django app to represent generic questions on forms
Project description
Logo by [@aurorachiarello](
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A plugable Django app to represent a generic questions on forms.
Here are the list of dependencies;
* [django-crispy-forms]( - This is used to render form fields with Bootstrap classes
* [django_polymorphic]( - Provides an easy way of doing model inheritence.
* [South]( - For model migration. Please use it :smile:
For stable PyPI version
pip install django-domande
To get development version
pip install git+git://
In your `````` file change ```INSTALLED_APPS``` and add;
'crispy-forms' # need to add this for it's template tags to load
'polymorphic', # provides admin templates
__Note__ I'm assuming you have South already installed if not add ```south``` to ```INSTALLED_APPS```
```domande``` uses model inheritence to simplify relationships to a list of questions and it does this with
the help of ```django-polymorphic```. At the moment ```domande``` supports two types of questions that are
rendered differently by their accompanying forms.
A TextQuestion were the __answer__ is a text and a ChoiceQuestion were the __answer__ is chosen
by a set of Choices. TextQuestion and ChoiceQuestion are subclasses of Question.
Example Usage
Create a model with a ManyToManyField to domande.models.Question. For example a Questionnaire;
from django.db import models
from django.contrib.contenttypes import generic
from domande.models import Question, Answer
class Questionnaire(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=256)
questions = models.ManyToManyField(Question)
Once you add a ManyToManyField to ```domande.models.Question``` and register your model with the django admin
interface the questions field will be handled uniquely. As ```domande.models.Questions``` is the parent model
when you create a new one the admin inteface will display an additional step of choosing the child model to create an
instance of.
Now you need to render the list of Questions in a view;
def questionnaire_view(request):
# for sake of example use .get
questionnaire = Questionnaire.objects.get(id=1)
forms = [q.get_form()(prefix=str(,
question=q, form_tag=False)
for q in questionnaire.questions.all().get_real_instances()
# form is a list of TextQuestionForm or ChoiceQuestionForm
domande's forms accept a ```content_object``` that is used when it creates and saves an Answer.
domande doesn't know in advance what type of _user_ or _entry_ model you have so it uses
django's builtin ```ContentType``` framework to solve this.
In the above example it uses ```request.user```.
in the template render the forms like so;
{% load crispy_forms_tags %}
<form method="post">
{% for form in forms %}
{% crispy form %}
{% endfor %}
to process the validity of the forms and save the Answers;
def save_view(request, questionnaire):
# for sake of example use .get
questionnaire = Questionnaire.objects.get(id=questionnaire)
forms = [q.get_form()(request.POST or None,
question=q, form_tag=False)
for q in questionnaire.questions.all().get_real_instances()
forms_are_valid = []
for form in forms:
valid = form.is_valid()
if valid:
t =
forms_are_valid = all(forms_are_valid)
Each question model in domande has an Answer model that relates to it. A ChoiceQuestion will use a
ChoiceAnswer and a TextQuestion will use a ChoiceAnswer.
* Fork this repo, create a virtualenv and clone your fork. Then install the requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
* If you have changed the models then create a migration; schemamigration --settings=domande.settings --pythonpath=$PWD
* Please make sure existing tests pass and feel free to add more tests as you see fit. test --settings='tests.test_settings' --pythonpath=$PWD
* Submit Pull Request
Logo by [@aurorachiarello](
[![Build Status](](
A plugable Django app to represent a generic questions on forms.
Here are the list of dependencies;
* [django-crispy-forms]( - This is used to render form fields with Bootstrap classes
* [django_polymorphic]( - Provides an easy way of doing model inheritence.
* [South]( - For model migration. Please use it :smile:
For stable PyPI version
pip install django-domande
To get development version
pip install git+git://
In your `````` file change ```INSTALLED_APPS``` and add;
'crispy-forms' # need to add this for it's template tags to load
'polymorphic', # provides admin templates
__Note__ I'm assuming you have South already installed if not add ```south``` to ```INSTALLED_APPS```
```domande``` uses model inheritence to simplify relationships to a list of questions and it does this with
the help of ```django-polymorphic```. At the moment ```domande``` supports two types of questions that are
rendered differently by their accompanying forms.
A TextQuestion were the __answer__ is a text and a ChoiceQuestion were the __answer__ is chosen
by a set of Choices. TextQuestion and ChoiceQuestion are subclasses of Question.
Example Usage
Create a model with a ManyToManyField to domande.models.Question. For example a Questionnaire;
from django.db import models
from django.contrib.contenttypes import generic
from domande.models import Question, Answer
class Questionnaire(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=256)
questions = models.ManyToManyField(Question)
Once you add a ManyToManyField to ```domande.models.Question``` and register your model with the django admin
interface the questions field will be handled uniquely. As ```domande.models.Questions``` is the parent model
when you create a new one the admin inteface will display an additional step of choosing the child model to create an
instance of.
Now you need to render the list of Questions in a view;
def questionnaire_view(request):
# for sake of example use .get
questionnaire = Questionnaire.objects.get(id=1)
forms = [q.get_form()(prefix=str(,
question=q, form_tag=False)
for q in questionnaire.questions.all().get_real_instances()
# form is a list of TextQuestionForm or ChoiceQuestionForm
domande's forms accept a ```content_object``` that is used when it creates and saves an Answer.
domande doesn't know in advance what type of _user_ or _entry_ model you have so it uses
django's builtin ```ContentType``` framework to solve this.
In the above example it uses ```request.user```.
in the template render the forms like so;
{% load crispy_forms_tags %}
<form method="post">
{% for form in forms %}
{% crispy form %}
{% endfor %}
to process the validity of the forms and save the Answers;
def save_view(request, questionnaire):
# for sake of example use .get
questionnaire = Questionnaire.objects.get(id=questionnaire)
forms = [q.get_form()(request.POST or None,
question=q, form_tag=False)
for q in questionnaire.questions.all().get_real_instances()
forms_are_valid = []
for form in forms:
valid = form.is_valid()
if valid:
t =
forms_are_valid = all(forms_are_valid)
Each question model in domande has an Answer model that relates to it. A ChoiceQuestion will use a
ChoiceAnswer and a TextQuestion will use a ChoiceAnswer.
* Fork this repo, create a virtualenv and clone your fork. Then install the requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
* If you have changed the models then create a migration; schemamigration --settings=domande.settings --pythonpath=$PWD
* Please make sure existing tests pass and feel free to add more tests as you see fit. test --settings='tests.test_settings' --pythonpath=$PWD
* Submit Pull Request
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