Project description
This is a extension to Django-Rest-Framework-Gis that adds sorting and distance distance to the DistanceToPointerFilter.
Python 2.7
Django 1.7+
Django-Rest-Framework-Gis 0.10+
Install the library with pip:
$ pip install djangorestframework-gis-distance
Quick Setup
Make sure rest_framework_gis_distance is added to your INSTALLED_APPS, after rest_framework and restframework_gis.
# ...
Regular implementation
First include DistanceField in your serializer.
from restframework_gis_distance.fields import DistanceField
class RecordSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
distance = DistanceField(unit='m')
class Meta:
model = Record
fields = ('location', 'title', 'created', 'distance')
Then use the filter OrderedDistanceToPointFilter in your view.
from restframework_gis_distance.filters import OrderedDistanceToPointFilter
class RecordListView(mixins.ListModelMixin, generics.GenericAPIView):
permission_classes = (AllowAny,)
serializer_class = RecordSerializer
queryset = Record.objects.all()
filter_backends = (OrderedDistanceToPointFilter,)
distance_filter_field = 'location'
distance_filter_convert_meters = True
distance_filter_add_distance = True
After this, set up your urls as usual and call your endpoint like this: example.com/api/endpoint/?dist=1000&point=long,lat
Optional field
Using distance as a optional field (for the cases when you only want to display distance when geo coordinates is supplied)
Instead of declaring a straight DistanceField, wrap the DistanceField as a SerializerMethodField, like this:
from restframework_gis_distance.filters import OrderedDistanceToPointFilter
class RecordOptionalSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
distance = serializers.SerializerMethodField()
class Meta:
model = Record
fields = ('location', 'title', 'created', 'distance')
def get_distance(self, obj):
distance = getattr(obj, "distance", None)
return DistanceField(unit='m').to_representation(distance)
These belong in your DRF view:
distance_filter_field: Target geo filtering field (inherited from DistanceToPointerFilter).
distance_srid: (Optional) The srid you want to use on your distance. (Default 4326)
distance_sort_order: (Optional) Indicates the sort order, closest (True) or farthest (False). (Default: True)
How do I change distance unit?
Add the param unit=DESIRED_UNIT to your DistanceField, make sure you use a django supported unit.
This library include tests, just run python runtests.py.
Want to contribute? Awesome. Just send a pull request.
Django-Rest-Framework-Gis-Distance is released under the MIT License.
Project details
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Download files
Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.
Source Distribution
Hashes for djangorestframework-gis-distance-1.0.0.tar.gz
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | e2c9f643b02d0c43407cbb2b4a6f5f140a30fe61d1baa407deddfefa30926798 |
MD5 | 083063c4816ceb782df1c7a4f61cb5d5 |
BLAKE2b-256 | 5483496719d20ec65ae1b4c4e6dcc72c13ef6683ec7036d2573f16fc6073d277 |