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A Django package developed by Lazarus for efficiently handling notifications through various APIs

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dj-notification-api is a Django package developed by Lazarus designed to simplify and optimize the process of managing notifications through various APIs. With this package, you can easily integrate a notification system into your Django project by just installing it. it offers a fully customizable notification API that can be tailored to suit your specific needs.

It also provides an intuitive and powerful admin interface, allowing you to manage, track, and configure notifications effortlessly. Enjoy the flexibility and performance optimizations built into the package.

Project Detail

  • Language: Python > 3.9
  • Framework: Django > 4.2

Documentation Overview

The documentation is organized into the following sections:

  • Quick Start: Get up and running quickly with basic setup instructions.
  • API Guide: Detailed information on available APIs and endpoints.
  • Usage: How to effectively use the package in your projects.
  • Settings: Configuration options and settings you can customize.

Quick Start

This section provides a fast and easy guide to getting the dj-notification-api package up and running in your Django project. Follow the steps below to quickly set up the package and start creating notifications.

1. Install the Package

Option 1: Using pip (Recommended)

Install the package via pip:

$ pip install dj-notification-api

Option 2: Using poetry

If you're using Poetry, add the package with:

$ poetry add dj-notification-api

Option 3: Using pipenv

$ pipenv install dj-notification-api

2. Add to Installed Apps

Once installed, ensure that both rest_framework and django_notification are added to the INSTALLED_APPS in your Django file::

    # ...
    "rest_framework",  # Required for API support

    # ...

3. (Optional) Configure API Filters

To enable filtering of notifications through the API, include django_filters in your INSTALLED_APPS and configure the filter settings.

Add django_filters to your INSTALLED_APPS:

    # ...
    # ...

Then, set the filter class configuration in your

DJANGO_NOTIFICATION_API_FILTERSET_CLASS = "django_notification.api.filters.notification_filter.NotificationFilter"

4. Apply Migrations

Run the following command to apply the necessary migrations:

python migrate

5. Add Notification API URLs

Include the notification API routes in your project’s file:

from django.urls import path, include

urlpatterns = [
    # ...
    path("notification/", include("django_notification.api.routers.notification")),
    # ...

6. Create Notifications

To create notifications and use them in your project, use the Notification model from the django_notification package. The create_notification method allows you to generate notifications dynamically based on various events in your application.


from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django_notification.models.notification import Notification
from django_notification.models.helper.enums.status_choices import NotificationStatus

# Define the actor and recipients
actor = User.objects.get(username="admin")
recipient = User.objects.get(username="john_doe")

# Create a new notification
    verb="Logged in to Admin panel",
    description="User logged in to admin area.",


  • verb (str): A description of the action (e.g., "Logged in", "Created an item").
  • actor (Model): The model instance that performs the action (e.g., user, system).
  • description (Optional[str]): Optional additional information.
  • recipients (Optional[Union[UserModel, QuerySet, List[UserModel]]]): One or more users who will receive the notification.
  • groups (Optional[Union[Group, QuerySet, List[Group]]]): Optional user groups who will receive the notification.
  • status (Optional[str]): Notification status (default is NotificationStatus.INFO).
  • public (bool): Whether the notification is public (default is True).
  • target (Optional[Model]): Optional target object related to the notification.
  • action_object (Optional[Model]): Optional object that is the focus of the action.
  • link (Optional[str]): Optional URL link related to the notification.
  • is_sent (bool): Marks whether the notification is sent (default is False).
  • data (Optional[Dict]): Optional additional data in dictionary format (JSON Field).

Note: The description field is used as the title of the notification, and it will be displayed with a time-relative format, such as: User logged in to admin area a minute ago.

If the description is not provided, a title will be automatically generated based on several fields like the actor, verb, and other relevant fields (e.g., target or action object).

7. Verify Notifications

Once notifications are created, they can be managed through the API endpoints. To test and verify the creation, make a request to the relevant endpoint, for example:

curl -X GET http://localhost:8000/notification/notifications/

This will return a list of notifications created for the authenticated user.

With the setup complete, the django_notification is ready for use in your project. For further customizations and settings, refer to the API Guide and Settings sections.

API Guide

This section provides a detailed overview of the Django Notification API, allowing users to manage notifications efficiently. The API exposes two main endpoints:

  1. notification/notifications/:

    • Lists all unseen notifications.
    • Retrieves a single unseen notification.
    • Marks all notifications as seen (action: mark_all_as_seen).
  2. notification/activities/:

    • Lists all seen notifications.
    • Retrieves a single seen notification.
    • Soft deletes all seen notifications (action: clear_activities).
    • Soft deletes a single seen notification (action: clear_notification).
    • For Admins:
      • Hard deletes all seen notifications (action: delete_activities).
      • Hard deletes a single seen notification (action: delete_notification).

Notifications API

The notification/notifications/ endpoint provides the following features:

  • List unseen notifications: Fetches all unseen notifications for the authenticated user. Controlled by the DJANGO_NOTIFICATION_API_ALLOW_LIST setting.

  • Retrieve a notification: Retrieves a specific unseen notification by its ID and automatically marks it as seen. Controlled by the DJANGO_NOTIFICATION_API_ALLOW_RETRIEVE setting.

  • Mark all as seen: Marks all unseen notifications for the user as seen. Once marked, they move to the activities endpoint.

Activities API

The notification/activities/ endpoint offers these features:

  • List seen notifications: Lists all seen notifications for the authenticated user. Controlled by the DJANGO_NOTIFICATION_API_ALLOW_LIST setting.

  • Retrieve a seen notification: Fetches a specific seen notification by its ID. Controlled by the DJANGO_NOTIFICATION_API_ALLOW_RETRIEVE setting.

  • Clear activities (Soft delete): Soft deletes all seen notifications, removing them from view without permanent deletion. Controlled by the DJANGO_NOTIFICATION_API_INCLUDE_SOFT_DELETE setting.

  • Clear a single notification (Soft delete): Soft deletes a specific seen notification by its ID.

  • Delete activities (Hard delete): Permanently deletes all seen notifications for ADMIN users. Controlled by the DJANGO_NOTIFICATION_API_INCLUDE_HARD_DELETE setting.

  • Delete a single notification (Hard delete): Permanently deletes a specific seen notification by its ID (only for ADMIN users).

Example Responses

Here are some examples of responses for each action:

List notifications with full details:

GET /notification/notifications/

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

"results": [
        "id": 1,
        "title": "User logged in to the Admin panel a minute ago",
        "recipient": [
                "username": "user",
                "email": ""
        "group": [],
        "verb": "Logged in to Admin panel",
        "status": "INFO",
        "actor_content_type": 4,
        "target_content_type": null,
        "action_object_content_type": null,
        "link": "<link>",
        "is_sent": true,
        "seen_by": [
                "username": "admin",
                "email": ""
        "public": true,
        "data": null,
        "timestamp": "2024-09-05T13:34:20.969193Z"

List notifications with simplified data:

GET /notification/notifications/

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

"results": [
      "id": 1,
      "title": "User accepted your request 5 seconds ago",
      "status": "INFO",
      "link": "<link>",
      "timestamp": "2024-09-05T13:34:20.969193Z"


This response is returned when DJANGO_NOTIFICATION_SERIALIZER_INCLUDE_FULL_DETAILS is set to False. Admins always see full details.

Mark all as seen:

GET /notification/notifications/mark_all_as_seen/

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

"detail": "3 Notifications marked as seen."

Clear activities (soft delete):

GET /notification/activities/clear_activities/

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

"detail": "All activities cleared."

Clear a single notification (soft delete):

GET /notification/activities/1/clear_notification/

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

"detail": "Notification 1 cleared."

Delete all activities (hard delete):

GET /notification/activities/delete_activities/

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

"detail": "All activities deleted."

Delete a single notification (hard delete):

GET /notification/activities/3/delete_notification/

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

"detail": "Notification 3 deleted."

Note: you can exclude Any fields with a null value in the response output by adding this config in your



The API includes a built-in throttling mechanism that limits the number of requests a user can make based on their role. You can customize these throttle limits in the settings file.

To specify the throttle rates for authenticated users and staff members, add the following in your settings:


These settings limit the number of requests users can make within a given timeframe.

Note: You can define custom throttle classes and reference them in your settings.

Filtering, Ordering, and Search

The API supports filtering, ordering, and searching of notifications. A filter class can be applied optionally, allowing users to narrow down results.

Options include:

  • Filtering: By default, the filtering feature is not included. If you want to use this, you need to add django_filters to your INSTALLED_APPS and provide the path to the NotificationFilter class ("django_notification.api.filters.notification_filter.NotificationFilter"). Alternatively, you can use a custom filter class if needed.

    • Note: For more clarification, refer to the DJANGO_NOTIFICATION_API_FILTERSET_CLASS in the Settings section.
  • Ordering: Results can be ordered by fields such as id, timestamp, or public.

  • Search: You can search fields like verb and description.

These fields can be customized by adjusting the related configurations in your Django settings.


The API supports limit-offset pagination, with configurable minimum, maximum, and default page size limits. This controls the number of results returned per page.


The base permission for all endpoints is IsAuthenticated, meaning users must be logged in to access the API. You can extend this by creating custom permission classes to implement more specific access control.

For instance, you can allow only specific user roles to perform certain actions.

Parser Classes

The API supports multiple parser classes that control how data is processed. The default parsers include:

  • JSONParser
  • MultiPartParser
  • FormParser

You can modify parser classes by updating the API settings to include additional parsers or customize the existing ones to suit your project.

Each feature can be configured through the Django settings file. For further details, refer to the Settings section.


This section provides a comprehensive guide on how to utilize the package's key features, including the functionality of the Django admin panels for managing notifications and deleted notifications, and queryset methods for handling notifications.

Admin Site

If you are using a custom admin site in your project, you must pass your custom admin site configuration in your Django settings. Otherwise, Django may raise the following error during checks:

<class 'django_notification.admin.deleted_notification.DeletedNotificationAdmin'>:
 (admin.E039) An admin for model "User" has to be registered to be referenced by DeletedNotificationAdmin.autocomplete_fields.

To resolve this, In your, add the following setting to specify the path to your custom admin site class instance:


example of a custom Admin Site:

from django.contrib.admin import AdminSite

class CustomAdminSite(AdminSite):
    site_header = "Custom Admin"
    site_title = "Custom Admin Portal"
    index_title = "Welcome to the Custom Admin Portal"

# Instantiate the custom admin site as example
example_admin_site = CustomAdminSite(name='custom_admin')

and then reference the instance like this:


This setup allows dj-notification-api to use your custom admin site for it's Admin interface, preventing any errors and ensuring a smooth integration with the custom admin interface.

Notifications Admin Panel

The NotificationAdmin class provides a comprehensive admin interface for managing notifications in the Django admin panel. The features and functionality are described below:

Admin Actions

  • Mark as Sent:

    An admin action that allows you to mark selected notifications as sent. When this action is performed, the is_sent field of the selected notifications will be updated to True. After execution, the admin will receive feedback indicating how many notifications were successfully updated.

Inline Admin Interfaces

The NotificationAdmin panel includes two inline admin interfaces that allow admins to view and manage related models directly from the notification page:

  • NotificationRecipientInline:

    Displays and manages the recipients associated with each notification. Admins can view or add recipient information directly within the notification details page.

  • NotificationSeenInline:

    Displays and manages the records of when notifications were seen by recipients. This provides visibility into which recipients have already viewed the notification.

List Display

The list view for notifications includes the following fields:

  • ID: The unique identifier for each notification.
  • Title: The notification title or a summary.
  • Sent Status (is_sent): Indicates whether the notification has been sent.
  • Public Status: Indicates if the notification is public.
  • Timestamp: The time when the notification was created.

This view helps admins get a quick overview of the notifications and their current status.


Admins can filter the list of notifications based on the following fields:

  • is_sent: Filter by whether the notification has been sent or not.
  • public: Filter by whether the notification is public or private.
  • timestamp: Filter by the creation time of the notification.

These filters make it easier to find specific notifications or groups of notifications based on status or time.

Search Functionality

Admins can search for notifications using the following fields:

  • ID: The unique identifier of the notification.
  • Recipient Username: The username of the recipient associated with the notification.
  • Group Name: The name of the group associated with the notification.

This search functionality enables quick access to specific notifications by key identifiers.


The admin list view displays 10 notifications per page by default. This can help improve load times and make it easier for admins to manage large lists of notifications.

Permissions Configuration

The admin permissions for add, change, and delete actions can be controlled through the following Django settings:

  • DJANGO_NOTIFICATION_ADMIN_HAS_ADD_PERMISSION: Controls whether the "add" action is available in the Notifications and Deleted Notifications Admin. Defaults to False.

  • DJANGO_NOTIFICATION_ADMIN_HAS_CHANGE_PERMISSION: Controls whether the "change" action is allowed in the Notifications and Deleted Notifications Admin. Defaults to False.

  • DJANGO_NOTIFICATION_ADMIN_HAS_DELETE_PERMISSION: Controls whether the "delete" action is available in the Notifications and Deleted Notifications Admin. Defaults to False.

Deleted Notifications Admin Panel

The Deleted Notifications Admin interface allows admins to manage notifications that have been marked as deleted. Admins can view, filter, and search through deleted notifications to ensure better tracking and management.

Key Features

  • Autocomplete Fields:

    • Autocomplete is available for the notification and user fields to facilitate quick selection.
  • List Display:

    The admin interface shows the following fields in the list view:

    • Notification ID: The ID of the deleted notification.
    • Title: The title of the deleted notification.
    • Deleted by: The username of the user who deleted the notification.
    • Deleted at: The timestamp indicating when the notification was deleted.
  • List Filters:

    • The admin interface allows filtering by the deleted_at timestamp, making it easy to view notifications deleted within specific time periods.
  • Pagination:

    • By default, the list view displays 10 deleted notifications per page, improving the performance of the admin interface when dealing with large numbers of entries.

Search Functionality

Admins can search for deleted notifications using the following fields:

  • Notification ID: Search by the unique identifier of the deleted notification.
  • Username: Search by the username of the user who deleted the notification.

Search Logic

Users can perform searching based on the following functionality:

  • Notification ID Search: If the search term is a number, searches by the notification ID.
  • Username Search: If the search term is a string, filters based on the username of the user who deleted the notification.

NotificationDataAccessLayer (Manager)

The django_notification package provides a Manager class with various methods to interact with notifications in different contexts. Users typically use Notification.objects.create_notification() to create notifications, but other methods are available for querying and managing notifications. Below is an overview of the available methods:

Return All Notifications

This method retrieves all notifications. It allows filtering based on recipients and groups.

Method Signature

from django_notification.models.notification import Notification

) -> QuerySet


  • recipients (Optional[Union[UserModel, QuerySet, List[UserModel]]]): Optional filter for notifications based on recipients. Can be:

    • A single UserModel instance.
    • A QuerySet of UserModel instances.
    • A list of UserModel instances.

    If provided, the method returns notifications where the recipients are among the specified recipients.

  • groups (Optional[Union[Group, QuerySet, List[Group]]]): Optional filter for notifications based on groups. Can be:

    • A single Group instance.
    • A QuerySet of Group instances.
    • A list of Group instances.

    If provided, the method returns notifications where the groups are among the specified groups.

  • display_detail (Optional[bool]): Indicates whether to return simplified details.

    • If True, the method returns a dictionary of simplified details for each notification using .values().
    • If False, the method returns a QuerySet of notification instances.


  • A QuerySet of all notifications, or a dictionary of simplified details if display_detail is True.

Example Usage:

To retrieve all notifications for a specific user:

from django_notification.models.notification import Notification
from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model

User = get_user_model()
user_instance = User.objects.first()

all_notifications = Notification.objects.all_notifications(recipients=user_instance)

Return All sent Notifications

This method retrieves all sent notifications, excluding those that have been soft-deleted by the specified user. It allows filtering based on recipients, groups, and additional conditions.

Method Signature

from django_notification.models.notification import Notification

) -> QuerySet


  • recipients (Optional[Union[UserModel, QuerySet, List[UserModel]]]): Optional filter for notifications based on recipients. Can be:

    • A single UserModel instance.
    • A QuerySet of UserModel instances.
    • A list of UserModel instances.

    If provided, the method returns notifications where the recipients are among the specified recipients.

  • exclude_deleted_by (Optional[UserModel]): Optional filter to exclude notifications that have been soft-deleted by a specific user. If provided, the method excludes all notifications that have been marked as deleted by this user.

  • groups (Optional[Union[Group, QuerySet, List[Group]]]): Optional filter for notifications based on groups. Can be:

    • A single Group instance.
    • A QuerySet of Group instances.
    • A list of Group instances.

    If provided, the method returns notifications where the groups are among the specified groups.

  • display_detail (Optional[bool]): Indicates whether to return simplified details.

    • If True, the method returns a dictionary of simplified details for each notification using .values().
    • If False, the method returns a QuerySet of notification instances.
  • conditions (Optional[Q]): Additional filter conditions. Accepts a Q object from django.db.models for specifying extra conditions that may be needed for various contexts. Defaults to Q() (no additional conditions).


  • A QuerySet of sent notifications, or a dictionary of simplified details if display_detail is True.

Example Usage:

To retrieve all sent notifications for a specific user, excluding those deleted by a user:

from django_notification.models.notification import Notification
from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model

User = get_user_model()
user_instance = User.objects.first()

sent_notifications = Notification.objects.sent(recipients=user_instance, exclude_deleted_by=user_instance)

Return All Unsent Notifications

This method retrieves all unsent notifications, excluding those that have been soft-deleted by the specified user. It allows filtering based on recipients, groups, and additional conditions.

Method Signature

from django_notification.models.notification import Notification

) -> QuerySet


  • recipients (Optional[Union[UserModel, QuerySet, List[UserModel]]]): Optional filter for notifications based on recipients. Can be:

    • A single UserModel instance.
    • A QuerySet of UserModel instances.
    • A list of UserModel instances.

    If provided, the method returns notifications where the recipients are among the specified recipients.

  • exclude_deleted_by (Optional[UserModel]): Optional filter to exclude notifications that have been soft-deleted by a specific user. If provided, the method excludes all notifications that have been marked as deleted by this user.

  • groups (Optional[Union[Group, QuerySet, List[Group]]]): Optional filter for notifications based on groups. Can be:

    • A single Group instance.
    • A QuerySet of Group instances.
    • A list of Group instances.

    If provided, the method returns notifications where the groups are among the specified groups.

  • display_detail (Optional[bool]): Indicates whether to return simplified details.

    • If True, the method returns a dictionary of simplified details for each notification using .values().
    • If False, the method returns a QuerySet of notification instances.
  • conditions (Optional[Q]): Additional filter conditions. Accepts a Q object from django.db.models for specifying extra conditions that may be needed for various contexts. Defaults to Q() (no additional conditions).


  • A QuerySet of unsent notifications, or a dictionary of simplified details if display_detail is True.

Example Usage:

To retrieve all unsent notifications for a specific user, excluding those deleted by a user:

from django_notification.models.notification import Notification
from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model

User = get_user_model()
user_instance = User.objects.first()

unsent_notifications = Notification.objects.unsent(recipients=user_instance, exclude_deleted_by=user_instance)

Return All Seen Notifications

This method returns all notifications that have been seen by the given user.

Method Signature

) -> QuerySet

Return All Seen Notifications

This method returns all notifications that have been seen by the given user.

Method Signature

) -> QuerySet


  • seen_by (UserModel): The user who has seen the notifications.

  • recipients (Optional[Union[UserModel, QuerySet, List[UserModel]]]): Optional filter for notifications based on recipients (users). Can be:

    • A single UserModel instance.
    • A QuerySet of UserModel instances.
    • A list of UserModel instances.
  • groups (Optional[Union[Group, QuerySet, List[Group]]]): Optional filter for notifications based on groups. Can be:

    • A single Group instance.
    • A QuerySet of Group instances.
    • A list of Group instances.
  • display_detail (Optional[bool]): Indicates whether to return simplified details using .values(). If False, it returns the QuerySet of notifications.

  • conditions (Optional[Q]): Additional filter conditions using a Q object. Defaults to Q() (no additional conditions).


  • A QuerySet of seen notifications, or a dictionary of simplified details if display_detail is True.

Return All Unseen Notifications

This method returns all notifications that the given user has not seen.

Method Signature

) -> QuerySet


  • unseen_by (UserModel): The user who has not seen the notifications.

  • recipients (Optional[Union[UserModel, QuerySet, List[UserModel]]]): Optional filter for notifications based on recipients (users). Can be:

    • A single UserModel instance.
    • A QuerySet of UserModel instances.
    • A list of UserModel instances.
  • groups (Optional[Union[Group, QuerySet, List[Group]]]): Optional filter for notifications based on groups. Can be:

    • A single Group instance.
    • A QuerySet of Group instances.
    • A list of Group instances.
  • display_detail (Optional[bool]): Indicates whether to return simplified details using .values(). If False, it returns the QuerySet of notifications.

  • conditions (Optional[Q]): Additional filter conditions using a Q object. Defaults to Q() (no additional conditions).


  • A QuerySet of unseen notifications, or a dictionary of simplified details if display_detail is True.

This method marks all notifications as seen by the specified user if they are recipients, group members, or ADMIN.

Method Signature

Notification.objects.mark_all_as_seen(user) -> int


  • user (UserModel): The user for whom all notifications will be marked as seen.


  • The number of notifications marked as seen.

Mark All as Sent

This method marks notifications as sent for the specified recipients or groups.

Method Signature

) -> int


  • recipients (Optional[Union[UserModel, QuerySet, List[UserModel]]): Optional filter for notifications based on recipients.

  • groups (Optional[Union[Group, QuerySet, List[Group]]): Optional filter for notifications based on groups.


  • The number of notifications marked as sent.

Return Deleted Notifications

This method returns all deleted (soft deleted) notifications, optionally filtered by the user who deleted them.

Method Signature

) -> QuerySet


  • deleted_by (Optional[UserModel]): Optional filter to return notifications deleted by a specific user.


  • A QuerySet of deleted notifications.

Clear Notifications

This method moves notifications for the specified user into a 'deleted' state by creating instances in the DeletedNotifications model.

Method Signature

Notification.objects.clear_all(user) -> None


  • user (UserModel): The user for whom notifications will be cleared (soft deleted).


  • None.

Create a Notification

The create_notification method provides a convenient way to generate and store notifications in your Django application. This method is part of the Notification model and is used to create notifications with various attributes. Below is an overview of how to use this method effectively:

Method Signature

from django_notification.models.notification import Notification



  • verb (str): A description of the action (e.g., "Logged in", "Created an item").
  • actor (Model): The model instance that performs the action (e.g., user, system).
  • description (Optional[str]): Optional additional information.
  • recipients (Optional[Union[UserModel, QuerySet, List[UserModel]]]): One or more users who will receive the notification.
  • groups (Optional[Union[Group, QuerySet, List[Group]]]): Optional user groups who will receive the notification.
  • status (Optional[str]): Notification status (default is NotificationStatus.INFO).
  • public (bool): Whether the notification is public (default is True).
  • target (Optional[Model]): Optional target object related to the notification.
  • action_object (Optional[Model]): Optional object that is the focus of the action.
  • link (Optional[str]): Optional URL link related to the notification.
  • is_sent (bool): Marks whether the notification is sent (default is False).
  • data (Optional[Dict]): Optional additional data in dictionary format (JSON Field).


  • Created notification instance.

Example Usage

Here's an example of how to use the create_notification method to generate a notification:

from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django_notification.models.notification import Notification
from django_notification.models.helper.enums.status_choices import NotificationStatus

# Example data
actor = User.objects.get(username='john_doe')
recipients = [User.objects.get(username='jane_doe')]
description = "John Doe logged in to the admin panel."

# Creating a notification
notification = Notification.objects.create_notification(
    verb="Logged in to admin panel",

Note: The description field is used as the title of the notification, which includes a time since the action occurred (e.g., "User logged in to admin area a minute ago."). If not provided, a default title will be generated based on the actor, verb, and other fields.

Update a Notification

This method updates some editable fields of a notification by its ID.

Method Signature



  • notification_id (int): The ID of the notification to update.

  • is_sent (bool): The updated sent status of the notification.

  • public (bool): The updated public status of the notification.

  • data (Optional[JSONField]): Optional additional data to store with the notification.


  • None.

Delete a Notification

This method deletes a notification by its ID. If soft_delete is True, it moves the notification to the DeletedNotifications model; otherwise, it removes the notification instance (requires admin role).

Method Signature

) -> None


  • notification_id (int): The ID of the notification to delete.

  • recipient (Optional[UserModel]): Optional user instance to filter the notification by recipient.

  • soft_delete (bool): If True, the notification is soft-deleted (moved to DeletedNotifications). If False, the notification is permanently deleted (requires admin role).


  • None.


This section outlines the available settings for configuring the dj-notification-api package. You can customize these settings in your Django project's file to tailor the behavior of the notification system to your needs.

Example Settings

Below is an example configuration with default values:

DJANGO_NOTIFICATION_USER_SERIALIZER_CLASS = "django_notification.api.serializers.UserSerializer"
DJANGO_NOTIFICATION_API_THROTTLE_CLASS = "django_notification.api.throttlings.role_base_throttle.RoleBasedUserRateThrottle"
DJANGO_NOTIFICATION_API_PAGINATION_CLASS = "django_notification.api.paginations.limit_offset_pagination.DefaultLimitOffSetPagination"
DJANGO_NOTIFICATION_API_ORDERING_FIELDS = ["id", "timestamp", "public"]

Settings Overview

Below is a detailed description of each setting, so you can better understand and tweak them to fit your project's needs.


Type: bool Default: True Description: Enables soft delete, allowing notifications to be excluded from API views without removing them from the database. If enabled, the clear_activities and clear_notification actions will be available in the activities API.


Type: bool Default: False Description: Enables hard delete, allowing notifications to be permanently removed from the database. If enabled, the delete_activities and delete_notification actions will be available in the activities API.


Type: bool Default: False Description: Controls whether the admin interface allows adding new notifications. Set this to True to enable Admin users to create new notifications.


Type: bool Default: False Description: Controls whether the admin interface allows modifying existing notifications. Set this to True to allow Admin users to edit notifications.


Type: bool Default: False Description: Controls whether the admin interface allows deleting notifications. Set this to True to enable Admin users to delete notifications.


Type: Optional[str] Default: None Description: Optionally specifies A custom AdminSite class to apply on Admin interface. This allows for more customization on Admin interface, enabling you to apply your AdminSite class into dj-notification-api Admin interface.


Type: bool Default: False Description: When set to True, API responses will include all notification fields. By default, only essential fields are returned.


Type: bool Default: False Description: When set to True, API responses will exclude any fields that it's value is null.


Type: bool Default: True Description: Allows the listing of notifications via the API. Set to False to disable this feature.


Type: bool Default: True Description: Allows retrieving individual notifications via the API. Set to False to disable this feature.


Type: List[str] Default: USERNAME_FIELD and REQUIRED_FIELDS from user model Description: Defines the fields to be included in the user serializer in API.


Type: str Default: "django_notification.api.serializers.UserSerializer" Description: Specifies the serializer class used for user objects in the API. Customize this if you need a different user serializer.


Type: str Default: "" Description: Specifies the serializer class used for group objects in the API. You can change this to use a different group serializer.


Type: str Default: "30/minute" Description: Sets the throttle rate (requests per minute, hour or day) for authenticated users in the API.


Type: str Default: "100/minute" Description: Sets the throttle rate (requests per minute, hour or day) for staff (Admin) users in the API.


Type: str Default: "django_notification.api.throttlings.role_base_throttle.RoleBasedUserRateThrottle" Description: Specifies the throttle class used to limit API requests. Customize this or set it to None if no throttling is needed or want to use rest_framework DEFAULT_THROTTLE_CLASSES.


Type: str Default: "django_notification.api.paginations.limit_offset_pagination.DefaultLimitOffSetPagination" Description: Defines the pagination class used in the API. Customize this if you prefer a different pagination style or set to None to disable pagination.


Type: Optional[str] Default: None Description: Optionally specifies an additional permission class to extend the base permission (IsAuthenticated) for the API. This allows for more fine-grained access control, enabling you to restrict API access to users with a specific permission, in addition to requiring authentication.


Type: List[str] Default:


Description: Specifies the parsers used to handle API request data formats. You can modify this list to add your parsers or set None if no parser is needed.


Type: Optional[str] Default: None

Description: Specifies the filter class for API queries. If you want to use this, you need to add django_filters to your INSTALLED_APPS and provide the path to the NotificationFilter class ("django_notification.api.filters.notification_filter.NotificationFilter"). Alternatively, you can use a custom filter class if needed.

In your

    # ...
    # ...

and then apply this setting:

# Apply in

DJANGO_NOTIFICATION_API_FILTERSET_CLASS = "django_notification.api.filters.notification_filter.NotificationFilter"


Type: List[str] Default: ["id", "timestamp", "public"]

Description: Specifies the fields available for ordering in API queries, allowing the API responses to be sorted by these fields. You can see all available fields here.


Type: List[str] Default: ["verb", "description"]

Description: Specifies the fields that are searchable in the API, allowing users to filter results based on these fields.

All Available Fields:

These are all fields that are available for searching, ordering, and filtering in the notifications API, along with their recommended usage:

  • id: Unique identifier of the notification (orderable, filterable).
  • recipient: The users receiving the notification (filterable).
  • group: The groups receiving the notification (filterable).
  • verb: The action associated with the notification (searchable).
  • description: A description of the notification (searchable).
  • status: Current status of the notification (filterable).
  • actor_content_type: Content type of the actor object (filterable).
  • target_content_type: Content type of the target object (filterable).
  • action_object_content_type: Content type of the action object (filterable).
  • public: Indicates if the notification is public (orderable, filterable).
  • timestamp: The time when the notification was created (orderable, filterable).
  • link: URL associated with the action (searchable).
  • data: Additional metadata or attributes in JSON format (searchable).
  • seen_by: Users who have seen the notification (filterable).

Note: Exercise caution when modifying search and ordering fields. Avoid using foreign key or joined fields (recipient, group, all content_types, seen_by) in search fields, as this may result in errors.


We hope this documentation has provided a comprehensive guide to using and understanding the dj-notification-api. Whether you're setting up for the first time or diving deep into API customization, this document covers essential steps, configurations, and use cases to help you make the most of the package. For more clear documentation, customization options, and updates, please refer to the official documentation on Read the Docs.

Final Notes:

  • Version Compatibility: Ensure your project meets the compatibility requirements for both Django and Python versions.
  • API Integration: The package is designed for flexibility, allowing you to customize many features based on your application's needs.
  • Contributions: Contributions are welcome! Feel free to check out the Contributing guide for more details.

If you encounter any issues or have feedback, please reach out via our GitHub Issues page.

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Source Distribution

dj_notification_api-1.1.0.tar.gz (72.8 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

dj_notification_api-1.1.0-py3-none-any.whl (97.3 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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