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Collection of small utilities for Django and Django REST framework projects

Project description


Collection of small utilities for Django and Django REST framework projects. Django 3.0 compatible.

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  • Simplified admin changes history logging (admin_log)

  • ModelAdmin with length limited history view (ModelAdminBase)

  • Simplified object URL/link generation within admin (admin_obj_link and admin_obj_url)

  • Extended admin log with changed field values and user IP (ModelAdminBase)

  • Admin file download mixin with file permission checks (AdminFileDownloadMixin)

  • User authentication helpers (require_auth, AuthUserMixin)

  • Mixin for cached model fields management (CachedFieldsMixin)

  • BaseCommand extension which catches, logs and emails errors (SafeCommand)

  • Command options for simplified handling of date ranges (add_date_range_arguments, parse_date_range_arguments)

  • Various utilities for date ranges generation and iteration (

  • Utilities for dict sorting and formatting, choices list label fetching (

  • Simplified email sending via SendGrid API (send_email)

  • Various formatting utilities (e.g. XML, timedelta, Decimal)

  • Decimal encoder for encoding JSON objects/dictionaries containing Decimal instances (SimpleDecimalEncoder)

  • Django middleware for exception logging/emailing (LogExceptionMiddleware)

  • Django middleware for language cookie handling (EnsureLanguageCookieMiddleware)

  • Django middleware for user.profile.timezone based timezone activation

  • Utilities or Django Model handling (e.g. clone_model, get_object_or_none)

  • Utilities for parsing booleans and datetime values (using pytz)

  • Simple user field based permission checking for REST APIs (

  • Geo IP / IP info functions using IPStack API (

  • Download responses (FileSystemFileResponse and CsvFileResponse)

  • Simple SMS sending (send_sms)

  • Mixin for basic test user setup (DefaultTestSetupMixin)

  • Pretty good unit test coverage (

  • URL modifying/comparison functions (

  • Validators and filters for various types (

  • XML Element to/from dict conversions (dict_to_element, xml_to_dict)

  • XML file/content pretty formatting (format_xml, format_xml_bytes, format_xml_file, FormattedXmlResponse)


pip install django-jutil

Notes About Features

Extended Admin Logging

jutil.ModelAdminBase supports (by default) extended logging using Django’s native LogEntry’ change_message JSON field. Normally Django logs only field verbose names but jutil implementation logs changed field names and values and user IP as well to the same change_message JSON field. To actually show output from this extended logging data you need to format change_message using format_change_message_ex filter. The default ModelAdminBase object history template (jutil/admin/object_history.html) uses it.

Static Code Analysis

The library passes both prospector and mypy checking. To install:

pip install prospector pip install mypy

To analyze:

prospector mypy .

Test Code Coverage

  • coverage run; coverage report

Notes About Email Configurations


# SendGrid (2022) EMAIL_SENDGRID_API_KEY = (api_key) EMAIL_HOST = “” EMAIL_PORT = 587 EMAIL_USE_TLS = True EMAIL_HOST_USER = “apikey” EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = (sendgrid api key)


4.1.1: * Refactoring: get_date_range_by_name moved from jutil.command to jutil.dates (since usage not tied to cli as is)

4.0.1: * ZoneInfo support with backports fallback * Dropped pytz from dependencies (following Django 5.0 example)

3.11.1: * REMOVED: AdminLogEntryMixin, no longer needed as ModelAdminBase logs everything automatically * REMOVED: admin_log_changed_fields, no longer needed as ModelAdminBase logs everything automatically * RENAMED: get_model_keys -> get_model_field_names, for consistent naming with Django

3.7.4: * Stricter get_media_full_path and is_media_full_path

3.7.3: * Unit tests * Get media full path cleanup

3.7.2: * Cleanup

3.7.1: * Requirements.txt: deleted optional dependency sendgrid, add sendgrid on project level sendgrid>=6.3.1,<7.0.0 * Deleted deprecated auth.require_auth, use auth.get_auth_user and auth.get_auth_user_or_none * Deleted deprecated dict.choices_label and dict.dict_to_html, use format.choices_label and format.format_dict_as_html * Deleted deprecated logs.*, use logging directly * Deleted deprecated object.*, use type-safer alternatives * Deleted deprecated url_equals and url_host, use urlparse directly * Removed deprecated testing.* * Cleaned up parse_datetime, parse_bool, parse_datetime_or_none and parse_bool_or_none * Simpler cleaned up testing mixin TestSetupMixin

3.6.11: * Deprecated object.get/set obj attr functions * Deprecated url equals and url host * Deprecated testing.DefaultTestSetupMixin * Separated parse functions /w xxx or none versions for better typing support * Dropped python-dateutil dependency, added unit tests for get time steps * Deprecated log event * Updated send_email_sendgrid docs * Refactored choices label and dict to html in dict and format, added deprecation warnings * Added –this-month, –this-week, –this-year to add date range arguments, get date range by name, parse date range arguments * Require auth refactoring * Removed AdminFileDownloadMixin - Django 3.1 has new logic for uploaded file URL format making the mixin obsolete * (origin/master, origin/HEAD, master) README update

3.6.10: * Unit test fix * Log entry ordering fix

3.6.9: * Minor refactoring

3.6.8: * API testing client to support non-json content * Parse bool unit test

3.6.7: * Added format as html json and unit tests

3.6.6: * Millisecond handling to format timedelta * Deploy cleanup * Python-dotenv

3.6.5: * API testing tweaks

3.6.4: * Mypy fix * Unit test improvements, added support for FI ssns before 1900 and after 2000 * Test-coverage tweak

3.6.3: * Code QA / Prospector fixes * Added wait object or none and unit test

3.6.2: * Added .env to ignore

3.6.1: * Cleanup * Dropped parse sftp connection (as redundant) * Docs

3.5.3: * Tweaks to usage of ipware

3.5.2: * Minor refactoring

3.5.1: * Upgrade of ipware to newer version * Dev requirements change of psycopg2

3.4.9: * Mypy fix * Added get_ip() wrapper for ipware

3.4.8: * Usage cleanup of ipware

3.4.7: * Minor refactoring, added unit tests

3.4.6: * More relaxed typing to admin log * DB check to build process

3.4.5: * Format table max col setting fix * Fixed format table bug, added docs

3.4.4: * Added User as explicit opt parameter to admin log

3.4.3: * Minor refactoring

3.4.2: * Added strip tag fields and unit tests

3.4.1: * Type checking fixes * Added middleware unit tests * Changed ActivateUserProfileTimezone -> ActivateUserProfileTimezoneMiddleware to conform Django naming conventions * Cleanup, docs * Test-coverage script tweaks * Added dependency-check to requirements-dev.txt * .gitignore tweaks

3.3.6: * Unit test fix * Build process cleanup * Cleanup * Test-coverage script update * Added htmlcov to ignore

3.3.5: * Test fixes * Admin obj url fix

3.3.4: * Admin log type fix

3.3.3: * Code QA * Unit test improvements * Updated travis test to python 3.8

3.3.2: * Added camel case conversion funcs

3.3.1: * Format timedelta cleanup * Test-coverage script update * Unit test fixes * Re-enabled pytype

3.2.21: * Email fix

3.2.20: * Unit test coverage update * Sendgrid email format fix

3.2.19: * Added end_of_month() (as in Excel) and unit tests * L10n

3.2.18: * Type checking fixes

3.2.17: * Type checking fixes

3.2.16: * Type checking fixes

3.2.15: * CachedFieldsMixin save() TYPE CHECKING fix

3.2.14: * Type checking fix * Readme updates * MANIFEST tweaks * Pre-release script tweaks

3.2.13: * Added py.typed marker file

3.2.12: * Mypy / cleanup

3.2.11: * Test coverage update * Added twine to dev reqs * Deploy script update

3.2.10: * Test coverage update * Mypy support

3.2.9: * Test coverage update * Pre-release script tweaks * Test coverage script tweaks

3.2.8: * Travis sys import * Added vanity icons to readme

3.2.7: * Added sudo apt-get install -y libxml2-utils to travis

3.2.6: * Travis log changes

3.2.5: * Added travis config

3.2.4: * Codecov tests

3.2.3: * Added codecov.yml

3.2.2: * Test coverage update

3.2.1: * Dependency cleanup

3.1.4: * Test coverage update * Language cookie to use secure and httponly settings * Updated LICENSE.txt

3.1.3: * Test coverage update * Cleanup * IBAN generation

3.1.2: * Test coverage update * Config tweaks / pytype

3.1.1: * Test coverage update

3.0.16: * Test coverage update * Code QA pytype tool integration to build process

3.0.15: * Formatting options to format timedelta as 3h40min14s

3.0.14: * Test coverage update * Added helpers for media path handling

3.0.13: * BIC validator * Added body and subject to test email

3.0.12: * Test coverage update * CsvFileResponse -> CsvResponse to be consistent with naming of other responses * Separate XmlResponse and XmlFileResponse

3.0.11: * Test coverage update * Cleanup

3.0.10: * Test coverage update * Cleanup * Xml formatting error reporting

3.0.9: * Test coverage update * Xml content decoding fix on error * L10n * Email unit tests

3.0.8: * Test coverage update * Test email sending tweaks * More unit tests

3.0.7: * Test coverage update * Pre-release step update

3.0.6: * Deploy tweaks * Added coverage report * Cleanup, deleted format xml (unnecessary since multiple tools for that)

3.0.5: * Changed SafeCommand to be compatible with BaseCommand on Exception return

3.0.4: * Unit tests, refactoring

3.0.3: * Added ucfirst and ucfirst lazy

3.0.2: * Added format table * Added test-coverage script * Docs

3.0.1: * Prospector 1.2.0 fixes * Django 3.0 compatibility

2.4.14: * Unit tests, model changed check

2.4.13: * Assert tweaks * File download admin tweaks * Admin download link fix

2.4.12: * Support for multiple file fields in AdminFileDownloadMixin

2.4.11: * Prospector / code QA fixes * Added SMTP based email support, logging

2.4.10: * Deploy fix

2.4.9: * Deploy cleanup and tweaks

2.4.8: * Improved testing coverage * Coverage tweaks * Added .coverage to .gitignore * Removed coverage

2.4.7: * Noqa fixes (prospector) * Added .coveragerc * Doc tweaks * Sftp connection string parsing cleanup

2.4.6: * Sftp connection string parsing

2.4.5: * Sendgrid api usage fix

2.4.4: * Added base url support to admin links

2.4.3: * Disabled sendgrid click tracking by default

2.4.2: * Updated to use sendgrid v3 api, added cc and bcc support

2.4.1: * Reg id -> org id name refactoring

2.3.5: * Format keys option to dict to html

2.3.4: * Added fi company reg id generator

2.3.3: * Admin helper stweaks * Admin file download tweak * Pre-release process * Docs

2.3.2: * Deploy tweaks * Prospector check to build * Prospector clean

2.3.1: * Code cleanup

2.2.43: * Etree related refactoring

2.2.42: * ElementTree usage fix

2.2.41: * Updated requirements * Cleaned up ugettext usage

2.2.40: * ElementTree cleanup, issues related to isinstance() usage

2.2.39: * Separate FormattedXmlResponse and FormattedXmlFileResponse

2.2.38: * Added FormattedXmlResponse

2.2.37: * Format xml bytes

2.2.36: * Format xml file improvements * Advanced xml formatting using xmllint

2.2.35: * Sweden clearing code fixes

2.2.34: * Localized actions list sorting

2.2.33: * Dict to html unit test * Dict to html fix

2.2.32: * Improved dict formatting

2.2.31: * Added some sanitizers to

2.2.30: * Admin obj link None handling

2.2.29: * Nordea Sweden clearing code additions

2.2.28: * Minor refactoring

2.2.27: * Added obj tools

2.2.26: * Debug code cleanup

2.2.25: * Fi ssn generator fix

2.2.24: * Added fi ssn generator

2.2.23: * Nordea/SE clearing number addition * Deploy cleanup

2.2.22: * Added changelist view download support to AdminFileDownloadMixin

2.2.21: * Unit tests * L10n check * Cleanup

2.2.20: * Generic country filtering * Docs

2.2.19: * Added one NordeaAB clearing code range

2.2.18: * Fixed non-xmllint xml data formatting * Added format xml command

2.2.17: * Added format xml file helper

2.2.16: * Media path stripping

2.2.15: * Int conversion fix / validators * Unit test tweaks * Better unit tests

2.2.13: * Added missing Nordea AB / Sweden clearing number * Clarification / swedish clearing code

2.2.12: * Added admin obj link and admin obj url

2.2.11: * Sweden clearing code filtering

2.2.10: * Reduced Swedbank account number length requirement

2.2.9: * Unit tests

2.2.8: * Dk bank info

2.2.7: * Unit test * Sparbanken Syd account number length

2.2.6: * Belgium iban data to 4 spaces instead of 8 * Validation of all iban countries

2.2.5: * Added be iban validator, refactoring validator code a bit * Doc cleanup

2.2.4: * Docs

2.2.3: * Element tree cleanup

2.2.2: * Unified xml.etree.ElementTree.Element usage

2.2.1: * Adding BE (Belgium) bic bank to iban bic validators (thanks kutera/master)

2.1.24: * Sweden bank const fix

2.1.23: * Unit test fixes * Swedish bank const cleanup

2.1.22: * Swedish bank clearing code fixes

2.1.21: * Validator return space fix

2.1.20: * Added ascii filter and unit tests

2.1.19: * Refactoring * Swedish bank const php generation

2.1.18: * Cleanup

2.1.17: * Updated bank constants, added Sweden

2.1.16: * Added ActivateUserProfileTimezone middleware

2.1.15: * Upgraded external dependencies, added days to time delta

2.1.14: * Upgraded external dependencies

2.1.13: * Age calculation

2.1.12: * Upgraded django

2.1.11: * Iso payment ref validator

2.1.10: * Email filtering tweaks

2.1.9: * Email filter tweak

2.1.8: * Dependency upgrade

2.1.7: * Error message improvements

2.1.6: * Selective cached fields update

2.1.5: * Added simple email validator

2.1.4: * Company reg id validator tweak

2.1.3: * Dropped separate read/write views since Django supports this natively

2.1.2: * Dependency upgrade

2.1.1: * Upgraded version to match django version

1.2.11: * Bank info unit test fix, upgraded libs

1.2.10: * Admin log convention change: user system username instead of the first user in the system

1.2.9: * Iban bank info convention change * Tests * Version bump * Iban bank info to return None, None to be more consistent with normal output

1.2.7: * Replaced API with

1.2.6: * Unit tests and cleanup

1.2.5: * Prev 30d, 60d and 90d time ranges

1.2.4: * 404 check

1.2.3: * Docs and cleanup

1.2.2: * Minor version bump * Admin file download cleanup

1.1.12: * File download response cleanup

1.1.11: * SafeCommand return value

1.1.10: * Parse requirements compatibility

1.1.9: * Gz .gitignore * Cleanup * Parse requirements fix

1.1.8: * Cleanup * Replaced parse requirements (fix)

1.1.7: * Replaced parse requirements

1.1.6: * FI company reg id check filtering

1.1.5: * Extended FI company reg id acceptance

1.1.4: * Permissions fix

1.1.3: * Renamed passwd -> setpass to avoid name collision with django extensions project

1.1.2: * Tests

1.1.1: * Cleanup

1.0.5: * Removed obsolete SimpleJsonDecoder since Django has better one now * Language cookie fix

1.0.4: * Unit test fix

1.0.3: * Fi bank const update

1.0.2: * Unit tests * Dependency fix * Twine up

1.0.1: * Cleanup * Docs

1.0.0: * Docs * Github repository init

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django-jutil-4.1.11.tar.gz (131.1 kB view hashes)

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