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Ver.2.15.20. Config not necessary for Application.

Project description

The most useful package for you, young python programmer :)

How to use it

Install this packages before use

  • sqlalchemy - For works with databases
  • cx_Oracle - Oracle driver
  • sqlalchemy-pytds - MSSQL driver
  • psycopg2-binary - Postgres driver
  • xlutils - For Excel
  • xlsxwriter - for Excel
  • openpyxl - For Excel
  • transliterate - For Transliteration
  • confluent-kafka[avro] - For work with kafka


# Import necessary functions
from divinegift.logger import log_info, log_err, log_warning, set_loglevel

# info msg
log_info('Your message')

# error msg
log_err('Error msg',
        src='Error source',  # e.g. str(sys.argv[0])
        mode=['telegram', 'email']  # May be empty
            "telegram": -1001343660695, 
            "email": {"TO": [""], "FROM": "", 
                "HOST": "", "usr": "", "pwd": "supersecretpassword"}  
        })  # You can add "CC" to "email" for add copy_to addresses

# error msg with out sending problem to external system
log_err('Error msg', src='Error src')

Pass log_level and log_name through cmd arguments

To specify log_level and log_name in your app you can send it through arguments:

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Get all args from cmd:
    args = get_args()
    # Get log_level, log_name, log_dir
    lp = get_log_param(args)
    # Set log_level and log_name:
    set_loglevel(lp.get('log_level'), lp.get('log_name'), lp.get('log_dir'))

You should pass your args by pairs: key value, e.g. --log_level INFO Available variants for logging are:

  • --log_level or shortcut is -ll
  • --log_name or shortcut is -ln
  • --log_dir or shortcut is -ld

log_level could be DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR

Example of starting app with arguments:

python -ll INFO -ln test.log

Config parsing

To parsing configs you can use class divinegift.config.Settings . By default, it's use yaml as config language. But you can use json-style too.


from divinegift.config import Settings  # Necessary imports

settings = {}

# You should use divinegift.logger.set_loglevel before config parsing
s = Settings()
settings = s.get_settings()

Config example

- telegram
- email
- slack
    telegram: -1001343660695


from divinegift.config import Settings  # Necessary imports

settings = {}

# You should use divinegift.logger.set_loglevel before config parsing
s = Settings()
s.parse_settings('./settings.ini', use_yaml=False)
settings = s.get_settings()

Config example

    "log_level": "INFO",
    "log_name": "YourAwesomeProject.log",
    "monitoring": [
    "monitoring_channel": {
        "telegram": -1001343660695,
        "email_to": [

Working with DB (sqlalchemy)

You should define dict with db_conn creditional. For example:


Install oracle driver:

pip install cx_oracle
db_conn = {
    "db_user": "dbuser",             # username
    "db_pass": "dbpass",             # password
    "db_host": "dbhost",             # host (ip, fqdn). could be empty if we connect via tns
    "db_port": "",                   # port (string). could be empty if we connect via tns
    "db_name": "dbname",             # database name
    "db_schm": "",                   # db scheme if not equal username
    "dialect": "oracle"              # if use cx_Oracle or oracle+another_dialect


Install mssql driver:

pip install sqlalchemy-pytds
db_conn = {
    "db_user": "dbuser",             # username
    "db_pass": "dbpass",             # password
    "db_host": "",                   # host (ip, fqdn). could be empty if we connect via tns
    "db_port": "",                   # port (string). could be empty if we connect via tns
    "db_name": "dbname",             # database name
    "db_schm": "",                   # db scheme if not equal username
    "dialect": "mssql+pytds"         # mssql dialect


Install postgres driver:

pip install psycopg2
db_conn = {
    "db_user": "dbuser",             # username
    "db_pass": "dbpass",             # password
    "db_host": "",                   # host (ip, fqdn). could be empty if we connect via tns
    "db_port": "",                   # port (string). could be empty if we connect via tns
    "db_name": "dbname",             # database name
    "db_schm": "",                   # db scheme if not equal username
    "dialect": "postgresql+psycopg2" # dialect

Create connection

Use class DBClient to create connection to DB. Old-styled functions, which contained in divinegift.db module directly, are deprecated but still works.

from divinegift.db import DBClient
connection = DBClient(db_conn)            # db_conn - variable which was described above
# Describe which fields you wants to method get_conn will returned (possible fields are 'engine', 'conn' and 'metadata')
engine, conn, metadata = connection.get_conn(fields=['engine', 'conn', 'metadata'])  

If you need to call stored procedure with db cursors you should use raw connection.

from divinegift.db import DBClient
connection = DBClient(db_conn, do_initialize=False)            # db_conn - variable which was described above
conn = connection.get_conn(fields='conn')  

Get data from sript (file or just string)

After you got "connection" variable you can get data from file or from str variable directly.

from divinegift.db import DBClient
connection = DBClient(db_conn)

result = connection.get_data('path/to/scripts/some_script.sql')
# or you can use str variable:
script = 'select * from dual'
result = connection.get_data(script)
>>>[{'dummy': 'X'}]

You can use specific encoding for your files (by default it's 'cp1251'). Just put it into args:

result = connection.get_data('path/to/scripts/some_script.sql', encoding='utf8')

Also you can add some variables into your script (e.g. date) and then you can pass it into a function:

from divinegift.db import DBClient
connection = DBClient(db_conn)

script = """select * from dual
where dummy = '$param'"""
parameters = {'param': 'X'}
result = connection.get_data(script, **parameters)
# Or another variant
result = connection.get_data(script, param='X')
>>>[{'dummy': 'X'}]

Run script without getting data

You can run script without recieving data. You should use divinegift.db.DBClient.run_script for this like get_data, e.g.:

from divinegift.db import Connection
connection = Connection(db_conn)

Sending email

You can use function send_mail from class divinegift.sender.Sender

You should set your msg, subject and list of recipients, and account which should be used for sending email Simple example:

from divinegift.sender import Sender

sender = Sender()
sender.send_mail('Test message', 'Test subject', TO=[''],
           FROM="", HOST="", usr="from", pwd="pwd")

You can specify TO, CC, BCC, HOST, FROM and attachments. Also you can send it like html-message or like text.

You should pass list of attachments files with absolute path to it. You can use function divinegift.main.get_list_files for get it. For sending email with attachment(s):

from divinegift.main import get_list_files
from divinegift.sender import Sender

sender = Sender()
attachment_list = get_list_files('/path/to/files', add_path=True)
sender.send_mail('Hello! This are files in attach', 'Test sending attachments', [''], 
                  FROM="", HOST="", usr="from", pwd="pwd",
# Also you can send only one file:
attachment = '/path/to/file/file_name'
sender.send_mail('Hello! There is file in attach', 'File', [''], 
                FROM="", HOST="", usr="from", pwd="pwd",

If you set IS_HTML to False (by default it is True), you could send an email like simple text message, not html

Work with JSON

You can simple parse and create JSONs

To create json you could use divinegift.main.create_json To parse it you could use divinegift.main.parse_json Or you could use class divinegift.main.Json instead of it

For example:

from divinegift.main import create_json, parse_json
A = {'key1': 'data1', 'key2': 'data2'}
create_json(A, 'json_file_name.json')
B = parse_json('json_file_name.json')

>>> {'key1': 'data1', 'key2': 'data2'}

from divinegift.main import Json
A = {'key1': 'data1', 'key2': 'data2'}
json_obj = Json('json_file_class.json')
B = json_obj.parse()

Work with YAML

You can simple parse and create YAMLs

To create json you could use divinegift.main.create_yaml To parse it you could use divinegift.main.parse_yaml Or you could use class divinegift.main.Yaml instead of it

For example:

from divinegift.main import create_yaml, parse_yaml
A = {'key1': 'data1', 'key2': 'data2'}
create_yaml(A, 'yaml_file_name.yml')
B = parse_yaml('yaml_file_name.yml')

>>> {'key1': 'data1', 'key2': 'data2'}

from divinegift.main import Yaml
A = {'key1': 'data1', 'key2': 'data2'}
yml_obj = Yaml('yml_file_class.yml')
B = yml_obj.parse()

Transliterate strings between Russian and English and back

From version 1.0.8 you can use transliterate library to transliterate strings between languages


from divinegift.translit import translit

name_r = translit(name, 'ru_ext')
name_e = translit(name_r, 'ru_ext', reversed=True)
name_r_cap = translit(name, 'ru_ext').capitalize()
name_r_low = translit(name, 'ru_ext').lower()

print(f'From English to Russian: {name}\t->\t{name_r}')
print(f'From Russian to English: {name_r}\t->\t{name_e}')
print(f'Capitalize             : {name}\t->\t{name_r_cap}')
print(f'Lower                  : {name}\t->\t{name_r_low}')

Code from above will show next:

Capitalize             : SHEVCHENKO ANDREY  ->  Шевченко андрей
Lower                  : SHEVCHENKO ANDREY  ->  шевченко андрей


From version 1.0.10 you can use encryption module

Simple example


from divinegift.cipher import get_key, get_cipher, encrypt_str, decrypt_str

cipher_key = get_key()
cipher = get_cipher(cipher_key)
text = 'qwerty1234!!'
text_enc = encrypt_str(text, cipher)
text_dec = decrypt_str(text_enc, cipher)

Code above will output next:


If you use parameter get_str=False in functions encrypt_str and decrypt_str than this functions will returns binary string

Works with key in file

Save your key in file by write_key function:

from divinegift.cipher import get_key, write_key

cipher_key = get_key()
write_key('', cipher_key)

Read your key file by read_key function:

from divinegift.cipher import read_key

cipher_key = read_key('')


You can use caesar encrypt/decrypt:

from divinegift.cipher import caesar_code

text = caesar_code('Hello, World!', shift=5)

It will output next:

Mjqqt, 1twqi!

Easy encription/decryption database-passwords for more security

Before all you should encrypt your file with settings. Use next code to do this once:

from divinegift.config import Settings

s = Settings()
s.encrypt_password('db_conn')   # db_conn - name of db connection in settings.conf which contains "db_pass"

After that your password in section 'db_conn' will automaticaly encrypted. If you have more db-connections just add s.encrypt_password('db_conn_name_you_have') before saving function

Next you must use decryption function in your code to use connection:

from divinegift.config import Settings

s = Settings()
s.decrypt_password('db_conn')   # db_conn - name of db connection in settings.conf which contains "db_pass"

Live templates. Start create your app as easy as possible

From version 1.0.11 you can create files from templates. You should use module templator for this.

Example: Create with following text and run it:

from divinegift.templator import Templator

t = Templator()
# create console app, or main logic (you can omit the file extension, '.py' will add automaticaly.):
# or
t.create_console()  # it will create '' file

# create QT-app:
# or
t.create_gui()  # it will create '' file

# create config file:
# or
t.create_config()       # it will create 'settings.ini' file

# After creating file with config you can add email section on it:
# or
t.add_email_config()    # it will add email section to 'settings.ini'

Kafka Client

From version 1.3.0 you can use kafka client to read and write data from/to topics


from divinegift.kafka_client import KafkaClient

kafka_client = KafkaClient()

# Reader

messages = kafka_client.read_messages(topic_name)
# You can read all messages from begin if you needed:
messages = kafka_client.read_messages(topic_name, from_beginning=True)

# Writer

kafka_client.send_message(topic_name, msg)

Config example from example above:

kafka_config: &kafka_config
    - server.domain:9093
    security_protocol: SSL
    ssl_check_hostname: False
    ssl_cafile: CARoot.pem
    ssl_certfile: certificate.pem
    ssl_keyfile: key.pem
    <<: *kafka_config
    <<: *kafka_config
    consumer_timeout_ms: 1000

Working with Excel

Reading file

For reading excel-file you should use function divinegift.excel.read_excel

You should pass filename, array with column names

Optional fields are: sheet_name, int_columns, date_columns, start_row

from divinegift import excel

filename = 'your/path/to/excel.xlsx'      # or it could be xls
excel_header = ['column1', 'column2', ]
excel_data = excel.read_excel(filename, excel_header)

By default, all cells are read as strings, but if you need read int columns/date columns, you could pass their names in parameters int_columns/date_columns. You should name it like you pass it at excel_header

from divinegift import excel

filename = 'your/path/to/excel.xlsx'      # or it could be xls
excel_header = ['column1', 'column2', 'int_col', 'date_col']
excel_data = excel.read_excel(filename, excel_header, int_columns=['int_col'], date_col=['date_col'])

Writing file

For writing excel-file you should use function divinegift.excel.create_excel

You should pass filename and list with data

Optional fields are: sheet_name, header

When you set excel_header, you could set column width

from divinegift import excel

filename = 'path/to/excel/your.xlsx'
data = [{'col1': 1, 'col2': 2,},]    # or it could be just list of list

excel_header = {'col1': 10, 'col2', 13, }
excel.create_excel(data, filename, excel_header=excel_header)

Project details

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Source Distribution

divinegift-2.15.20.tar.gz (48.9 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

divinegift-2.15.20-py3-none-any.whl (48.9 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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