Django app to generate imgix urls in your templates.
Project description
Django imgix
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A simple Django application for creating [Imgix]( "Imgix") formatted image links in your templates
This app requires Django > 1.4 and imgix>0.1
1. Run ``` pip install django-imgix ```
2. Add ``` 'django_imgix' ``` to your ``` INSTALLED_APPS ```:
There are a few settings you can use to configure how django-imgix works:
**IMGIX_DOMAINS** (*required*)
Give the domain name, or list of domain names, that you have registered with Imgix:
Boolean value, defaults to `False` if not specified. If set to `True` it enables HTTPS support.
If you want to produce signed URLs you need to enable secure URLs in the 'Source' tab in your account. This will generate a secret key that you need to specify here, e.g.
This will make a hash from the image url and all parameters that you have supplied, which will be appended as a url parameter `s=hash` to the image, e.g.
Boolean value, defaults to `False` if not specified. If set to `True` django-imgix will automatically detect popular image extensions and apply the `fm=image_extension` attribute to the image url, where `image_extension` is one of the formats listed [here]( "Imgix fm parameter")
{% load imgix_tags %}
{% get_imgix '/media/images/dsc_0001.jpg' w=1280 h=720 %}
will produce
Currently supported image formats for IMGIX_DETECT_FORMAT are jpg, jpeg, png, gif, jp2, jxr and webp.
Read about aliases in the **Usage** section below.
Django-imgix's functionality comes in the form of a template tag, `get_imgix`, that gets an image url as its first argument and then an N number of optional arguments:
{% load imgix_tags %}
<img src="{% get_imgix 'image_url' key=value ... %}"/>
Your `'image_url'` should be a relative URL, as it will be appended to a domain specified in `IMGIX_DOMAINS`, to form an absolute URL.
You can add as many `key=value` pairs as you want. Each `key=value` pair results in a url parameter
that Imgix can recognise and use to generate your thumbnail.
For a full list of supported parameters, see [here]( "Imgix API reference")
There is a special argument, `wh=WIDTHxHEIGHT`, which is made specifically so that transition from other image processing libraries such as **easy_thumbnails** is easier.
For example,
`{% get_imgix '/media/images/dsc_0001.jpg' wh='1280x720' %}`
is the same as saying
`{% get_imgix '/media/images/dsc_0001.jpg' w=1280 h=720 %}`
which resolves to
`wh` will take precedence over `w` and `h` arguments, unless you use a 0 as one of the values in `wh`, e.g.
`{% get_imgix '/media/images/dsc_0001.jpg' wh='1280x0' w='777' h='555' %}`
will result in
#### **Aliases**
If you don't want to list all your `key=value` parameters inline all the time, you can group them into aliases.
To do that, first specify the aliases in your settings file:
'alias_one': {'w': 200, 'h': 300, 'lossless': 1, 'auto': 'format'},
'alias_two': {'w': 450, 'h': 160, 'fm':'jpg', 'q': 70 },
Then, in your template, either simply provide the alias name as the first unnamed argument, or use `alias='alias_name'`:
{% load imgix_tags %}
<img src="{% get_imgix 'image_url' 'alias_one' %}"/>
... or ...
<img src="{% get_imgix 'image_url' alias='alias_one' %}"/>
Providing an alias means that any other arguments will be ignored.
[![Build Status](](
A simple Django application for creating [Imgix]( "Imgix") formatted image links in your templates
This app requires Django > 1.4 and imgix>0.1
1. Run ``` pip install django-imgix ```
2. Add ``` 'django_imgix' ``` to your ``` INSTALLED_APPS ```:
There are a few settings you can use to configure how django-imgix works:
**IMGIX_DOMAINS** (*required*)
Give the domain name, or list of domain names, that you have registered with Imgix:
Boolean value, defaults to `False` if not specified. If set to `True` it enables HTTPS support.
If you want to produce signed URLs you need to enable secure URLs in the 'Source' tab in your account. This will generate a secret key that you need to specify here, e.g.
This will make a hash from the image url and all parameters that you have supplied, which will be appended as a url parameter `s=hash` to the image, e.g.
Boolean value, defaults to `False` if not specified. If set to `True` django-imgix will automatically detect popular image extensions and apply the `fm=image_extension` attribute to the image url, where `image_extension` is one of the formats listed [here]( "Imgix fm parameter")
{% load imgix_tags %}
{% get_imgix '/media/images/dsc_0001.jpg' w=1280 h=720 %}
will produce
Currently supported image formats for IMGIX_DETECT_FORMAT are jpg, jpeg, png, gif, jp2, jxr and webp.
Read about aliases in the **Usage** section below.
Django-imgix's functionality comes in the form of a template tag, `get_imgix`, that gets an image url as its first argument and then an N number of optional arguments:
{% load imgix_tags %}
<img src="{% get_imgix 'image_url' key=value ... %}"/>
Your `'image_url'` should be a relative URL, as it will be appended to a domain specified in `IMGIX_DOMAINS`, to form an absolute URL.
You can add as many `key=value` pairs as you want. Each `key=value` pair results in a url parameter
that Imgix can recognise and use to generate your thumbnail.
For a full list of supported parameters, see [here]( "Imgix API reference")
There is a special argument, `wh=WIDTHxHEIGHT`, which is made specifically so that transition from other image processing libraries such as **easy_thumbnails** is easier.
For example,
`{% get_imgix '/media/images/dsc_0001.jpg' wh='1280x720' %}`
is the same as saying
`{% get_imgix '/media/images/dsc_0001.jpg' w=1280 h=720 %}`
which resolves to
`wh` will take precedence over `w` and `h` arguments, unless you use a 0 as one of the values in `wh`, e.g.
`{% get_imgix '/media/images/dsc_0001.jpg' wh='1280x0' w='777' h='555' %}`
will result in
#### **Aliases**
If you don't want to list all your `key=value` parameters inline all the time, you can group them into aliases.
To do that, first specify the aliases in your settings file:
'alias_one': {'w': 200, 'h': 300, 'lossless': 1, 'auto': 'format'},
'alias_two': {'w': 450, 'h': 160, 'fm':'jpg', 'q': 70 },
Then, in your template, either simply provide the alias name as the first unnamed argument, or use `alias='alias_name'`:
{% load imgix_tags %}
<img src="{% get_imgix 'image_url' 'alias_one' %}"/>
... or ...
<img src="{% get_imgix 'image_url' alias='alias_one' %}"/>
Providing an alias means that any other arguments will be ignored.