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Bluelight Specials - Enhancements to the offer and vouchers features for Django Oscar.

Project description

Django Oscar Bluelight Specials

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This package contains enhancements and improvements to the built-in offers and vouchers features in Django Oscar.


  • Group Restricted Vouchers: Bluelight adds the ability to restrict application of vouchers to a specific whitelist of groups (django.contrib.auth.models.Group). For example, you could create a voucher code that can only be applied by users who belong to the group Customer Service Reps.
  • Compound Offer Conditions: By default, Oscar only allows assigning a single condition to a promotional offer. Compound offer conditions allow you to create more complex logic around when an offer should be enabled. For example, you could create a compound condition specifying that a basket must contain at least 3 items and have a total value greater than $50.
    • Compound conditions can aggregate an unlimited number of child conditions together.
    • Compound conditions can join their child conditions using either an AND or an OR conjunction.
    • Very complex conditions requiring both AND and OR conjunctions can be modeled by creating multiple levels of compound conditions.
  • Parent / Child Voucher Codes: By default Oscar doesn't support bulk creation of voucher codes. Bluelight adds the ability to bulk create any number of child vouchers (with unique, automatically generated codes) for any standard (non-child) voucher. This can be useful when sending voucher codes to customer's through email, as it allows the creation of hundreds or thousands of non-sequential, one-time-use codes.
    • Child codes can be added when creating a new voucher or after a voucher is created.
    • More child codes can be generated for a voucher at any time.
    • Child codes can be exported in CSV and JSON formats.
    • Any time a parent voucher is edited (name changed, benefit altered, etc), all child codes are also updated to match.
    • When a parent voucher is deleted, all children are also deleted.
    • Once a voucher has child codes assigned to it, the parent voucher itself can not be applied by anyone.


  • Make child code creation and updating more performant, possibly by (1) extracting some of the work into asynchronous Celery tasks and (2) better tracking of dirty model fields before saving.
  • Add ability to duplicate vouchers.
  • Add ability to add conditions to vouchers.


Bluelight currently works by forking four of Oscar's apps: offer, voucher, dashboard.offers, and dashboard.vouchers. Currently there is no way to use Bluelight if your application has already forked those applications.


Install [django-oscar-bluelight]{.title-ref}.:

pip install django-oscar-bluelight

Import Bluelight's settings into your projects file.

from oscar.defaults import *
from oscarbluelight.defaults import *  # Needed so that Bluelight's views show up in the dashboard

Add Bluelight to your installed apps (replacing the equivalent Django Oscar apps). The top-level oscarbluelight app must be defined before the oscar app---if it isn't Django will not correctly find the Bluelight's templates.

    # Bluelight. Must come before `django-oscar` so that template inheritance / overrides work correctly.

    # django-oscar
    'sandbox.partner',  # 'oscar.apps.partner',
    'sandbox.basket',  # 'oscar.apps.basket',
    'oscarbluelight.offer',  # 'oscar.apps.offer',
    'oscarbluelight.voucher',  # 'oscar.apps.voucher',
    'oscarbluelight.dashboard.offers',  # 'oscar.apps.dashboard.offers',
    'oscarbluelight.dashboard.vouchers',  # 'oscar.apps.dashboard.vouchers',

Fork the basket application in your project and add BluelightBasketMixin as a parent class of the Line model.

from oscar.apps.basket.abstract_models import AbstractLine
from oscarbluelight.mixins import BluelightBasketLineMixin

class Line(BluelightBasketLineMixin, AbstractLine):

from oscar.apps.basket.models import *  # noqa


After installation, the new functionality will show up in the Oscar dashboard under the Offers menu.

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Source Distribution

django_oscar_bluelight-5.7.1.tar.gz (533.8 kB view details)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

django_oscar_bluelight-5.7.1-py3-none-any.whl (612.4 kB view details)

Uploaded Python 3

File details

Details for the file django_oscar_bluelight-5.7.1.tar.gz.

File metadata

  • Download URL: django_oscar_bluelight-5.7.1.tar.gz
  • Upload date:
  • Size: 533.8 kB
  • Tags: Source
  • Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? Yes
  • Uploaded via: twine/6.1.0 CPython/3.13.1

File hashes

Hashes for django_oscar_bluelight-5.7.1.tar.gz
Algorithm Hash digest
SHA256 23335345a3bd43eaf54975482bf118593c80e285db1e802b80f01c826485139d
MD5 9046517ada197463249daa7629d7d312
BLAKE2b-256 0b953b102f97f1e643cf50ad394a68288eae30e9c85a77c0a60b8912b0694f86

See more details on using hashes here.


The following attestation bundles were made for django_oscar_bluelight-5.7.1.tar.gz:

Publisher: .gitlab-ci.yml on thelabnyc/django-oscar/django-oscar-bluelight

Attestations: Values shown here reflect the state when the release was signed and may no longer be current.

File details

Details for the file django_oscar_bluelight-5.7.1-py3-none-any.whl.

File metadata

File hashes

Hashes for django_oscar_bluelight-5.7.1-py3-none-any.whl
Algorithm Hash digest
SHA256 104f846f83072d02d15d872dfa39632854a064bc60dd43f3196f3f4fec1e39a7
MD5 16dee46ea93dd5e10786ae13d848500e
BLAKE2b-256 900fb806d45eb2c8401934a4fa6d4b5419e03297ff3822f9155b2c484bee6a59

See more details on using hashes here.


The following attestation bundles were made for django_oscar_bluelight-5.7.1-py3-none-any.whl:

Publisher: .gitlab-ci.yml on thelabnyc/django-oscar/django-oscar-bluelight

Attestations: Values shown here reflect the state when the release was signed and may no longer be current.

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