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DHDAT is a python package with basic tools to produce interaction matrices and calculate several dominance hierarchy related metrics

Project description

Dominance Hierarchy Development Analysis Tools (DHDAT)

AuthorErik van Haeringen
DateJuly 4th 2019
DescriptionDHDAT is a python package with basic tools to produce interaction matrices and calculate several dominance hierarchy related metrics


Copyright (C) 2019, van Haeringen. This package is published under an MIT licence and you are welcome to use or improve upon it. For any publication, whether research or software that uses or includes (partial) copies of (modules of) this package, please cite this work.



To install the package for your default Python installation use your terminal to execute the command below.

pip install dhdat

For other Python installations replace pip with the path to its respective pip executable


  1. Matrix
  2. CombinationMaker
  3. Triads
  4. Ttri
  5. NetworkState
  6. ADI
  7. Xi
  8. Bursts
  9. PairFlips
  10. TauKr


1. Matrix


Builds an interaction matrix based on a list of actors and fills this with rows from a pandas dataset. These Matrix objects are used by the other modules, for example to calculate the dominance index Xi. Interaction winners are the rows and the losers are the columns.

How to use

Create a new matrix object by initiating matrix with a list of the actors identifiers. This matrix object contains three Pandas DataFrames, one interaction matrix of initiations of aggression (d_mI), one cumulative matrix of the outcomes of fights (d_mC), a another that is a non-cumulative matrix of the outcome of fights (d_mNC).

from dhdat import Matrix

actorIDs = [1,2,3,4]
matrix = Matrix(actorIDs)       #new interaction matrix of size len(actorIDs)

print(matrix.d_mC)              #shows cumulative matrix
print(matrix.d_mNC)             #shows non-cumulative matrix

The matrix can be updated with a row from a Pandas DataFrame. This DataFrame should be structured with one row per interaction, containing at least the columns '', 'actor.behavior', '' and 'receiver.behavior'. The '' and '' columns should contain a actorID provided to the matrix object on initialization to indicate who who initiated the dominance interaction ( and who was the receiver ( The 'actor.behavior' and 'receiver.behavior' columns should contian either the string "Fight" or "Flee", indicating the outcome of the fight (Fight = win and Flee = loss). Thus actor can be the one who initialized the interaction but then lose the interaction and flee. The Pandas DataFrame should look similar to the example below.

import pandas as pd
                                    #load data from csv file
df = pd.read_csv("exampleDataSet.csv", delimiter="\t")


Example data set:

     time   actor.behavior   receiver.behavior
0      23          4             2            Fight                Flee
1     112          2             3             Flee               Fight
2     278          1             3            Fight                Flee
3     315          4             2            Fight                Flee

Interactions can be added to the matrix by calling either update() which updates all matrices, or by calling the update functions for the individual matrices (updateInitiated(), updateCumulative, updateNonCumulative). The update functions require a row (interaction) of the Pandas DataFrame as described above. The example below shows a simple for-based loop adding all interactions in the DataFrame df using the update functions of the individual matrices. Note that the 3 update statements from the example below might be reduced to the single statement matrix.update(df.loc[interaction,:]) with the same result.

for interaction in df.index:
                                    #add new interaction to the initiation matrix
                                    #add new interaction to cumulative outcome matrix
                                    #add new interaction to non-cumulative outcome matrix

print(matrix.d_mC)                  #shows cumulative matrix


   1  2  3  4
1     0  1  0
2  0     0  0
3  0  1     0
4  0  2  0  

The dataframes containing the matrices can directly be accessed as shown in the example above. There are also the functions exportInitiated(), exportCumulative() and exportNonCumulative() that store the respective matrix as a tab-separated csv file. The functions arguments are filename and run_number. This results in the following filename structure: [filename][run_number]_matrix[type].csv where matrix type is I for initiated, C for cumulative and NC for non-cumulative.

                                    #produces 'test_5_matrixNC.csv'
matrix.exportNonCumulative("test_", 5)

                                    #produces 'test2_14_matrixC.csv' in subdirectory 'figures'
matrix.exportCumulative("figures/test2_", 14)

2. CombinationMaker


Class that uses a recursive function to generate all possible triangles based on a set of actors, and stores these combinations in a pandas dataframe. The recursive algorithm was inspired on a example (in C) by Bateesh.

How to use

A combination object is initialized with a list of the elements (actors) that will be combined, and the number of elements per combination. Below is an example for all combinations of three individuals that can be made with four individuals.

from dhdat import CombinationMaker

actorIDs = [1, 2, 3, 4]
                                    #calculate all triad combinations of 4 actors
combinations = CombinationMaker(actorIDs, 3)

The combinations are stored in a Pandas DataFrame d_result. This member can be accessed directly, or alternatively the function getResults() returns this member.



   0  1  2
0  1  2  3
1  1  2  4
2  1  3  4
3  2  3  4

3. Triads


Counts triad motifs in a dominance network read from an interaction matrix. See Wasserman & Faust (1994), or Shizuka & McDonald (2012) for details on triad coding. This class can count either triad motifs with only directed relationships, in which case mutual (equal) relationships are ignored. Or it can also count triad motifs that contain one or more mutual relationships.

How to use

Triads is initialized with the option for mutual triad motif count (False or True) and a CombinationMaker object containing all possible combinations of actors for triads.

from dhdat import Triads

triads = Triads(False, combinations)

A Triads object counts triads with the function count(), which requires either a cumulative or non-cumulative matrix and the index of the current interaction. The resulting motif count is stored in a Pandas DataFrame d_triadCount at the index supplied to the count() function.

triads.count(matrix.d_mNC, interaction)

                                    #shows triad count of interaction  
print(triads.d_triadCount.loc[interaction, :])


    TRI_003   TRI_012   TRI_021D   TRI_021U   TRI_021C   TRI_030T   TRI_030C
0         0         2          0          1          1          0          0

4. Ttri


Calculates Ttri as described in Shizuka and McDonald (2012), based on the triad motif count of a dominance network. If option 'mutual' is chosen, mutual triads are included in the calculation of Ttri. Otherwise Ttri is calculated only over triads that have directed edges.

How to use

To calculate Ttri first a Ttri object must be initialized with the option for triad count of mutual relations (True or False). This option should correspond to the option chosen to count the triad motifs. Because triad count can be either over a cumulative matrix or a non-cumulative matrix, the Ttri value either measures linearity over the last interaction in each pair (non-cumulative), or includes all previous interactions in each pair (cumulative) to determine the direction of a pair relation. In the paper cited above by Shizuka and McDonald, Ttri is calculated over the final cumulative interaction matrix including all recorded interactions.

from dhdat import Ttri

ttri = Ttri(False)

Then the Ttri object can be fed with the triad count from a Triads object, and the index of the current interaction. Ttri is stored in a Pandas DataFrame d_ttri with one column 'T_tri', which can be accessed directly. Ttri can by definition only be determined when there is at least one complete triad (containing 3 links). Thus the example data set used in this manual results in no value for 'T_tri' as there are no complete triads, as was shown in the demonstration of the previous module Triads.

ttri.calculate(triads.d_triadCount, interaction)

                                    #shows the Ttri value for interaction
print(ttri.d_ttri.loc[interaction, :])



Ttri in a directed (non-mutual) network is a scaled ratio of transitive triad motifs divided by the transitive + cyclic triad motifs. In a mutual network it uses the ratio of transitive weights divided by the total number of complete triad motifs, as some mutual triad motifs are defined as partially transitive. This measure ignores motifs with missing links (also called relations or edges). In example given here of Ttri calculated for a directed network, there are no complete motifs (either transitive, cyclic), which results in a empty field. See Shizuka and McDonald (2012) for further details.

5. NetworkState


Determines the state of a network of 4 individuals based on triad motif count. See Lindquist and Chase (2009) for an explanation of triad motifs network states and nomenclature. Currently only networks of 4 individuals are supported. Increasing the group size results in an exponential growth of possible network states, and thus quickly becomes unfeasible.

How to use

A NetworkState object is created with a list of the actors. To determine the network state of an interaction matrix, member function determine() requires the triad state count d_triadState of a Triads object, and the number of the current interaction as an index to store the result. Because for some states triads motif count alone is not enough to determine the network state, additionally the non-cumulative matrix d_mNC of a Matrix object is a required argument. States are stored in data member d_state as a Pandas DataFrame and can be accessed directly.

from dhdat import NetworkState

actorIDs = [1, 2, 3, 4]
state = NetworkState(actorIDs)      #make a new NetworkState object

                                    #determine NetworkState of interaction
state.determine(triads.d_triadState, interaction, matrix.d_mNC)

                                    #shows the network state of interaction
print(state.d_state.loc[interaction, :])


0     13

6. ADI


Calculates the average dominance index (ADI) from a cumulative interaction matrix as described in Hemelrijk et al. (2005).

How to use

A ADI object is created with a list of the actors. Then to calculate the ADI for an interaction call member function calculate() with a cumulative interaction matrix d_mC from a Matrix object, and the number of the current interaction that is used as an index to store the calculated ADI value. ADI values are stored in Pandas DataFrame d_ADI with a column ADI_[actorID] for each actor, and can be accessed directly.

from dhdat import ADI

actorIDs = [1, 2, 3, 4]
adi = ADI(actorIDs)

adi.calculate(matrix.d_mC, interaction)

print(adi.d_ADI.loc[interaction, :])


   ADI_1   ADI_2   ADI_3   ADI_4
0      1	   0	 0.5	   1

7. Xi


Calculates the dominance index Xi, which is the proportion of aggressive interaction won, for a cumulative interaction matrix as described in Lindquist and Chase (2009)

How to use

A Xi object is created with a list of the actors. Then to calculate the Xi for an interaction call member function calculate() with a cumulative interaction matrix d_mC from a Matrix object, and the number of the current interaction that is used as an index to store the calculated Xi value. Xi values are stored in Pandas DataFrame d_Xi with a column Xi_[actorID] for each actor, and can be accessed directly.

from dhdat import Xi

actorIDs = [1, 2, 3, 4]
xi = Xi(actorIDs)

xi.calculate(matrix.d_mC, interaction)

print(xi.d_Xi.loc[interaction, :])


   Xi_1   Xi_2   Xi_3   Xi_4
0     1      0    0.5      1

8. Bursts


Detects whether bursts occur, a pattern of repeated consecutive attacks in the same direction within a dyad, as described by Lindquist and Chase (2009). It does this by comparing the direction of the current interaction with the previous interaction. Note that this definition does not include a time component.

How to use

A new Bursts object can by defined without any arguments. To determine a interaction is part of a burst event, the member function detect() requires a row of a Pandas DataFrame containing the current interaction, and the row containing the previous interaction, as well as the number of the current interaction to use as a index to store the resulting burst value. The result (True or False) is stored in data member d_bursts and can be accesed directly as shown below. This example shows how with a simple for loop burst events can be detected for a set of interactions, by storing the previous interaction index. The first interaction can by definition never be a burst, and thus is skipped.

from dhdat import Bursts
import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_csv("exampleDataSet.csv", delimiter="\t")

bursts = Bursts()                   #defines a new Bursts object
prevInteraction = None              #holds index of previous interaction

for interaction in df.index:
    if prevInteraction != None:
      bursts.detect(df.loc[interaction,:], df.loc[prevInteraction,:], interaction)

    prevInteraction = interaction

print(bursts.d_bursts)              #shows burst values for all interactions


1   False
2   False
3   False

The field of the first interaction is empty as a burst is a series of interactions, and thus can only occur if there is a previous interaction.

9. PairFlips


Detects pair-flip events, which is the reversal of the relationship of pair based on a non-cumulative interaction matrix. This means that one counter attack is enough to reverse the relation and be marked as a pair-flip event. To detect these events the direction of the relation of the pair involved in the current interaction, is compared to the non-cumulative interaction matrix of the previous interaction.

How to use

A new PairFlips object can by defined without any arguments. To determine whether a interaction is a pair-flip event, the member function detect() requires the non-cumulative matrix d_mC from a Matrix object of the previous interaction, a row of a Pandas DataFrame containing the current interaction, and the number of the current interaction to use as a index to store the resulting pair-flip value. The result (True or False) is stored in data member d_pairFlips and can be accesed directly as shown below. This example shows how with a simple for loop pair-flip events can be detected for a set of interactions, by storing the previous non-cumulative matrix. The first interaction can by definition never be a pair-flip, and thus is skipped.

from dhdat import Matrix
from dhdat import PairFlips
import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_csv("exampleDataSet.csv", delimiter="\t")

actorIDs = [1, 2, 3, 4]             #list of actor identifiers
matrix = Matrix(actorIDs)           
pairFlips = PairFlips()
prevNCMatrix = pd.DataFrame()       #holds previous non-cumulative matrix

for interaction in df.index:
                                    #adds interaction to non-cumulative matrix

    if not prevNCMatrix.empty:      #skip if no previous interactions
      pairFlips.detect(prevNCMatrix, df.loc[interaction, :], interaction)

                                    #make sure to copy, not assign a reference
    prevNCMatrix = matrix.d_mNC.copy()

print(pairFlips.d_pairFlips)        #shows pair-flip values for all interactions


1     False
2     False
3     False       

The field of the first interaction is empty as a pair-flip is a reversal of the direction of attack, and thus per definition requires a previous interaction.

10. TauKr


Calculates TauKr as defined in Hemelrijk (1989), which measures unidirectionality between a set of matrices. The example below demonstrates how reciprocity of aggression (initiation) can be calculated using this module.

How to use

A new TauKr object can be defined without any arguments. With the function calculate() TauKr can be calculated from two matrices directly, or by supplying one matrix to calculate_T() TauKr is calculated against the transposed version of the supplied matrix. The matrix that is supplied must be a Pandas DataFrame as used by the Matrix object. Both functions also require the interaction number to use as an index to store the outcome at. In the example below reciprocity of aggression (initiations of fights) is determined by calculating the TauKr from the d_mI matrix from a Matrix object.

from dhdat import Matrix
from dhdat import TauKr
import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_csv("exampleDataSet.csv", delimiter="\t")

actorIDs = [1, 2, 3, 4]             #list of actor identifiers
matrix = Matrix(actorIDs)           
taukr = TauKr()

for interaction in df.index:
                                    #adds current interaction to initiations of aggression matrix

                                    #calculate reciprocity of aggression
    taukr.calculate_T(interaction, matrix.d_mI)

print(taukr.d_TauKr)                #shows TauKr values for all interactions


1   -0.5
2   -0.5
3   -0.5       

Note index 0 is empty as there are insufficient values to calculate TauKr

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dhdat-0.6.1.tar.gz (15.1 kB view hashes)

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