A Django app that provides helper for generating Javascript catalog to static files.
Project description
This is a Django app that provides helper for generating Javascript catalog to static files.
When dealing with internationalization in Javascript code, Django provides the javascript_catalog view which sends out a JavaScript code library with functions that mimic the gettext interface, plus an array of translation strings.
At first glance, it works well and everything is fine. However, for a given language, each request will generates the same identical catalog.
That’s what statici18n is for:
Collecting Javascript catalogs from each of your Django apps (and any other place you specify) into a single location that can easily be served in production.
The main website for django-staticfiles is github.com/zyegfryed/django-statici18n where you can also file tickets.
Use your favorite Python packaging tool to install statici18n from PyPI, e.g.:
pip install django-statici18n
Added 'statici18n' to your INSTALLED_APPS setting:
INSTALLED_APPS = [ # ... 'statici18n', ]
Once you have translated and compiled your messages, use the collecti18n management command:
python manage.py collecti18n
By default, the generated catalogs are stored to STATIC_ROOT.
Edit your templates and replace the dynamically generated script by the statically generated script like this:
<script src="{{ STATIC_URL }}jsi18n/{{ LANGUAGE_CODE }}/djangojs.js"></script>