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Timecode library for film and TV industry, supports HFR and a bunch of cool features

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1. 简介 Introduction


Python timecode library for film and TV industry supports HFR and a bunch of cool features.

DFTT是Department of Film and TV Technology of Beijing Film Academy的简称。

DFTT stands for the short of Department of Film and Tv Technology of Beijing Film Academy.

1.1 主要功能 Main Features

  • 支持多种时码格式输入,如SMPTE、SRT、DLP(Cine Canvas)、FFMPEG、FCPX、帧号、现实时间等。

    Multiple timecode format support, including SMPTE, SRT, DLP(Cine Canvas), FFMPEG, FCPX, frame count, time, etc.

  • 支持高帧率,目前支持0.01-999.99fps范围内的帧率。

    High frame rate support, currently supports frame range from 0.01 to 999.99fps.

  • 支持严格的丢帧/非丢帧SMPTE格式。

    Strictly support SMPTE DF/NDF format.

  • 目前支持-99到99小时时间范围。

    Currently support time range from -99 to 99 hours.

  • 支持严格模式,在该模式下时码会在0-24小时范围内循环,任意超出该范围的时码会自动转换至范围内。

    Strict Mode support, the timecode will circulate from 0 to 24 hours, any timecode outside this range will be automatically converted to a timecode inside it.

  • 内部以高精度时间戳进行存储和计算,各类FPS转换、时码格式转换输出都能保持最高精度。

    Uses high precision timestamp inside for storage and calculation, any FPS conversion or format conversion output can maintain their highest precision.

  • 常用运算符支持,包括时码与时码、时码与数字的各类加减乘除、比较运算。

    Common operator support, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and comparison operator between two timecode objects or a timecode object and a number.

2. 如何安装 How to install

python pip install dftt_timecode

2.1 包依赖 Package dependency

  • fractions
  • logging
  • math
  • functools
  • re

3. 使用方法说明 How to use

3.1 导入 Import

from dftt_timecode import DfttTimecode

3.2 新建时码类对象 Create timecode objects

a = DfttTimecode('01:00:00:00', 'auto', fps=24, drop_frame=False, strict=True)
#以SMPTE非丢帧时码新建对象 Create object using SMPTE NDF
a = DfttTimecode('1000f', 'auto', fps=119.88, drop_frame=True, strict=True)
#以帧数新建对象 Create object using frame count
a = DfttTimecode('3600.0s', 'auto', fps=Fraction(60000,1001), drop_frame=True, strict=True)
#以时间秒新建对象 Create object using time
a = DfttTimecode(-1200, 'auto', fps=23.976, drop_frame=False, strict=False)
#以int帧数新建对象 Create object using int frame count

对DfttTimecode()相关参数的详细说明,请查阅4.1 DfttTimecode()参数说明

For detailed parameters descriptions of DfttTimecode(), please refer to chapter 4.1 Parameters Descriptions of DfttTimecode().

3.3 操作时码类对象 Operate DfttTimecode objects

a = DfttTimecode('01:00:00:00', 'auto', fps=24, drop_frame=False, strict=True)
assert a.type == 'smpte'
assert a.fps == 24
assert a.framecount == 86400
assert a.timestamp == 3600.0
assert a.is_drop_frame == False
assert a.is_strict == True
assert a.timecode_output('smpte',output_part=0) == '01:00:00:00'
assert a.timecode_output('srt',output_part=1) == '01'

a = DfttTimecode('25:00:01:103', 'auto', fps=120, drop_frame=False, strict=False)
assert a.fps == 24
assert a.timecode_output('smpte') == '25:00:01:21'
assert a.timecode_output('smpte') == '01:00:01:21'
assert a.is_strict == False

对时码类对象操作的详细说明,请查阅4.2 时码类对象操作说明

For detailed descriptions of DfttTimecode objects' operations, please refer to chapter 4.2 Descriptions of DfttTimecode class operations.

3.4 时码类运算符 Operators of DfttTimecode class

a = DfttTimecode('01:00:00:00', 'auto', fps=24, drop_frame=False, strict=True)
b = DfttTimecode('01:12:34:12', 'auto', fps=24, drop_frame=False, strict=True)
print(a)  # <DfttTimecode>(Timecode:01:00:00:00, Type:smpte, FPS:24.00 NDF, Strict)
print(-a)  # <DfttTimecode>(Timecode:23:00:00:00, Type:smpte, FPS:24.00 NDF, Strict)
print(a + b)  # <DfttTimecode>(Timecode:02:12:34:12, Type:smpte, FPS:24.00 NDF, Strict)
print(a - b)  # <DfttTimecode>(Timecode:23:47:25:12, Type:smpte, FPS:24.00 NDF, Strict)
print(a * 2)  # <DfttTimecode>(Timecode:02:00:00:00, Type:smpte, FPS:24.00 NDF, Strict)
print(a / 2)  # <DfttTimecode>(Timecode:00:30:00:00, Type:smpte, FPS:24.00 NDF, Strict)
print(a == b)  # False
print(a != b)  # True
print(a > b)  # False
print(a >= b)  # False
print(a < b)  # True
print(a <= b)  # True

对时码类运算符的详细说明,请查阅4.3 时码类运算符说明

For detailed descriptions of DfttTimecode's operators, please refer to chapter 4.3 Descriptions of DfttTimecode class operators.

4 参数详细说明 Detailed Parameters Descriptions

4.1 DfttTimecode()参数说明 Parameters Descriptions of DfttTimecode()

4.1.1 参数一览 General Descriptions

a = DfttTimecode(timecode_value, timecode_type, fps, drop_frame, strict)
  • timecode_value 是时码对象的时码值,可以是strintfloattuplelistFraction类型。

    timecode_value is the value of a timecode, it can be a str, int, float, tuple, list, or a Fraction.

  • timecode_type 是时码对象的类型,是str类型,目前支持的时码类型包括autosmptesrtffmpegfcpxframetime

    timecode_type must be a str, currently supported timecode types include auto, smpte, srt, ffmpeg, fcpx, frame, time.

  • fps 是时码对象的帧率,可以是intfloatFraction类型。

    fps is the frame rate of the timecode object, can be an int, float, or a Fraction.

  • drop_frame 是时码对象的丢帧设置,是bool类型,只有当帧率存在丢帧格式时,这一设置才会生效,否则会强制将丢帧设为Falsedrop_frame 的默认值是False

    drop_frame must be a bool, a timecode object can only be drop-frameable under specific frame rate settings, if not so, drop_frame will be forced to False. The default value of drop_frame is False.

  • strict 为时码对象设置严格模式,是bool类型。设为True后,负值和超过24小时的时码都将被转换为0-24小时范围内的值,例如25:00:00:00将被转换为01:00:00:00, -01:00:00:00将被转换为23:00:00:00strict 的默认值是True

    strict will set the strict mode for a timecode object, it must be a bool. When set to True, negative timecode value and timecode value over 24 hours will be converted to a value inside the range 0 to 24 hours. For example, 25:00:00:00 will be converted to 01:00:00:00, -01:00:00:00 will be converted to 23:00:00:00. The default value of strict is True.

4.1.2 timecode_value

timecode_value 决定了时码对象的时间值,DfttTimecode支持以多种类型的数据初始化时间值,且都支持负数。下面详细列出了各个数据类型对应的(可选)初始化方式:

timecode_value determines the actual time of a timecode object. DfttTimecode supports initialize time by different data types, including negative numbers. The following table lists different data types and their supported initialization methods.

Data type
Supported initialization methods
str auto, smpte, srt, ffmpeg, fcpx, frame, time
int auto, frame, time
float auto, time
tuple auto, time
list auto, time
fraction auto, time


Currently, DfttTimecode does not support frame count value in decimals.

4.1.3 timecode_type

timecode_type 决定了时码对象的类型。DfttTimecode支持自动判断类型,也支持手动指定类型。在部分场景,如输入值是int类时,手动指定类型可以有效地区分以帧计数初始化时码和以时间初始化时码这两种行为。

timecode_type determines the timecode type of a timecode object. DfttTimecode supports auto-configure timecode type as well as manual assign a timecode type. Under some circumstances, for example, the input data is int, manual assign a timecode type is a sufficient way to clarify whether the input is intended to be a frame or a time value.

下表列出了一系列样例**timecode_value** 输入和他们在'auto'模式下对应的时码类型:

The following sheet gives a list of example timecode_value input and their corresponding timecode type under 'auto' mode.

timecode_value auto模式下的type
Type under auto mode
'01:00:00:00' smpte drop_frame 将自动设为False
drop_frame will be set to False
'01:00:00;00', '01:00:00;000' smpte drop_frame 将自动设为True
drop_frame will be set to True
'01:00:00:000' smpte 高帧率smpte时码,形式与dlp相近,如果输入值为dlp请强制指认**timecode_type** 为dlp
High frame rate timecode, this format is similar to dlp timecode, so if your input timecode is actually in dlp format, please force timecode_type to dlp
'01:00:00,000' srt 最后三位表示毫秒
The last three digits represent milliseconds
'01:00:00.00' ffmpeg 最后两位表示秒的小数部分
The last two digits represent the decimal part of a second
'1/24s', '1/24' fcpx 可以省略“s”
s can be omitted
'1000f, '1000' frame 可以省略“f”
f can be omitted
’1000s','1000.0','1000.0s' time 可以省略“s”
s can be omitted
1000 frame int 数据会自动被认定为frame
int data will be considered as a frame type
1000.0 time float 数据会自动被认定为time
float data will be considered as a time type
[1000, 2000] time 前者会成为Fraction的分子,后者成为分母
the former part will become the numerator of a Fraction, and the latter will become the dominator
(1000, 2000) time 前者会成为Fraction的分子,后者成为分母
the former part will become the numerator of a Fraction, and the latter will become the dominator
Fraction(1000, 2000) time 也可以直接传入一个Fraction对象
Just passing a Fraction object is also acceptable


If the input timecode value does not match the given timecode type, an error will be raised.

4.1.4 fps

fps 是时码对象的帧率,可以是intfloatFraction类型。

fps is the frame rate of the timecode object, can be an int, float or a Fraction.

4.1.5 drop_frame

drop_frame 是时码对象的丢帧设置,是bool类型,只有当帧率存在丢帧格式时,这一设置才会生效,否则会强制将丢帧设为Falsedrop_frame 的默认值是False

drop_frame must be a bool, a timecode object can only be drop-frameable under specific frame rate settings, if not so, drop_frame will be forced to False. The default value of drop_frame is False.

当**timecode_type** 为auto时,会根据输入数据的分隔符自动设置**drop_frame** 。

When timecode_type is set to auto, drop_frame will be auto-set according to the separator of the input data.

当**timecode_value** 在当前**drop_frame** 设置下不合法时(仅当**timecode_type** 为smpte时会有这种情况),将会报错。

When timecode_value is illegal under the current drop_frame setting (this should only happen when timecode_type is smpte), there will be an error.

4.1.6 strict

strict 为时码对象设置严格模式,是bool类型。设为True后,负值和超过24小时的时码都将被转换为0-24小时范围内的值,例如25:00:00:00将被转换为01:00:00:00, -01:00:00:00将被转换为23:00:00:00strict 的默认值是True

strict will set the strict mode for a timecode object, it must be a bool. When set to True, negative timecode value and timecode value over 24 hours will be converted to a value inside the range 0 to 24 hours. For example, 25:00:00:00 will be converted to 01:00:00:00, -01:00:00:00 will be converted to 23:00:00:00.The default value of strict is True.


In particular, as for a drop-frame timecode, the rule of strict mode does not allow a timecode value greater than 24:00:00:00 (actually, this value will be converted to 00:00:00:00). So, the maximum frame count number a drop-frame timecode can reach under strict mode will be less than a timecode with the same framerate but set to non-drop-frame mode.

4.1.7 补充说明 Additional info


Currently, this part intentionally remains blank.

4.2 时码类对象操作说明 Descriptions of DfttTimecode class operations

4.2.1 self.type

a = DfttTimecode('01:00:00:00', 'auto', fps=24, drop_frame=False, strict=True)
assert a.type == 'smpte'

返回DfttTimecode对象的**timecode_type** 属性,返回类型为str

Returns the timecode_type attribute of a DfttTimecode object, returned data type is str.

4.2.2 self.fps

a = DfttTimecode('01:00:00:00', 'auto', fps=24, drop_frame=False, strict=True)
assert a.fps == 24

返回DfttTimecode对象的**fps** 属性,返回类型取决于设置fps所用的变量类型。

Returns the fps attribute of a DfttTimecode object, returned data type is determined by the data type used to set the fps attribute.

4.2.3 self.framecount

a = DfttTimecode('01:00:00:00', 'auto', fps=24, drop_frame=False, strict=True)
assert a.framecount == 86400


Returns the total frame count from 0 of a DfttTimecode, returned data type is int.

4.2.4 self.timestamp

a = DfttTimecode('01:00:00:01', 'auto', fps=24, drop_frame=False, strict=True)
assert a.timestamp == 3600.04167


Returns the total time elapsed from 0 of a DfttTimecode, returned data type is float, the precision of the returned value is 5 decimal places.

4.2.5 self.is_drop_frame

a = DfttTimecode('01:00:00:00', 'auto', fps=24, drop_frame=False, strict=True)
assert a.is_drop_frame == False

返回DfttTimecode对象的**drop_frame** 属性,返回类型为bool.

Returns the drop_frame attribute of a DfttTimecode object, returned data type is bool.

4.2.6 self.is_strict

a = DfttTimecode('01:00:00:00', 'auto', fps=24, drop_frame=False, strict=True)
assert a.is_strict == True

返回DfttTimecode对象的**strict** 属性,返回类型为bool.

Returns the strict attribute of a DfttTimecode object, returned data type is bool.

4.2.7 self.set_fps()

a = DfttTimecode('01:00:00:101', 'auto', fps=120, drop_frame=False, strict=True)
a.set_fps(24, rounding = True)
assert a.timecode_output('smpte') == '01:00:00:100'


This function will change the frame rate of a DfttTimecode object, you can choose whether or not to round the timecode value while changing the frame rate.

self.set_fps()函数共有两个参数,分别是**dest_fps** 和**rounding**。

There are two parameters of self.set_fps(), they are dest_fps and rounding.

dest_fps 是帧率转换的目标帧率,可以是intfloatFraction类型。

dest_fps is the target frame rate of this transform, it can be a,n int, float, or a Fraction.

rounding 决定了帧率转换过程中是否舍入时间戳以对齐帧,具体可以参考下面的示例代码。

rounding determines whether to round the time stamp to align to the exact frame while converting the frame rate, you can refer to the following example code to see how it works.

a = DfttTimecode('01:00:00:101', 'auto', fps=120, drop_frame=False, strict=True)
a.set_fps(24, rounding = False)
assert a.timecode_output('smpte') == '01:00:00:101'
a.set_fps(24, rounding = True)
assert a.timecode_output('smpte') == '01:00:00:100'

4.2.8 self.set_type()

a = DfttTimecode('01:00:00,123', 'auto', fps=24)
a.set_type('smpte', rounding=True)
assert a.type == 'smpte'
assert a.timecode_output('srt') == '01:00:00,125'


This function will change the timecode type of a DfttTimecode object, you can choose whether or not to round the timecode value while changing the timecode type.

self.set_type()函数共有两个参数,分别是**dest_type** 和**rounding**。

self.set_type() has two parameters, they are dest_type and rounding .

dest_type 是时码类型转换的目标时码类型,可以是除'auto'以外的任何一个支持的时码类型。

dest_type is the target timecode type of this transform, it can be any supported timecode type except 'auto'.

rounding 决定了时码类型转换过程中是否舍入时间戳以对齐帧,具体可以参考下面的示例代码。

rounding determines whether to round the time stamp to align to the exact frame while converting the timecode type, you can refer to the following example code to see how it works.

a = DfttTimecode('01:00:00,123', 'auto', fps=24)
assert a.type == 'srt'
a.set_type('smpte', rounding=True)
assert a.type == 'smpte'
assert a.timecode_output('srt') == '01:00:00,125'

4.2.9 self.set_strict()

a = DfttTimecode('25:01:02:05', 'auto', fps=24, strict=False)
assert a.is_strict == True
assert a.timecode_output('smpte') == '01:01:02:05'
assert a.is_strict == False


This function will change the strict mode bool value of a DfttTimecode object.

self.set_strict() 只有一个参数,即**strict** 。strict 的类型是bool,默认值为True

self.set_strict() has one parameter, which is strict. The data type of strict is bool, the default value of strict is Ture.

4.2.10 self.timecode_output()

a = DfttTimecode('01:02:03:05', 'auto', fps=24)
assert a.timecode_output() == '01:02:03:05'
assert a.timecode_output('srt') == '01:02:03,208'
assert a.timecode_output('srt', output_part=1) == '01'
assert a.timecode_output('srt', output_part=2) == '02'
assert a.timecode_output('srt', output_part=3) == '03'
assert a.timecode_output('srt', output_part=4) == '208'


This function will return the timecode value of a DfttTimecode object in the given timecode type and partition number format, the returned data type is str.

self.timecode_output() 有两个参数,分别是**dest_type** 和**output_part** 。

self.timecode_output() has two parameters, they are dest_type and output_part .

dest_type 是输出时码的类型,可以是任何一个支持的时码类型,它的默认值是'auto',此时会根据DfttTimecode对象自身的时码类型决定输出类型。

dest_type is the type of the output timecode value, it can be any supported timecode type, the default value of it is 'auto', which means the function will determine the output timecode type according to the timecode type of the DfttTimecode object itself.

output_part 是输出的部分,它应是一个int值。它的默认值是0,即完整输出。14依次代表输出从左至右的每个时码部分。

output_part is the partition of the output timecode value, it is an int. The default value of it is 0, which means a complete output. Each of 1 to 4 represents an output timecode part from left to right.

4.3 时码类运算符说明 Descriptions of DfttTimecode class operators

4.3.1 print(self)


This operator will print basic information of a DfttTimecode object, as the following codes show.

a = DfttTimecode('01:00:00,123', 'srt', fps=24, drop_frame=False, strict=True)
print(a)  # <DfttTimecode>(Timecode:01:00:00,123, Type:srt, FPS:24.00 NDF, Strict)

4.3.2 -self


This operator will yield the negation of the timecode value of a DfttTimecode object, and won't affect any of the rest attributes, as the following codes show.

a = DfttTimecode('01:00:00,123', 'srt', fps=24, drop_frame=False, strict=True)
print(-a)  # <DfttTimecode>(Timecode:22:59:59,877, Type:srt, FPS:24.00 NDF, Strict)

4.3.3 +


This operator can add two DfttTimecode objects together, or add a DfttTimecode object with an int, float, or a Fraction.


When adding a DfttTimecode object with an int, the int will be considered as a frame number. When adding a DfttTimecode object with a float or a Fraction, the latter will be considered as a time stamp.


The two DfttTimecode objects to perform the addition must have the same frame rate.

4.3.4 -


This operator can perform a subtraction between two DfttTimecode objects, or perform a subtraction between a DfttTimecode object and an int, float, or a Fraction.


When performing a subtraction between a DfttTimecode object and an int, the int will be considered as a frame number. When performing a subtraction between a DfttTimecode object and a float or a Fraction, the latter will be considered as a time stamp.


The two DfttTimecode objects to perform the subtraction must have the same frame rate.

4.3.5 *


This operator can perform a multiplication between a DfttTimecode object and an int, float, or a Fraction, the mathematical meaning of the latter is a factor.

4.3.6 /


This operator can perform a division between a DfttTimecode object and an int, float, or a Fraction, the mathematical meaning of the latter is a factor.


Please be noted, the division operation only makes sense when the DfttTimecode object is used as the dividend, the DfttTimecode object cannot be used as a divisor.

4.3.7 ==


This operator can perform a comparison between two DfttTimecode objects, or perform a comparison between a DfttTimecode object and an int, float, or a Fraction, to tell whether they are equal to each other.


When performing a comparison between two DfttTimecode objects, a comparison of their timestamp will be performed. When performing a comparison between a DfttTimecode object and an int, the int will be considered as a frame number. When performing a comparison between a DfttTimecode object and a float or a Fraction, the latter will be considered as a time stamp.

4.3.8 !=


This operator can perform a comparison between two DfttTimecode objects, or perform a comparison between a DfttTimecode object and an int, float, or a Fraction, to tell whether they are equal to each other.


When performing a comparison between two DfttTimecode objects, a comparison of their timestamp will be performed. When performing a comparison between a DfttTimecode object and an int, the int will be considered as a frame number. When performing a comparison between a DfttTimecode object and a float or a Fraction, the latter will be considered as a time stamp.

4.3.9 >


This operator can perform a comparison between two DfttTimecode objects, or perform a comparison between a DfttTimecode object and an int, float, or a Fraction, to tell which one is the greater one.


When performing a comparison between two DfttTimecode objects, a comparison of their timestamp will be performed. When performing a comparison between a DfttTimecode object and an int, the int will be considered as a frame number. When performing a comparison between a DfttTimecode object and a float or a Fraction, the latter will be considered as a time stamp.

4.3.10 >=


This operator can perform a comparison between two DfttTimecode objects, or perform a comparison between a DfttTimecode object and an int, float, or a Fraction, to tell which one is the greater one.


When performing a comparison between two DfttTimecode objects, a comparison of their timestamp will be performed. When performing a comparison between a DfttTimecode object and an int, the int will be considered as a frame number. When performing a comparison between a DfttTimecode object and a float or a Fraction, the latter will be considered as a time stamp.

4.3.11 <


This operator can perform a comparison between two DfttTimecode objects, or perform a comparison between a DfttTimecode object and an int, float, or a Fraction, to tell which one is the greater one.


When performing a comparison between two DfttTimecode objects, a comparison of their timestamp will be performed. When performing a comparison between a DfttTimecode object and an int, the int will be considered as a frame number. When performing a comparison between a DfttTimecode object and a float or a Fraction, the latter will be considered as a time stamp.

4.3.12 <=


This operator can perform a comparison between two DfttTimecode objects, or perform a comparison between a DfttTimecode object and an int, float, or a Fraction, to tell which one is the greater one.


When performing a comparison between two DfttTimecode objects, a comparison of their timestamp will be performed. When performing a comparison between a DfttTimecode object and an int, the int will be considered as a frame number. When performing a comparison between a DfttTimecode object and a float or a Fraction, the latter will be considered as a time stamp.

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