Log server errors to database
Project description
Shoogie is a small django application for logging exceptions to a table in the database, along with django’s standard HTML debug response. It is intended to be a lightweight alternative to django-sentry, inspired by this answer on stackoverflow.
Shoogie has been used in production since March 2012.
The name Shoogie is a diminutive of the Hebrew word sh’giah (שגיאה), which means ‘error.’ Shoogie (שוגי) also happens to be the name of a popular kids’ candy snack in Israel. It’s our hope that django-shoogie will make dealing with server errors a sweeter experience.
Key Features
Simple, server-error specific logging
Logs django’s familiar technical 500 response
Uses django’s standard admin interface
Easy retrieval by user, exception, file, function
Easy extraction of users’ email addresses
Logging handler operates outside transaction management
Configurable exception ignores
Configurable traceback filtering
Version Compatibility
django-shoogie is compatible with Django versions 1.3 to 1.6
To install shoogie:
pip install django-shoogie
To use shoogie in a django project, add it to the INSTALLED_APPS and add the shoogie logging handler to LOGGING in your settings.py. as below. You must add an entry for the shoogie handler to the handlers section, and then add it to the list of handlers for the django.request logger.
Make sure to run syncdb after adding shoogie to create the shoogie_servererror table.
Depending on which Django version you use, and your particular setup, your logging configuration may look different than this. The Shoogie-specific additions are indicated with comments.
The django.contrib.admin app must also be installed to view the errors logged via django’s admin interface:
INSTALLED_APPS = ( 'django.contrib.auth', 'django.contrib.sessions', 'django.contrib.admin', 'django.contrib.admindocs', 'shoogie', # <--- # ... ) LOGGING = { 'version': 1, 'disable_existing_loggers': False, 'filters': { 'require_debug_false': { '()': 'django.utils.log.RequireDebugFalse', }, }, 'handlers': { # THIS IS THE HANDLER TO ADD # 'shoogie': { 'level': 'ERROR', 'filters': ['require_debug_false'], 'class': 'shoogie.log_handler.DatabaseLogHandler', }, 'mail_admins': { 'level': 'ERROR', 'filters': ['require_debug_false'], 'class': 'django.utils.log.AdminEmailHandler', }, }, 'loggers': { 'django.request': { # THIS IS WHERE TO SPECIFY THE NEW SHOOGIE HANDLER # 'handlers': ['shoogie', 'mail_admins'], 'level': 'ERROR', 'propagate': True, }, }, }
Upgrading from shoogie 0.6
Shoogie 0.7 uses a logging handler instead of middleware. Shoogie’s middleware still works, but switching to the logging handler configuration is recommended. Remove the Shoogie middleware from MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES in settings.py and follow the logging configuration instructions above. If both the middleware and the logging handler are configured, every error will be logged twice!
Shoogie can be configured with the following settings:
A sequence of absolute dotted paths of exceptions which it should not log. These exceptions and their subclasses will be ignored. The default value is:
SHOOGIE_IGNORE_EXCEPTIONS = ( 'django.http.Http404', 'django.exceptions.PermissionDenied', )
A sequence of regular expression pairs (filename, funcname) used to filter the traceback included in django’s debug page. This is intended to eliminate the time needed to render, store, and display traceback frames which aren’t useful. The default value is:
SHOOGIE_TRACEBACK_EXCLUDE = ( ('/django/core/handlers/base.py$', '^get_response$'), ('/django/template/', 'render'), )
Errors logged by shoogie can be viewed via django’s admin interface at /admin/shoogie/servererror/.
To view the data fields stored in the log entry, click in the first column.
To visit the url in which the error occurred, click the ‘path’ column. This won’t work if the host is inaccessible, if the request method was something other than GET, or if the path isn’t really an HTTP request path (see below).
If a user is logged with an entry, a link to the admin detail page for the user will be displayed in the admin list.
Click the ‘debug’ link to view the django-generated ‘technical response’ (debug page) for the exception.
To get a list of users and email addresses who encountered a set of errors, select the log entries using the checkboxes on the left, then select “Get user email addresses for selected errors” from the ‘Action’ drop-down menu and click the ‘Go’ button.
To mark a set of errors as resolved or as not resolved, select the entries in question and pick the appropriate action from the drop-down as above.
Shoogie can also be used to log exceptions directly. This could be useful for exceptions occurring in back-end processes such as long-running calculations, cron-jobs, and celery workers:
from shoogie import logger logger.log_exception([request, [exc_type, exc_val, tb]])
Logs an exception to the db. If exc_type, exc_val, and tb aren’t supplied, they will be retrieved using sys.exc_info(). The django technical debug page stored will display the traceback as with errors occuring in normal views.
If request is given, whatever request information is present will also be saved in the log entry. request should be an object which implements, partially or wholly, the same interface as a django.http.HttpRequest.
For conveniently logging exceptions outside the context of an HTTP request, log_exception can be passed a string instead, which will be logged as the request path. Make sure the logging is done outside any transaction which might be reversed by the exception being logged. A general pattern as follows is recommended:
try: with transaction.commit_on_success(): "insert your processing here" except: logger.log_exception('Description')
As of version 0.7 it is possible to log errors to shoogie via the standard logging module, using any logger for which shoogie is configured as a handler. For example, with the logging configuration described in Installation, above, the django.request logger can be used to both log an exception to shoogie and send email to the admins:
import logging django_logger = logging.getLogger('django.request') django_logger.error('Description', exc_info=True)
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