A clear and powerfull weblog application powered with Django
Project description
Simple yet powerful and really extendable application for managing a blog within your Django Web site.
Zinnia has been made for publishing Weblog entries and designed to do it well.
Basically any feature that can be provided by another reusable app has been left out. Why should we re-implement something that is already done and reviewed by others and tested ?
More than a long speech, here the list of the main features :
Archives views
Related entries
Private entries
RSS or Atom Feeds
Tags and categories views
Prepublication and expiration
Edition in MarkDown, Textile or reStructuredText
Widgets (Popular entries, Similar entries, …)
Admin dashboard
Ping Directories
Ping External links
Bit.ly support
Twitter support
Gravatar support
Django-CMS plugins
Collaborative work
Tags autocompletion
Pingback/Trackback support
Efficient database queries
Ready to use and extendable templates
Windows Live Writer compatibility
Take a look at the online demo at : http://django-blog-zinnia.com/ or you can visit these websites who use Zinnia.
If you are a proud user of Zinnia, send me the URL of your website and I will add it to the list.
Online resources
More information and help available at these URLs :
Discussions and help at Google Group.
For reporting a bug use Github Issues.
Start Python 3.0 support
Display page number in list
Basic support of custom User
Django 1.4 is no longer supported
Better skeleton.html
Better rendering for the slider
Add view for having a random entry
Compatibility fix with Django 1.5 in admin
Fix issue with author detail view paginated
Better settings for ZINNIA_AUTO_CLOSE_*_AFTER
CSS updates and fixes
Fix viewport meta tag
I18n support for the URLs
Update MarkItUp to v1.1.13
Update WYMeditor to v1.0.0b3
Entry’s content can be blank
Compatibility fix for WXR > 1.0
Fix potential issue on check_is_spam
Microformats improved
Improve Blogger importer
Finest control on linkbacks
Split Entry model into mixins
Compatibility fix with Django 1.5
Custom template for content rendering
Fix Python 2.7 issues with wp2zinnia
Optimizations on the templates
Optimizations on the database queries
Denormalization of the comments
get_authors context improved
get_tag_cloud context improved
get_categories context improved
Default theme declinations
Default theme more responsive
Updating helloworld.json fixture
Fix issues with authors in wp2zinnia
Better integration of the comments system
Models has been splitted into differents modules
New admin filter for authors
Minor translation improvements
Minor documentation improvements
wp2zinnia handle wxr version 1.2
Customizations of the templates with ease
Define a custom Author.__unicode__ method
Fix issue with duplicate spam comments
Fix bug in PreviousNextPublishedMixin
Fix bug in QuickEntry with non ascii title
Fix collectstatic with CachedStaticFilesStorage
Fix issues with get_absolute_url and zbreadcrumbs when time-zone support is enabled.
Class-based views
Time zones support
Pagination on archives
Better archive by week view
Update of the breadcrumbs tag
Improving wp2zinnia command
New long_enough spam checker
Custom templates for archive views
Publication dates become unrequired
No runtime warnings on Django 1.4
Django 1.3 is no longer supported
And a lot of bug fixes
Django 1.4 compatibility support
Compatibility with django-mptt >= 5.1
zinnia.plugins is now removed
Better default templates
CSS refactoring with Sass3
Statistics about the content
Improvement of the documentation
Entry’s Meta options can be extended
Django 1.2 is no longer supported
zinnia.plugins is deprecated in favor of cmsplugin_zinnia
And a lot of bug fixes
Improved URL shortening
Improved moderation system
Better support of django-tagging
Blogger to Zinnia utility command
OpenSearch capabilities
Upgraded search engine
Feed to Zinnia utility command
And a lot of bug fixes
Admin dashboard
Featured entries
Using Microformats
Mails for comment reply
Entry model can be extended
More plugins for django-cms
Zinnia to Wordpress utility command
Code cleaning and optimizations
And a lot of bug fixes
Using signals
Trackback support
Ping external URLs
Private posts
Hierarchical categories
TinyMCE integration
Code optimizations
And a lot of bug fixes
Handling PingBacks
Support MetaWeblog API
Passing to Django 1.2.x
Breadcrumbs templatetag
Bug correction in calendar widget
Wordpress to Zinnia utility command
Major bug correction on publication system
And a lot of bug fixes
Tests added
Better templates
New templatetags
Plugins for django-cms
Twitter and Bit.ly support
Publishing sources on Github.com
0.4 and before
The previous versions of Zinnia were not packaged, and were destinated for a personnal use.
Project details
Release history Release notifications | RSS feed
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