simple buildout recipe for django projects
Project description
This buildout recipe can be used to create the necessary commands to replace in a buildout environment. Optionally it can also generate scripts for wsgi and fcgi.
simple example:
[buildout] parts = django eggs = django [django] recipe = djangoprojectrecipe settings = myproject.settings eggs = ${buildout:eggs} extra-paths = src project = myproject
Supported options
The recipe supports the following options.
- project
This option sets the name for your project package.
- settings
You can set the name of the settings file which is to be used with this option. This is useful if you want to have a different production setup from your development setup. It defaults to project.settings.
- extra-paths
All paths specified here will be used to extend the default Python path for the bin/* scripts. It is recommended to define these directly in the [buildout] section and juste reference them. See the examples.
- control-script
The name of the script created in the bin folder. This script is the equivalent of the Django normally creates. By default it uses the name of the section (the part between the [ ]).
- wsgi
An extra script is generated in the bin folder when this is set to true. This can be used with mod_wsgi to deploy the project. The name of the script is control-script.wsgi.
- fcgi
Like wsgi this creates an extra script within the bin folder. This script can be used with an FCGI deployment.
- logfile
In case the WSGI server you’re using does not allow printing to stdout, you can set this variable to a filesystem path - all stdout/stderr data is redirected to the log instead of printed. The same logfile will be used for fcgi. You can use the base directory for relative paths: logfile = ${buildout:directory}/log/django.log
- manage-entrypoint
The main entry point for all management commands. By default, this is djangoprojectrecipe.manage.main. Use this setting if you have to do some custom setup on management commands.
FCGI specific settings
Options for FCGI can be set within a settings file ( The options is FCGI_OPTIONS. It should be set to a dictionary. The part below is an example:
FCGI_OPTIONS = { 'method': 'threaded', }
Another example
The next example shows you how to use some more of the options. Here we seperate out eggs and extra-paths onto the buildout configuration and use it both in a part to get a general python interpreter and a django instance with the same paths:
[buildout] versions=versions parts = python django eggs = django South django-cms extra-paths = src ../external_apps/ /some/other/directory/to/add/to/pythonpath/ parts/django_svn/django/ [versions] django = 1.2.4 [python] recipe = zc.recipe.egg interpreter = python eggs = ${buildout:eggs} extra-paths = ${buildout:extra-paths} scripts = python [django] recipe = djangoprojectrecipe settings = myproject.settings_live wsgi = true eggs = ${buildout:eggs} extra-paths = ${buildout:extra-paths}
Using django trunk
djangoprojectrecipe does not handle installing django at all. The easiest case is when installing released versions from pypi (just add django to eggs). If you want to use django trunk or some special branch, infrae.subversion may be of service:
[buildout] versions=versions develop = parts/svn/django/ parts = svn django eggs = django South django-whatever [versions] django= [svn] recipe = infrae.subversion urls = [django] recipe = djangoprojectrecipe settings = myproject.settings_dev eggs = ${buildout:eggs} extra-paths = ${buildout:extra-paths}
Don’t forget to add svn to parts and parts/svn/django/ to develop. Also you should remove the specific version setting from [versions] for django, because otherwise buildout will continue to use the packaged version.
See for more examples.
Example configuration for mod_wsgi
If you want to deploy a project using mod_wsgi you could use this example as a starting point:
<Directory /path/to/buildout> Order deny,allow Allow from all </Directory> <VirtualHost> ServerName my.rocking.server CustomLog /var/log/apache2/my.rocking.server/access.log combined ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/my.rocking.server/error.log WSGIScriptAlias / /path/to/buildout/bin/django.wsgi </VirtualHost>
1.1.2 (2011-12-02)
added support custom start scripts
1.1.1 (2011-05-18)
added support for buildout relative-paths
1.1.0 (2011-03-17)
removed a lot of unneeded functionality that can be solved by other recipes
djangoprojectrecipe was forked from djangorecipe