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Cython/lxml based binding for the XML security library -- for lxml 3.x

Project description

This package contains a Cython ( based bindung to Aleksey Sanin’s XML security library (””) to be used together with lxml (, the most popular Python binding to the Gnome XML library libxml2 (

ATTENTION: Some uses of this package can lead to memory corruption potentially leading to a crash. The package integrates lxml and xmlsec, both sitting on top or the C library libxml2. libxml2 manages complex heap allocated data structures (representing XML documents). As always in such cases, memory management is complex: there is the risk of forgetting to free memory no longer referenced and the risk of freeing memory still in use. xmlsec transforms XML documents which in some cases removes document parts. In those cases xmlsec assumes that it should free the respective memory. This implies that the application must not hold direct references into document parts to be removed by xmlsec; those references would refer to freed memory after the document parts have been removed, likely leading to memory corruption and potentially a crash. While this risk exists, I have not yet gotten actual crash reports; thus, typical applications likely do the right thing.


Operating system level requirements

You must have installed the development packages for libxml2 and the XML security library (often called libxmlsec1).

Python level requirements

You must have installed setuptools or an equivalent package manager.

You must have installed a non binary lxml distribution (e.g. via pip install --no-binary lxml lxml). Binary lxml distributions typically have a static copy of libxml2 linked in. With libxmlsec1, you will get an additional libxml2 instance (dynamically linked in). The use of more than a single libxml2 instance is incompatible with some libxml2 optimizations and can lead to memory corruption and a subsequent crash.

This package interfaces with lxml via its Cython interface (described in etreepublic.pxd). Some operating system installations for lxml lack the respective files. In those cases, you may need to download an lxml source distribution and let the environment variable LXML_HOME point to its root.

xmlsec can use different cryptographic engines (currently openssl, gnutls and nss). By default, this package configures xmlsec to use its default engine. Should you require a different engine, you can set the envvar XMLSEC_CRYPTO_ENGINE to the corresponding value. In this case, you may need to pass the name of your crypto engine to the initialize function.

If those requirements are met, you can install the package in the typical ways, e.g. pip install dm.xmlsec.binding.

I have tried installation only on Linux, it may not work on other platforms.

Testing the installation

You can test the installation by downloading the source distribution, extracting its content and running python test in its top level directory.

Alternatively, you can use zope.testrunner to test the installation.

Important differences with xmlsec

Object orientation

xmlsec is a “C” library. As such, it provides its main functionality by functions. Most of the functions are primarily associated with a special kind of data structure (key, keys manager, signature/encryption context, template) where the association is expressed in the function name and the type of its first argument.

This binding uses classes to represent the concepts Key, KeysMngr (keys manager), DSigCtx (digital signature context) and EncCtx (encryption context) and the module tmpl to provide access to templates.

The names (for functions, methods, constants) are usually derived from the respective xmlsec names but prefixes determined by the binding environment are removed and for functions/methods the first letter is decapitalized. For example, the xmlsec xmlSecDSigCtxSign function is represented by the sign method of the DSigCtx class. There are some exceptions to the rule. For example, the xmlsec xmlSecCryptoAppDefaultKeysMngrAdoptKey function becomes the addKey method of class KeysMngr reflecting that we only support “default keys managers” and that we do not support keys adoption (but copy the key).


xmlsec treats keys as somewhat “volatile” objects: they are normally created but are then passed over to either a KeysMngr or a signature/encryption context which then control the keys lifetime (and validity). This semantics is a bit difficult to emulate in Python - and I decided not to try. Instead, I model keys as normal Python objects (with independent lifetime) but copy the encapsulated xmlsec key whenever it is passed over to a KeysMngr or a signature/encryption context. This has important ramifications: you do not need to worry about the validity of a key (it is valid as long as you have a handle to it); however, modifications to a key have no effects on the (copied) xmlsec key previously passed over to a keys manager or signature/encryption context. This forces some changes in the way keys are handled in the standard xmlsec examples (below).

As a consequence, signature/encryption contexts allow the setting of a key but you cannot retrieve them again.

Should experience show that this is too confusing or restricting, I may change the modeling of keys in future versions.

Attribute access

xmlsec is not completely homogenous with respect to attribute access. Sometimes, the attribute is accessed directly; other times, there are “get/set” methods. This binding never uses “get/set” methods but always properties.

Id suffix suppression

xmlsec identifies many objects (transforms, algoritms, key types) by ids and emphasizes this by appending Id to the corresponding names. In my view, this is an irrelevant implementation detail and I have suppressed all Id suffixes.

Accessing encryption/decryption results

xmlsec encryption/decryption can either operate on binary data or nodes in an XML tree. In the latter case, the tree is modified in place.

With lxml, you do not have direct access to the tree; instead, you access it via proxy objects referencing nodes in the tree. There is a good chance that some of those proxy objects get “confused” when the tree is changed: they can behave surprisingly after the change.

As a consequence, you should avoid accessing a tree after an encryption/decryption operation via lxml references you have set up before the operation. Especially, the reference to the encrypted/decrypted node (usually) does not reflect the result and you should consider its value as undefined. If the operation has operated on the root of the tree, the same applies to the lxml element tree for the tree.

In order for you to access the operation result in a safe way, the encryption/decryption methods return it. For encryptXml, the result is the (lxml reference to the) EncryptedData node representing the encrypted part of the tree. If decrypt results in an XML result (rather than binary data), then its result specifies the root of the decrypted subtree (which usually is not the root of the whole tree). Applying getroottree to an XML result of encryptXml/decrypt gives a (new) safe reference to the whole tree. The xmlsec examples have been modified to reflect this peculiarity of the lxml binding.

The encryption methods copy the template (to avoid the risk of memory corruption due to application references into part of the template). For encryption and decryption, the application can safely hold references into the document being encrypted or decrypted.

Failure handling

As a C library, xmlsec mostly uses return codes to indicate success/failure for its functions. In rare situations, a “status” field needs to be checked as well. In Python, we have exceptions. Thus, I change failure handling: any failure is indicated by an exception. Currently, there are two exception classes: the base class Error and a derived class VerificationError. Error is used whenever the return code of an xmlsec function indicates a failure. VerificationError is used for signature verification when the verify call returned an “ok” status but the status field in the context indicates that the verification failed.

Binding extent

The binding is by far not complete. It only covers Key, KeysMngr and signature/encryption context as far as required either by me or the examples.

It is likely that the binding will become more complete over time.


I do not like separate documentation (apart from overviews). I am a fan of documentation derived automatically from the source – if possible available directly inside the Python session. As a consequence, you can use pydoc or Python’s help builtin to get detailed documentation (apart from looking at the source and reading this overview).


This section shows how the XML security library examples from look in Python.

For background, please also read and


Always ensure that the xmlsec library is properly initialized. Otherwise, it fails in dubious ways. All following examples assume that the code below has been executed.

>>> import dm.xmlsec.binding as xmlsec
>>> xmlsec.initialize()

Some imports used in our examples

>>> from os.path import dirname, basename
>>> from lxml.etree import tostring
>>> from sys import version_info

We also set up some constants for the examples below.

>>> BASEDIR = dirname(xmlsec.__file__) + "/resources/"

The following are helpers to hide differences between Python 2 and Python 3.

>>> def to_text(b):
...   return b.decode("utf-8") if version_info.major > 2 else b
>>> try: from io import BytesIO
... except ImportError: from StringIO import StringIO as BytesIO

Signing an XML file

What is signed actually is a standard XML file containing somewhere a signature template. The template describes how the signature should be performed and contains placeholders for the signature parts. The XML security libraries examples view the complete XML file as a template. Below is a function which signs such a template.

>>> def sign_file(tmpl_file, key_file):
...     """sign *tmpl_file* with key in *key_file*.
...     *tmpl_file* actually contains an XML document containing a signature
...     template. It can be a file, a filename string or an HTTP/FTP url.
...     *key_file* contains the PEM encoded private key. It must be a filename string.
...     """
...     from lxml.etree import parse, tostring
...     doc = parse(tmpl_file)
...     # find signature node
...     node = xmlsec.findNode(doc, xmlsec.dsig("Signature"))
...     dsigCtx = xmlsec.DSigCtx()
...     # Note: we do not provide read access to `dsigCtx.signKey`.
...     #  Therefore, unlike the `xmlsec` example, we must set the key name
...     #  before we assign it to `dsigCtx`
...     signKey = xmlsec.Key.load(key_file, xmlsec.KeyDataFormatPem, None)
... = basename(key_file)
...     # Note: the assignment below effectively copies the key
...     dsigCtx.signKey = signKey
...     dsigCtx.sign(node)
...     return tostring(doc)
>>> signed_file = sign_file(BASEDIR + "sign1-tmpl.xml", BASEDIR + "rsakey.pem")
>>> print(to_text(signed_file))
XML Security Library example: Simple signature template file for sign1 example.
--><Envelope xmlns="urn:envelope">
        Hello, World!
  <Signature xmlns="">
      <CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm=""/>
      <SignatureMethod Algorithm=""/>
      <Reference URI="">
          <Transform Algorithm=""/>
        <DigestMethod Algorithm=""/>

Signing a dynamically created template

This package does not bind the XML Security library template functions but implements corresponding functionality directly via lxml. It is implemented in module dm.xmlsec.binding.tmpl which sets up a specialized parser, registers enhanced element classes for the elements occuring in templates and redefines standard lxml infrastructure (parse, Element, SubElement, fromstring) to use this parser. Thus, using the infrastructure provided by module tmpl, you can create elements or element trees in any way supported by lxml and when a [sub]element corresponds to an element in a template it has additional methods to help in the template construction.

In addition, the module provides factories (Signature and EncData) which facilitate the creation of the top level structure of a signature or encryption template.

>>> def sign_file_create_template(xml_file, key_file):
...     """add signature node to *xml_file* and sign with *key_file*.
...     *xml_file* can be a file, a filename string or an HTTP/FTP url.
...     *key_file* contains the PEM encoded private key. It must be a filename string.
...     """
...     # template aware infrastructure
...     from dm.xmlsec.binding.tmpl import parse, Element, SubElement, \
...          fromstring, XML
...     from dm.xmlsec.binding.tmpl import Signature
...     doc = parse(xml_file)
...     signature = Signature(xmlsec.TransformExclC14N,
...                           xmlsec.TransformRsaSha1
...                           )
...     doc.getroot().insert(0, signature)
...     ref = signature.addReference(xmlsec.TransformSha1)
...     ref.addTransform(xmlsec.TransformEnveloped)
...     key_info = signature.ensureKeyInfo()
...     key_info.addKeyName()
...     # now what we already know
...     dsigCtx = xmlsec.DSigCtx()
...     # Note: we do not provide read access to `dsigCtx.signKey`.
...     #  Therefore, unlike the `xmlsec` example, we must set the key name
...     #  before we assign it to `dsigCtx`
...     signKey = xmlsec.Key.load(key_file, xmlsec.KeyDataFormatPem, None)
... = basename(key_file)
...     # Note: the assignment below effectively copies the key
...     dsigCtx.signKey = signKey
...     dsigCtx.sign(signature)
...     return tostring(doc)
>>> print(to_text(sign_file_create_template(BASEDIR + "sign2-doc.xml", BASEDIR + "rsakey.pem")))
XML Security Library example: Original XML doc file for sign2 example.
--><Envelope xmlns="urn:envelope">
  <Signature xmlns=""><SignedInfo><CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm=""/><SignatureMethod Algorithm=""/><Reference><Transforms><Transform Algorithm=""/></Transforms><DigestMethod Algorithm=""/><DigestValue>HjY8ilZAIEM2tBbPn5mYO1ieIX4=</DigestValue></Reference></SignedInfo><SignatureValue>GPl4vqQfQ0+b0a4mpwYXD63WA0XZEbjYvPUrCC5ySocjbnS7eofnLxpgW7AdTnaX
        Hello, World!

Signing with an X509 certificate

>>> def sign_file_with_certificate(xml_file, key_file, cert_file):
...     """sign *xml_file* with *key_file* and include content of *cert_file*.
...     *xml_file* can be a file, a filename string or an HTTP/FTP url.
...     *key_file* contains the PEM encoded private key. It must be a filename string.
...     *cert_file* contains a PEM encoded certificate (corresponding to *key_file*),
...     included as `X509Data` in the dynamically created `Signature` template.
...     """
...     # template aware infrastructure
...     from dm.xmlsec.binding.tmpl import parse, Element, SubElement, \
...          fromstring, XML
...     from dm.xmlsec.binding.tmpl import Signature
...     doc = parse(xml_file)
...     signature = Signature(xmlsec.TransformExclC14N,
...                           xmlsec.TransformRsaSha1
...                           )
...     doc.getroot().insert(0, signature)
...     ref = signature.addReference(xmlsec.TransformSha1)
...     ref.addTransform(xmlsec.TransformEnveloped)
...     key_info = signature.ensureKeyInfo()
...     key_info.addKeyName()
...     key_info.addX509Data()
...     # now what we already know
...     dsigCtx = xmlsec.DSigCtx()
...     # Note: we do not provide read access to `dsigCtx.signKey`.
...     #  Therefore, unlike the `xmlsec` example, we must set the certificate
...     signKey = xmlsec.Key.load(key_file, xmlsec.KeyDataFormatPem, None)
...     signKey.loadCert(cert_file, xmlsec.KeyDataFormatPem)
...     # Note: the assignment below effectively copies the key
...     dsigCtx.signKey = signKey
...     dsigCtx.sign(signature)
...     return tostring(doc)
>>> print(to_text(sign_file_with_certificate(BASEDIR + "sign3-doc.xml", BASEDIR + "rsakey.pem", BASEDIR + "rsacert.pem")))
XML Security Library example: Original XML doc file for sign3 example.
--><Envelope xmlns="urn:envelope">
  <Signature xmlns=""><SignedInfo><CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm=""/><SignatureMethod Algorithm=""/><Reference><Transforms><Transform Algorithm=""/></Transforms><DigestMethod Algorithm=""/><DigestValue>HjY8ilZAIEM2tBbPn5mYO1ieIX4=</DigestValue></Reference></SignedInfo><SignatureValue>GPl4vqQfQ0+b0a4mpwYXD63WA0XZEbjYvPUrCC5ySocjbnS7eofnLxpgW7AdTnaX
        Hello, World!

Verifying a signature with a single key

>>> def verify_file(xml_file, key_file):
...     """verify signature in *xml_file* with key in *key_file*.
...     *xml_file* contains the signed XML document.
...     It can be a file, a filename string or an HTTP/FTP url.
...     *key_file* contains the PEM public key. It must be a filename.
...     An exception is raised when the verification fails.
...     """
...     from lxml.etree import parse
...     doc = parse(xml_file)
...     node = doc.find(".//{%s}Signature" % xmlsec.DSigNs)
...     dsigCtx = xmlsec.DSigCtx()
...     # Note: we do not provide read access to `dsigCtx.signKey`.
...     #  Therefore, unlike the `xmlsec` example, we must set the key name
...     #  before we assign it to `dsigCtx`
...     signKey = xmlsec.Key.load(key_file, xmlsec.KeyDataFormatPem, None)
... = basename(key_file)
...     # Note: the assignment below effectively copies the key
...     dsigCtx.signKey = signKey
...     dsigCtx.verify(node)
>>> verify_file(BytesIO(signed_file), BASEDIR + "rsapub.pem")

Verifying a signature with a keys manager

Note: the example below uses an asymmetric key. The signed document contains information about the key used for signing. We must give our verification key its name such that the correct key is located in the manager.

>>> def load_keys(*keys):
...     """return `KeysMngr` with *keys*.
...     *keys* is a sequence.
...     Each element is either the path to a file containing the PEM encoded key
...     or a pair or such a path and the key name.
...     """
...     mngr = xmlsec.KeysMngr()
...     for k in keys:
...         f, name = k if isinstance(k, tuple) else (k, basename(k))
...         # must set the key name before we add the key to `mngr`
...         key = xmlsec.Key.load(f, xmlsec.KeyDataFormatPem)
... = name
...         # adds a copy of *key*
...         mngr.addKey(key)
...     return mngr
>>> def verify_file_with_keysmngr(xml_file, mngr):
...     """verify *xml_file* with keys manager *mngr*.
...     *xml_file* contains the signed XML document.
...     It can be a file, a filename string or an HTTP/FTP url.
...     """
...     from lxml.etree import parse
...     doc = parse(xml_file)
...     node = doc.find(".//{%s}Signature" % xmlsec.DSigNs)
...     dsigCtx = xmlsec.DSigCtx(mngr)
...     dsigCtx.verify(node)
>>> mngr = load_keys((BASEDIR + "rsapub.pem", "rsakey.pem"))
>>> verify_file_with_keysmngr(BytesIO(signed_file), mngr)

Verifying a signature with X509 certificates

>>> def load_trusted_certs(*certs):
...     """return keys manager trusting *certs*.
...     *certs* is a sequence of filenames containing PEM encoded certificates
...     """
...     mngr = xmlsec.KeysMngr()
...     for c in certs:
...         mngr.loadCert(c, xmlsec.KeyDataFormatPem, xmlsec.KeyDataTypeTrusted)
...     return mngr
>>> mngr = load_trusted_certs(BASEDIR + "rootcert.pem")
>>> verify_file_with_keysmngr(BASEDIR + "sign3-res.xml", mngr)

Verifying a signature with additional restrictions

>>> def verify_file_with_restrictions(xml_file, mngr):
...     """like `verify_file_with_keysmanager` but with restricted signature and reference transforms.
...     """
...     from lxml.etree import parse
...     doc = parse(xml_file)
...     node = doc.find(".//{%s}Signature" % xmlsec.DSigNs)
...     dsigCtx = xmlsec.DSigCtx(mngr)
...     for allow in "InclC14N ExclC14N Sha1".split():
...         tid = getattr(xmlsec, "Transform%s" % allow)
...         dsigCtx.enableSignatureTransform(tid)
...         dsigCtx.enableReferenceTransform(tid)
...     dsigCtx.enableSignatureTransform(xmlsec.TransformRsaSha1)
...     dsigCtx.enableReferenceTransform(xmlsec.TransformEnveloped)
...     # thanks to a patch provided by Greg Vishnepolsky, we can know
...     #   also limit the acceptable key data
...     dsigCtx.setEnabledKeyData([xmlsec.KeyDataX509])
...     dsigCtx.verify(node)
>>> # this works
>>> verify_file_with_restrictions(BASEDIR + "verify4-res.xml", mngr)
>>> # this fails
>>> verify_file_with_restrictions(BASEDIR + "verify4-bad-res.xml", mngr)
Traceback (most recent call last):
Error: ('verifying failed with return value', -1)
>>> # while this works (without the restrictions)
>>> verify_file_with_keysmngr(BASEDIR + "verify4-bad-res.xml", mngr)

Signing and verification of binary data

This use case (which I need for SAML2 support) is not directly supported by libxmlsec. Unlike other examples, the following example has therefore no correspondence with an example for libxmlsec.

>>> def sign_binary(data, algorithm, key_file):
...     """sign binary *data* with *algorithm*, key in *key_file, and return signature."""
...     dsigCtx = xmlsec.DSigCtx()
...     dsigCtx.signKey = xmlsec.Key.load(key_file, xmlsec.KeyDataFormatPem, None)
...     return dsigCtx.signBinary(data, algorithm)
>>> def verify_binary(data, algorithm, key_file, signature):
...     """verify *signature* for *data* with *algorithm, key in *key_file*."""
...     dsigCtx = xmlsec.DSigCtx()
...     dsigCtx.signKey = xmlsec.Key.load(key_file, xmlsec.KeyDataFormatPem, None)
...     dsigCtx.verifyBinary(data, algorithm, signature)
>>> bin_data = b"123"
>>> # sign
... # Note: you cannot use a public rsa key for signing.
... signature = sign_binary(bin_data, xmlsec.TransformRsaSha1, BASEDIR + "rsakey.pem")
>>> # verify
... # Note: you cannot use a private rsa key for verification.
... verify_binary(bin_data, xmlsec.TransformRsaSha1, BASEDIR + "rsapub.pem", signature)
>>> # failing verification
... verify_binary(bin_data + b"1", xmlsec.TransformRsaSha1, BASEDIR + "rsapub.pem", signature)
Traceback (most recent call last):
dm.xmlsec.binding._xmlsec.VerificationError: Signature verification failed

Encrypting binary data with a template file

>>> def encrypt_data(tmpl_file, key_file, data):
...     """encrypt *data* with key in *key_file* using template in *tmpl_file*.
...     *tmpl_file* actually contains an XML document containing an encryption
...     template. It can be a file, a filename string or an HTTP/FTP url.
...     *key_file* contains a triple DES key. It must be a filename string.
...     """
...     from lxml.etree import parse
...     doc = parse(tmpl_file)
...     node = xmlsec.findNode(doc, xmlsec.enc("EncryptedData"))
...     encCtx = xmlsec.EncCtx()
...     # Note: we do not provide read access to `encCtx.encKey`.
...     #  Therefore, unlike the `xmlsec` example, we must set the key name
...     #  before we assign it to `dsigCtx`
...     encKey = xmlsec.Key.readBinaryFile(xmlsec.KeyDataDes, key_file)
... = basename(key_file)
...     # Note: the assignment below effectively copies the key
...     encCtx.encKey = encKey
...     enc = encCtx.encryptBinary(node, data)
...     return tostring(enc)
>>> encrypted_data = encrypt_data(BASEDIR + "encrypt1-tmpl.xml", BASEDIR + "deskey.bin", b"123")
>>> print(to_text(encrypted_data))
<EncryptedData xmlns="">
    <EncryptionMethod Algorithm=""/>
    <KeyInfo xmlns="">

Encrypting xml file with a dynamically created template

>>> def encrypt_file_create_template(xml_file, key_file, type):
...     """encrypt *xml_file* with key in *key_file*, generating the template.
...     *xml_file* contains an XML file content of which should be encrypted.
...     It can be a file, a filename string or an HTTP/FTP url.
...     *key_file* contains a triple DES key. It must be a filename string.
...     """
...     # template aware infrastructure
...     from dm.xmlsec.binding.tmpl import parse, Element, SubElement, \
...          fromstring, XML
...     from dm.xmlsec.binding.tmpl import EncData
...     doc = parse(xml_file)
...     encData = EncData(xmlsec.TransformDes3Cbc, type=type)
...     encData.ensureCipherValue() # target for encryption result
...     keyInfo = encData.ensureKeyInfo()
...     encCtx = xmlsec.EncCtx()
...     encKey = xmlsec.Key.readBinaryFile(xmlsec.KeyDataDes, key_file)
...     # must set the key before the key assignment to `encCtx`
... = key_file
...     encCtx.encKey = encKey
...     ed = encCtx.encryptXml(encData, doc.getroot())
...     return tostring(ed.getroottree())
>>> encrypted_file_element = encrypt_file_create_template(
...     BASEDIR + "encrypt2-doc.xml",
...     BASEDIR + "deskey.bin",
...     xmlsec.TypeEncElement,
...     )
>>> print(to_text(encrypted_file_element))
XML Security Library example: Original XML doc file before encryption (encrypt2 example).
--><EncryptedData xmlns="" Type=""><EncryptionMethod Algorithm=""/><ns0:KeyInfo xmlns:ns0=""/><CipherData><CipherValue>...</CipherValue></CipherData></EncryptedData>
>>> encrypted_file_content = encrypt_file_create_template(
...     BASEDIR + "encrypt2-doc.xml",
...     BASEDIR + "deskey.bin",
...     xmlsec.TypeEncContent,
...     )
>>> print(to_text(encrypted_file_content))
XML Security Library example: Original XML doc file before encryption (encrypt2 example).
--><Envelope xmlns="urn:envelope"><EncryptedData xmlns="" Type=""><EncryptionMethod Algorithm=""/><ns0:KeyInfo xmlns:ns0=""/><CipherData><CipherValue>...</CipherValue></CipherData></EncryptedData></Envelope>

Encrypting data with a session key

>>> def load_rsa_keys(*keys):
...     """return `KeysMngr` with *keys*.
...     *keys* is a sequence of key files (given by their filenames) containing
...     PEM encoded RSA keys
...     """
...     mngr = xmlsec.KeysMngr()
...     for k in keys:
...         key = xmlsec.Key.load(k, xmlsec.KeyDataFormatPem)
... = basename(k)
...         mngr.addKey(key)
...     return mngr
>>> def encrypt_file_with_session_key(mngr, xml_file, key_name):
...     """encrypt *xml_file* with encrypted session key.
...     The template is dynamically created.
...     The session key is encrypted with a key managed by *mngr* under
...     name *key_name*.
...     """
...     # template aware infrastructure
...     from dm.xmlsec.binding.tmpl import parse, Element, SubElement, \
...          fromstring, XML
...     from dm.xmlsec.binding.tmpl import EncData
...     doc = parse(xml_file)
...     encData = EncData(xmlsec.TransformDes3Cbc, type=xmlsec.TypeEncElement)
...     encData.ensureCipherValue() # target for encryption result
...     keyInfo = encData.ensureKeyInfo()
...     encKey = keyInfo.addEncryptedKey(xmlsec.TransformRsaPkcs1)
...     encKey.ensureCipherValue()
...     encKeyInfo = encKey.ensureKeyInfo()
...     encKeyInfo.addKeyName(key_name)
...     encCtx = xmlsec.EncCtx(mngr)
...     encCtx.encKey = xmlsec.Key.generate(xmlsec.KeyDataDes, 192, xmlsec.KeyDataTypeSession)
...     ed = encCtx.encryptXml(encData, doc.getroot())
...     return tostring(ed.getroottree())
>>> mngr = load_rsa_keys(BASEDIR + "rsakey.pem")
>>> print(to_text(encrypt_file_with_session_key(
...     mngr,
...     BASEDIR + "encrypt3-doc.xml",
...     "rsakey.pem",
...     )))
XML Security Library example: Original XML doc file before encryption (encrypt3 example).
--><EncryptedData xmlns="" Type=""><EncryptionMethod Algorithm=""/><ns0:KeyInfo xmlns:ns0=""><EncryptedKey><EncryptionMethod Algorithm=""/><ns0:KeyInfo><ns0:KeyName>rsakey.pem</ns0:KeyName></ns0:KeyInfo><CipherData><CipherValue>...</CipherValue></CipherData></EncryptedKey></ns0:KeyInfo><CipherData><CipherValue>...</CipherValue></CipherData></EncryptedData>

Decrypting data with a single key

>>> def decrypt_file(enc_file, key_file):
...     """decrypt *enc_file* with key in *key_file*.
...     *enc_file* contains the encrypted XML document.
...     It can be a file, a filename string or an HTTP/FTP url.
...     *key_file* contains the triple DES encryption key. It must be a filename.
...     The decrypted data is returned.
...     """
...     from lxml.etree import parse, _Element
...     doc = parse(enc_file)
...     node = xmlsec.findNode(doc, xmlsec.enc("EncryptedData"))
...     encCtx = xmlsec.EncCtx()
...     # Note: we do not provide read access to `encCtx.encKey`.
...     #  Therefore, unlike the `xmlsec` example, we must set the key name
...     #  before we assign it to `dsigCtx`
...     encKey = xmlsec.Key.readBinaryFile(xmlsec.KeyDataDes, key_file)
... = basename(key_file)
...     # Note: the assignment below effectively copies the key
...     encCtx.encKey = encKey
...     dr = encCtx.decrypt(node)
...     if isinstance(dr, _Element):
...         # decrypted xml data
...         return tostring(dr.getroottree())
...     else:
...         # decrypted binary data
...         return dr
>>> to_text(decrypt_file(BytesIO(encrypted_data), BASEDIR + "deskey.bin"))

Decrypting data with a keys manager

>>> def load_des_keys(*keys):
...     """return keys manager with *keys*.
...     *keys* is a sequence a key files (given by their filenames) containing
...     binary des keys.
...     """
...     from os.path import basename
...     mngr = xmlsec.KeysMngr()
...     for k in keys:
...         key = xmlsec.Key.readBinaryFile(xmlsec.KeyDataDes, k)
... = basename(k)
...         mngr.addKey(key)
...     return mngr
>>> def decrypt_file_with_keys_manager(mngr, enc_file):
...     """decrypt the encrypted *enc_file* by keys managed by *mngr*."""
...     from lxml.etree import parse, _Element
...     doc = parse(enc_file)
...     encData = xmlsec.findNode(doc, xmlsec.enc("EncryptedData"))
...     encCtx = xmlsec.EncCtx(mngr)
...     # In some of our examples, the `KeyInfo` is not complete.
...     # We need to activate "lax key searching" for them
...     encCtx.key_info_flags |= xmlsec.KeySearchLax
...     dr = encCtx.decrypt(encData)
...     if isinstance(dr, _Element):
...         # decrypted XML
...         return tostring(dr.getroottree())
...     else:
...         # decrypted binary data
...         return dr
>>> mngr = load_des_keys(BASEDIR + "deskey.bin")
>>> print(to_text(decrypt_file_with_keys_manager(mngr, BASEDIR + "encrypt1-res.xml")))
Big secret
>>> print(to_text(decrypt_file_with_keys_manager(mngr, BASEDIR + "encrypt2-res.xml")))
XML Security Library example: Encrypted XML file (encrypt2 example).
--><Envelope xmlns="urn:envelope">
   Hello, World!
>>> print(to_text(decrypt_file_with_keys_manager(mngr, BytesIO(encrypted_file_element))))
XML Security Library example: Original XML doc file before encryption (encrypt2 example).
--><Envelope xmlns="urn:envelope">
        Hello, World!
>>> print(to_text(decrypt_file_with_keys_manager(mngr, BytesIO(encrypted_file_content))))
XML Security Library example: Original XML doc file before encryption (encrypt2 example).
--><Envelope xmlns="urn:envelope">
        Hello, World!

Obtaining error information

xmlsec is quite terse with error information. Its functions return -1 or NULL on error and that’s what you get via the API. In case of an error, xmlsec reports information resembling a traceback via the libxml2 error reporting mechanism. However, lxml does not initialize the mechanism and the resulting reports are lost.

Fortunately, xmlsec allows its error reporting mechanism to be overridden and this binding does it in a way that you can customize it. The following example shows how:

>>> def print_errors(filename, line, func, errorObject, errorSubject, reason, msg):
...     # this would give complete but often not very usefull) information
...     # print("%(filename)s:%(line)d(%(func)s) error %(reason)d obj=%(errorObject)s subject=%(errorSubject)s: %(msg)s" % locals())
...     # the following prints if we get something with relation to the application
...     info = []
...     if errorObject != "unknown": info.append("obj=" + errorObject)
...     if errorSubject != "unknown": info.append("subject=" + errorSubject)
...     if msg.strip(): info.append("msg=" + msg)
...     # see `xmlsec`s `errors.h`for the meaning
...     if reason != 1: info.append("errno=%d" % reason)
...     if info:
...         print("%s:%d(%s)" % (filename, line, func), " ".join(info))
>>> xmlsec.set_error_callback(print_errors)

This installs print_errors as error reporting hook. We now repeat the example “Verify signature with additional restrictions” to see what the error report tells us.

>>> verify_file_with_restrictions(BASEDIR + "verify4-bad-res.xml", mngr) # doctest: +SKIP
transforms.c:1546(xmlSecTransformNodeRead) subject=xpath msg=href=
transforms.c:733(xmlSecTransformCtxNodesListRead) subject=xmlSecTransformNodeRead msg=node=Transform
xmldsig.c:1454(xmlSecDSigReferenceCtxProcessNode) subject=xmlSecTransformCtxNodesListRead msg=node=Transforms
xmldsig.c:804(xmlSecDSigCtxProcessSignedInfoNode) subject=xmlSecDSigReferenceCtxProcessNode msg=node=Reference
xmldsig.c:547(xmlSecDSigCtxProcessSignatureNode) subject=xmlSecDSigCtxProcessSignedInfoNode
xmldsig.c:366(xmlSecDSigCtxVerify) subject=xmlSecDSigCtxSigantureProcessNode
Traceback (most recent call last):
dm.xmlsec.binding._xmlsec.Error: ('verifying failed with return value', -1)

As before, we get an exception for the failing verification. But, now, we have in addition the traceback like error information from xmlsec. With some ingenuity, we can deduce that there is some problem with the “xpath” transform. Up to us to recognize that we have not enabled this transform.

As you see, even with the error information, it might be quite difficult to understand problems. In difficult cases, it might be necessary to obtain the xmlsec source code and learn what is happening in the error context.

Note that the numbers in the error output are source code line numbers. They depend on the xmlsec version you have installed and consequently can be different when you try this code.

If the error information contains errno (reason at the base interface), then these numbers refer to the error numbers defined in the errors.h of libxmlsec. As this file is a prerequisite for the installation of this package, it is likely installed on your system (unlike the libxmlsec sources). You may be able to guess from the error name what went wrong, which sometimes avoids downloading the full sources.


XML ids

Digital signatures and XML encryption can make use of XML ids. For example, this is the case for SAML2. XML ids can make problems as XML does not specify which attributes may contain an id. Newer versions of XML designated xml:id for this purpose, but older standards (again SAML2 is an example) does not yet use this but their own id attributes. As a consequence, the XML processing system (libxml2 in our context) must be informed about which attributes can contain ids.

libxml2 knows about xml:id and if the XML document is validated against a document type or an XML schema, it uses the information described there to identify id attributes. If the XML document is not validated, any id attributes different from xml:id must be made known by the application through a call to the addIds(node, ids) function defined by xmlsec. addIds visits the children of node (probably recursively) and extends the id map (it maps ids to nodes) of the document of node for each found attribute whose name is listed in ids (a list of attribute names).

Note that the error information provided by xmlsec in case of an undeclared id attribute may be difficult to decipher. It will probably tell you about a problem with an XPointer transform in this case.

Note also that id references may be made indirectly, e.g. via fragment parts of urls (again, SAML2 is an example). Thus, when signing, signature verification or encryption/decryption fails for no apparent reason it may be a good idea to check whether this might be caused by unknown id attribute information.



xmlsec 1.3.x compatibility

xmlsec 1.3.x switched from lax to strict key searching by default. When you work with a KeysMngr and you want the formerly default lax key searching, you must use the (new) DsigCtx and EncCtx attribute key_info_flags and or in KeySearchLax, e.g. ctx.key_info_flags |= xmlsec.KeySearchLax You can set other bits in key_info_flags to control other aspects of key processing. See xmlsec’s keyinfo.h for the available flags and their meaning.

dm.xmlsec.binding now gets transform information (dynamically) in the initialize call (and no longer statically during the initial import). This significantly reduces the risk for incompatibilities with the xmlsec version (formerly a frequent problem). As a consequence, from dm.xmlsec.binding import * will not import the transform variables when initialize has not yet been called (a (minor) backward incompatibility)

Crash in detailed error information fixed.

The encryption methods now copy the template tree to avoid possible memory corruption due to application references to parts of the template replaced by xmlsec. For the encryption and decryption methods it is now safe for the application to hold (arbitrary) references into the encrypted/decrypted tree.

Dynamic crypto engine selection (at initialization time) is now supported (if xmlsec does).


Modernize the precompiled C source (to make it compatible with Python 3.10).


Allow Reference to have empty attributes.


Python 3 (3.3+) support


Fix EncData template bug reported by Jorge Romero.


Fix a bug reported by Jorge Romero: encrypt content failed if the first content node was not an element.


Suppressed xmlsec initialization in tests.txt: Apparently, newer versions of libxmlsec check against repeated initialization, which let the tests fail. For this to work, the README.txt tests must come before those in tests.txt. I am not sure that this is guaranteed; potentially, a more elaborate technique to avoid repeated initialization is necessary.


Applied patch provided by Robert Frije to make the nsPrefix template parameter work as expected.


Workaround for buildout problem (not honoring version pinning for setup_requires dependencies).


Support for digital signatures of binary data

Improved transform support


Greg Vishnepolsky provided support for DSigCtx.setEnabledKeyData.


for lxml 3.x


for lxml 2.x

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