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Interact with a dizqueTV instance's API

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A Python library to interact with a dizqueTV instance


From GitHub

  1. Clone repository with git clone
  2. Enter project folder with cd dizqueTV-python
  3. Install requirements with pip install -r requirements.txt

From PyPi

Run pip install dizqueTV


Import the API class from the dizqueTV module


from dizqueTV import API

dtv = API(url="http://localhost:8000")

Enable verbose logging by passing verbose=True into the API object declaration




  • Get all channels: channels = dtv.channels -> list of Channel objects
  • Get all channel numbers: channel_numbers = dtv.channel_numbers -> list of ints
  • Get a specific channel: channel = dtv.get_channel(channel_number: int) -> Channel object
  • Get brief info on a specific channel: channel_info = dtv.get_channel_info(channel_number: int) -> {"name": str, "number": int, "icon": str}
  • Add a channel: new_channel = dtv.add_channel(programs: [Program, PlexAPI Video, ...], plex_server: PlexAPI Server [Optional], handle_errors: bool, **kwargs) -> Channel object
  • Update a channel: updated = dtv.update_channel(channel_number: int, **kwargs) or Channel.update(**kwargs) -> True/False
  • Delete a channel: deleted = dtv.delete_channel(channel_number: int) or Channel.delete() -> True/False
  • Refresh a channel: Channel.refresh() -> None (reloads Channel object in-place)
  • Edit channel's watermark: edited = Watermark.update(**kwargs) -> True/False
  • Edit channel's FFMPEG settings: edited = ChannelFFMPEGSettings.update(**kwargs) -> True/False


  • Get a channel's programs: programs = Channel.programs -> list of MediaItem objects
  • Add program (or PlexAPI Video) to a channel: added = Channel.add_program(plex_item: PlexAPI Video, plex_server: PlexAPI Server, program: Program, **kwargs) -> True/False
  • Add multiple programs (or PlexAPI Video) to a channel: added = Channel.add_fillers(programs: [Program, PlexAPI Video, ...], plex_server: PlexAPI Server) -> True/False
  • Add multiple programs to multiple channels: added = dtv.add_programs_to_channels(programs: [Program], channels: [Channel], channel_numbers: [int]) -> True/False
  • Add X number of show episodes: added = Channel.add_x_number_of_show_episodes(number_of_episodes: int, list_of_episodes: [Program, Episode, ...], plex_server: PServer (Optional)) -> True/False
  • Add X duration of show episodes: added = Channel.add_x_duration_of_show_episodes(duration_in_milliseconds: int, list_of_episodes: [Program, Episode, ...], plex_server: PServer (Optional), allow_overtime: bool) -> True/False
  • Delete a program: deleted = Channel.delete_program(program: Program) -> True/False
  • Delete all programs: deleted = Channel.delete_all_programs() -> True/False
  • Delete all episodes of a show (or of a season): deleted = Channel.delete_show(show_name: str, season_number: int (Optional)) -> True/False
  • Sort programs by release date: sorted = Channel.sort_programs_by_release_date() -> True/False
  • Sort programs by season order: sorted = Channel.sort_programs_by_season_order() -> True/False
  • Sort programs alphabetically: sorted = Channel.sort_programs_alphabetically() -> True/False
  • Sort programs by duration: sorted = Channel.sort_programs_by_duration() -> True/False
  • Sort programs randomly: sorted = Channel.sort_programs_randomly() -> True/False
  • Sort programs cylically: sorted = Channel.cyclical_shuffle() -> True/False
  • Sort programs by block shuffle: sorted = Channel.block_shuffle(block_length: int, randomize: bool) -> True/False
  • Repeat programs: repeated = Channel.replicate(how_many_times: int) -> True/False
  • Repeat and shuffle programs repeated = Channel.replicate_and_shuffle(how_many_times: int) -> True/False
  • Remove duplicate programs: sorted = Channel.remove_duplicate_programs() -> True/False
  • Remove specials: sorted = Channel.remove_specials() -> True/False
  • Remove redirects: sorted = Channel.remove_redirects() -> True/False
  • Balance shows: balanced = Channel.balance_programs(margin_of_error: float) -> True/False
  • Add pad times: added = Channel.pad_times(start_every_x_minutes: int) -> True/False
  • Add reruns: added = Channel.add_reruns(start_time: datetime.datetime, length_hours: int, times_to_repeat: int) -> True/False
  • Add "Channel at Night": added = Channel.add_channel_at_night(night_channel_number: int, start_hour: int (24-hour time), end_hour: int (24-hour time)) -> True/False
  • Fast forward: success = Channel.fast_forward(seconds: int, minutes: int, hours: int, days: int, months: int, years: int) -> True/False
  • Rewind: success = Channel.rewind(seconds: int, minutes: int, hours: int, days: int, months: int, years: int) -> True/False

Filler (Flex)

  • Get a filler list: filler_list = dtv.get_filler_list(filler_list_id: str) -> FillerList object
  • Get all filler lists: filler_lists = dtv.filler_lists -> List of FillerList objects
  • Get a filler list info: filler_list_info = dtv.get_filler_list_info(filler_list_id: str) or FillerList.details -> JSON
  • Get a filler list's channels: filler_list_channels = dtv.get_filler_list_channels(filler_list_id: str) or FillerList.channels -> List of Channel objects
  • Get a filler list's content: filler_list_contents = FillerList.contents -> List of FillerItem objects
  • Add a filler list: new_filler_list = dtv.add_filler_list(content: [Program, Video, Movie, Episode, ...], plex_server: PlexAPI Server, handle_errors: bool, **kwargs) -> FillerList object
  • Update a filler list: updated = dtv.update_filler_list(filler_list_id: str, **kwargs) or FillerList.update(**kwargs) -> True/False
  • Delete a filler list: deleted = dtv.delete_filler_list(filler_list_id: str) or FillerList.delete() -> True/False
  • Refresh a filler list: FillerList.refresh() -> None (reloads FillerList object in-place)
  • Add a filler list to a channel: added = Channel.add_filler_list(filler_list: FillerList, filler_list_id: str, weight: int, cooldown: int) -> True/False
  • Add multiple filler lists to multiple channels: added = dtv.add_filler_lists_to_channels(filler_lists: [FillerList, ...], channels: [Channel, ...], channel_numbers: [int, ...]) -> True/False
  • Delete a filler list from a channel: deleted = Channel.delete_filler_list(filler_list: FillerList, filler_list_id: str) -> True/False
  • Delete all filler lists from a channel: deleted = Channel.delete_all_filler_lists() -> True/False
  • Add a filler item (or PlexAPI Video) to a filler list: added = FillerList.add_filler(plex_item:, plex_server: PlexAPI Server, filler: FillerItem, **kwargs) -> True/False
  • Add multiple filler items (or PlexAPI Video) to a filler list: added = FillerList.add_fillers(fillers: [FillerItem,, ...], plex_server: PlexAPI Server) -> True/False
  • Delete a filler item: deleted = FillerList.delete_filler(filler: FillerItem) -> True/False
  • Delete all filler items: deleted = FillerList.delete_all_fillers() -> True/False
  • Sort filler items by duration: sorted = FillerList.sort_filler_by_duration() -> True/False
  • Sort filler items randomly: sorted = FillerList.sort_filler_randomly() -> True/False
  • Remove duplicate filler items: sorted = FillerList.remove_duplicate_fillers() -> True/False


  • Get a channel's schedule: schedule = Channel.schedule -> Schedule object
  • Add a schedule to a channel: added = Channel.add_schedule(time_slots: [TimeSlot, ...], **kwargs) -> True/False
  • Update a channel's schedule: updated = Channel.update_schedule(**kwargs) or Schedule.update(**kwargs) -> True/False
  • Delete a channel's schedule: deleted = Channel.delete_schedule() or Schedule.delete() -> True/False
  • Add a time slot to a schedule: added = Schedule.add_time_slot(time_slot: TimeSlot, time_string: str, **kwargs) -> True/False
  • Edit a time slot on a schedule: edited = Schedule.edit_time_slot(time_slot: TimeSlot, time_string: str, **kwargs) or TimeSlot.edit(time_string: str, **kwargs) -> True/False
  • Delete a time slot on a schedule: deleted = Schedule.delete_time_slot(time_slot: TimeSlot) or TimeSlot.delete() -> True/False


  • Get all Plex Media Servers: servers = dtv.plex_servers -> list of PlexServer objects
  • Get a specific Plex Media Server: server = dtv.get_plex_server(server_name: str) -> PlexServer object
  • Get a specific Plex Media Server status: status = dtv.plex_server_status(server_name: str) or PlexServer.status -> True/False
  • Get a specific Plex Media Server foreign status: status = dtv.plex_server_foreign_status(server_name: str) or PlexServer.foreign_status -> True/False
  • Add a Plex Media Server: new_server = dtv.add_plex_server(**kwargs) -> PlexServer object
  • Update a Plex Media Server: updated = dtv.update_plex_server(server_name: str, **kwargs) or PlexServer.update(**kwargs) -> True/False
  • Delete a Plex Media Server: deleted = dtv.delete_plex_server(server_name: str) or PlexServer.delete() -> True/False
  • Refresh a Plex Media Server: PlexServer.refresh() -> None (reloads PlexServer object in-place)


  • Get FFMPEG settings: settings = dtv.ffmpeg_settings -> FFMPEGSettings object
  • Update FFMPEG settings: updated = dtv.update_ffmpeg_settings(**kwargs) or FFMPEGSettings.update(**kwargs) -> True/False
  • Refresh FFMPEG settings: FFMPEGSettings.refresh() -> None (reloads FFMPEGSettings object in-place)
  • Reset FFMPEG settings: reset = dtv.reset_ffmpeg_settings() -> True/False
  • Get Plex settings: settings = dtv.plex_settings -> PlexSettings object
  • Update Plex settings: updated = dtv.update_plex_settings(**kwargs) or PlexSettings.update(**kwargs) -> True/False
  • Refresh Plex settings: PlexSettings.refresh() -> None (reloads PlexSettings object in-place)
  • Reset Plex settings: reset = dtv.reset_plex_settings() -> True/False
  • Get XMLTV settings: settings = dtv.xmltv_settings -> XMLTVSettings object
  • Update XMLTV settings: updated = dtv.update_xmltv_settings(**kwargs) or XMLTVSettings.update(**kwargs) -> True/False
  • Refresh XMLTV settings: XMLTVSettings.reload() -> None (reloads XMLTVSettings object in-place)
  • Reset XMLTV settings: reset = dtv.reset_xmltv_settings() -> True/False
  • Get HDHomeRun settings: settings = dtv.hdhr_settings -> HDHomeRunSettings object
  • Update HDHomeRun settings: updated = dtv.update_hdhr_settings(**kwargs) or HDHomeRunSettings.update(**kwargs) -> True/False
  • Refresh HDHomeRun settings: HDHomeRunSettings.refresh() -> None (reloads HDHomeRunSettings object in-place)
  • Reset HDHomeRun settings: reset = dtv.reset_hdhr_settings() -> True/False


  • Get dizqueTV version: version = dtv.dizquetv_version -> str
  • Get FFMPEG version: version = dtv.ffmpeg_version -> str
  • Get XMLTV XML file: xml = dtv.xmltv_xml -> xml.etree.ElementTree.Element object
  • Refresh XMLTV XML file server-side: refreshed = dtv.refresh_xml() -> True/False
  • Get M3U playlist: m3u = dtv.channels_m3u -> m3u8 object
  • Get HLS playlist: hls = dtv.hls_m3u -> m3u8 object
  • Get last time XMLTV was refreshed: last_time = dtv.last_xmltv_refresh -> str


  • Get dizqueTV guide: guide = -> Guide object
  • Get last guide update time: update_time = dtv.last_guide_update or Guide.last_update -> datetime.datetime object
  • Get guide channel numbers: guide_numbers = dtv.guide_channel_numbers -> List of strings (not ints)
  • Get guide channels: guide_channels = Guide.channels -> List of GuideChannel objects
  • Get guide lineup data (JSON): guide_lineup = dtv.guide_lineup_json -> JSON
  • Get guide channel lineup (GuideProgram objects): guide_lineup = GuideChannel.get_lineup(from_date: datetime.datetime, to_date: datetime.datetime) -> List of GuideProgram objects


  • Convert a Python PlexAPI Video to a Program: program = dtv.convert_plex_item_to_program(plex_item: PlexAPI Video, plex_server: PlexAPI Server) or program = Channel.convert_plex_item_to_program(plex_item: PlexAPI Video, plex_server: PlexAPI Server) -> Program
  • Convert a Python PlexAPI Video to a Filler: filler = dtv.convert_plex_item_to_filler(plex_item: PlexAPI Video, plex_server: PlexAPI Server) or filler = Channel.convert_plex_item_to_filler(plex_item: PlexAPI Video, plex_server: PlexAPI Server) -> Program
  • Convert a Python PlexAPI Server to a PlexServer: server = dtv.convert_plex_server_to_dizque_plex_server(plex_server: PlexAPI Server) -> PlexServer
  • Convert a DizqueTV Program or Redirect to a TimeSlot: time_slot = dtv.make_time_slot_from_dizque_program(program: Union[Program, Redirect], time: str, order: str) -> TimeSlot object
  • Repeat a list: repeated_list = dtv.repeat_list(items: List, how_many_times: int) -> List
  • Repeat and shuffle a list: repeated_list = dtv.repeate_and_shuffle_list(items: List, how_many_times: int) -> List



  • url: dizqueTV API base url
  • verbose: use verbose logging (default: False)
  • dizquetv_version: str
  • ffmpeg_version: str
  • plex_servers: list of PlexServer objects
  • channels: list of Channel objects
  • channel_numbers: list of ints
  • ffmpeg_settings: FFMPEGSettings object
  • plex_settings: PlexSettings object
  • xmltv_settings: XMLTVSettings object
  • hdhr_settings: HDHomeRunSettings object
  • last_xmltv_refresh: str
  • xmltv_xml: xml.etree.ElementTree.Element object
  • m3u: m3u8 object


  • programs: list of Program objects
  • filler_lists: List of FillerList objects
  • fillerRepeatCooldown: int
  • fallback: List of FillerItem objects
  • icon: str(url)
  • disableFillerOverlay: bool
  • startTime: str(datetime)
  • offlinePicture: str(url)
  • offlineSoundtrack: str(url)
  • offlineMode: str
  • number: int
  • name: str
  • duration: int
  • watermark: Watermark object
  • transcoding: ChannelFFMPEGSettings object
  • schedule: Schedule object
  • schedulableItems: List of TimeSlotItem objects
  • stealth: bool
  • json: JSON


  • enabled: bool
  • width: float
  • verticalMargin: float
  • horizontalMargin: float
  • duration: int
  • fixedSize: bool
  • position: str
  • url: str
  • animated: bool
  • json: JSON


  • lateness: int
  • maxDays: int
  • slots: List of TimeSlot objects
  • pad: int
  • timeZoneOffset: int


  • time: int
  • showId: str
  • order: str


  • showId: str


  • title: str
  • key: str
  • ratingKey: str(int)
  • icon: str(url)
  • type: str
  • duration: int
  • summary: str
  • rating: str
  • date: str
  • year: int
  • plexFile: str
  • file: str
  • showTitle: str
  • episode: int
  • season: int
  • showIcon: str(url)
  • episodeIcon: str(url)
  • seasonIcon: str(url)
  • serverKey: str
  • isOffline: false


  • id: str
  • name: str
  • count: int
  • details: JSON
  • content: List of FillerItem objects
  • channels: List of Channel objects


  • title: str
  • key: str
  • ratingKey: str(int)
  • icon: str(url)
  • type: str
  • duration: int
  • summary: str
  • date: str
  • year: int
  • plexFile: str
  • file: str
  • showTitle: str
  • episode: int
  • season: int
  • showIcon: str(url)
  • episodeIcon: str(url)
  • seasonIcon: str(url)
  • serverKey: str
  • isOffline: false


  • type: "redirect"
  • duration: int
  • channel: int
  • isOffline: true


  • name: str
  • uri: str(url)
  • accessToken: str
  • index: int
  • arChannels: bool
  • arGuide: bool


  • cache: int
  • refresh: int
  • file: str


  • streamPath: str
  • debugLogging: bool
  • directStreamBitrate: str(int)
  • transcodeBitrate: str(int)
  • mediaBufferSize: int
  • transcodeMediaBufferSize: int
  • maxPlayableResolution: str
  • maxTranscodeResolution: str
  • videoCodecs: str
  • audioCodecs: str
  • maxAudioChannels: str(int)
  • audioBoost: str(int)
  • enableSubtitles: bool
  • subtitleSize: str(int)
  • updatePlayStatus: bool
  • streamProtocol: str
  • forceDirectPlay: bool
  • pathReplace: str
  • pathReplaceWith: str


  • configVersion: int
  • ffmpegPath: str
  • threads: int
  • concatMuxDelay: str(int)
  • logFfmpeg: bool
  • enableFFMPEGTranscoding: bool
  • audioVolumePercent: int
  • videoEncoder: str
  • audioEncoder: str
  • targetResolution: str
  • videoBitrate: int
  • videoBufSize: int
  • audioBitrate: int
  • audioBufSize: int
  • audioSampleRate: int
  • audioChannels: int
  • errorScreen: str
  • errorAudio: str
  • normalizeVideoCodec: bool
  • normalizeAudioCodec: bool
  • normalizeResolution: bool
  • normalizeAudio: bool
  • maxFPS: int


  • targetResolution: str
  • videoBitrate: int
  • videoBufSize: int
  • json: JSON


  • tunerCount: int
  • autoDiscovery: bool


  • MissingSettingsError: The kwargs you have provided to create a new object (ex. Channel or PlexServer) are incomplete
  • MissingParametersError: You did not provide a required parameter in your function call (ex. provide a PlexAPI Server when adding PlexAPI Video to a channel)
  • NotRemoteObjectError: The object you are calling this method on is a locally-created object that does not exist on the dizqueTV server
  • ChannelCreationError: An error occurred when creating a Channel object


Please leave a pull request if you would like to contribute.

Join the dizqueTV Discord server (link on project page). My Discord username is nwithan8#8438

Follow me on Twitter: @nwithan8

Also feel free to check out my other projects here on GitHub or join the #developer channel in my Discord server below.

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Uploaded Python 3

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