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The DJOptima ToolKit for Django is an all-in-one utility designed to simplify and enhance the deployment process of Django projects, particularly tailored for seamless integration with the Vercel hosting platform. This toolkit empowers developers with a range of powerful features, streamlining essential tasks and boosting productivity.

Project description

DJOptima ToolKit for Django

The DJOptima ToolKit for Django is an all-in-one utility designed to simplify and enhance the deployment process of Django projects, particularly tailored for seamless integration with the Vercel hosting platform. This toolkit empowers developers with a range of powerful features, streamlining essential tasks and boosting productivity.


  • HTML to Django Conversion: Transform your existing HTML files into Django template format effortlessly. This feature accelerates the migration process, ensuring a smooth transition to Django's templating system.

  • Custom Template Tags: Create and manage custom template tags effortlessly, allowing you to extend the capabilities of your Django templates. Empower your templates with dynamic functionality and flexibility.

  • Base Model Templates: Seamlessly manage base model templates, encompassing essential aspects such as handling static files and modifying settings content. Maintain consistency and coherence across your project's design effortlessly.

  • Vercel Hosting Support: Automate the generation of vital deployment files, including vercel.json,, and requirements.txt. Simplify the setup process for hosting your Django project on the Vercel platform.

Modules and Functions

  • Provides functions for creating necessary project folders and updating base settings. This module lays the groundwork for your Django project's configuration.

  • Facilitates the creation of essential files and configurations required for Vercel hosting. This module streamlines the deployment process and ensures optimal compatibility with the Vercel platform.

  • Offers a set of tools to seamlessly convert HTML files into Django template format. Enhance your project's efficiency by seamlessly integrating your existing HTML content.

  • Designer: Incorporates modules that enable easy customization of foreground and background colors. Tailor your console output to your preferences for a more enjoyable coding experience.

  • A specialized toolkit catered specifically for deploying Django projects on the Vercel platform. This module optimizes the deployment process and minimizes configuration overhead. - Streamlined Deployment of Django Projects to Vercel

The module offers a toolkit for simplifying the deployment of Django projects to the Vercel platform. It includes functions for generating deployment files, configuring settings, and automating the deployment process.


Import and utilize the functions within this module to streamline the deployment of your Django project to Vercel. Refer to the individual function documentation for detailed information on usage and parameters.


  • generate_vercel_files(): Generate deployment files required for Vercel deployment.
  • configure_project_settings(): Configure project settings for Vercel deployment.
  • automate_deployment(): Automate the deployment process to Vercel.


  • generate_vercel_files(): Generate Vercel-specific deployment files.
  • configure_project_settings(): Configure project settings for Vercel deployment.
  • automate_deployment(): Automate the deployment process to Vercel.

Function Details

1. print_version()

This function prints the version information of the script.



2. print_help()

This function prints a help message explaining the available commands and options.



3. print_error(message)

This function prints an error message in red.



Command-line Arguments and Options

  • --base: Creates the base folders required for a new Django project.
  • --vercelhost: Generates files and updates settings for deploying on Vercel hosting.
  • --inphtml <path>: Converts an HTML file to a Django template format.
  • --djhtml: Generates a Django HTML template file.
  • --version / --V / --v: Displays the version of the script.
  • -h, --help: Displays the help message.


  1. Version and Help Information

    • The print_version() function displays the version of the script.
    • The print_help() function provides information on available commands and options.
  2. Error Handling

    • The print_error(message) function displays an error message in red.
  3. Command-line Argument Handling

    • The script checks for various command-line arguments and performs corresponding actions:
      • --base: Creates base folders required for a new Django project.
      • --vercelhost: Generates files and updates settings for Vercel hosting.
      • --inphtml <path>: Converts an HTML file to a Django template format.
      • --djhtml: Generates a Django HTML template file.
      • --version / --V / --v: Displays the version of the script.
      • -h, --help: Displays the help message. - Essential Functions for Django Project Setup and Configuration

The module provides a collection of essential functions tailored to simplify Django project setup, configuration, and optimization. By offering tools for creating folders, managing settings, and enhancing configurations, this module streamlines the development process and ensures a solid foundation for your Django projects.


Import and utilize the functions within this module to perform various tasks related to Django project setup and configuration.

Features and Functions


Creates the necessary 'templates' and 'static' folders for your Django project. If these folders don't already exist, this function creates them. It also modifies Django settings and URLs files to include the 'templates' folder in the 'DIRS' list.


# Create necessary folders and modify settings

add_to_installed_apps(file_path, app_name)

Adds an app to the INSTALLED_APPS list in your project's settings file.


# Add 'myapp' to INSTALLED_APPS in
add_to_installed_apps('path/to/', 'myapp')

set_allowed_hosts(file_path, desired_allowed_hosts)

Sets the desired ALLOWED_HOSTS list in your project's settings file.


# Set ALLOWED_HOSTS to a list of desired hosts
set_allowed_hosts('path/to/', "['localhost', '']")


Comments out the DATABASES configuration in your project's settings file.


# Comment out the DATABASES configuration


Updates static and media settings in your project's settings file.


# Update static and media settings


Performs a series of base configuration updates on your project's settings file, including adding the app to INSTALLED_APPS, setting ALLOWED_HOSTS, and updating static settings.


# Perform base configuration updates


  • This module assumes it's being run within a Django project directory.
  • It relies on functions from other modules such as t_size(), blue(), green(), get_app_name(), base_edit_settings_file(), and edit_urls_file().
  • Make sure to customize the module according to your project's structure and requirements.

For detailed usage instructions and examples, refer to the comments within the codebase. - Streamline Hosting and Deployment in Django Projects

The module simplifies the hosting and deployment process for Django projects. It provides tools to generate necessary files, configure settings, and streamline the deployment of your project to hosting platforms like Vercel.


This module is designed to be imported and used within your Django project to facilitate the hosting and deployment process.


  • generate_files(): Generates essential files required for deployment, such as 'vercel.json', 'requirements.txt', and ''.
  • Change_the_files(): Performs a series of essential configuration updates for deployment, including updating settings, WSGI files, and URLs.
  • Host.djangotemp(): Batch convert HTML files to Django template format in the '' module.


  • generate_files(): Generates essential deployment files.
  • Change_the_files(): Performs essential configuration updates for deployment.
  • Host.djangotemp(): Batch convert HTML files to Django template format.
  • ... (Other functions related to hosting and deployment.)

Function Details

1. generate_files()

This function generates specific files within the current directory for a Django project. It creates the following files: 'vercel.json', 'requirements.txt', '', and ''.





2. Change_the_files()

This function performs a series of file edits and updates for a Django project. It updates the '', '', and '' files based on the project's configuration.





3. Host.djangotemp()

This function is intended to batch convert HTML files to Django template format. It provides a utility to automate the conversion process.






  1. Finding Views Folder and Terminal Size

    • The find_views_folder() function searches for the 'views' folder within the current Django project directory.
    • The t_size() function retrieves the size of the terminal window.
  2. Getting Imported Modules and Versions

    • The get_imported_modules(file_path) function retrieves a set of imported modules from a given Python source file.
    • The find_imported_modules(root_dir) function finds and returns a list of imported modules across Python files within a directory.
    • The get_modules_version(module_datas) function retrieves version information for a list of modules.
    • The shortcut_version(root_dir) function quickly retrieves version information for imported modules within a directory.
  3. Getting App Name of Django

    • The get_app_name() function retrieves the Django app name based on the current project's file.
  4. Creating the Needed Files for Deployment

    • The generate_files() function generates 'vercel.json', 'requirements.txt', and '' files within the current directory.
  5. Editing Files

    • Various functions like add_to_installed_apps(), set_allowed_hosts(), comment_out_databases(), and update_static_settings() are used to edit the file.
    • The edit_wsgi_file() function edits the file to include "app = application" if not present.
    • The edit_urls_file() function adds content to the file for serving media and static files.
  6. Base Edit Settings File

    • The base_edit_settings_file(settings_file_path) function performs various edits to the base settings file of a Django project.
  7. Edit Settings File

    • The edit_settings_file(settings_file_path) function performs various edits to the settings file for Vercel hosting.
  8. Edit WSGI File

    • The edit_wsgi_file(wsgi_file_path) function edits a WSGI file by updating it using the update_wsgi_file function.
  9. Edit URLs File

    • The edit_urls_file(file_path) function edits a URLs file by updating it with additional content using the update_urlpatterns function.
  10. Executing Change_the_files()

  • The Change_the_files() function coordinates the sequence of edits and updates required for deployment. - Advanced Terminal Styling for Django Templates

The module enhances terminal-based styling and provides tools to convert HTML content into Django template format. It introduces advanced terminal size retrieval for more precise styling and offers a function to seamlessly convert HTML files into Django template format with static tag replacements.


This module is intended to be imported and used within your Django project for terminal-based styling enhancements and HTML-to-template conversion.


  • t_size(): A function to retrieve advanced terminal dimensions for responsive styling.
  • convert_to_django_html(input_file, output_file): Converts HTML files to Django template format by replacing 'href' and 'src' attributes with Django static tags.
  • djangotemp(): Converts HTML files in the current directory to Django template format, saving them in an 'output_html_files' directory.


  • t_size(): Retrieves advanced terminal dimensions for precise styling in templates.
  • convert_to_django_html(input_file, output_file): Converts HTML to Django template format with static tag replacements.
  • djangotemp(): Batch converts HTML files to Django template format in the current directory.

Function Details

1. t_size()

This function retrieves the current terminal size in columns (width) and lines (height). It uses the os.get_terminal_size() method to obtain the dimensions of the current terminal window.




terminal_dimensions = t_size()
print("Terminal Width:", terminal_dimensions[0])
print("Terminal Height:", terminal_dimensions[1])

2. convert_to_django_html(input_file, output_file)

This function converts an HTML file to Django template format by replacing 'href' and 'src' attributes with Django static tags. It ensures that the HTML content becomes compatible with Django templates.


convert_to_django_html(input_file, output_file)


input_file_path = "input.html"
output_file_path = "output_template.html"
convert_to_django_html(input_file_path, output_file_path)

3. djangotemp()

This function batch converts HTML files in the current directory to Django template format. It replaces 'href' and 'src' attributes with Django static tags, and the converted files are saved in an 'output_html_files' directory.






  1. Advanced Terminal Styling

    • The t_size() function retrieves terminal dimensions for responsive styling.
  2. HTML-to-Template Conversion

    • The convert_to_django_html(input_file, output_file) function converts HTML to Django template format.
    • It replaces 'href' and 'src' attributes with Django static tags for compatibility.
  3. Batch Conversion with djangotemp()

    • The djangotemp() function searches for HTML files in the current directory.
    • It converts them to Django template format and saves them in an 'output_html_files' directory.

how to use the module along with usage examples:

def print_help():
    """Prints the help message."""
    print("Django Project Helper Script")
    print("This script provides various utilities to assist in managing a Django project.")
    print(f"  {blue('--base')}           {pink('Create base folders')} for a new Django project.")
    print(f"  {blue('--vercelhost')}     Generate files and {pink('update settings')} for {pink('Vercel hosting')}.")
    print(f"  {blue('--inphtml <path>')} Convert an HTML file to {pink('Django template')} format.")
    print(f"  {blue('--djhtml')}         Generate a {pink('Django HTML template')}.")
    print(f"  {blue('--version')}        Display {pink('version information')}.")
    print(f"  {blue('-h, --help')}       Display {pink('this help message')}.")
    print(f"  {blue('--base')}:")
    print("    Creates the base folders required for a new Django project.")
    print(f"  {blue('--vercelhost')}:")
    print("    Generates files and updates settings for deploying on Vercel hosting.")
    print(f"  {blue('--inphtml <path>')}:")
    print("    Converts an HTML file to a Django template format.")
    print(f"  {blue('--djhtml')}:")
    print("    Generates a Django HTML template file.")
    print(f"  {blue('--version')} / {blue('--V')} / {blue('--v')}:")
    print("    Displays the version of the script.")
    print("\nColor Codes:")
    print(f"  {red('Red')}, {blue('Blue')}, {green('Green')}, {yellow('Yellow')}, {brown('Brown')}, {pink('Pink')}")

# Print the help message

DJOptima - Streamlined Deployment of Django Projects to Vercel

The djoptima module offers a toolkit for simplifying the deployment of Django projects to the Vercel platform. It includes functions for generating deployment files, configuring settings, and automating the deployment process.


  1. Print Help Message: Run the script without any arguments or with -h/--help to see the available commands and options.


    djoptima -h
  2. Create Base Folders: Use the --base argument to create the base folders required for a new Django project.


    djoptima --base
  3. Generate Vercel Files and Update Settings: Use the --vercelhost argument to generate files and update settings for deploying on Vercel hosting.


    djoptima --vercelhost
  4. Convert HTML to Django Template Format: Use the --inphtml <path> argument to convert an HTML file to a Django template format.


    djoptima --inphtml input.html
  5. Generate Django HTML Template: Use the --djhtml argument to generate a Django HTML template file.


    djoptima --djhtml
  6. Display Version Information: Use the --version, --V, or --v argument to display the version of the script.


    djoptima --version

Color Codes

  • Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Brown, Pink: Color codes for enhanced readability.


  • To create base folders for a new Django project:

    djoptima --base
  • To generate Vercel deployment files and update settings:

    djoptima --vercelhost
  • To convert an HTML file to a Django template format:

    djoptima --inphtml input.html
  • To generate a Django HTML template file:

    djoptima --djhtml
  • To display the version of the script:

    djoptima --version

For more information and details on the functionalities, use the --help option:

djoptima --help

Change Log (24/08/2022)

-First Release

Project details

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Source Distribution

DJOptima-0.0.1.tar.gz (27.2 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

DJOptima-0.0.1-py3-none-any.whl (24.5 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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