Django admin rq is a django package that creates a 4 step (form, preview, main, complete) asynchronous workflow from a ModelAdmin's changelist or changeform.
Project description
# Django Admin RQ
Django admin rq is a django package that creates a 4 step (form, preview, main, complete) asynchronous workflow from a ModelAdmin’s changelist or changeform. By using the JobAdminMixin class in your ModelAdmin subclass you can define and run jobs by overriding appropriate inherited methods. It builds upon [django-rq][django-rq].
# Installation
Setup django-rq according to documentation
pip install django-admin-rq
Add django_admin_rq to your INSTALLED_APPS
Add django-admin-rq.urls to your url config
url(r'^django-admin-rq/', include('django_admin_rq.urls')),
Add custom execption handler to queues: ``
RQ_QUEUES = { 'default': { 'HOST': 'localhost', 'PORT': 6379, 'DB': 0, 'DEFAULT_TIMEOUT': 360, } } RQ = { 'EXCEPTION_HANDLERS': ['django_admin_rq.exceptions.exception_handler'] }
Decorate your async tasks with the @job decorator.
They take the three arguments all of which need to be pickleable: - An instance of django_admin_rq.models.JobStatus - The form data from step 1 - An extra context object you provide if necessary
from rq import get_current_job from django_rq import job @job def async_task(job_status, form_data, extra_context): job = get_current_job() job_status.set_job_id(job.get_id()) job_status.start() ... do your job job_status.finish()