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Digital Industry Innovation Data Platform Big data collection and processing, database loading, distribution

Project description

Download market data from various information sites

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Please note that dinnovation is not affiliated, endorsed, or vetted by any source sites. Use at your own risk and discretion.

For more information about the rights to use the actual data you downloaded, see the Terms of Use for each site. dinnovation is for personal use only.

Python version PyPi version PyPi status

Digital Industry Innovation Data Platform Big data collection and processing, database loading, distribution

It was developed to facilitate the work of collecting, processing, and loading the data required for the Big Data Center. In addition, various libraries are used in the project, which are available under the Apache 2.0 license.


required python version

Python >= 3.9

To install the related library, use the command below. pip install requirements.txt or python install

To install the related libray pip install dinnnovation

required library


How to use

Data collection

  • Data collection is currently divided into three categories.
  • Corporate financial information data
  • Company general information data
  • Company valuation data
  • The sites used for collection are as follows.
  • Corporate financial information data

    • Investing

      • importing library
      • from import investing
      • you can get library infromation
         information = investing.information()
         The library is divided into two parts. 
         Investing_Crawler, a library that collects data, Investing_Cleanse, a library that processes data
         The function of Investing_Crawler is shown below. 
         DriverSettings() is a Selenium Chrome driver settings function. 
         download_historial() is a function that collects past stock price data. 
         collect() is a function that collects data from 
         Investing_Cleanse will proceed as soon as you run the class. 
      • you can use collecting investing financial information data
      • Example code
         investing = INVESTING.Investing_Crawler("/~.xlsx")
         # An argument is the material path that contains the content to be matched.
         settings = investing.DriverSettings()
         # if you want use Turn off Warning, use argument Turn_off_warning = True
         # if you want use Linux mode on Background, use argument linux_mode = True
         crawler = investing.collect("korea", "South Korea", "/")
         # if you want crawlering Singapore, use argument isSingapore = True          
      • you can use transform data
      • Example code
         country_lst = ["japan", "hong-kong"]
         for country in country_lst:
              investing.collect(country, country, f"{country}.xlsx")
    • Financial Modeling Prep

      • importing library
      • from import fmp
      • you can get library infromation
         information = fmp.information()
         The function is described below.
         The main class in the library is fmp_extact.
         get_jsonparsed_data() is a function that parses data.
         Extractor() is a function that imports data in json form.
         url_generator() is a function of accessing the FMP site and isolating the data.
         ending_period_extact() is a function that standardizes dates.
         report_type_extract() is a function that distinguishes between annual and quarterly based on incoming values.
         GetExcel() is a function that stores the extracted data.
         cleanse() is a function that processes data.
         get_symbols() is a function that imports data from the site.
         Make_clean() is a function that executes the above functions sequentially to extract and store data.
      • you can use collecting Financial Modeling Prep data
      • Example code
         fmp = fmp.fmp_extract()
         country_lst = ["호주", "스위스"]
         for country in country_lst:
      • you can use transform data
      • Example code
         fmp = FMP.fmp_extract()
         clean = fmp.cleanse("/", "/")
    • Dart (Republic of Korea Only)

      • importing library
      • from import dart
      • you can get library infromation
         information = dart.information()
         The function is described below.
         The main class in the library is dart_extract.
         api_key() is a function that tells the api key.
         Extract_finstate() is a function that extracts data.
         load_finstate() is a function that stores data.
      • you can use collecting Dart financial information data
      • Example code
         dart = dart.dart_extract("/.xlsx")         
         extract_finstate = dart.load_finstats('your api key')
      • you can use transform data
      • Example code
    • idx (Indonesia Only)

      • importing library
      • from import idx
      • you can get library infromation
         information = idx.information()
         The function is described below.
         The main class in the library is idx_extact.
         make_Available() is a function that enables data frames.
         Add_On() is a function that creates data.
         Transform() is a function that processes data.
      • you can use collecting idx financial information data
      • Example code
         idx_dataframe = pd.read_excel("idx excel path")
         idx = idx.idx_extract(idx_dataframe)
         # add mapping excel file path
         # add idx files path
         idx.transform("files path")
    • wsj (USA OTC)

      • importing library
      • from import wsj
      • you can get library infromation
         information = wsj.information()
         The function is described below. 
         The main class in the library is extract().
         extract() collects data from wsj.
         collect() imports only OTC companies of the data collected.
      • you can use collecting idx financial information data
      • Example code
         wsj = wsj.wsj()
         # US index data is required unconditionally.
  • Company general information data

    • opencorporates

      • importing library
      • from dinnovation.collection.general import opencorporates
      • you can get library infromation
         information = opencorporates.information()
         The function is described below.
         The main class in the library is opencorporates_extract.
         DriverSettings() is a function that sets the driver.
         Login() is a function to log in to the opensporates.
         ReCounty() is a function that selects a country.
         SearchCompanies() is a function that finds a company.
         GetInformation() is a function that extracts data.
         GetExcel() is a function that stores the extracted data.
      • you can use collecting opencorporates general information data
      • Example code
         crawler = opencorporates.opencorporates_extract()
         df = pd.read_excel("finished_url_opencorporates.xlsx")
         for name, url in tqdm(zip(df["country"], df["url"])):
              try: Crawler.GetInformation(url, name)
              except: pass
    • yellow

      • importing library
      • from dinnovation.collection.general import yellow
      • you can get library infromation
         information = yellow.information()
         The function is described below. \n
         The main class in the library is opencorporates_extract.
         DriverSettings() is a function that sets the driver.
      • you can use collecting opencorporates general information data
      • Example code
         yellow = yellow.yellow_extract()
    • bizin

      • importing library
      • from dinnovation.collection.general import bizin
      • you can get library infromation
         information = bizin.information()
         A description of the function is given below. 
         The main class within the library is BIZIN. 
         In the case of Asian countries, the url is different, so you need to set it. 
         DriverSettings() is a Selenium Chrome driver settings function. 
         area() is a function that collects information on companies in the country. 
         collect() is a function that collects data from the BIZIN site. 
      • you can use collecting opencorporates general information data
      • Example code
    • datos (Columbia Only)

      • importing library
      • from dinnovation.collection.general import datos
      • you can get library infromation
         information = datos.information()
         The function is described below.
         The main class in the library is datos_extact.
         Make() is a function that processes data.
         load() is a function that stores data.
      • you can use collecting opencorporates general information data
      • Example code
         # Datos data is required unconditionally.
    • kemenperin (Italy Only)

      • importing library
      • from dinnovation.collection.general import kemenperin
      • you can get library infromation
         information = kemenperin.information()
         The function is described below.
         The main class in the library is datos_extact.
         DriverSettings() is a function that runs the Chrome driver.
         get_data() is a function that extracts and processes data.
         load() is a function that stores data.
      • you can use collecting opencorporates general information data
      • Example code
    • cybo (Ukraina Only)

      • importing library
      • from dinnovation.collection.general import cybo
      • you can get library infromation
         information = cybo.information()
         The function is described below. \n
         The main class in the library is cybo_extract. \n
         DriverSettings() is a function that sets the driver. \n
         collect() is collect data.
      • you can use collecting opencorporates general information data
      • Example code
  • Company road view picture information data

    • google
      • importing library
      • from import google
      • you can get library infromation
         information = google.information()
         A description of the function is given below.
         The main class in the library is map.
         GetStreet() is a function that calls the Google map api.
         collect() is a function that extracts data.
      • you can use collecting opencorporates general information data
      • Example code
         google ="your api key")
         google.GetStrret("address", "/")
         # if you need many address pics
         address_info_lst = ["1", "2"]
         google.collect(address_info_lst, "/")
  • Company stock data

    • marcap

      • importing library
      • from dinnovation.collection.stock import marcap
      • you can get library infromation
         information = marcap.information()
         A description of the function is given below.
         The main class within the library is MARCAP.
         install() is a function that informs the marcap data github address.
         collect() is a function that extracts data.
      • you can use collecting opencorporates general information data
      • Example code
         ticker_lst = ["1", "2"]
         marcap = marcap.MARCAP(ticker_lst)
    • shareoutstanding

      • importing library
      • from dinnovation.collection.stock import shareoutstanding
      • you can get library infromation
         information = shareoutstanding.information()
         The SHAREOUTSTANDING library collects market cap data. 
         DriverSettings() is a Selenium Chrome driver settings function. 
         get_company() is a function that retrieves a ticker from our US company database and stores its value. 
         collect() is a function that collects data from shareoutstanding sites. 
      • you can use collecting opencorporates general information data
      • Example code
         # to access the database
         # Please enter host ip, database, id, password.
         shareoutstanding.get_company(host, database, user, password)
    • yfinance

      • importing library
      • from dinnovation.collection.stock import yfinance
      • you can get library infromation
         information = yfinance.information()
         The yfinance library collects market cap data. 
         collect() is a function that collects data from shareoutstanding sites.
      • you can use collecting opencorporates general information data
      • Example code
         # to access the database
         # Please enter host ip, database, id, password.
         yfinance.get_company(host, database, user, password)

Data Processing

  • importing library
    • from dinnovation.processing import extract
  • you can get library information

information = extract.information()
A description of the function is given below. \n
The main class within the library is DataExtract. \n
Enter database id, pw, port, database, table_name in order to connect.\n
The connect() function is a function that tries to connect.\n
The extract() function extracts the database after connecting.

  • Data Extract to Database

extract = extract.DataExtract("id", "password", "ip address", "port number", "database name", "table_name")

Data Transformation

  • importing library
    • from dinnovation.processing import transform
  • you can get library information

information = transform.information()
A description of the function is given below. 
The library includes T (Transform) in the ETL process. 
The class that checks data in the database is Checker. 
When designating a class, enter the id, pw, ip, db of the database (postgresql), and the table name to be extracted.
The read_excel() function loads xlsx and saves it as a data frame. 
The read_csv() function loads a csv and saves it as a data frame. 
The data_update() function inputs I or U when updating new data. 
The date_update() function inputs the date when new data is updated. 
The CheckDate() function is a function that standardizes the general data date of 
The CheckLength() function checks the size of data and cuts it by the size 
The CheckVarchar() function checks the financial data size and inserts a new one if it is large 
The CheckNumeric() function checks a number in financial data 
-------------------------------------------------- ----------------
The class that checks data from database is Analysis. 
The read_excel() function loads xlsx and saves it as a data frame. 
The read_csv() function loads a csv and saves it as a data frame. 
The Fail() function is a function that dictates erroneous data to put into a data frame 
The CheckDate_Duplicate() function is a function that checks the date check and duplicate check 
The CheckNumber() function checks whether a phone number is valid 

  • Data Transform

transform = T.Checker()
# if you data type is xlsx 
# if you data type is csv
func is many options.
1. if you need data normalization fndtn_dt, you can use transform.fndtn_dt()
2. if you need insert data update information, you can use transform.data_update() or update is transform.data_update(Insert = False)
3. if you need data check date, you can use transform.CheckDate()
4. if you need data check length, you can use transform.CheckLength()
5. if you need data check numeric type, you can use transform.CheckNumeric()
6. if you need data check varchar type, you can use transform.CheckVarchar()

Data Load

  • importing library
    • from dinnovation.processing import load
  • you can get library information

information = load.information()
The DataLoad() class is the main one. 
The class can handle large amounts if many = True is set. 
DataLoading() is a function that saves data in the form of a data frame within a class. 
CheckLength() is a function that measures the length of the saved data frame to prevent errors beyond the standard. In addition, the value of keyval is raised above the latest value that currently exists. 
Load() loads the data using a batch process. 
Login() is a function that connects to the database. 
Connect_DB() is a function that connects to the database and creates an environment where data can be loaded.

  • Data load to Database

load = load.DataLoad()
# if you loading data is many, many argument is True
load.Login("user", "password", "host", "port", "dbname")
func is options.
1. if you need data check length you can use load.CheckLength()
# if you need replace data, you can use argument load.Connect_DB(replace = True)
# if you loading a data is first time, you can use argument load.Connect_DB(first = False)

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