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Django AJAX ModelForms. Read-only display ModelForms. Django AJAX datatables with CRUD and custom actions. Supports Django Templates.

Project description


.. _ActionsView:
.. _App.Actions:
.. _App.AjaxForm:
.. _App.Components:
.. _App.Dialog:
.. _App.renderNestedList:
.. _App.routeUrl():
.. _action 'meta_list' preload:
.. _Bootstrap 3:
.. _Bootstrap 4:
.. _bs_tabs():
.. _celery:
.. _ContextMiddleware:
.. _custom tags:
.. _data-bind:
.. _datatables:
.. _DisplayText:
.. _django-jinja-knockout python localization:
.. _django-jinja-knockout javascript localization:
.. _empty_form:
.. _FilteredRawQuerySet:
.. _ForeignKeyGridWidget:
.. _ForeignKeyRawIdWidget:
.. _get_str_fields():
.. _Knockout.js:
.. _KoGridView:
.. _ListView:
.. _ListSortingView:
.. _ListQuerySet:
.. _Jinja2:
.. _ModelForm:
.. _Nested components:
.. _Nested serializer:
.. _prefetch_related():
.. _PrefillWidget:
.. _Renderer:
.. _reverseq():
.. _sample project:
.. _SendmailQueue:
.. _Sparse components:
.. _template attributes merging:
.. _tpl.resolve_cbv():
.. _underscore.js templates:
.. _viewmodels:

.. image::
:alt: PyPI package

.. image::

.. image::

.. image::
:alt: Watch selenium tests recorded videos.

.. image::
:alt: Join the chat at

.. image::
:alt: Donate to support further development

Screenshot of the `sample project`_:

.. image::
:width: 740px

More screenshots with descriptions are available at:

Documentation (in development):

* Django 1.11, 2.0, 2.1, 2.2 support. Python 3.5 / 3.6 / 3.7 support.

Please contribute to the localization of the project:

* `django-jinja-knockout python localization`_
* `django-jinja-knockout javascript localization`_


* Chinese: ``goldmonkey``
* Dutch: ``Melvyn Sopacua``
* Polish: ``pawelkoston``
* Spanish: ``Julio Cesar Cabrera Cabrera``

Key features

* AJAX based django.admin-like paginated `datatables`_ (grids) with sorting / filters and custom actions.
* Integrates Jinja2 into existing Django templates (DTL).
* `Bootstrap 3`_ / `Bootstrap 4`_ / `Jinja2`_ / `Knockout.js`_ for Django projects.
* No deep knowledge of Knockout.js is required: it has ready working components.
* Dynamic adding / removing of inline formsets with Knockout.js, protected from XSS.
* Default template renderers for Django forms / related forms / inline formsets with the possibility to override these
to customize the visual layout.
* `ForeignKeyGridWidget`_ provides `ForeignKeyRawIdWidget`_-like functionality to select `ModelForm`_ foreign key
field value via AJAX query / response.
* Django raw queries with ``filter()`` / ``exclude()`` / ``order()`` / ``values()`` / ``values_list()`` and SQL slicing
support via `FilteredRawQuerySet`_, suitable for usage in `ListView`_ / `ListSortingView`_ / `KoGridView`_ derived
* `ListQuerySet`_ to query Python lists, including `prefetch_related()`_ results.
* Jinja2 templates can be integrated into existing Django templates via custom template library tag::

{% extends 'base_min.html' %}
{% load jinja %}
{% load static %}

{% block main %}
{% jinja 'bs_list.htm' with _render_=1 view=view object_list=object_list is_paginated=is_paginated page_obj=page_obj %}
{% endblock main %}


Knockout.js uses unobtrusive `data-bind`_ HTML attributes with JSON-like values with causes no conflict to server-side
double braces template syntax of DTL / Jinja2: no need to escape templates.

Combining client-side Knockout.js templates and server-side Jinja2 templates allows to write more powerful and compact
template code.

Jinja2 is faster and is more powerful than built-in DTL templates. Jinja2 templates may be called from DTL templates
by using custom template tag library ``{% load jinja %}``.


* Provides DTL tag library to include Jinja2 templates into DTL templates.
* Knockout.js is used to provide `datatables`_ and for XSS-safe `empty_form`_ handling.
* AJAX form validation, AJAX `viewmodels`_ response routing are implemented via bundled client-side scripts.

It's not a pure SPA framework, but a mixed approach of server-side pages with embedded AJAX content and client-side
scripts. Although it may be used for SPA as well. Classical Web applications aren't "outdated" in any way - because such
applications are much better indexable by web crawlers, Python is better language than Javascript in general, also
server-side has less glitches than browsers.

Minor changes (version 0.8.1)
Django 2.2 support.

Improves compatibility and stability of middleware with third party apps.

Implemented `action 'meta_list' preload`_ for datatables.

Major changes (version 0.8.0)
`Bootstrap 4`_ / `Bootstrap 3`_ support.

Default rendering layouts for fields / forms / related forms / inline formsets, which can be customized via providing
custom template or via inheriting the `Renderer`_ class.

Underscore.js templates support `template attributes merging`_ and `custom tags`_.

`Nested components`_ and `Sparse components`_ at the client-side.

`Nested serializer`_.

Major changes (version 0.7.0)
Datatables now have new type of action ``'pagination'``. There are two built-in actions of this type implemented:
``'rows_per_page'`` and ``'switch_highlight'``.

Datatables support compound columns for better utilization of the display space. That allows to display more data
columns, including foreign relations at the screen.

Datatables ``glyphicon`` actions are rendered in the single column of datatable, instead of each action per column for
better utilization of the display space.

Static assets are moved to '/djk' subdirectory, minimizing the risk of conflicts with third party assets.

Updated to latest versions of Knockout.js / jQuery / Bootstrap 3 (should also work with not-too-old ones).

`viewmodels`_ AJAX response routing is rewritten as ``App.ViewModelRouter`` class with default instance
``App.vmRouter``. It now supports binding viewmodel handlers to Javascript class instances methods.

Optional built-in Javascript error logger.

``App.NestedList`` internally used by `App.renderNestedList`_ for greater flexibility of client-side Javascript nested
lists rendering. ``App.NestedList`` now supports ordered maps via ``_.ODict`` instances.

Ajax forms submitting is refactored into `App.AjaxForm`_ class, while setting up the ajax forms is performed by
``App.AjaxForms``, for better flexibility.

``App.readyInstances`` introduced for global client-side IoC, available in custom user scripts as well.

Knockout.js method subscription / unsubscription is placed into ``App.ko.Subscriber`` mixin class. ``focus`` binding
is implemented for Knockout.js.

Request mock-up when running without web server is greatly improved. That enables reverse resolving of FQN urls in
console management commands and in background celery tasks via `reverseq()`_ calls when sites framework is correctly
set up.

``ast_eval`` templage tag.

Headless Chrome Selenium webdriver support (phantom.js is deprecated).

Major changes (version 0.6.0)
AJAX actions are rewritten as server-side `ActionsView`_ class and client-side counterpart `App.Actions`_. It is now
used as foundation for most of AJAX code, including grid datatables and new ``App.EditForm`` / ``App.EditInline``
client-side components.

New widget `PrefillWidget`_ to select pre-filled text from the list of supplied values.

Selective skipping of `DisplayText`_ field widget rendering.

Basic version of ``ViewmodelValidator`` for AJAX submitted forms.

Major changes (version 0.5.0)
Rewritten recursive underscore.js template processor, see `underscore.js templates`_.

Displaying verbose field names in grid rows, grid row actions and in `ForeignKeyGridWidget`_ placeholder.

Clean-up of client-side components code.

Better support for datatable grids that use RAW queries with ``LEFT JOIN``, which may have multiple rows with the same
``pkVal`` equal to ``null``.

Improvements in Selenium automation testing: better handling of automation commands, more of commands implemented,
much larger test coverage.

* Numerous bugfixes, including related field queries support in `FilteredRawQuerySet`_.

Major changes (version 0.4.0)
Large improvements in Selenium testing support: additional commands are implemented, auto-retry on DOM timeout, fixtures
loading / saving which allows to skip already debugged parts of tests, saving developer's time.

`ContextMiddleware`_ supports request mocking and request-time storage.

`FilteredRawQuerySet`_ supports Q expressions (Q objects) with relation mapping.

``BaseFilterView`` / `KoGridView`_ - basic support for Q expressions (currently is used for ``None`` value of field
filter), support for ``in`` query for ``choice`` filter value via the list of values.

Improved support of optional Django model `get_str_fields()`_ method in `DisplayText`_ widget and in Knockout.js
datatable grids.

Various bugfixes.

Minor changes (version 0.4.1)
Implemented ``multiple_choices``: ``True`` option of the field filter ``type`` ``choices`` in `ListSortingView`_.
That allows to perform ``in`` field lookups for the selected field filter.

Large monolithic ```` split into smaller parts with symbols exported via module ```` for the
convenience and compatibility.

Alternative breadcrumbs layout of field filters widgets.

Bugfixes and security fixes in query / views modules.

Major changes (version 0.3.0)

Auto-configuration of nested foreign key filter fields in `KoGridView`_ / `ForeignKeyGridWidget`_.

`FilteredRawQuerySet`_ now supports more precise ``.count()`` method.

`ListQuerySet`_ supports significant part of Django queryset functionality for the lists of Django model instances,
returned by `prefetch_related()`_.

Bootstrap tabs generation macro `bs_tabs()`_ with client-side support of switching tabs when window.location.hash
value changes.

`SendmailQueue`_ functionality can be extended via injecting ioc class - for example to send email in the background
via `celery`_ task.

Major changes (version 0.2.0)
``$.inherit()`` Javascript prototype inheritance function now supports multi-level inheritance with nested ``.super``
calls without having to specify parent class prototype property implicitely in descendant class instances, with newly
introduced ``$.SuperChain`` class.

"django.admin-like" AJAX functionality was implemented via `KoGridView`_ class-based view (CBV) at server-side with
corresponding Knockout.js templates and Javascript classes at client-side. Besides providing standard CRUD actions and
filters, it allows to implement arbitrary actions in descendant classes and quickly design django.admin-like user
interfaces in non-admin views. AJAX calls also minimize server HTTP traffic, reducing network bandwitch and making the
UI more responsive.

New `ForeignKeyGridWidget`_ was developed which provides `ForeignKeyRawIdWidget`_-like functionality in non-admin
`ModelForm`_ classes to select foreign key fields value via AJAX query / response.

Support of auto-instantiating Javascript classes with binding these to selected DOM nodes with 'component' css class via
`App.Components`_ class.

Support of auto-compiling / auto-loading client-side underscore.js templates via ``App.compileTemplate`` /
``App.domTemplate`` / ``App.loadTemplates``. One of usage examples is the possibility of loading modal body from
underscore.js template in `App.Dialog`_.

Support of client-side generation of view urls with kwargs for client-side url names via updated ````
and client-side `App.routeUrl()`_ Javascript function.

`tpl.resolve_cbv()`_ allows to resolve view class via url name and it's kwargs.

Django templates (DTL) and Jinja2 templates now can be mixed using shared Jinja2 template code via ``{% load jinja %}``
template library ``jinja`` template tags, which performs ``include`` for Jinja2 template with current context::

{% extends 'base_min.html' %}
{% load jinja %}
{% load staticfiles %}

{% block main %}
{% jinja 'bs_list.htm' with _render_=1 view=view object_list=object_list is_paginated=is_paginated page_obj=page_obj %}
{% endblock main %}

Numerous bug fixes.


The full documentation is at

Quick notes:

.. Next links are github relative links. Do not process these via sphinx as it does not follow them correctly.
.. _Credits: AUTHORS.rst
.. _contribute: CONTRIBUTING.rst
.. _History: HISTORY.rst
.. _Installation: INSTALLATION.rst
.. _Introduction: QUICKSTART.rst

* Installation_
* Introduction_
* How to contribute_
* History_
* Credits_

Cookiecutter Tools Used in Making This Package

* cookiecutter
* cookiecutter-djangopackage

.. _add_instance:
.. _bs_list.htm:
.. _Bootstrap 3:
.. _Bootstrap 4:
.. _contenttypes:
.. _custom tags:
.. _djk-sample:
.. _djk_seed:
.. _dump_data:
.. _fixtures_order:
.. _.has_fixture():
.. _modelFormAction:
.. _Nested components:
.. _Nested serializer:
.. _plugins.js:
.. _Renderer:
.. _reverseq():
.. _Sparse components:
.. _template attributes merging:
.. _tooltips.js:
.. _tpl:
.. _validators:
.. _viewmodels:
.. _yield_out_instances:



* To be released on PyPI.

* Django 1.8 / 1.9 / 1.10, Python 3.4 / 3.5 support.
* ``djk-sample`` demo / automated testing project.
* "django.admin-like" AJAX functionality implemented via ``KoGridView`` class-based view.
* ``$.inherit()`` Javascript prototype inheritance function now supports multi-level inheritance with nested
* ``FilteredRawQuerySet`` supports Django raw querysets with ``.filter()`` / ``.exclude()`` / ``.order_by()`` /
``.values()`` / ``.values_list()`` and SQL level slicing.
* ``ForeignKeyGridWidget`` provides ``ForeignKeyRawIdWidget`` -like functionality via AJAX query / response in non-admin
forms to select ModelForm foreign key values.
* Client-side generation of view urls with kwargs in Javascript client-side routes via ``App.routeUrl()``.
* Nested autocompiled underscore.js client-side templates for Javascript components, primarily used with Knockout.js,
but is not limited to.

* ``ContentTypeLinker`` - added method to return html representation of content types framework related object (html
link with the description by default).
* ``FilteredRawQuerySet`` now supports more precise ``.count()`` method to calculate the length of raw queryset.
* ``ListQuerySet`` implements large part of queryset methods for the lists of Django model instances. Such lists are
created by Django queryset ``.prefetch_related()`` method.
* Auto-highlight bootstrap navs which have 'auto-highlight' css class at client-side.
* ``bs_tabs()`` Jinja2 macro which simplifies generation of bootstrap tabs. Bootstrap tabs now support automatic
switching via window.location.hash change.
* ``ListSortingView`` improvements:

* Supports graceful handling of error reporting, producing in-place messages instead of just rising an exception.
* ``.get_filter_args()`` / ``.get_no_match_kwargs()`` methods are implemented to generate macro arguments used in
`bs_list.htm`_ Jinja2 template. This allows to override default messages for field filters / no match reports in
the grid classes.

* ``KoGridView`` has multiple improvements:

* ``decimal`` field filter is renamed to ``number`` as now it supports both Django model ``DecimalField`` and
* Django model ``IntegerField`` is now bound either to ``choices`` type filter, when it has non-empty ``choices``
attribute, or to ``number`` type filter to select range of values, otherwise.
* Action handlers do not require to return default viewmodel ``view`` name manually, now it's being done automatically
(when viewmodel ``view`` name is not specified).
* ``get_default_grid_options()`` method was renamed to shorter ``get_grid_options()`` method.
* ``grid_options`` may be defined as class attribute, not having to always define ``get_grid_options()`` method which
is more verbose (but is more flexible).
* ``discover_grid_options()`` method was implemented to populate grid ``fkGridOptions`` which are used to setup
foreign key filter fields automatically (when possible). That allows to reduce boilerplate data in ``grid_options``
/ ``get_grid_options()``, especially when using nested foreign key filters. ``fkGridOptions`` nested dictionary
still can be specified manually as the part of ``get_grid_options()`` result, in complex cases (eg. DB or view
kwargs based options).
* Enable quick selection / deselection of currently displayed grid rows when ``selectMultipleRows`` is ``true``.

* ``ForeignKeyGridWidget`` also autodetects foreign key filter ``fkGridOptions``.
* ``SendmailQueue`` supports extension of ``add()`` / ``flush()`` methods via ioc class.
* ``SendmailQueue`` may be used to send uncaught exception emails when running in production mode.

* Improvements in testing support:

* ``AutomationCommands`` now uses yield to generate the sequence of opcodes and their args, resulting in cleaner code.
* ``SeleniumCommands`` is reworked into ``BaseSeleniumCommands``. It supports:

* Saving current database state to Django fixtures at the particular points of tests via `dump_data`_ command. That
allows to skip already debugged parts of tests via `.has_fixture()`_ method, greatly reducing the time
required to develop and debug long running Selenium tests. To make proper order (sequence) of stored / loaded
fixtures, one has to define `fixtures_order`_ attribute of ``DjkTestCase`` derived class.
* Automatic retry of the last Selenium commands execution in case current command is timed out when running at
slow client due to DOM is not being updated in time.
* css parsing / xpath string escaping.

* ``SeleniumQueryCommands`` implements generic Selenium commands, including Django reverse url support for navigation
bar, anchors and forms, which could be useful in any Django application.
* ``DjkSeleniumQueryCommands`` implements additional Selenium commands related to django-jinja-knockout functionality,
such as BootstrapDialog and Knockout.js grids / widgets support.
* ``BootstrapModelForm`` always populates ``.request`` attribute for convenience.
* ``CustomFullClean`` / ``StripWhilespaceMixin`` mixins for Django forms.
* ``ContextMiddleware`` class:

* Supports request mocking when running not under HTTP server, for example as shell command / celery task.
* Supports request-time storage of lists / dicts of objects via `add_instance`_ / `yield_out_instances`_ methods.
* ``FilteredRawQuerySet`` supports Q expressions (Q objects) with relation mapping.

views submodule
* ``BaseFilterView``

* ``filter_queryset()`` now supports args in addition to kwargs. That allows to use Django ``Q`` objects in grids
and lists, although actual generation of ``Q`` objects is still limited to ``None`` value filtering.
* ``None`` can be valid value of field filter query. It is mapped to ``is_null`` field lookup, also it uses Django
``Q.__or__`` operation in case ``None`` is presented in the list of field filter values.
* Query filters now support ``in`` clause for drop-down ``choice`` filter.
* ``DisplayText`` field widget ``__init__()`` method now supports two types of ``get_text`` callback arguments:

* ``get_text_method`` which binds passed function to DisplayText widget instance (self as first argument)
* ``get_text_fn`` which uses unbound function (no self).

If form that defined widget uses ``WidgetInstancsMixin`` and model field instance has ``get_str_fields()`` method
implemented, such field will be auto-rendered via ``print_list_group()`` / ``print_bs_well()`` functions of ``tpl``
modile to produce structured output.

* Fixed ``ko_grid_body()`` macro not including underscore.js templates copied with different ``template_id`` when these
templates were called from related underscore.js templates.

* Reset filter now uses ``undefined`` value instead of ``null`` value because filtering by ``None`` value is now
supported in ``KoGridView``.
* ``App.ko.GridRow`` class ``display()`` method now automatically picks nested relation value from nested ``strFields``
value, when available. That allows to traverse nested ``get_str_fields()`` values automatically.

See ``getDisplayValue()`` method for the implementation.
* Allow to click nested elements of row cells when these are enclosed into anchors.
* Allow to override grid callback action via viewmodel ``callback_action`` property.
* Query filters now support multi-value ``in`` clause for values of drop-down ``choice`` filter.
* Grid viewmodel ``deleted_pks`` key values are processed first in ``App.ko.Grid.updatePage()``. That allows to delete
old row and add new row with the same ``pkVal`` at once (forced update).
* ``App.ko.Grid`` class ``.setFiltersChoices()`` method simplifies programmatic filtering of grid at client-side, for
example from the parsed querystring.

``$.linkPreview`` now has separate inclusion filter for local urls and exclusion filter for remote urls, which minimizes
the possibility of preview glitches due to wrong guess of resource type.

Support of the ``'choices' filter`` option ``multiple_choices``: ``True`` in non-AJAX ``ListSortingView``. That allows
to perform ``in`` field lookups for the selected field filter which was previously available only in AJAX

Large monolithic ```` split into smaller parts with symbols exported via module ```` for the
convenience and compatibility.

Alternative breadcrumbs layout of field filters widgets.

* Compatibility to 1.10+ new-style middleware (thanks to Melvyn Sopacua).
* Fixed pagination when multiple filter field choices are seiected in views.ListSortingView.

* Django 1.11 / Python 3.6 support.
* Selenium testing commands fixes.

* Reworked recursive underscore.js template processor as ``App.Tpl`` class.
* Grid rows, grid row actions and ``ForeignKeyGridWidget`` placeholder now are displaying Django model instances verbose
field names along with their values. Related model fields verbose names are displayed as well.
* Client-side components code now uses separate html5 data attribute ``data-component-class`` to bind DOM subtrees to
Javascript component classes (for example grids), instead of placing everything into ``data-component-options``
attribute as in previous versions.
* Overridable method to check whether two grid rows match the same Django model instance, suitable for RAW query
grids with LEFT JOIN, which could have multiple rows with the same ``pkVal`` === ``null``.
* Automation commands now uses ``SimpleNamespace`` as chained context, which allows to use different nodes for relative
search queries chaining. Currently implemented are relative Selenium queries for form, component, bootstrap dialog and
grid. Much better tests coverage in `djk-sample`_ project. Many new Selenium commands are implemented, including
``screenshot`` command.
* ``ko_generic_inlineformset_factory`` supports dynamic adding / removal of generic inline formsets.
* ``FilteredRawQuerySet`` / ``ListQuerySet`` queryset classes ``values()`` and ``values_list()`` methods now support
model relations in queried field names via ``__`` separator, just like usual Django querysets.
* Numerous bugfixes.

* ``ActionsView`` with ``App.Actions`` client-side counterpart implements AJAX viewmodels routing to create generic AJAX
actions / responses. It is now used as base foundation for ``App.ModelFormDialog`` / ``ModelFormActionsView`` and with
knockout datatables actions (see `modelFormAction`_ method).
* ``ModelFormActionsView`` with ``App.ModelFormActions`` client-side counterpart allows to use Django forms / inline
formsets with AJAX-powered BootstrapDialog via ``App.EditForm`` / ``App.EditInline`` client-side components.
* Selective skipping of ``DisplayText`` field widget rendering via setting ``skip_output`` property in
``get_text_method`` callback.
* Do not bind ``App.ko.Formset`` to display-only ``bs_inline_formsets()`` generated forms with inline formsets.
* Knockout grids (datatables) ``'button_footer'`` built-in action type.
* `djk_seed`_ Django management command.
* ``App.renderNestedList`` supports rendering of ``jQuery`` objects values.
* ``App.TabPane`` supports hiding / dynamic content loading of bootstrap 3 panes.
* ``App.Dialog`` is now closable by default. ``App.Dialog`` now can be run as component.
* ``html`` and ``replaceWith`` viewmodels applies ``App.initClient`` hooks, also works correctly with viewmodel ``.html``
content that is not wrapped into top tags.
* Implemented ``App.propByPath`` which is now used to load Javascript object specified for ``App.renderNestedList`` as
``options.blockTags`` string. That allows to pass Javascript path string as ``options.blockTags`` via server-side AJAX
``App.Dialog`` class, ``'alert'`` / ``'alert_error'`` viewmodels suppports this functionality when ``message`` option
has ``object`` type value.
* ``App.objByPath`` / ``App.newClassByPath`` is used by ``App.Tpl`` class factories.
* ``App.ko.Grid.iocKoFilter_*`` methods now are orthogonal thus are easier to override.
* Grid dialogs default hotkeys (``Escape``, ``Enter``).
* ``widgets.PrefillWidget`` - field widget to prefill form input value from bootstrap 3 dropdown menu. ``ListQuerySet``
now has ``prefill_choices()`` method, which may provide prefill values for the form field from db field list of values.
* ``.badge.btn-*`` CSS classes which can be used to wrap long text in bootstrap buttons.
* Separate ``admin.js`` script to enable client-side of ``OptionalWidget`` in django admin.
* ``App.ko.Grid`` actions ``meta`` / ``list`` / ``meta_list`` first requests passing HTTP POST ``firstLoad`` variable to
detect the initial grid datatable action at server-side in ``KoGridView`` derived class.
* Fixed selection of all current page grid datatable rows at miltiple grid datatable pages.
* `plugins.js`_: ```` to get multiple DOM ids, ``_.moveOptions()`` to move options with possible default
values. ``highlightListUrl`` jQuery function bugfixes.
* `tooltips.js`_: ``form_error`` viewmodel handler, used to display AJAX forms validation errors now has the diagnostic
for missing ``auto_id`` values and better support for multiple error messages per field.
* `contenttypes`_: Create content types / user groups / user permissions / Django model migration seeds. For the example
of seeds, see `djk_seed`_ Django management command.
* ``FormWithInlineFormsets`` supports form auto_id prefix and optional customizeable form / formset constructor kwargs.
* ``json_validators`` module is renamed into `validators`_, which implements generic ``ViewmodelValidator`` class to
validate AJAX submitted form input and to return error viewmodels when needed.
* ``DjkJSONEncoder`` serializes lazy strings to prevent json serialization errors.
* ``BaseSeleniumCommands`` logs browser errors.
* `tpl`_ module reworked and expanded. Nested lists use common class ``PrintList``. Implemented ``json_flatatt()`` and
``format_html_attrs()`` functions which work like built-in Django ``flatatt()`` and ``format_html()`` but automatically
convert list / dict types of arguments into html attributes and / or JSON strings.
* Many bugfixes.

* Grids (datatables)

* New type of action ``'pagination'``.

* There are two built-in actions of this type implemented: ``'rows_per_page'`` and ``'switch_highlight'``.
* Support of compound columns.
* ``glyphicon`` actions are rendered in the single column of datatable, instead of each action per column.
* Static assets are moved to '/djk' subdirectory, minimizing the risk of conflicts with third party assets.
* Updated to latest versions of Knockout.js / jQuery / Bootstrap 3 (should also work with not-too-old ones).
* `viewmodels`_ AJAX response routing is rewritten as ``App.ViewModelRouter`` class with default instance
``App.vmRouter``. It now supports binding viewmodel handlers to Javascript class instances methods.
* Optional built-in Javascript error logger.
* ``App.NestedList`` internally used by ``App.renderNestedList`` for greater flexibility of client-side Javascript
nested lists rendering. ``App.NestedList`` now supports ordered maps via ``_.ODict`` instances.
* Ajax forms submitting is refactored into ``App.AjaxForm`` class, while setting up the ajax forms is performed by
* ``App.readyInstances`` introduced for global client-side IoC, available in custom user scripts as well.
* Knockout.js method subscription / unsubscription is placed into ``App.ko.Subscriber`` mixin class.
* ``focus`` binding is implemented for Knockout.js.
* Request mock-up when running without web server allows reverse resolving of FQN urls in console management commands
and in background celery tasks via `reverseq()`_ calls when sites framework is correctly set up.
* ``ast_eval`` templage tag.
* Headless Chrome Selenium webdriver support.

* Supports both `Bootstrap 4`_ and `Bootstrap 3`_ via pluggable djk_ui application.
* Default rendering layouts for fields / forms / related forms / inline formsets, which can be customized by providing
custom template or via inheriting from `Renderer`_ class.
* Underscore.js templates support `template attributes merging`_ and `custom tags`_.
* `Nested components`_ and `Sparse components`_.
* `Nested serializer`_.

* Dropped Django<=1.10 support. Added Django 2.2 support.
* Dropped IE9..10 support.
* Current request ``.view_title`` is stored in the ``.resolver_match``.
* ``bs_collapse()`` Jinja2 macro supports setting the initial collapse state ('out' / 'in') and Bootstrap card type.
* Implemented ``App.OrderedHooks`` class used to execute ``App.initClientHooks`` in proper order.
* ``grid.js``: cleaned up init / shutdown ``.applyBindings()`` / ``.cleanBindings()`` / ``.runComponent()`` /
``.removeComponent()`` code for ``App.ko.Grid`` and related classes.
* ``grid.js``: Implemented action ``meta_list`` preload.
* Refactored views classes inheritance hierarchy.
* middleware: refactored middleware classes inheritance hierarchy.
* middleware: less intrusive, better compatibility with third party modules.
* middleware: ``.djk_request()``_ ``.djk_view()`` methods are called only for ``DJK_APPS`` views by default.
* middleware : ``json_response()`` shortcut method.
* ``RendererModelForm`` ``.has_saved_instance()`` method to check whether current Django ModelForm has the bound and
saved instance.
* ``ListQuerySet``: implemented ``|`` ``+`` operators.
* ``DjkJSONEncoder``: moved to ``tpl`` module. Encoding improvements.
* Refactored forms module to forms package with base / renderers / validators modules.
* HTTP response related classes / methods are moved to ``http`` module.

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