightweight Json based key-value DB and/or server.


  • Small, Fast, Efficient, Easy, Funny


  • The Detti DB handles string key, and many value types.
  • The Detti Server handles only string type as key and value (Dict[str, str]).

Create environment

Create a project folder and a venv folder within:

>>> mkdir -p detti
>>> cd detti
>>> python3 -m venv venv

Activation the virtual environment:

>>> source venv/bin/activate

Install the required modules from requirements.txt:

>>> pip install -r requirements.txt

Clone the source code from Git:

>>> git clone


  • The PyPi package is in progress (The pip can be used in future).



  • Interpreter

    • Python3.6.x <
  • Python packages

    • They can find in the requirements.txt file (pipreqs).
    • The required packages can be installed with pip.

Tested system:

  • Interpreter:
    • Python 3.6.9
  • Operation system:
    • Linux Mint 19.1 Tessa
  • Bash:
    • 4.4.20(1)-release
  • Curl
    • curl 7.58.0 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)

detti DB


The default config is detti_conf.ini.

It is in the root folder (next to the file).

The configuration file is a standard INI file format.

Default config:

# Path of the DB file. Recommended to define full path.
path_of_db = test.db
# Maximum length of the keys in DB (Avoid memory overload).
len_of_key = 100
# Maximum length of the values in DB (Avoid memory overload).
len_of_val = 100
# Level of the logger. Possible: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL
# IMPORTANT: The generated log file will contain all log level messages!
log_level = WARNING


  • The default detti_conf.ini file contains more sections but only the DETTI_DB section is related to the DB. Other sections are not used in case of DB. It is not problem if other (default) sections are not in the config file.


Import DettiDB class from the detti_db module:

from detti_db import DettiDB

Create instance from DettiDB class (Using the default init values):

detti_db = DettiDB()

Supported types in DB:

  • Key
    • str
  • Value
    • str
    • float
    • int

:arrow_right: Setters:

Key: str, Value: str:

With dictionary like solution:

detti_db["test_str_key"] = "test_val"  # Set the value as "test_val" (str)

:Return: True if the setting is successful else False


  • If you want to set a non-supported value type, you will get a warning message and the value won't be store to DB. Eg.:
    • detti_db["test_key"] = (1, 2, 3)  # Try to store Tuple type
      >> [][WARNING]  The getting value type is not supported (<class 'tuple'>). The value won't be stored.

With method usage:

detti_db.set("test_str_key_2", "test_val_2")  # Set the value as "test_val_2" (str)

:Return: True if the setting is successful else False


  • The set() method tries to cast the getting value to string. Eg.:
  • detti_db.set("test_str_key_3", 123)  # Set the value as "123" (str)

Key: str, Value: int:

With dictionary like solution:

detti_db["test_int_key"] = 8  # Set the value as 8 (int)

:Return: True if the setting is successful else False

With method usage:

detti_db.set_int("test_int_key_2", 9)  # Set the value as 9 (int)

:Return: True if the setting is successful else False


  • The set_int() method tries to cast the getting value to integer. Eg.:
  • detti_db.set_int("test_int_key_3", 123.123)  # Set the value as 123 (int)
    detti_db.set_int("test_int_key_4", "888")  # Set the value as 888 (int)

Key: str, Value: float:

With dictionary like solution:

detti_db["test_float_key"] = 8.8  # Set the value as 8.8 (float)

:Return: True if the setting is successful else False

With method usage:

detti_db.set_float("test_float_key_2", 9.9)  # Set the value as 9.9 (float)

:Return: True if the setting is successful else False


  • The set_float() method tries to cast the getting value to float. Eg.:
  • detti_db.set_float("test_float_key_3", 123)  # Set the value as 123.0 (float)
    detti_db.set_float("test_float_key_4", "888.888")  # Set the value as 888.888 (float)

Key: str, Value: List[Any]:

With dictionary like solution:

detti_db["test_list_key"] = ["a", 1]  # Set the value as ["a", 1] (list)

:Return: True if the setting is successful else False

With method usage:

detti_db.set_list("test_list_key_2", ["a", 1])  # Set the value as ["a", 1] (list)

:Return: True if the setting is successful else False


  • The set_list() method tries to cast the getting value to float. Eg.:
  • detti_db.set_list("test_list_key_3", ("a", 2))  # Set the value as ["a", 2] (list)
    detti_db.set_list("test_list_key_4", "abc")  # Set the value as ["a", "b", "c"] (list))

Append Any to list:

detti_db.append_list("key", "value")


detti_db.set_list("test_list", ["a", 1])
detti_db.append_list("test_list", 666)
>>> ["a", 1, 666]

:Return: True if the appending is successful else False


  • The return value is False if you try to append a new element to a not existing key in DB.
  • The return value is False if you try to append a new element to a key which value is not list type.

:arrow_right: Getters:

Get element

With dictionary like solution:

detti_db["test_key"]  # Return: "test_val"

:Return: The requested value if it exists in DB else None

With method usage:

detti_db.get("test_key_2")  # Return: "test_val_2"

:Return: The requested value if it exists in DB else None


  • The above getter solutions can return any types.

Get all elements:

The get_all() method provides the all key-value pairs from DB in Json format. It supports any types.

detti_db.get_all()  # Return: {'test_key': 'test_val', 'test_key_2': 'test_val_2'}

:Return: The requested items in dict if any exists in DB else empty dict

Check if key exists in DB:

The is_exist() method returns True if the key is in DB else False.


:Return: True if the key is in DB else False.


With dictionary like solution:

del detti_db["test_key"]

:Return: True if the setting is successful else False

With method usage:

detti_db.delete("test_key_2")  # Return True if it's success else False

:Return: True if the setting is successful else False


Search keys based on provided prefix (Returning a Dict[str, str]):

detti_db.search_keys_in_db("my_")  # Return: {'my_test_key_4': 'test_val_4'}

:Return: The requested items in dict if any exists in DB else empty dict

Search values based on provided prefix (Returning a Dict[str, str]):

detti_db.search_values_in_db("my_")  # Return: {'test_key_4': 'my_test_val_4'}

:Return: The requested items in dict if any exists in DB else empty dict

Complete example code (With not existing DB):

from detti_db import DettiDB

detti_db: DettiDB = DettiDB()

# setters
detti_db["test_key"] = "test_val"
detti_db.set("test_key_2", "test_val_2")
detti_db.set_int("test_int_key", 123)
detti_db.set_float("test_float_key", 123.123)
detti_db.set_list("test_list_key", ["a", 1])

# getters
print("test_key -> {}".format(detti_db["test_key"]))
print("test_int_key -> {}".format(detti_db.get("test_int_key")))
print("test_list_key -> {}".format(detti_db["test_list_key"]))
print("All content: {}".format(detti_db.get_all()))

# deletions
del detti_db["test_key"]

# Set some new items for searching
detti_db["test_key_3"] = "my_test_val_3"
detti_db["my_test_key_4"] = "test_val_4"

print("'my_' key prefixes -> {}".format(detti_db.search_keys_in_db("my_")))
print("'my_' value prefixes -> {}".format(detti_db.search_values_in_db("my_")))


>>> python3 
test_key -> test_val
test_int_key -> 123
test_list_key -> ['a', 1]
All content: {'test_key': 'test_val', 'test_key_2': 'test_val_2', 'test_int_key': 123, 'test_float_key': 123.123, 'test_list_key': ['a', 1]}
'my_' key prefixes -> {'my_test_key_4': 'test_val_4'}
'my_' value prefixes -> {'test_key_3': 'my_test_val_3'}

detti Server (with RESTful API)


The default config is detti_conf.ini.

It is in the root folder (next to the file).

The configuration file is a standard INI file format.

Default config:

host = localhost
port = 5000
debug = True
# Setting the request limits in different unites. The most strict will be used!
sec_limit = 5
min_limit = 300
hour_limit = 18000
day_limit = 432000
# If you set the user and password parameter the DB will be accessed with JWT Token!
user =
password =


  • The default detti_conf.ini file contains more sections but the SERVER and DETTI_DB sections are related to the Server running. Other sections are not used in case of DB. It is not problem if other (default) sections are not in the config file.


Start the server:

>>> python3

Output in case of successful starting (with the default config):

 * Serving Flask app "detti_server" (lazy loading)
 * Environment: production
   WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment.
   Use a production WSGI server instead.
 * Debug mode: on
 * Running on http://localhost:5000/ (Press CTRL+C to quit)
 * Restarting with stat
 * Debugger is active!
 * Debugger PIN: 217-599-780

Test server status

The server status can be checked to send a GET request to /ping end-point of the server.

Response if the server is up and running:

>>> curl http://localhost:5000/ping
> "PONG"

Response if the server is down (Status code: 7):

>>> curl http://localhost:5000/ping
> curl: (7) Failed to connect to localhost port 5000: Kapcsolat elutasítva

End-points (RESTful APIs)


Providing the key-value pair based on getting key. The status code is 201 in case of error.


>>> curl http://localhost:5000/set -d "exist=value_of_exist_key" -X PUT
> {"STATUS": "OK"}
>>> curl http://localhost:5000/get/exist
> {"exist": "value_of_exist_key"}
>>> curl http://localhost:5000/get/doesnt_exist
> {"doesnt_exist": "The key doesn't exist in DB."}


Setting/updating key-value pair in the DB.


>>> curl http://localhost:5000/set -d "test_key=test_val" -X PUT
> {"STATUS": "OK"}
>>> curl http://localhost:5000/get/test_key
> {"test_key": "test_val"}


Searching keys in the DB based on provided key prefix.


>>> curl http://localhost:5000/set -d "test_key=test_val" -X PUT
>  {"STATUS": "OK"}
>>> curl http://localhost:5000/set -d "prod_key_1=prod_val_1" -X PUT
>  {"STATUS": "OK"}
>>> curl http://localhost:5000/set -d "prod_key_2=prod_val_2" -X PUT
>  {"STATUS": "OK"}
>>> curl http://localhost:5000/search_key/prod_
> {
        "prod_key_1": "prod_val_1",
        "prod_key_2": "prod_val_2"
>>> curl http://localhost:5000/search_key/not_exist
>  {"not_exist": "Cannot find keys for prefix"}


Searching values in the DB based on provided value prefix.


>>> curl http://localhost:5000/set -d "test_key=test_val" -X PUT
>  {"STATUS": "OK"}
>>> curl http://localhost:5000/set -d "prod_key_1=prod_val_1" -X PUT
>  {"STATUS": "OK"}
>>> curl http://localhost:5000/set -d "prod_key_2=prod_val_2" -X PUT
>  {"STATUS": "OK"}
>>> curl http://localhost:5000/search_val/prod_
> {
        "prod_key_1": "prod_val_1",
        "prod_key_2": "prod_val_2"
>>> curl http://localhost:5000/search_val/not_exist
> {"not_exist": "Cannot find values for prefix"}


Deleting an element from the DB.


>> curl http://localhost:5000/set -d "test_key=test_val" -X PUT
> {"STATUS": "OK"}
>> curl http://localhost:5000/get/test_key
> {"test_key": "test_val"}
>> curl http://localhost:5000/delete/test_key -X DELETE
> {"STATUS": "OK"}
>> curl http://localhost:5000/get/test_key
> {"test_key": "The key doesn't exist in DB."}


Checking if the server is running.

Success example:

>>> curl http://localhost:5000/ping
> "PONG"

Failed example (Status code: 7):

>>> curl http://localhost:5000/ping
> curl: (7) Failed to connect to localhost port 5000: Kapcsolat elutasítva


Providing all elements from the DB. {key: value, key: value}


>>> curl http://localhost:5000/set -d "test_key=test_val" -X PUT
> {"STATUS": "OK"}
>>> curl http://localhost:5000/set -d "test_key_1=test_val_1" -X PUT
> {"STATUS": "OK"}
>>> curl http://localhost:5000/getall
> {
        "test_key": "test_val",
        "test_key_1": "test_val_1"

JWT Authentication

Official page of JWT:

#f03c15 Important:

  • The JWT authentication is not active with the default configuration.

The "user" and "password" parameters have to be set in the configuration file to activate the JWT Authentication.

For example:

user = test_user
password = test_password

Get the token from the server:

>>> curl -i -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"username":"test_user","password":"test_password"}' http://localhost:5000/auth
> {
      "access_token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJleHAiOjE2MTE4...

Use the JWT authentication for APIs:

>>> curl -H "Authorization: jwt eyJ0eXAiOiJKV..." http://localhost:5000/get/exist
> {
      "exist": "exist_val"

If the token is not used, the APIs provide error message with 401 status code:

>>> curl http://localhost:5000/get/exist
> {
      "description": "Request does not contain an access token",
      "error": "Authorization Required",
      "status_code": 401

Production line

Currently, the production line support is not implemented in this repo (But it is in the road-map)! You can run the server on the production line with Nginx and Gunicorn.



  • Creating PyPi package
    • The package can be installed by pip
  • Introduce the multithreading/multiprocessing in searching methods
    • In case of big data the multithreading/multiprocessing can reduce the execution time
  • Add support for more data types.
    • Currently, the value only can be string as well as the key.
    • Adding new supported types in case of value: int, list, dict etc...

Project details

Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distribution

detti_db_server-0.1.0.tar.gz (22.8 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

detti_db_server-0.1.0-py3-none-any.whl (22.9 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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