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REST version of Django authentication system.

Project description

# djoser

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REST implementation of [Django]( authentication
system. **Djoser** library provides a set of [Django Rest Framework](
views to handle basic actions such as registration, login, logout, password
reset and account activation. It works with [custom user model](

Instead of reusing Django code (e.g. `PasswordResetForm`), we reimplemented
few things to fit better into [Single Page App](

Developed by [SUNSCRAPERS]( with passion & patience.

## Features

Here is a list of supported authentication backends:

* [HTTP Basic Auth]( (Default)
* [Token based authentication from Django Rest Framework](

Available endpoints:

* `/me/`
* `/register/`
* `/login/` (token based authentication)
* `/logout/` (token based authentication)
* `/activate/`
* `/{{ User.USERNAME_FIELD }}/`
* `/password/`
* `/password/reset/`
* `/password/reset/confirm/`

Supported Python versions:

* Python 2.7
* Python 3.4
* Python 3.5

Supported Django versions:

* Django 1.7
* Django 1.8
* Django 1.9
* Django 1.10

Supported Django Rest Framework versions:

* Django Rest Framework 3.x

For Django Rest Framework 2.4 support check [djoser 0.3.2](

## Installation

Use `pip`:

$ pip install djoser

## Quick Start



Configure ``:

urlpatterns = patterns('',
url(r'^auth/', include('djoser.urls')),

HTTP Basic Auth strategy is assumed by default as Django Rest Framework does it. However you may want to set it


Run migrations - this step will create tables for `auth` app:

$ ./ migrate

## Customizing authentication backend

### Token Based Authentication

Add `'rest_framework.authtoken'` to `INSTALLED_APPS`:


Configure ``. Pay attention to `djoser.url.authtoken` module path.

urlpatterns = patterns('',
url(r'^auth/', include('djoser.urls.authtoken')),

Set `TokenAuthentication` as default Django Rest Framework authentication strategy:


Run migrations - this step will create tables for `auth` and `authtoken` apps:

$ ./ migrate

### JSON Web Token Authentication
`djoser` does not provide support for JSON web token authentication out of the box but
can be enabled by using a library like [djangorestframework-jwt](

You simply need to route correctly in your `settings.ROOT_URLCONF`. An example would be:

import rest_framework_jwt.views
import djoser.views

urlpatterns = [
url(r'^auth/login', rest_framework_jwt.views.obtain_jwt_token), # using JSON web token
url(r'^auth/register', djoser.views.RegistrationView.as_view()),
url(r'^auth/password/reset', djoser.views.PasswordResetView.as_view()),
url(r'^auth/password/reset/confirm', djoser.views.PasswordResetConfirmView.as_view()),

## Settings

Optionally add `DJOSER` settings:

'DOMAIN': '',
'SITE_NAME': 'Frontend',
'PASSWORD_RESET_CONFIRM_URL': '#/password/reset/confirm/{uid}/{token}',
'ACTIVATION_URL': '#/activate/{uid}/{token}',

Check "Settings" section for more info.

## Endpoints

### User

Use this endpoint to retrieve/update user.

#### `GET`

URL: `/me/`

Retrieve user.

* **response**

* status: `HTTP_200_OK` (success)

* data:


`{{ }}`


#### `PUT`

URL: `/me/`

Update user.

* **request**

* data:


* **response**

* status: `HTTP_200_OK` (success)

* data:


`{{ }}`


### Register

Use this endpoint to register new user. Your user model manager should
implement [create_user](
method and have [USERNAME_FIELD](

#### `POST`

URL: `/register/`

* **request**

* data:




* **response**

* status: `HTTP_201_CREATED` (success)

* data:


`{{ }}`


### Login

Use this endpoint to obtain user [authentication token](
This endpoint is available only if you are using token based authentication.

#### `POST`

URL: `/login/`

* **request**

* data:



* **response**

* status: `HTTP_200_OK` (success)

* data:


### Logout

Use this endpoint to logout user (remove user authentication token). This endpoint is available only if you are using
token based authentication.

#### `POST`

URL: `/logout/`

* **response**

* status: `HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT` (success)

### Activate

Use this endpoint to activate user account. This endpoint is not a URL which
will be directly exposed to your users - you should provide site in your
frontend application (configured by `ACTIVATION_URL`) which will send `POST`
request to activate endpoint.

#### `POST`

URL: `/activate/`

* **request**

* data:



* **response**

* status: `HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT` (success)

### Set username

Use this endpoint to change user username (`USERNAME_FIELD`).

#### `POST`

URL: `/{{ User.USERNAME_FIELD }}/`

* **request**

* data:

`new_{{ User.USERNAME_FIELD }}`

`re_new_{{ User.USERNAME_FIELD }}` (if `SET_USERNAME_RETYPE` is `True`)


* **response**

* status: `HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT` (success)

### Set password

Use this endpoint to change user password.

#### `POST`

URL: `/password/`

* **request**

* data:


`re_new_password` (if `SET_PASSWORD_RETYPE` is `True`)


* **response**

* status: `HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT` (success)

### Reset password

Use this endpoint to send email to user with password reset link. You have to

#### `POST`

URL: `/password/reset/`

* **request**

* data:


* **response**

* status: `HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT` (success), if `PASSWORD_RESET_SHOW_EMAIL_NOT_FOUND` is `False` (default); or
* status: `HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST`, if `PASSWORD_RESET_SHOW_EMAIL_NOT_FOUND` is `True` and `email` does not exists in the database.

### Reset password confirmation

Use this endpoint to finish reset password process. This endpoint is not a URL
which will be directly exposed to your users - you should provide site in your
frontend application (configured by `PASSWORD_RESET_CONFIRM_URL`) which
will send `POST` request to reset password confirmation endpoint.

#### `POST`

URL: `/password/reset/confirm/`

* **request**

* data:




`re_new_password` (if `PASSWORD_RESET_CONFIRM_RETYPE` is `True`)

* **response**

* status: `HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT` (success)

## Settings


Domain of your frontend app. If not provided, domain of current site will be

**Required**: `False`


Name of your frontend app. If not provided, name of current site will be

**Required**: `False`


URL to your frontend password reset page. It should contain `{uid}` and
`{token}` placeholders, e.g. `#/password-reset/{uid}/{token}`. You should pass
`uid` and `token` to reset password confirmation endpoint.

**Required**: `True`


If `True`, register endpoint will send activation email to user.

**Default**: `False`


If `True`, register or activation endpoint will send confirmation email to user.

**Default**: `False`


URL to your frontend activation page. It should contain `{uid}` and `{token}`
placeholders, e.g. `#/activate/{uid}/{token}`. You should pass `uid` and
`token` to activation endpoint.

**Required**: `True`


If `True`, you need to pass `re_new_{{ User.USERNAME_FIELD }}` to
`/{{ User.USERNAME_FIELD }}/` endpoint, to validate username equality.

**Default**: `False`


If `True`, you need to pass `re_new_password` to `/password/` endpoint, to
validate password equality.

**Default**: `False`


If `True`, you need to pass `re_new_password` to `/password/reset/confirm/`
endpoint in order to validate password equality.

**Default**: `False`


If `True`, setting new password will logout the user.

**Default**: `False`


If `True`, posting a non-existent `email` to `/password/reset/` will return
a `HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST` response with an `EMAIL_NOT_FOUND` error message
('User with given email does not exist.').

If `False` (default), the `/password/reset/` endpoint will always return
a `HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT` response.

Please note that setting this to `True` will expose information whether
an email is registered in the system.

**Default**: `False`


List containing [REST Framework Validator]( functions.
These validators are run on `/register/` and `/password/reset/confirm/`.

**Default**: `[]`

**Example**: `[my_validator1, my_validator2]`


This dictionary is used to update the defaults, so by providing,
let's say, one key, all the others will still be used.

'user': 'myapp.serializers.SpecialUserSerializer',

'activation': 'djoser.serializers.ActivationSerializer',
'login': 'djoser.serializers.LoginSerializer',
'password_reset': 'djoser.serializers.PasswordResetSerializer',
'password_reset_confirm': 'djoser.serializers.PasswordResetConfirmSerializer',
'password_reset_confirm_retype': 'djoser.serializers.PasswordResetConfirmRetypeSerializer',
'set_password': 'djoser.serializers.SetPasswordSerializer',
'set_password_retype': 'djoser.serializers.SetPasswordRetypeSerializer',
'set_username': 'djoser.serializers.SetUsernameSerializer',
'set_username_retype': 'djoser.serializers.SetUsernameRetypeSerializer',
'user_registration': 'djoser.serializers.UserRegistrationSerializer',
'user': 'djoser.serializers.UserSerializer',
'token': 'djoser.serializers.TokenSerializer',

## Emails

There are few email templates which you may want to override:

* `activation_email_body.txt`
* `activation_email_subject.txt`
* `password_reset_email_body.txt`
* `password_reset_email_subject.txt`

All of them have following context:

* `user`
* `domain`
* `site_name`
* `url`
* `uid`
* `token`
* `protocol`

## Sample usage

We provide a standalone test app for you to start easily, see how everything works with basic settings. It might be useful before integrating **djoser** into your backend application.

In this extremely short tutorial we are going to mimic the simplest flow: register user, log in and log out. We will also check resource access on each consecutive step. Let's go!

* Clone repository and install **djoser** to your virtualenv:

`$ git clone`

`$ cd djoser`

`$ pip install -e .`

* Go to the `testproject` directory, migrate the database and start the development server:

`$ cd testproject`

`$ ./ migrate`

`$ ./ runserver 8088`

* Register a new user:

`$ curl -X POST --data 'username=djoser&password=djoser'`

`{"email": "", "username": "djoser", "id":1}`

So far, so good. We have just created a new user using REST API.

* Let's access user's details:

`$ curl -X GET`

`{"detail": "Authentication credentials were not provided."}`

As we can see, we cannot access user profile without logging in. Pretty obvious.

* Let's log in:

`curl -X POST --data 'username=djoser&password=djoser'`

`{"auth_token": "b704c9fc3655635646356ac2950269f352ea1139"}`

We have just obtained an authorization token that we may use later in order to retrieve specific resources.

* Let's access user's details again:

`$ curl -X GET`

`{"detail": "Authentication credentials were not provided."}`

Access is still forbidden but let's offer the token we obtained:

`$ curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Token b704c9fc3655635646356ac2950269f352ea1139'`

`{"email": "", "username": "djoser", "id": 1}`

Yay, it works!

* Now let's log out:

`curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: Token b704c9fc3655635646356ac2950269f352ea1139'`

And try access user profile again:

`$ curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Token b704c9fc3655635646356ac2950269f352ea1139'`

`{"detail": "Invalid token"}`

As we can see, user has been logged out successfully and the proper token has been removed.

## Customization

If you need to customize any serializer behaviour you can use
the DJOSER['SERIALIZERS'] setting to use your own serializer classes in the built-in views.
Or if you need to completely change the default djoser behaviour,
you can always override djoser views with your own custom ones.

Define custom `urls` instead of reusing `djoser.urls`:

urlpatterns = patterns('',
url(r'^register/$', views.CustomRegistrationView.as_view()),

Define custom view/serializer (inherit from one of `djoser` class) and override necessary method/field:

class CustomRegistrationView(djoser.views.RegistrationView):

def send_activation_email(self, *args, **kwargs):
your_custom_email_sender(*args, **kwargs)

You could check `djoser` API in source code:

* [djoser.views](
* [djoser.serializers](

## Contributing and development

To start developing on **djoser**, clone the repository:

`$ git clone`

In order to run the tests create virtualenv, go to repo directory and then:

`$ pip install django djangorestframework`

`$ pip install -r requirements.txt`

If you are running djoser tests on Python 2.7 you also need to install `mock` library.

`$ pip install mock # only on Python 2.7`

`$ cd testproject`

`$ ./ test`

If you need to run tests against all supported Python and Django versions then invoke:

`$ pip install tox`

`$ tox`

You can also play with test project by running following commands:

`$ ./ migrate`

`$ ./ runserver`

## Similar projects

List of projects related to Django, REST and authentication:

- [django-rest-auth](
- [django-rest-framework-digestauth](
- [django-oauth-toolkit](
- [doac](
- [django-rest-framework-jwt](
- [django-rest-framework-httpsignature](
- [hawkrest](

Project details

Download files

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Source Distribution

djoser-0.5.3.tar.gz (13.9 kB view hashes)

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