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A search (cmd+k) modal, for the Django admin UI, that searches your entire site.

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A global/site search modal for the Django admin.

Preview/demo GIF


  • 🎩 Works out-of-the-box, with minimal config.
  • 🔎 Search performed on:
    • App labels.
    • Model labels and field attributes.
    • Model instances, with two options for a search method:
      1. model_char_fields (default): All CharField (and subclass) values, with __icontains.
      2. admin_search_fields: Invoke each ModelAdmin's get_search_results(...) method.
  • 🔒 Built-in auth: users can only search apps and models that they have permission to view.
  • ⚡ Results appear on-type, with throttling/debouncing to avoid excessive requests.
  • 🎹 Keyboard navigation (cmd+k, up/down, enter).
  • ✨ Responsive, and supports dark/light mode.
    • Django's built-in CSS vars are used to match your admin theme.


  • Python 3.7 - 3.12.
  • Django 3.2 - 5.1.


1. Install

  1. Install with your package manager, e.g. pip install django-admin-site-search.
  2. Add admin_site_search to your INSTALLED_APPS setting.

2. Add View

  1. If you haven't already, override/extend the default AdminSite.
  2. Add the AdminSiteSearchView to your AdminSite:
from django.contrib import admin
from admin_site_search.views import AdminSiteSearchView

class MyAdminSite(AdminSiteSearchView, admin.AdminSite):

3. Add Templates

  1. If you haven't already, create admin/base_site.html in your templates/ directory.
    • Note: if your templates/ directory is inside of an app, then that app must appear in INSTALLED_APPS before your custom admin app.
  2. Include the admin_site_search templates:
{% extends "admin/base_site.html" %}

{% block extrahead %}
    {% include 'admin_site_search/head.html' %}
    {{ block.super }}
{% endblock %}

{% block footer %}
    {{ block.super }}
    {% include 'admin_site_search/modal.html' %}
{% endblock %}

{% block usertools %}
    {% include 'admin_site_search/button.html' %}
    {{ block.super }}
{% endblock %}


  • Along with styles, admin_site_search/head.html loads Alpine JS.
    • This is bundled into /static/, to avoid external dependencies.
  • The placement of modal.html and button.html are not strict, though the former would ideally be in a top-level position.
    • Django 4.x exposes {% block header %} - this is preferable to footer.


Class attributes

class MyAdminSite(AdminSiteSearchView, admin.AdminSite):
    # Sets the last part of the search route (`<admin_path>/search/`).
    site_search_path: str = "search/"
    # Set the search method/behaviour.
    site_search_method: Literal["model_char_fields", "admin_search_fields"] = "model_char_fields" 


def match_app(
    self, request, query: str, name: str
) -> bool:
    """DEFAULT: case-insensitive match the app name"""

def match_model(
    self, request, query: str, name: str, object_name: str, fields: List[Field]
) -> bool:
    """DEFAULT: case-insensitive match the model and field attributes"""

def match_objects(
    self, request, query: str, model_class: Model, model_fields: List[Field]
) -> QuerySet:
    """DEFAULT: Returns the QuerySet after performing an OR filter across all Char fields in the model."""

def filter_field(
    self, request, query: str, field: Field
) -> Optional[Q]:
    """DEFAULT: Returns a Q 'icontains' filter for Char fields, otherwise None
    Note: this method is only invoked if model_char_fields is the site_search_method."""

def get_model_queryset(
    self, request, model_class: Model, model_admin: Optional[ModelAdmin]
) -> QuerySet:
    """DEFAULT: Returns the model class' .objects.all() queryset."""

def get_model_class(
    self, request, app_label: str, model_dict: dict
) -> Optional[Model]:
    """DEFAULT: Retrieve the model class from the dict created by admin.AdminSite"""


Add TextField results to search.

from django.contrib import admin
from django.db.models import Q, Field, TextField
from admin_site_search.views import AdminSiteSearchView

class MyAdminSite(AdminSiteSearchView, admin.AdminSite):
    site_search_method: "model_char_fields"  
    def filter_field(self, request, query: str, field: Field) -> Optional[Q]:
        """Extends super() to add TextField support to site search"""
        if isinstance(field, TextField):
            return Q(**{f"{}__icontains": query})
        return super().filter_field(query, field)

Note that this isn't done by default for performance reasons: __icontains on a large number of text entries is suboptimal.


Desktop, light theme, modal open

Mobile, light theme, modal closed Mobile, dark theme, modal open

Project details

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Source Distribution

django_admin_site_search-1.1.0.tar.gz (35.3 kB view details)

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Built Distribution

django_admin_site_search-1.1.0-py3-none-any.whl (36.3 kB view details)

Uploaded Python 3

File details

Details for the file django_admin_site_search-1.1.0.tar.gz.

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Hashes for django_admin_site_search-1.1.0.tar.gz
Algorithm Hash digest
SHA256 86bd0c2a132ae0db353c29eb3eebe9ca92e9208db09f43ee99b30aaba03a4cf4
MD5 a1f61c08b4e2203051c763b7512bf9e3
BLAKE2b-256 ee6c3c9a7e3c63e6dd5ed645ec499899c39d4914627f2e8638e295cbb89a0aa3

See more details on using hashes here.

File details

Details for the file django_admin_site_search-1.1.0-py3-none-any.whl.

File metadata

File hashes

Hashes for django_admin_site_search-1.1.0-py3-none-any.whl
Algorithm Hash digest
SHA256 fee2318007f87ca2e996d10ead82aa11bdb1858caa7aa23758a164bcc2b0eab3
MD5 f473bfe5f8d3ffd5f99ba1219e7dee56
BLAKE2b-256 9df26ab1d366e52b250210056656022fb329c94fb1aa3457b80a1f32eb47d1f1

See more details on using hashes here.

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