A Django app to facilitate email links
Project description
django-hashphrase is a django module that facilitates the process that
users click on a link in an email and django handles the click.
Hashlink makes it easy to generate such a link, authenticate it or not,
calls a custom function or not, etc.
Quick start
1. Add "hashphrase" to your INSTALLED_APPS setting like this::
2. Include the hashphrase URLconf in your project urls.py like this::
url(r'^hl/', include('hashphrase.urls')),
3. To generate a link::
from hashphrase.models import HashLink
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
any_object = User.objects.get(id=1)
import datetime
action = 'my_click_handler'
hash_phrase = HashLink.gen_key(request.user, any_object, datetime.datetime.now(), action=action)
# Then generate for example "http://yourhost.com/hl/"+hash_phrase+"/"
# that lick will call the "registered" function
4. To register a function::
from hashphrase.helpers import hashphrase_register
def test_success(request, has_error, error_code, hash_link, content_obj):
use hashphrase_register decorator to register this function to be called when
users click on the email link.
be sure to check has_error. If not verified, has_error = True
See HashLink class for error code definition
if has_error or not hash_link or not content_obj:
from hashphrase.models import HashLink
ret = "Invalid email link."
if error_code == HashLink.ERR_EXPIRED:
ret = "Link expired."
elif error_code == HashLink.ERR_INVALID_USER:
ret = "Needs to login."
elif error_code == HashLink.ERR_INVALID_LINK:
ret = "Invalid link."
return HttpResponse(ret)
return HttpResponse("Successful.")
5. To register a function, required::
from hashphrase import hashphrase_register
In your settings.py, add HASHPHRASE_HANDLERS that should list where your registered functions are.
For example,
HASHPHRASE_HANDLERS = ['views.handler1', 'views.handler2']
This is required because not all Django/Python .py, except for __init__.py, are imported when Django server first runs.
django-hashphrase is a django module that facilitates the process that
users click on a link in an email and django handles the click.
Hashlink makes it easy to generate such a link, authenticate it or not,
calls a custom function or not, etc.
Quick start
1. Add "hashphrase" to your INSTALLED_APPS setting like this::
2. Include the hashphrase URLconf in your project urls.py like this::
url(r'^hl/', include('hashphrase.urls')),
3. To generate a link::
from hashphrase.models import HashLink
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
any_object = User.objects.get(id=1)
import datetime
action = 'my_click_handler'
hash_phrase = HashLink.gen_key(request.user, any_object, datetime.datetime.now(), action=action)
# Then generate for example "http://yourhost.com/hl/"+hash_phrase+"/"
# that lick will call the "registered" function
4. To register a function::
from hashphrase.helpers import hashphrase_register
def test_success(request, has_error, error_code, hash_link, content_obj):
use hashphrase_register decorator to register this function to be called when
users click on the email link.
be sure to check has_error. If not verified, has_error = True
See HashLink class for error code definition
if has_error or not hash_link or not content_obj:
from hashphrase.models import HashLink
ret = "Invalid email link."
if error_code == HashLink.ERR_EXPIRED:
ret = "Link expired."
elif error_code == HashLink.ERR_INVALID_USER:
ret = "Needs to login."
elif error_code == HashLink.ERR_INVALID_LINK:
ret = "Invalid link."
return HttpResponse(ret)
return HttpResponse("Successful.")
5. To register a function, required::
from hashphrase import hashphrase_register
In your settings.py, add HASHPHRASE_HANDLERS that should list where your registered functions are.
For example,
HASHPHRASE_HANDLERS = ['views.handler1', 'views.handler2']
This is required because not all Django/Python .py, except for __init__.py, are imported when Django server first runs.
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(12.0 kB
view hashes)