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Common task classes used by the DKIST science data processing pipelines

Project description

This repository works in concert with dkist-processing-core and dkist-processing-*instrument* to form the DKIST calibration processing stack.


The classes in this repository should be used as the base of any DKIST processing pipeline tasks. Science tasks should subclass ScienceTaskL0ToL1Base.

Each class is built on an abstract base class with the run method left for a developer to fill out with the required steps that the task should take. This class is then used as the callable object for the workflow and scheduling engine.


from dkist_processing_common.tasks.base import ScienceTaskL0ToL1Base

class RemoveArtifacts(ScienceTaskL0ToL1Base):
    def run(self):
        # task code here
        total = 2 + 5


dkist-processing-common is deployed to PyPI


There are two prerequisites for test execution on a local machine:

  • Redis. A running instance of redis on the local machine is required. The tests will use the default host ip of localhost and port of 6379 to connect to the database.

  • RabbitMQ. A running instance of rabbitmq on the local machine is required. The tests will use the default host of localhost and a port of 5672 to connect to the interservice bus.

To run the tests locally, clone the repository and install the package in editable mode with the test extras.

git clone
cd dkist-processing-common
pre-commit install
pip install -e .[test]
# Redis must be running
pytest -v --cov dkist_processing_common


When you make any change to this repository it MUST be accompanied by a changelog file. The changelog for this repository uses the towncrier package. Entries in the changelog for the next release are added as individual files (one per change) to the changelog/ directory.

Writing a Changelog Entry

A changelog entry accompanying a change should be added to the changelog/ directory. The name of a file in this directory follows a specific template:


The fields have the following meanings:

  • <PULL REQUEST NUMBER>: This is the number of the pull request, so people can jump from the changelog entry to the diff on BitBucket.

  • <TYPE>: This is the type of the change and must be one of the values described below.

  • <COUNTER>: This is an optional field, if you make more than one change of the same type you can append a counter to the subsequent changes, i.e. 100.bugfix.rst and 100.bugfix.1.rst for two bugfix changes in the same PR.

The list of possible types is defined the the towncrier section of pyproject.toml, the types are:

  • feature: This change is a new code feature.

  • bugfix: This is a change which fixes a bug.

  • doc: A documentation change.

  • removal: A deprecation or removal of public API.

  • misc: Any small change which doesn’t fit anywhere else, such as a change to the package infrastructure.

Rendering the Changelog at Release Time

When you are about to tag a release first you must run towncrier to render the changelog. The steps for this are as follows:

  • Run towncrier build –version vx.y.z using the version number you want to tag.

  • Agree to have towncrier remove the fragments.

  • Add and commit your changes.

  • Tag the release.

NOTE: If you forget to add a Changelog entry to a tagged release (either manually or automatically with towncrier) then the Bitbucket pipeline will fail. To be able to use the same tag you must delete it locally and on the remote branch:

# First, actually update the CHANGELOG and commit the update
git commit

# Delete tags
git push --delete origin vWHATEVER.THE.VERSION

# Re-tag with the same version
git push --tags origin main

Project details

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Source Distribution

dkist_processing_common-10.5.10.tar.gz (499.7 kB view details)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

dkist_processing_common-10.5.10-py3-none-any.whl (528.4 kB view details)

Uploaded Python 3

File details

Details for the file dkist_processing_common-10.5.10.tar.gz.

File metadata

File hashes

Hashes for dkist_processing_common-10.5.10.tar.gz
Algorithm Hash digest
SHA256 7f3c6919671110de34fceabd1b7dff987ff69b5e9e1cdeb8380a32c1c31cc666
MD5 d1815c3cf9b4525024f9f7a65a0a347d
BLAKE2b-256 07b4cb81b240eee6ef4627354e7dba3ab7467012b3857e98effaf96948b1116d

See more details on using hashes here.

File details

Details for the file dkist_processing_common-10.5.10-py3-none-any.whl.

File metadata

File hashes

Hashes for dkist_processing_common-10.5.10-py3-none-any.whl
Algorithm Hash digest
SHA256 81a1fdd29e48b6b98af40e3b862024fea9f4a003cf3b28ae26370cce0ace43c8
MD5 98dab1dd2ead3c327233ab105622a467
BLAKE2b-256 9a73a3f1e32126bf13ac6b2290454e87522f3b2e80afbf529bd628f473d9e7b4

See more details on using hashes here.

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