A simple Django storage backend for aliyun oss2.
Project description
Django aliyun OSS2
Django storage for aliyun OSS
- Django file storage for aliyun OSS
- Django static file storage for aliyun OSS
- Works in Python 3+
$ pip install django-aliyun-oss2
put the following config in your settings.py
ACCESS_KEY_ID = "<your access key id>"
ACCESS_KEY_SECRET = "<your access key secret>"
# The URL of AliCloud OSS endpoint
# Refer https://www.alibabacloud.com/help/zh/doc-detail/31837.htm for OSS Region & Endpoint
END_POINT = "<your access endpoint>"
BUCKET_NAME = "<your bucket name>" # if not exist in aliyun oss platform, it will created automatically
ALIYUN_OSS_CNAME = "" # custom domain. optional
BUCKET_ACL_TYPE = "private" # bucket access type. available value: private, public-read, public-read-write
ALIYUN_OSS_HTTPS = False # optional config. determine use https or not. if not declare, this value will be False by default.
# storage media file
DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE = 'django_aliyun_oss2.backends.AliyunMediaStorage'
# storage static file
STATICFILES_STORAGE = 'django_aliyun_oss2.backends.AliyunStaticStorage'
All of the static file storage settings are available for the staticfiles storage.
# The default location for your static files
STATIC_URL = '/static/'
Run following command to collect all sub-folder static
of each app and upload to STATIC_URL:
$ python manage.py collectstatic
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